Megatron (BW)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Megatron" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeMegatron (disambiguation). |
- Megatron is aPredaconfrom theBeast Eraportion of theGeneration 1 continuity family,yesss.
Megatron(akaSavage, Noble,Gnashteeth,Beast Megatron,Galavarand, um,Joe) began with one goal: restoring glory and power to the Predacon race, with himself at the helm. What distinguishes Megatron from the countless others who share this goal is his chutzpah. This is a guy whonamed himself after his faith's equivalentof the Antichrist.He is willing to riskeverything—time, space, himself—if need be. He's willing to commit omnicide if it will further his goals. And there were times he would have won were it not forOptimus Primal.
Megatron is skillful at orchestrating vast schemes by manipulating others into doing them for him—an idle suggestion here, a conspicuously planted object of interest there. He knows his enemies, and these includesomeminions,inside and out and exactly how to provoke them. He has no friends, only pawns, or occasionally,pawns that are too reliable to risk losing.Because of this attitude, this superiority complex, he despises working with the very troops he needs to carry out his plans. His hubris does not make him very popular, and so he must rely on power and fear to rule them. In fact, he prefersmindless drones.
Megatron is a gambler and can sometimes be a ham. (His manner of saying "Yesss..." is practically vaudevillian.) He has a twisted sense of humor and an overdeveloped sense of drama which rule everything he conceives, both long and short term. When he destroys you, he wants you to know that it was he who did this, and just how badly you were had. This is his greatest weakness. Like a Bond villain, he'll gladly boast to the hero at length about how smart and clever he was, giving his victim time to formulate a counterattack (he admits the Predacons sometimes gloat too much). He often sabotages himself by neglecting the quick and easy solutions for the bigger, meaner, and more complex.
He has aRubber Ducky.
“ | The universe cowered once at the name of Megatron and it shall do so again! | ” |
—Megatron, "Optimal Situation" |
Toy bios
When he was upgraded to aTransmetalby aquantum surge,Megatron gained two VTOL engines in beast mode that granted him blazing atmospheric flight and the ability to "drop in" on unsuspecting Maximals with his whiplash cutlass. In robot mode, the fused reptilian musculature made him stronger in the organic form. Together, these traits made him a supreme tyrant.Transmetal Megatron bio.
Megatron's cloning experiments resulted in theTransmetal 2Beast Warriors, robots who are hyper aggressive, stronger and faster, but have savage impulses they struggle to control.[1]Among these are the MaximalSonar,who may as well be his undoing for being such a great early warning system for his enemies.Sonar bio,andOptimus Minor,who is extremely fast and agile.Optimus Minor Bio.
Megatron was once jealous of Optimus' ability to fly, so he was so overjoyed that the Metals upgrade gave him the ability to fly too!Metals Megatron bio.
Beast Warscartoon continuity
Megatron was aPredaconcriminal who stole theGolden Disk,realizing thathis namesakeleft a message on it pointing to the location ofEarthwhere, withtime travel technology,one could attempt to change history so that theGreat Warended in favor for theDecepticons.Despite the interference of theMaximalshipAxalon,commanded byOptimus Primal,the Predacons in theDarksydemanaged to make it to Earth, although it was not apparent at first. Megatron put his original plans on hold to gather the massive amounts ofenergonon the planet that he could use to conquer the universe. His band of Predacons fought Optimus Primal's Maximals in theBeast Wars.Despite much plotting and machination, such as the attempted murder ofhumanityandOptimus Prime,Megatron was defeated and brought back to Cybertron.Beast Wars
However, Megatron was able to free himself from his bonds and arrive on Cybertron before the Maximals did. Using an immobilizing virus and theVehiconson an unsuspecting populace, Megatron conquered the planet, beginning an era of technological superiority in deadly opposition to the organic. However, the Maximals soon returned and were tasked by the mysticalOracleto end Megatron's reign and bring about a widespread evolution into thetechnorganic.Optimus Primal succeeded at this task, sacrificing both himself and Megatron in the organic core of Cybertron.Beast Machines
WhenUnicronbegan his abduction of Transformers across themultiverse,starting theUniverse War,Primuscalled Optimus Primal out of theAllsparkto lead his troops against Unicron. This action also freed Megatron's spark, and he returned to his typical plotting nature.Universe
In a divergent timeline, Megatron joined forces with the original Megatron in 21st century Earth and with aMegatronfrom anotheruniversal cluster.He was also considered as a recipient of the powers of the ancient Transformer,Logos Prime.Beast Wars Reborn
Beast Wars IIcatalog
On planetCybertron,Megatron once disagreed withGalvatronover opinions on galactic conquest, and engaged him in battle over it. At the time, Megatron momentarily let his guard down, and was defeated. Galvatron declared "Your era is over, Megatron!"
Later, Megatron noted that while Galvatron was ambitious, he cared for his underlings—and although he was loathe to admit it, he acknowledged that Galvatron probably had all the regal bearing of a newEmperor of Destruction.The next stage of battle advances to the Second War......Beast Wars, Transform!
- Voice actor:David Kaye(English)
Somehow ending up at the multiversal hub ofAxiom Nexus,Megatronhid outunder the alias "Joe". When he ran intoBumblebeeand learned of theAllSpark Key,he pretended to be a heroic character and helped rescue Bumblebee's friends, only to steal the Key. Using his experience with MacGuffins, he swiftly learned how to power himself and create an army. Unfortunately, his army turned on him after learning of bureaucracy and the amount of forms they'd have to fill in now that they were alive. However, before being carried away by his former minions, Megatron promised that he would be back, and that he would get his extremely overwrought and melodramatic revenge.Bee in the City
Beast Wars Metalscomic
After killing Optimus Primal in a Transwarp explosion, Megatron was mutated by the resulting Quantum Surge into a Transmetal, as was almost every other Transformer onEnergoa.With their leader dead and their forces scattered, Megatron wasted no time in plotting an immediate counter-attack on the Maximals. Quickstrike and his drone forces were sent to attack the Maximal base while, with Tarantulas's help, Megatron recovered and resurrected Primal's body as a mindless killing machine.
Through a strange voodoo ritual, Megatron attempted to use his mutated blood to put Primal's body under his everlasting control. However, with the intervention of Rhinox, Primal's spark was retrieved from Transwarp Space and returned to his body. Primal swiftly defeated Megatron in battle.Beast Wars Metals #1
Recovering from his injuries in a hot spring, Megatron was not pleased when Waspinator buzzed in with news of a new stasis pod landing. Megatron, unable to go after it, swatted the bug away. More than that, he was being haunted by visions ofhis ancestor.Beast Wars Metals #2
Megatron later confrontedJaguar,but the rogue Predacon promptly defeated him, severing his head in battle. Waspinator recovered Megatron's noggin and flew away with it.Beast Wars Metals #3
Megatron directed Waspinator to theArkwhere he intended to kill the slumberingOptimus Prime.Blackarachnia didn't want to see the timestream mangled, so she kicked his head into a lava pit. There, Megatron floated down to the body of the original Megatron and merged with his spark, taking on a humongous dragon form. He then waited for Optimus Primal to show up and blasted Optimus Prime to pieces in front of his eyes.Beast Wars Metals #5
Optimus Primal quickly ate Optimus Prime's spark in order to save him and became Optimal Optimus in the process. The two enemies then had a showdown and Optimus prevailed, plucking Megatron's spark out of his body and crushing it like a beer can, killing his arch foe.Beast Wars Metals #6
Fire in the Dark continuity
The Predacons crash landed inMexicoaround 1,000 BC. A time into their war with the Maximals, Megatron found the village in which theNatiltectribe dwelt. After the Predacons had asserted their dominance, Megatron ordered Tarantulas and Waspinator to enslave the male villagers and use them to mine energon.Fire in the Dark
InAurex 1104.30-JH Zeta,Megatron's Predacons fought Optimus Primal's Maximals in the war for theMini-Cons,which the Maximals emerged victorious.Ask Vector Prime
Q-Robo Transformer
Lil Formers
Megatron claimed that he spent so much time in his Jacuzzi because a true leader had to be squeaky clean.Lil Formers
Legends World
The president ofTera-Kura Co.,Megatron once watchedCheetorparty it up after work.Head of Partying, CheetorHe thought of his company as the rivals ofOptimus Primal'sAxalon Trading Company,but had all kinds of trouble dealing with his eccentric employees.Rivals! Tera-Kura Co.!Among them wasWaspinator,who Megatron had to punish more than once for talking about or playing withTransformersinstead of doing his job.Buzz Buzz Buzz, Wasps FlyyyThis changed when he learned thatBlackarachnia,his favorite hostess at a host club, was also aTransformersfan, at which point he sheepishly asked Waspinator to teach him more about the franchise so he could impress her.President Mega's RequestsThrough songs and glossary cards, Megatron learned to recite the names of severalTransformerscharacters, much to Blackarachnia's excitement.President Mega's Studies
During a lesson on the subject ofWhirlandRoadbuster,Megatron latched onto the fact that they'dfirst appeared in the UKand imagined them as English stereotypes, ignoring Waspinator's protests that they were nothing like that.Whirl and Roadbuster Now on Sale, BuzzMegatron spent thatChristmaslovingly exchanging presents with Blackarachnia.Merry X'mas!!After watching thethird Transformers movieas part of his studies, he acted strange while interviewingQuickstrike,giving the potential new employee a time limit to "appeal to him".The Results of Mega-chan's StudiesMegatron was annoyed when Blackarachnia remained at the office to work longer than everyone else, wanting to leave himself so that he could visit his usual club.Widow-chan at Work
Megatron listened toWindbladeexplain that theLegends Universehe and the others lived in was created by the telepathic powers of theZamojin,but didn't understand a word of it. To his annoyance, Waspinator took the story at face value and told him that he'd understand too if he'd properly studiedTransformerslike he was supposed to.Bonus Edition Vol. 12As part of a partnership between Tera-Kura Co. and Axalon Trading Company, Megatron invited Optimus Primal andRattrapto aQ-Transformersevent, which he mostly just went to buy gifts for Blackarachnia. During their visit, the three tried different food and drink to collect stamps to exchange for prizes, but Megatron messed up the stamping process and made his all blurry.Deckss × Q-Transformers
While holding more job interviews, Megatron was interrupted by a tank driving through the wall, transforming into a robot and announcing that it was anotherMegatron!Knowing nothing of the newcomer's identity, Megatron had Waspinator explain who the other Megatron was, and was actually pretty impressed by his resume. Unfortunately, the new Megatron had no intent ofworkingfor Tera-Kura Co. as the old Megatron had assumed, but sought tocontrolthe company by making himself president. Beast-Megatron protested thathewas the president, but this only led to tank-Megatron declaring himself the chairman above the president instead, nevertheless causing the original to lose control of his company.Bonus Edition Vol. 13To add to this insult, he was forced to have a suit made for Chairman Megatron.Presidential Inauguration! Lord MegatronHe was confused by Blackarachnia's cold treatment of their new Boss, unaware that she was just trying really hard not to fangirl about working for the "real" Megatron.Widow-chan's Usual Day
After a hard day's work, Megatron invited his co-workers for a night on the town, but to his disappointment no one showed up other than the chairman. They then ran into athirdMegatron,Armada Megatron,at the place they went to eat, and President Megatron listened on in fear as the other two bonded over subjects like Chairman Megatron having killed hisold second-in-command.The Autumn Megatron FestivalWhen the two larger Megatrons drunkenly agreed to conquer the world together, the small beast Megatron was left weakly pleading to his Boss that they cut it out and continue their after-work fun instead.Bonus Edition Vol. 14
Megatron was initially pleased that Tera-Kura was able to sell a ton of clones based onNightbird,a robot brought to the Legends world by the other Megatron, but got very concerned when they started going on a rampage. His chairman explained that their innate evil couldn't be suppressed, causing Megatron to snap at him, asking why they'd gone ahead and sold them then. He tried ordering a recall of the products only to find customerslikedtheir evil robots, though he doubted Chairman Megatron's claims that this was part of the plan.Bonus Edition Vol. 15Megatron would later gain another employee when Tera-Kura hiredSlipstream.Bonus Edition Vol. 16The Megatrons went trick-or-treating forHalloween,and Legends Megatron had to remind his counterpart that the tradition didn't involve threatening people with a fusion cannon.Bonus Edition Vol. 17
Megatron was at his usual club when his waiter,Armada Starscream,was assaulted by Slipstream.LG-16 Slipstream SequelAfter Armada Megatron's greed powered up the Zamojin and almost destroyed the Legends World, Legends Megatron warned his chairman to be careful with his own ambitions.Bonus Edition Vol. 18Megatron found himself overthrown when theWaspinatorof another world took over Tera-Kura Co. and declared himself president, though the intruder quickly left again.Bonus Edition Vol. EXHe was distressed when G1 Megatron was seemingly killed inSkids's attempts to return him to his own universe, and pleasantly surprised when the chairman turned out to be okay.Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 20
Jealous that Axalon Trading Company had joined forces with the AutobotHeadmasters,Megatron struck a deal with their Decepticon counterparts to form the "Decepticon Tera-Kura Co." partnership.Bonus Edition Vol. 22Unfortunately their new allies conspired against G1 Megatron and turned him intoGalvatron,who went on a rampage before returning to his normal self. Noting that the destruction had led to increased sales for his company, Legends Megatron sheepishly asked the chairman if he could do a repeat performance.Bonus Edition Vol. 23He was later hypnotized into servingMindwipefor a while.Bonus Edition Vol. 34Megatron was hired byNightscreamto star in his filmTransformers: Convobat Amazon ShowdownasMegalligator,but upset the director by ad-libbing his lines. During filming, he helped pacify the transtector used forConvobatby combining with Optimus Primal and blasting it.Bonus Edition Vol. EX
Megatron was present when his company was further taken over byDevil Z,who'd bought all their stocks,Bonus Edition Vol. 35and suffered Devil Z's rage when he was betrayed bySoundwave.Bonus Edition Vol. 36He was then levitated byApefaceafter he'd masteredtelekinesis.Bonus Edition Vol. 38WhenZarakattacked the Legends World, Megatron was both impressed and annoyed that Waspinator could identify him.LGEX Headmaster Set ChapterHe was around when the Decepticon Headmasters constructedGodbomberat the Tera-Kura,Bonus Edition Vol. 42as well as when theDimensional Patrolshowed up and caused trouble for everyone.Bonus Edition Vol. EX
When the Headmasters betrayed the company and came to steal thetransformation cogfrom their new office building,Metroplex,Megatron was ordered to hide the device but was caught byFull-Tiltwho stole it.Decepticon Civil WarThe Headmasters used the cog to completeTrypticonand attack the city, and Megatron could do nothing about it but stay at Metroplex and fidget uselessly.Bonus Edition Vol. 43After Trypticon devastatedAkihabaraand it was rebuilt as Neo Akihabara City, Megatron wandered the town. He got his company back when G1 Megatron moved on to be mayor of the city.Targetmaster Chapter PrologueWhenFastlaneandCloudrakerarrived in the Legends World, Megatron was surprised by the airplane and the car.Bonus Edition Vol. 58
While Megatron was doing business at Tera-Kura, theConcurrenceinvaded andOld Snakeused hissynthoidprocess in reverse to strip out Megatron's organic nature and convert him to a wholly roboticHeadmaster.The organic parts formed a new being,Noble,who was disposed of. Filled with revenge for the other Megatron for overthrowing him, President Megatron turned over his company's resources to the Concurrence so that they could conquer Mayor Megatron's precious world. G1 Megatron, not wanting to another subordinate to come under harm, found Noble and set off a chain of events that allowed Noble and Beast Megatron to "combine" and restore Beast Megatron's sanity. The two Megatrons chased the Concurrence off the Legends World, although Beast Megatron still had trouble not falling to his wicknedness when separated from Noble, but beast half was there to keep him on the wagon.Bonus Edition Vol. 63
Before the Legends World was destroyed, Megatron was forced to board theAxalonto flee the universe. They crash landed onBeastin theG1 World's2038.WhenGalvatron IIarrived with hisNemesis,Leo PrimeinducedTransformers sicknesson the Legends World's refugees, transforming them into their G1 World counterparts' likenesses. Crashing theAxaloninto Nemesis, the Beast Warrior were able to take down the fortress.The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3The refugees settled on Beast, where they received news fromOptimus Primethat G1 Megatron had died as part of theStar Giant.Beast Megatron in particular took this news badly, dropping to his knees and crying. But Optimus told them to help resurrect the fallen Decepticon if the Legends World was restored.The next year,this indeed came to pass, and Beast Megatron worked on constructing a new body for G1 Megatron that he revived in. Things went back to normal on the Legends World, till G1 Megatron announced his departure. Beast Megatron was again the most touched, so G1 Megatron told him he could keep up with his adventures in the fiction of the Legends World. Taking his words to heart, Beast Megatron consumed all theTransformersmedia he could and kept a portrait of G1 Megatron in the Tera-Kura offices. One of his workdays was disturbed whenOfficer Aitried to arrestTarantulas.Epiloge
Ask Vector Prime
Vector Primehad speculated that theDark Sparkmight have been the essence of a Megatron from an alternate timeline where the Maximals failed to stop his plot to absorb all of the sparks on Cybertron, among other explanations.Ask Vector Prime
Of Masters and Mayhem
Thrashclawhad a mentor who was a "brown and blue, thick-headed, dynamic"bot who went off with a" purple lunatic ".Life Finds a Way
Beast Wars: Uprising
The Predacon known asGnashteethwas an apprentice and even a friend to theBuilderDouble Punch.An amenable, open sort, even towards Maximals, though still egotistical, Gnashteeth was assigned as deputy administrator of theDynamic Energon DistilleriesPlant, a rare position for a Predacon in the Maximal-friendlyIacon,much less the Builder-dominated Cybertron. Within eight stellar cycles of his posting, having gradually absorbed more and more power from the uninterested Double Punch, he was promoted to administrator. From there, secretly advising Double Punch all the way, Gnashteeth managed to increase all of DED's energy output. Some twenty cycles after gaining the position, he made an appointment with Scorponok, a programmer with several decades of experience at the plant, to talk with him about an incident where the older Predacon had accidentally prevented a severe case of theft. The two talked about Scorponok's algorithms for a whole three megacycles, developing a rapport.
Then everything changed. Double Punch summoned Gnashteeth to his luxurious estate to inform his friend that due to his promotion to theBuilder Assembly,he had to make someone chairman in his place. And it wouldn't be Gnashteeth. Outraged, the two began arguing, only stopping when Punch snapped that the Predacon should have shown gratitude for being allowed to get as far as he had.
This changed the mechanoid, bringing out his darker side. Some cycles after his first meeting with Scorponok, he summoned him back to his office, to discuss a proposal the analyst had made, one that promised a 10% increase in efficiency, but the time to properly see whether it would work would have taken years, by which time Gnashteeth would be long gone from his job. Furthermore, rushing the process would just get Gnashteeth shot down, and doing it in secret would raise questions as to where the extra energon came from. And then Scorponok idly suggested selling it. Within three solar cycles, the two had no less than fifty-four energon cubes of their own, ready to sell on the border of Iacon. Not satisfied with the meager rate of their first transaction, Gnashteeth decided the two would sell their produce directly to the consumers, using their newly acquired payment to do it. Despite an initial shaky start, their scheme soon began to grow.
As the deca-cycles passed, the day came when Gnashteeth was removed from his position at the plant, down to co-deputy administrator with his former deputyBudora,their new BossDatamineexpecting the two to jockey for favor, something Gnashteeth had no intention of doing. To make matters worse, one of Gnashteeth's best dealers had been murdered the night before by theKopsegos.Determined not to be forced out, Gnashteeth had the word spread out that he wished to talk with the gang's leadership. The meeting did not go well. First, the gang leaderThunderhoofmade them wait before making his presence known, then took issue when Gnashteeth tried to smooth things over. Then, after Thunderhoof gave Gnashteeth's hired help the "generous offer" to go for a stroll, he offered to sell the Predacon's wares for much less than their actual worth. Gnashteeth refused, vehemently, earning himself a vicious beating from the Maximal crime Boss, though he was spared thanks to Thunderhoof admiring the quality of the administrator's energon (and secretly wanting Gnashteeth under his employ). Gnashteeth's colorful vow to get even with Thunderhoof earned him the mocking title of "Megatron", and a leg removed at the knee.
After thirteen hours in the plant's CR Chamber, the bad news kept on coming: Budora was threatening to oust Gnashteeth, endangering their supply lines. This was the last straw for Gnashteeth, who decided to stop playing by the rules altogether. Rather than take a small sample of the plant's energon, Gnashteeth decided it was best to take all of it. That night, Gnashteeth burgled his former mentor's estate, and killed Double Punch with his own former weapons, framing the Kopsegos for it. After that, the two returned to the plant, where Gnashteeth repayed Budora for his lack of loyalty, and began a meltdown, allowing Gnashteeth and Scorponok to abscond with the energon.
A decacycle later, they met with Thunderhoof again. Only this time, Gnashteeth had come prepared. Before arriving, he'd thought to buy out the gang leader's muscle, and the two turned on their employer, allowing Gnashteeth to fulfill his former promise. As the newly minted "Darksyders"celebrated, Gnashteeth informed Scorponok that his former name was no more. From that moment on, he would be Megatron.Identity Politics
The Darksyders continued to bully their way through Cybertron's underworld, eventually edging out the reigningMinions of Unicron.Cryotekand his goon squad paid a visit to Megatron after capturing and interrogating a low-ranking nobody namedDoom-Lock.Megatron managed to see off the intruders by outwitting them... and siccing a horde ofDropkickdrones on the interlopers when they refused to join his growing movement. Cryotek, the sole survivor, grudgingly swore allegiance to the 'bot who had bested him - Megatron returned the favor by sendingPsychobattoensurethat his newest recruit wouldn't get any ideas.
Urged onward by a mental computer simulation of the original Megatron, the Predacon leader mused on the best way to take advantage of theGrand Uprisingwhen Scorponok's hubris spurred a moment of self-reflection. The Builders had designed the Maximals and Predacons to run off of conventional energon, forever shackling them to the dwindling supplies controlled by their elders. Reflecting on the nativemechanimallife, Megatron began to wonder if Transformers could process their own energon - and in the process free themselves from the thumbs of the Builders by becoming beasts themselves.
The Predacon leader began experimenting on willing and unwilling volunteers, scrounging materials for his experiments from various illicit sources. The very first test subject, a nebbish sort namedOverbite,wound up mutating into a horrificoxide shark-submarine hybrid, forcing Megatron to put the monster out of its misery. Volunteers two through five didn't end up much better;the fifth victimof his experiments revealed that thePSPhad gotten wind of his activities and were currently shadowing the organization. From this mole, however, Megatron learned of the disgraced ex-AutobotLeatherhide,who had conducted similar experiments on himself decades ago, and sent Terrorsaur to bring the Builder into the fold.
Meanwhile, Megatron met with an addledPredacon nobody,whom he used as a catspaw to gain access to the Builder's supply of new protoforms in the ruins of theGrand Mal.From the purloined protoform, he createdFormikon,an energy-independent Predacon with anant-droidalternate mode. That wasn't enough for Megatron; within a few cycles, he and all of the Cybertronians under his command had successfully upgraded to beast modes. Now that the technology was out in the open, Megatron took the opportunity to delete the original Megatron from his processor, then proclaimed that soon all Maximals and Predacons would adopt this technology–the Beast Wars had begun.Not All Megatrons
Sure enough, the Beast Upgrade as it was called spread through the Maximals and Predacons like wildfire, and Megatron became very,veryrich indeed. He used that wealth to securely reinforce the center of his "legitimate" enterprises, which came in handy at the end of the war, during the nightmare of theVehicon Apocalypse,as he and his inner circle managed to hold off the Vehicon hordes, until Leatherhide and Packrat revealed their new invention: Theesau,which saved them all by turning the hapless Wasp into half a Vehicon himself, and allowing him a measure of control over the hordes. Megatron was pleased, declaring that the Darksyders would be able to take advantage of the aftermath.
And take advantage they did. With the addition of a creepy new recruit called Tarantulas, Megatron was a leading figure in the post-war Cybertron, with the Darksyders about the only pan-geographic faction left. When the prospective delegates of the remaining states and factions met, Megatron chose to represent himself, looking for all the world to Lio Convoy like he was going to swallow the room.Derailment
Ironically, and curiously, Megatron's pivotal role in his species' history would end up being forgotten entirely over the following millennia, with his deeds instead being credited to Lio Convoy (at least according to questionable historians).Lio Convoy: Unity Through Tyranny
2005 IDW continuity
Twelve million years ago, "Beast Megatron"was aMaximalunder the command ofLiege Maximo.Endless ForeverWhenMegatronusand hisDarklanderarmy conquered theForgotten Plains,Maximo and his army were forced into exile, and eventually came into the employ of "Onyx Prime"... in reality, an alias assumed by a time-travellingShockwave.Origin MythsAs part of his grand plan to engineer Cybertronian history, "Onyx" took control of Liege Maximo's forces and incorporated them into his "Menagerie" of bestial warriors,Endless Foreverand Beast Megatron was one of the warriors who accompanied his new master to theCrystal City.There, they joined forces withAlpha Trion's council to battle the Darklanders.Origin Myths
Two million years later—after the ascension of theThirteenand the subsequentFirst Cybertronian Civil Warthat saw their alliance undone—Beast Megatron became now a member of Onyx Prime's innermost retinue, and joined the Prime when he left Cybertron aboard theTitanNemesisto advance his plans.Unstopped and UnstoppableThe Maximals made camp onAntilla,a planet that the Cybertronians had once attempted to colonize years before, now the site of a weapon that Onyx dubbed the "Talisman".Our FinestAfter many millions of years, Onyx sent the Talisman away aboard the starshipAxalon,Strange Visitorswith Beast Megatron and the other Maximals remaining on Antilla. At some point afterwards, theMatriarch of Incaendium,Praesidia,andMagradatraveled there to investigate a Cybertronian signal, and Beast Megatron was one of the Maximals who watched as Onyx slew Magdra.Surfeit of PrimesSome time later, he was among the Maximals who travelled toCaminus,the Cybertronian colony from whence the intruders had came, and clashed with theTorchbearersover a supply ofOre-4.Ghost Stories
In the modern day, Shockwave began the final stage of his plan to begin a new Cybertronian empire, and in early 2018 Beast Megatron joined the other Maximals as they boarded Nemesis and travelled to Cybertron. With Onyx claiming that he had "captured" his co-conspirator Liege Maximo and delivered him to be tried by theCouncil of Worlds,Beast Megatron guarded Liege Maximo alongsideRamulus.Another Mine"Onyx" soon unmasked himself as Shockwave, and with his machinations having plunged Iacon into chaos, Beast Megatron joined Maximo's squadron to finish off the crew of the fallenMetrotitan.He later helpedOptimus PrimalrestrainArceeafter Maximo confiscated her sword.Endless ForeverThough Shockwave and Liege Maximo were both defeated—fatally, in the case of the latter—Beast Megatron and the other surviving Maximals fled Cybertron aboard NemesisUnforgivableto rendezvous with Shockwave's ultimate weapon:Unicron.Unstopped and Unstoppable
Shockwave believed that the Maximals had done so at his behest, helping Unicron devour each colony world before destroying Cybertron, at which point the Talisman would kill Unicron and allow the Transformers to establish a new Transformer empire on Earth. He was unaware of their true intentions; despite pledging fealty to Shockwave, the manipulative ex-Decepticon had shatteredtheirfaith as well, and their decision totrulyjoin forces with Unicron was an act of revenge, aiming to bring down the entire galaxy in defiance of Shockwave's carefully-curated plan.Ceremony
After meeting up with Unicron as the planet-eater consumedDevisiun,Unstopped and Unstoppablethe Maximal swarm travelled with him toCaminusand attacked the surface, allowing Unicron to consume them as he devoured Caminus.Last StandThis was not the end of the Maximals, however; as Unicron had already consumedEukarisand its supplies ofOre-11,the Maximals were exposed to the mutagenic ore in Unicron's systems. It was in this state that Unicron regurgitated them to deal with theDecepticon Vengeance Division,and thanks to the powers of Ore-11, Beast Megatron and the other Maximals were able to manifest a monstrous new robot mode. D.V.D. commanderBludgeon,already a Unicron loyalist, had double-crossed the fleet under his command, and allowed the Maximals to board theWorldsweeperflagship so as to pass on their mutation to the Decepticons sent to impede Unicron's progress.Stranger Eons
Concealing his new form beneath his old bestial guise, Beast Megatron and several other Maximals made their way toEarthin advance of Unicron's arrival and landed inTorontoas Shockwave teleported in. With Cybertron gone, Shockwave believed that his plan had worked, and that Unicron had perished in the act; at his command, Primal, Beast Megatron, and Rhinox began razing the city to make way for the birth of Shockwave's new Cybertronian empire.Road's EndBeast Megatron noticed members ofG.I. Joetrying to sneak past him and moved to attack, but was nailed in the throat (and subsequently slain) by a well-placed shot fromAgent Helix,which sent him to his knees and alerted his two comrades to the interlopers.Assembly
War for Cybertron Trilogycontinuity
War for Cybertron Trilogymarketing material
The Predacons traveled across time to find theAllSparkand change the fate of Cybertron. While battling theMaximalson pre-Ice AgeEarth, both sides were joined by the Autobots and Decepticons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies forever.
Megatron's function was leader of the Predacons, and hetrans-scannedinto a Tyrannosaurus rex. His tail whip andmissileswere his powers and weapons, and his core traits were his egocentrics, fanatics, and theatrics. Megatron's message from the future was that he holdsthe keyto savingthe one he holds in highest esteem.Kingdomwebpage[2]
War for Cybertron Trilogycartoon
- Voice actor:Marqus Bobesich(English),Shigeru Chiba(Japanese),Peter Sura(German),Lionel Tua(French),Marcos Souza(Portuguese),Lorenzo Beteta(Castilian Spanish),Mau Pérez(Latin-American Spanish),Ambujeshwar Pandey(Hindi)
“ | Now, why would little old me ever become a problem for Lord Megatron? | ” |
—Predacon Megatron,Kingdom episode 5 |
APredaconborn out of an uninhabitableCybertrondue to loss of theAllSparkbyOptimus PrimeKingdom episode 1and the threat ofUnicron,Galvatron,andNemesis Prime,Kingdom episode 6he honorably named himself after his ancestor and Galvatron's past self,Megatron,whom he held to the highest esteem.Kingdom episode 2Galvatron, desperate to end his slavery to Unicron by returning an artifact with the complete memoirs of Megatron to his past self,Kingdom episode 1allowed Predacon Megatron to deliver the artifact instead.Kingdom episode 6
Personally intending to save Megatron from becoming Galvatron,Kingdom episode 5Predacon Megatron and his small band of thieves stole the artifact, now known as theGolden Disk,from the Maximals. While being fired at by Maximal Enforcers, Megatron was hit and tossed the Golden Disk, only for his lieutenantBlackarachniato catch it whileDinobotattempted to stop Megatron. However, Blackarachnia returned the disk to Megatron, and the Predacon leader scolded Dinobot for his lack of loyalty.Kingdom episode 2Megatron later decrypted a few minutes of the Golden Disk, and was able to trace the original Megatron's steps back toEarthin the past, where the Predacons took onbeast modesand engaged in a battle with the Maximals from theAxalon.The conflict would continue for cycles,Kingdom episode 1with both sides suffering devastating blows to their ranksKingdom episode 2until the Golden Disk proved right, and theArkandNemesiscrashed onto Earth.
Along with Dinobot, Predacon Megatron met with Decepticons and recognized Megatron as his ancestor, displaying the Golden Disk to him. In theNemesis,Predacon Megatron explained to the original Megatron what became of Cybertron, why the Predacons traveled to Earth at this time and place, and what importance the Golden Disk holds. The two 'cons then usheredStarscreamand Dinobot out of the room, and formed an alliance.Soundwavelater brought in a falcon, whom Predacon Megatron identified as the MaximalAirazor.Kingdom episode 1
2021 IDWBeast Warscomic
The ambitiousGalavarwas one of the many malcontents in the secret employ of theTripredacus Council,leader of a cell of Predacon separatists who wished to overthrow the rulingMaximalgovernment and kickstart a secondGreat Warbetween the two factions.Savage Landing Part 1While operating inIacon,Galavar took the opportunity to recruitSkold,a young 'bot who'd suffered anti-Predacon prejudice.Thicker SkinEventually, Galavar learned from the disgruntled researcherReptilionthat the Maximals had discovered, researched, and subsequently covered up the existence of a mysterious "Golden Disk",which supposedly contained the coordinates of anenergon-rich planet located somewhere in time and space.Maximals Strike Back, Part 1
Galavar and his team infiltrated Iacon'sScience Ministry,killed the guards, and pilfered the Disk from its resting place there; to prevent any pursuers, they also destroyed the fleet oftranswarp-capable ships at theGreat Shipyardand tookthe remaining vesselfor their own escape. Galavar conveyed this plan to the Tripredacus Council and clarified that he wasn't asking for its permission to pull off the heist—he had already done it. He ended his transmission by declaring his new name—Megatron—and promised to bring the Predacons to new heights that the Council was too timid to reach.
Fleeing the scene in their stolen ship, Megatron and his Predacons were confronted by the Maximal-crewedAxalon.After Megatron orderedTarantulasto use the coordinates (which were "familiar somehow" to the subordinate) he gave for theTranswarp Drive,the Predacons entered the resulting portal with the Maximals in pursuit. They ended up above a mysterious planet, where their ships crashed onto following a battle. Thrown intostasis lock,Megatron and his Predacons were outfitted in new forms to deal with the detectedenergon radiation,with the leader emerging as aTyrannosaurus rex.Delighted in reaching the energon-rich world that the Golden Disk spoke of, Megatron realized that the further secrets it held must also be true and declared that their new Maximal opponents would be eliminated inthe following war.Savage Landing Part 1
Megatron grew obsessed with decoding more of the Golden Disk's secrets, and while he sequestered himself in his private quarters he gave explicit instructions that he was not to be disturbed and ordered his troops to take stock of the environment and their own defences. After he threw out Scorponok for violating these instructions, he was prepared to do the same toTerrorsaurbefore the flyer revealed that he'd taken the MaximalNyxprisoner.Savage Landing Part 2Although Megatron attempted to torture their new prisoner in the hopes that she'd reveal information about how many Maximals had survived the crash, Nyx's refusal to break only raised Megatron's ire, and an insult regarding his new name pushed Megatron's temper over the edge, moments before Dinobot convinced his leader not to torture a helpless prisoner. After very nearly killing his second-in-command for daring to speak out against him, Megatron gave up on the interrogation and turned Nyx over to Tarantulas to dispose of. However, Nyx successfully escaped the Predacons thanks to Dinobot's last-second crisis of conscience, and Dinobot successfully held off the entire Predacon army at once before using a vocal override to lock Megatron and the others inside theDarksydelong enough to escape.Savage Landing Part 3
After resetting theDarksyde's security system, Megatron ordered the other Predacons to search for Dinobot;Savage Landing Part 4their efforts led to the discovery of the crashedAxalonon the other side of the valley, and Megatron announced a plan to attack and sabotage the ship from within, kill any Maximal survivors, and eliminate Dinobot for good measure. In the ensuing siege, Megatron fetched up against Maximal captainOptimus Primal;though Megatron held the physical advantage, the smaller Maximal's tenacity allowed him to stay in the fight long enough for Nyx to release Dinobot from his holding cell and join the fight on the side of the Maximals.Savage Landing Part 5
When Megatron attempted to finish off Optimus, Nyx intervened by throwingTerrorsaurinto the path of his cannon, which kept him distracted for the Maximals to activate their ship's shields and sound a general retreat. However, as the ship did not recognize Dinobot as a Maximal, he was left on the other side of the field; though Dinobot was confident that he could take on the Predacons again, he didn't account forTarantulas's sneak attack. Although Megatron and the others beat Dinobot to the brink of death, Optimus convinced the Predacons to retreat by training the ship's cannons on them. Megatron grudgingly retreated, but vowed that he and his forces would emerge victorious.Savage Landing Part 6
Some time later, while analyzing the Golden Disk, Megatron briefly discovered an apparent message fromhimselfencoded on the disk, but couldn't decrypt the files before the file corrupted itself.Pod Part 1After Tarantulas sabotaged the Maximalstasis podnetwork, Megatron held a feast of honor to welcome their new recruitBlackarachniaand celebrate the impending rise of his new empire, then ordered Terrorsaur andWaspinatorto search for more fallen stasis pods after putting the ambitious flier in his place.Thicker Skin
One day, Megatron and the other Predacons watched from theDarksyde's internal surveillance system asSkoldbefriended and subsequently beheaded their Maximal prisonerPowerhug.Skold's No Good, Very Bad Day
During a routine Predacon training session, an emboldened Terrorsaur began questioning Megatron's leadership within earshot of the Predacon commander. As a result, Megatron mercilessly beat Terrorsaur and nearly killed him, until Tarantulas rescued Terrorsaur and Megatron grudgingly conceded that the impudent flier had learned his lesson. Moments later, however, a newly emboldened Maximal strike force launched an attack on theDarksyde.Maximals Strike Back, Part 1
In the ensuing melee, Megatron faced off against Dinobot again—while surprised that he still lived, Megatron quickly gained a decisive advantage over his former second-in-command and mangled him using his tyrannosaur jaws before Optimus intervened.Maximals Strike Back, Part 2After a brief brawl, Optimus successfully incapacitated Megatron by stabbing him in his beast mode head at the moment he fired his blast, leaving him unconscious and critically damaged. Megatron recovered and stormed the ship just as Optimus,Rattrap,andNyxsuccessfully stole the Golden Disk from his quarters but tripped a force field on the way out. Ultimately, after Optimus threatened to destroy the disk and strand Megatron on the planet, the two sides agreed to an exchange—Megatron received the disk while the Maximals walked free—but told Scorponok that killing Optimus Primal for his insolence now superseded all his other goals.Maximals Strike Back, Part 3
At some point, Megatron took part in a skirmish over energon that ended withCheetorgetting injured.The Speedway of Central Consciousness
When Scorponok and Waspinator discovered a vein of unusual, aggression-enhancing energon, Megatron hit upon the idea of weaponizing the substance. Later, while he and Skold worked on repairing theDarksyde's sabotaged engines, Waspinator arrived with news that a Maximal had blundered into one of their traps. When Megatron followed him into the jungle, however, "Waspinator" revealed himself to beSaberback,aVokoperative who promptly electrocuted and captured the Predacon leader.Primal Rage
Megatron and an artificially-enraged Optimus wound up captured in a remote cavern at the mercy ofTigatronand four other Cybertronians who called themselves the "Children of the Vok", who requested that Optimus and Megatron either leave the planet or voluntarily enter stasis to protect the Vok's experiments from any further contamination. Megatron chafed at the idea of voluntarily surrender and unsuccessfully demanded an audience with their masters; after they left, a newly-lucid Optimus proposed an alliance to escape, but just after leaving the cave the Children of the Vok ambushed them. In the battle, Megatron successfully took out both Saberback andPolar Clawbefore the VokPakakentered the battle and ordered the pair to stand down. When Megatron refused, Pakak began to extinguish the Predacon leader'ssparkbefore Optimus intervened with a proposal: he and Megatron would receive seven cycles to prepare for a Vok attack, while the ever-curious Vok would receive exciting new sociological data on what happens when two factions put their differences aside.Children of the Vok
After a truce had been declared, Megatron welcomed Rhinox and Dinobot to theDarksyde,while sending Waspinator, Skold and Blackarachnia to theAxalon,to help devise new strategies against the Vok. When Rhinox and Scorponok questioned Megatron about his supposedly locking down the transwarp drive, the Predacon leader turned on Tarantulas who tried to flee only to be detained by Dinobot. When the spider was interrogated, he managed to incite Megatron's rage long enough to summon azombie-fied Terrorsaur, the undead downing Megatron with a blast to the chest.The Beginning of the End
Megatron rebooted in time to meet the totality of the Children of the Vok in battle, facing off againstArmordilloandSnarlbefore the Vok arrived. Deeming all Cybertronians too disruptive, the Vok prepared to kill them all via theirreversion device.As the superweapon built up its charge, the Vok were fired on by theAxalon,now firing unspace beams which dissipated the energy beings. Considering the truce over, Megatron lunged at Primal only to be fired on by the unspace weapon.
Not being an energy creature, the blast simply shunted the Predacon leader 114 cycles forward in time. Upon materializing, Megatron began making his way back to theDarksyde,noting the advantages he held and eagerly declaring that theBeast Warswould continue until his eventual victory.The End
Scorching Heat Showdown
Megatron possessed anAvatarin the form ofMegalligator.AfterArmordillowas gunned down byPredaconsand Convobat swooped in to fight, Megatron himself joined the battle. He was soon met by Optimus Primal, who vanquished the Predacon leader after a tussle.Scorching Heat Showdown
Transformers Go! Go!
One day inEarth's jungles, thePredaconleader Megatron stole theMaximals'bananasfromOptimus Primal.The Maximal leader gave chase, only to be stuck in Megatron's vise grip.Rattrapcame to the rescue, snagging a banana to feed Primal, and the empowered gorilla was able to uppercut Megatron into the sky and retrieve the bananas.Believe in the Bananas!!
WhenCheetorstarted a food delivery service, Megatron put in an order for shrimp fried rice that the Maximal was more than happy to fulfil.Flowers, Delivery, and InattentionDinobotdid not think fondly of Megatron and expressed a desire to wreck him during a patrol.A Hunch of a Good Duo!
Commercial appearances
- Megatron hid in his beast mode amid a bask of alligators in a tropical river. When Optimus Primal fluttered over him in his bat mode, Megatron nearly managed to snap him out of the air. When his adversary transformed, Megatron did so as well, and the two Transformers began exchanging blows. Though Megatron managed to land a laser blast, Optimus relieved him of his gun with a swing of his sword.Beast Wars Wave 1 Deluxe toys commercial
Beast Wars: Transformersvideo game continuity
Beast Wars: Transformersvideo game advertising comic
Upon arriving on "Planet Energon,"the dangers of Energon radiation forced the six surviving Predacons and their Maximal adversaries to take on beast alternate forms.Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic
Beast Wars: Transformersvideo game
- Voice actor:??? (English),??? (Japanese)
Many Beast Wars combatants had managed to construct personal bases, customized to their personal tastes, due to the extended duration of the war. Megatron opted to stay within thePredacon shipas the central hub of Predacon activity. Megatron joined his fellow Predacons in battling not only the persistent Maximal resistance, but the interdimensional monsters known as theSkriix.
Maximal campaign
Retaliating after the Maximals eliminated Inferno and halted the experiments on the Skriix the Predacon was performing, Megatron sent his own troops to attack theAxalon.his aggressions were rebuffed, however, and the Maximals launched a counter-strike. After having secured access to the Predacon ship, the Maximals destroyed Megatron, winning the Beast Wars in the process.
Predacon campaign
When the Maximals had been eliminated, Megatron was able to fulfill his objective of using the planet's vast Energon resources to destroy Cybertron, and conquer the Galaxy!Beast Wars: Transformers
Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars
Megatron followed a mysterious portal generated by the super-powerfulEnergon Quartz,emerging in its resting place on Gaia. He battled several other Maximals and Predacons in an attempt to obtain the Quartz's power for himself. He was capable of summoning his lackeys Waspinator, Terrorsaur, Tarantulas, Inferno, and Scorponok in order to aid him in this task.
Megatron could also partake in various other tasks, such as a mission to break a boulder to reveal an energon crystal hidden within before sundown, using a block in a mission to defend himself against various incoming projectiles, and missions to run across a pit-riddled field, sometimes involving hideously large bacteria he had to fend off.
The series of one-on-one battles that ensued ended in a strange duel, when Megatron had to battle his double as a final opponent. Once he defeated himself, he gained possession of the Quartz, setting out to defeat his eternal nemesis,Optimus Primal.Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars
Move list
Robot Mode | Beast Mode | ||
Buster Shot | ↓→B | Tyranno Breath | ↓→B |
Tail Thrust | ←↓→A | Megaton Press | →↓→B |
Evil Impact | →↓←A | Tyranno Revenge | ↓←A (counter) |
Evil Slash | →↓→B | Tyranno Stamp | →↓→A |
Laser Buster (super) | ↓→↓← B | Night Raid (super) | ↓→↓← B |
Destruction Ray (desperation) | ↓←↓→ A | Destruction Ray (desperation) | ↓←↓→ A |
3D Battle-Card Game
Megatron, in his originalTyrannosaurus rexbody, leads a ragtag group of Decepticon warriors from various backgrounds (and/or universes) against Optimus Primal and his Autobot allies.Energon Wars Expansion Set
Transformers Battle Universe
At the edge of time, when theMatrixneeded a new host, Megatron was among several warriors (andMegatrons) summoned from the multiverse to battle for control of the prize.Transformers Battle Universe
Transformers Legends
After a huge earthquake exposed a large amount ofEnergon,Megatron led his Predacons in an ambush of the Maximals, successfully gaining control of the new Energon supply. As the Predacons harvested this new resource, Megatron set his sights on the Maximal base and the destruction of Optimus Primal.Beast Wars
Much later, when a badly woundedRampagestood near death, Megatron offered a piece of his own spark. Accepting this transfusion of sorts, Rampage's life would most likely be saved. It would also ensure that the new Predacon recruit would forever be bound to Megatron's will from that moment forth.When Sparks Fly
Megatron eventually managed to conquer Cybertron with the aid of his Vehicon armies, and set his three generals on the Maximals after they returned to the planet.Beast Machines
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Megatron participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in multiple different bodies:
- Megatron—This Super Rare character first appeared in the "Beast Wars: Episode 1" event, and could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, 35 event cores, and 10 cores of this character.
- Megatron Alligator—This Epic character first appeared in the "Beast Wars: Episode 3" event, and could be recruited by collecting 500 units of Cybermetal, 250 units of Transmetal, 100 event cores, and 50 cores of this character.
- Megatron Transmetal—This Epic character was available as a reward in the "Transmetals: Beast Wars - Episode 1" event.
- Megatron Transmetal II—This Epic character first appeared in the "Transmetals 2: Episode 1" mini events, and could be recruited by collecting 650 units of Cybermetal, 350 units of Transmetal, 150 exclusive cores, and 50 cores of this character.
Transformers: Earth Wars
In an unknown time and place, the Beast Wars came to a conclusion.Optimus Primalplanned on going home, with Megatron's future in an iso-containment cell.Primal InstinctAs theshuttletraveled through chronospace, Megatron, unanchored in time, reverted to his original beast mode, as did Optimus Primal.A Stitch in Time
They were pulled to 21st century Earth due toShockwave's meddling with the signals the Autobots were using to bring Optimus Primal to their Headquarters. Optimus ordered the transit be aborted, but he faded out before his comrades could hear him.Mixed SignalsThe two arrived on Earth, where they were forced to part ways when thePredaconsandDinobotsclosed on to them. Megatron ran intoGrimlock,who assumed the fellowTyrannosauruswas himself from the future; the Predacon clarified who he was and fought the Autobot to test his beast mode's strength.Blast from the PastQuantum Beast Leap
Elsewhere, Shockwave explained to the originalMegatronhis completed plan and their new "recruit", but the Decepticon leader was enraged that "a prehistoric throwback" would dare call himself "Megatron".
Despite his reluctance at the presence of another Megatron, Starscream decided to assist the Predacon in his plan to make the original Megatron extinct. They left the battlefield and Grimlock behind.
- Class:Special
- Lowest star rating:2 stars
- Weapons:Megatron in his beast mode first uses his fire breath on a target far away. (15 second cooldown) He thens leaps into the air and lands on a defense dealing Area of Effect damage. (10 second cooldown) He then proceeds to bite and smash the target.
- Ability: Battle Orders- Target their defenses! Friendly bots are given a health shield and prioritize all defenses for a time.
- Cost:6 ability points +2 for reuses.
Beast Wars Megatron at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Transmetal 2 Megatron
- Class:Special
- Lowest Star Rating:2 stars
- Ability: Flying Inferno- For 10 seconds you set nearby enemies on fire dealing damage per second.
- Cost:7 ability points, +2 for reuses.
Transmetal 2 Megatron at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
- Hasbro originally intendedInfernoto be the new body for Megatron.[3]
- Megatron's characterization in theWar for Cybertron Trilogycartoon significantly diverges from his classic portrayal: Predacon Megatron is a typically insecure leader and a loyal but sycophantic follower of the "original"Megatron,lacking his iconic manipulative traits. The other "Beast Era" characters from theWar for Cybertron Trilogyshow are more or less similar to their '90s counterparts, even those with notably differing voices.
- In the 2021Beast Warscomic, Megatron's Cybertronian body is a heavily stylized version of his2006 BotCon toy,with the missile being excluded.[4]
Foreign names
- Japanese:Megatron(メガトロンMegatoron),Megalligator(alligator, メガリゲーターMegarigētā),Beast Megatron(ビーストメガトロンBīsuto Megatoron)
- Korean:Megatron(메가트론Megateuron)
- Mandarin:Kǒnglóng Wáng(Taiwan, khủng long vương, "King Dinosaur" ),Bàwánglóng(ChinaBeast Wars,Bá vương long, "Tyrannosaur" ),Wúdí Lóng(ChinaBeast Machines,Vô địch long, "Invincible Dragon" ),Wēi Zhèn Tīan Èrshì(comics, uy chấn thiên nhị thế, "Extremely Prestigious II", literally "Heaven-shaking Might II" )
- Spanish:Megatrón(Latin America)
- Japanese:Metals Megatron(メタルスメガトロンMetarusu Megatoron)
- European:Metal T-Rex
Transmetal 2
- Japanese:Metals Dragon Megatron(メタルスドラゴンメガトロンMetarusu Doragon Megatoron)
- European:Dragone
- Mandarin:Wúdí Lóng(ChinaBeast Machines,Vô địch long, "Invincible Dragon" )
- ↑Transmetal 2 packaging blurb.
- ↑Kingdomwebpage
- ↑"For a while there Hasbro was planning to make the Inferno toy the new Megatron. We were going to kill Megatron and bring him back as Inferno." —Bob Forward (via Hooks),, 2001/01/15
- ↑"Scorponok is a subtle nod to the TF Collector Club version in the chest. I picture a similar car alt mode. Tarantulas is actually based on a popular fan idea of a repaint of Cybertron Brakedown. Megatron takes a lot of cues from botcon toy as well minus the huge missile 🙂" —Josh Burcham, Twitter, 2021/02/03
- Character stubs missing fiction
- Character stubs missing video games
- Armada Predacons
- Beast Machines Predacons
- Beast Machines Vehicons
- Beast Wars Predacons
- Beast Wars: Uprising Predacons
- Decepticon leaders
- Emperors of Destruction
- Generation 1 Decepticons
- Ghosts
- Go! Go! Predacons
- Hall of Fame characters
- IDW (2005) Maximals
- Legends World natives
- Predacon leaders
- Robotmasters Decepticons
- Rulers of Cybertron
- Transformers with three modes
- Transmetals
- Transmetals 2
- TransTech Predacons
- Universe Decepticons
- War for Cybertron: Kingdom Predacons