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Megatron (BW)/toys

From Transformers Wiki

A smile that launched a thousand schemes.

TheMegatronfromBeast Warshas many toys, yeeess.



Beast Wars

It appears to be a harmless Earth creature!
  • Optimus Primal VS Megatron!(Basic Class 2-pack,1996/1997)
  • Takara name:Amazon no Taiketsu: Convobat VS Megalligator(アマゾン の đối quyết コンボバットVSメガリゲーター)
  • Takara ID number:VS-6
  • Accessories:Gun/tail
  • Known designers:Takio Ejima(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
The initial version ofBeast WarsMegatron transforms into a green crocodile. The toy is aretoolofIguanuswith new crocodile and robot heads, and no frill. The screw hole for the frill bracket remains. Both toys were released at roughly the same time.
This toy came in a two-pack with thebat-mode Optimus Primal.InHasbromarkets, this duo came with aBeast Warsmini-comic.The Japanese release of the two-pack, dubbed "Amazon Showdown: Convobat VS Megalligator", lacks the comic, but does come with individual character bio cards.
Whether this toy can be considered theBeast WarsMegatron character as seen in the primary fiction is a matter of debate. Released before the beginning of theanimated series,which established Megatron as a separate entity fromGeneration 1 Megatron,the accompanying profiles and mini-comic imply the Beast Wars to be a direct progression of the Autobot/Decepticon war.
This mold was additionally used to make the purple-recoloredMegalligator(indicated to be Generation 1 Megatron), released individually to be his own characterMegalligatorand was proposed forAlbitron,which never reached fruition. The Iguanus version was used forCrazybolt.
Beast Warsmold:Megatron (Basic Class)

Version 1:

Version 2:

Don't call him Barney.
  • Megatron(Ultra Class, 1996)
  • Takara name:Megatron(メガトロン)
  • Takara ID number:D-1
  • Accessories:2 missiles, "poisonous paralyzer fluid" water-squirting gun
  • Known designers:Takio Ejima(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
This Megatron transforms into a purple, green, and yellow organicTyrannosaurus rex.He has very limited articulation inbeast mode,located mostly in his legs and the shoulders of his beast mode arms. In addition, he has awater squirterin his dinosaur mouth, which is activated when pulling back on the upper part of his head, opening his jaw, which in turn pulls back on the pump inside his tongue. His thigh-shells can also extend out from the body to fire spring-loaded, anchor-shaped projectiles.
Inrobot mode,he features two bat-like wing adornments on either side of his head that wrap around to become hismutant head.In addition to his water squirter (now located as his right arm) and his hip-mounted launchers, his left arm (made up of the dinosaur tail) contains a spring-loaded pincer gimmick that is activated by pushing and pulling on a black lever on his elbow. The water bladder for the squirting gimmick is contained inside a removable throat/tongue section, allowing for the user to fill it with water. The plug located on the top, covering the hole used to fill the bladder, and the pump inside the tongue are both highly susceptible to deteriorating due to the rubbery plastic used; crumbling to dust with age.
The Takara release features no changes from the Hasbro version. This mold was also used to make theBeast MachinesDinobotT-Wrecks.
Beast Warsmold:Megatron (Ultra Class)

Version 1:

Version 2:

  • Hasbro:Beast Wars 10th AnniversaryMegatron
  • TakaraTomy:Beast Wars RebornBWR-01Megatron

Megatron, master of manspreading.
  • Saikyō Beast no Taiketsu: Convoy VS Megatron(VS pack, 1997)
  • ID number:VS-1
  • Accessories:Two missiles, water squirter
In Japan, Ultra Megatron was available both individually and in avery large"Strongest Beast Showdown" ( mạnh nhất ビースト の đối quyếtSaikyō Beast no Taiketsu) two-pack with Ultra "Convoy".
Both toys are identical to their individual releases.

I contain multitudes (of Megatrons).
  • Megalligator(1997)
  • ID number:D-6
  • Accessories:Gun/tail
In Japan, "Megalligator" (メガリゲーター), the Basic Class gator Megatron toy, was also sold as an individual toy, as well as in a VS pack with Optimus.
The individual release is identical to the two-pack version, which is in turn identical to the Hasbro version.
Continuing the trend of its Hasbro counterpart, this toy wasadvertisedas ayet third characterat the time of release. Oy.
Beast Warsmold:Megatron (Basic Class)

Version 1:

Version 2:

BW Biocombat Ani Mutants Arachnid.jpg
  • Predacon Arachnid Micro Playset(Playset, 1997)
In Europe, theBeast Wars-brandedMicroVerseplaysets (see below) were released solely asBeast Wars/Biocombat(English/Spanish/Italian packaging) orBeast Wars/Ani Mutants(French/Dutch/German packaging) products.
This release is entirely identical to theUSMicroVersereleaseof the toy, aside from the packaging and the branding.

  • Gold Megatron(199?)
  • Accessories:Two missiles, water squirter
A gold chrome redeco of Ultra ClassTyrannosaurusMegatron. It was a Japanese exclusiveLucky Draw figure,and at least ten were made.
Beast Warsmold:Megatron (Ultra Class)

Version 1:

Version 2:

  • Hasbro:Beast Wars 10th AnniversaryMegatron
  • TakaraTomy:Beast Wars RebornBWR-01Megatron

Ducky not included. Bummer.(Hasbro version pictured)
I'm the one that doesn'tcrumble in your hands.(Takara version pictured)
  • Megatron(Mega Class Transmetal,1998)
  • Takara name:Metals Megatron(メタルスメガトロン)
  • Takara ID number:D-40
  • Accessories:Tail/whip
  • Known designers:Jerry Palmer(Hasbro),Takio Ejima(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
The thirdBeast WarsMegatron toy transforms from a mechanicalTyrannosaurusto an organic robot mode. As with all Transmetal toys, he has a 'third' vehicle mode; roller skates fold out of his feet and his turbines flip open. These modifications can also be deployed in robot mode. In robot mode, his tail becomes a flexible, segmented cutlass weapon. He can either hold it or it can be stored at his side on the connector piece it was attached to when in beast mode.
The Hasbro release of this figure was in gold, dark brown, and silver. The Hasbro release is known for being remarkably fragile — the deep brown plastic used for Megatron's waist and torso is prone to eventual breakage due to stress fractures. This has often been mistaken for a form ofGold Plastic Syndrome,but is really more of a design flaw coupled with weak plastics. The Takara version, which used a different plastic, does not have this problem. The Hasbro version had three different variants all based on the shade used for the transmetal parts, some were pink, some purple and others a darker blue purple.
The Japanese version, "Metals Megatron", is slightly different. The Japanese version uses black instead of the brown of the Hasbro version, a light gray for the beast mode hands, tail, and skates instead of the metallic silver of the Hasbro release, and the copper has a darker, more reddish tint as well.
This mold was retooled to makeArmadaPredacon.

  • Shukumei no Taiketsu: Metals Convoy VS Metals Megatron(VS pack,1999)
  • ID number:VS-40
  • Accessories:Tail/whip
In Japan, Metals Megatron was available both individually and in a "Fateful Showdown" ( số mệnh の đối quyếtShukumei no Taiketsu) two-pack withMetals Convoy.Both toys are identical to their individual releases.
As mentioned below, this two-pack saw a variant release using the Gold Convoy and Silver Megatron toys in their place. While the figures inside the packaging were different, the packaging remained the same.

  • Silver Megatron(シルバーメガトロン, Mega Class Transmetal, 1999)
  • ID number:D-40
  • Accessories:Tail/whip
A silver version of Metals Megatron sometimes calledSilver Metals Megatron(シルバーメタルスメガトロン) was made available as aLucky Drawfigure. While five of it were produced for individual sale[1],10 more were awarded in a VS pack withGold Convoythat were distrituted toKodansha-owned magazines. The December 1999 issue ofTV Magazine[2]as well in an unknownComic BomBomissue.[3]

Don't call him Puff, either.
  • Megatron(Ultra Class Transmetal 2, 1999)
  • Takara name:Metals Dragon Megatron(メタルスオドラゴンメガトロン)
  • Takara ID number:D-47
  • Accessories:Three missiles
  • Known designers:Aaron Archer(Hasbro),Yuichiro Hira(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
The final version ofBeast WarsMegatron transforms into a mostly mechanical dragon, with articulation in his legs, little dragon arms and his flexible, rubber neck with vacuum metallized overlapping plates attached on top. The neck is flexible and controlled via a small lever located at its base. This lever is installed backwards due to factory error—it can be used to lock the dragon neck in place, but must first be unscrewed and reattached correctly. The projectiles stored in his wings can be fired from a spring-loaded launcher inside his dragon's mouth. The tail is also flexible, and becomes a helmet for Megatron's already-helmeted head in robot mode.
In robot mode, Megatron resembles a winged demon, appropriate given his characterization. His chest is dominated by a small cockpit with a control chair inside (see#Notes). Megatron's dragon neck and head replaces his left arm, with an additional missile launcher above his helmet. Hisspark crystal,colored purple, is located on his dragon mode's right pectoral.
Transmetal 2 Megatron has a half-hearted "transportation" mode, which involves deploying wheels from his heels, then folding his legs up parallel with his body, so that he can roll around on the ground. This is one purpose for the aforementioned neck-locking mechanism, so the dragon can look straight ahead as it rolls. The original commercial for the toymistransformsthis mode, making it look like Megatron scoots around on his knees.
Megatron'sbeast mode appearance in the cartoonleaves his legs fully extended, making the entire length of the upper leg the thigh, just like his robot mode. The photography to the right reflects this choice of transformation. Also, where the toy leaves the robot head exposed and the dragon tail disconnected from the spine, the show reinterprets that area to make a more aesthetically pleasing back for the dragon.
The Takara "Metals Dragon Megatron" version features no differences to the Hasbro release. This mold was also used to makeRobots in DisguiseCryotek.
Due to either a defect of design (tight joints, thin plastic) or thesparkly red plasticused for his construction, Megatron's lower legs have been known to disintegrate even after several years of not being handled. The holes in his hip joints where the pins are inserted also have a tendency to split open due to the texturing on the pin being too course for the relatively thin area.


  • Predacon Arachnid Micro Playset(Playset, 1997)
A small, non-transforming micro-figure of Megatron in his crocodile body came with theMicroVerseArachnidplayset.

Beast Machines

He's a flasher! Mangle!
  • Megatron(Mega Class, 2000)
Part of the second wave ofBeast MachinesMega Class toys, the firstBeast Machinesincarnation of Megatron was based on his Transmetal 2 dragon form, but with cues from hisBeast Machinesdesign added, specifically the gilded control helmet and the wrapping cape. A compartment on his chest can be lifted to reveal asparkchamber with a Vehicon spark crystal, similar to other Beast Machines toys. Other than a robot and dragon mode, a third mode, one that wraps and closes the dragon wings around the robot, mimics the shrouded appearance seen on the television show.

BM-toy BeastChanger.jpg
  • Beast Changer(Deluxe Class, 2001)
  • Accessories:Wings (left & right)
The Beast Changer (so called due toHasbro's inability to secure thetrademarkon "Savage Noble") transforms from wolf-creature to dragon-creature (the packaging announces a conversion from" savage beast to noble wolf, "a reference to the name Hasbro wasn't able to trademark). A spring-loaded tab on the dragon's head opens his jaws. The toy'sspark crystalhas its own unique symbol, a merger of theBeast MachinesMaximal and Vehicon logos. Its spark-actiongimmickis a wind-up spinning claw attack.

  • Megatron(Ultra Class,2001)
Around December of 2000, the online retailerBigBadToyStoreput up a list of upcomingTransformersproduct from Hasbro.[4]Although the main point of interest was aTranstechassortment listing, it revealed several tail-end and unreleasedBeast Machines: Battle for the Sparktoys, including an Ultra Class Megatron. And that is literally all we know about it. The end.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


"Utahraptor,maybe in an alternate timeline I'm being less of a jerk right now, but that's just rampant speculation, okay? "
  • Beast Megatron(2004)
  • ID number:RM-02
  • Release date:15 July2004
  • Accessories:Claw/tail, missile launcher, missile
Part of the first wave of Takara'sRobotmasterstoys, Beast Megatron (ビーストメガトロン) is a simplified version of the 1996UltraBeast WarsMegatron.Much smaller, having a very similar transformation and a sculpt resembling the television series CGI model, but a paint scheme similar to the original toy. The tail/claw weapon was now removeable, revealing a robot fist which the tail/claw weapon could clamp around. He also came with a small laser rifle.

  • Beast Megatron Gentei Black Version(2005)
  • ID number:RM-02
  • Accessories:Claw/tail, missile launcher, missile, Sacred-Cut Sword "Gazan" blade
Available only via mail-order throughHyper Hobbymagazine, "Beast Megatron Limited Black Version" (ビーストメガトロン hạn định ブラックバージョン) is just that: a straightblack redecoof the Beast Megatron toy. He comes with all his original accessories, appropriately redecoed, as well as a gold-chromed version of the "Sacred-Cut Sword 'Gazan'"solitariumweapon that came withAir Hunter.

Beast Wars Returns

  • ID number:BR-05
Beast Wars ReturnsMegatron (メガトロン) is the almost the same as the HasbroBeast MachinesMega Class toy; one sprue of red plastic is darker, and the dragon's wing claws are reversed.

  • ID number:BR-11
  • Accessories:Wings (left & right)
Beast Wars ReturnsNoble Savage (ノーブルサヴェッジ) is a toy version ofSavage/Nobleand a redeco of Deluxe Class Beast Changer, he transforms from a wolf-creature to a dragon creature, with no robot mode. The difference lies in that select red plastic parts were changed to a blue color.

You will have to pay a lot for this, yessss...
  • Megahead Megatron(14 April 2005)
  • ID number:BR-12
  • Accessories:Missile
Beast Wars ReturnsMegahead Megatron (メガヘッドメガトロン) is a Japanese-exclusiveredeco ofRobots in DisguiseDeluxe ClassMegabolt Megatronand transforms into a head-shaped spider tank, based on theGrand Maldesign. A gear-wheel mechanism moves the legs up and down as the tank mode is pushed along. Pressing thespark crystalon the tank's top opens its jaw and fires a spring-loaded missile. In robot mode, this swings the entire cannon assembly up over the robot's head, along with a "battle mask".
If one removes the toy's spider-legs in head mode, it fits into the head socket to theFortress Maximusmain body. Though this is likely unintended, it is pointed out here as an extra play feature.
This mold was also used to makeMegabolt.


My face defies all photographic lighting!
  • Darksyde Megatron(BotCon 2006 Convention Souvenir two-pack)
  • Accessories:Large missile, projectile, spring-loaded shield/multi-tool arm, claw attachment, hammer attachment,Golden Diskkey
  • Known designers:Joe Moore(concept artist)[5]
Representing Megatron before his crash onEarth,TimelinesMegatron is aretoolandredecoof theCybertronUltra ClassCybertron DefenseRed Alerttoy, and transforms into a large, purple military vehicle similar to a cross between a RussianR-400 Oka mobile ballistic missile launcherand aBTR-90 armoured personnel carrier.The missile can be slid off from its holder, and the left side of hisvehicle modehas a flip-up non-firing double-blaster, which can also be "used" in robot mode. Inserting the Golden Disk key (that's marked with thePredacon symbol) into the rear of the missile pops it in half and exposes the inner spring-loaded projectile-launching "laser cannon".
Megatron comes with a shield that can be mounted on either arm, and when a Key is inserted into the top, a cannon barrel/multi-tool arm flips out that can be equipped with several tools stored in his shins (a spring-loaded hammer-head or a gripping claw). He has two (nonfunctional)Mini-ConPowerlinxhardpoints in vehicle mode, and twodifferenthardpoints in robot mode. The electronics that were previously present in this mold were removed for this release, and all samples of this toy have the space for the robot-mode head manually (and sometimes messily) carved open wider at the top in order to allow the new head to move freely between modes.
Megatron was an at-show souvenir forBotCon 2006,coming in a two-pack withWaspinator.Only 500 were released.
This mold was also used to makeUniverseCountdown.

Beast Wars 10th Anniversary

"Grape-faces don't give up, they conquer!"
  • Megatron(Beast Wars 10th Anniversary, 2006)
  • Accessories:Gun/tail, missile, Jungle Planet Key, "Predacon ship" figurine
  • Known designers:Aaron Archer(Hasbro),Tim Bradley(concept artist),Marcelo Matere(concept artist, packaging artist)
For the 10th Anniversary ofBeast Wars,Hasbrocreated a Deluxe-size figure based mostly upon his original 1996Tyrannosaurusform, but with technorganic detailing. When aCyber Keyis inserted into hisasstail, it opens up to reveal a missile launcher.
He is also packaged with a mini-comic-sized reprinting ofIDW Publishing'sThe Gathering#1, a small figurine of theDarksyde(named on the packaging as "Predacon ship" ), and aJungle Planetstyle Cyber KeywithoutaCyber Key Codestamped on it. On its packaging, "Predacon" is misspelled as "Preadcon", but a sticker was placed over it with the proper spelling.[6]The sculpts for both leader toys were intentionally designed to blend in with the Jungle Planet aesthetic, "in case" they didn't get a Beast Wars Anniversary release (according toAaron Archer's statements atBotCon 2005).
This mold wasredecoedintoCybertronMegatron,BotCon 2010Cindersaur,andUnitedBeast Megatron.

  • Optimus Primal vs. Megatron(Multipack, 2006)
  • Accessories:Two missiles, water squirter
The same figures as theBeast Wars Reborntwo-pack released in the United States as a Toys "R" Us exclusive and packaged with "Possession".(Oddly, the box art is a re-use from that of the previous 10th Anniversary new-mold deluxe, an entirely different body design.)
Beast Warsmold:Megatron (Ultra Class)

Version 1:

Version 2:

  • Hasbro:Beast Wars 10th AnniversaryMegatron
  • TakaraTomy:Beast Wars RebornBWR-01Megatron

Beast Wars Reborn

Is it me, or does his tail-weapon-thing have teeth?
  • Convoy vs Megatron(2006)
  • ID number:BWR-01
  • Accessories:Two missiles, water squirter
For the 10th Anniversary ofBeast Wars,Takararetooled the original 1996 Ultra-sized Megatron toy, giving him a new head sculpt and a new paint scheme based upon the appearance of the CGI model used in theBeast Warstelevision series.
This figure came packaged with a version of the 1996 Ultra-sized Optimus Primal which was also retooled and redecoed in the same manner and aGolden DiskCD-ROM that contains control art for a number ofBeast Warstoys..
Beast Warsmold:Megatron (Ultra Class)

Version 1:

Version 2:

  • Hasbro:Beast Wars 10th AnniversaryMegatron
  • TakaraTomy:Beast Wars RebornBWR-01Megatron

Beast Wars Telemocha Series

"Whileyou'll be busy looking for your precious goldenbananasandflea-bitten friends,I'll be preparing my lizard flavored surprise,yeeeesssss."
  • Megatron(Deluxe, 2007)
  • ID number:TM-02
  • Accessories:Claw/tail
Telemocha SeriesMegatron (メガトロン) is a redeco ofRobotmastersMegatron, with extensive paint details based upon the larger Ultra classBeast Wars Rebornreissue. He came packed with a DVD of the Japanese dub version of "Equal Measures".

Running out of caption ideas for same boring things rehashed over and over!
  • DX Megatron(Ultra, 2007)
  • ID number:TM-SP
  • Accessories:Two missiles, water squirter
Telemocha SeriesDX Megatron (DXメガトロン) is an extensive show-accurate redeco of the original Ultra-class Megatron mold, even more so than theReborntoy—withoutthe recently remolded show-accurate head. He came with a DVD containing the Japanese dub version of the two-part episode "The Trigger".
Beast Warsmold:Megatron (Ultra Class)

Version 1:

Version 2:

  • Hasbro:Beast Wars 10th AnniversaryMegatron
  • TakaraTomy:Beast Wars RebornBWR-01Megatron


And don't youdarecall himGrimlock.
  • ID number:UN-31
  • Accessories:Gun/tail, missile, Jungle Planet Key
Part of the sixth wave ofUnitedtoys, "Beast Megatron" (ビーストメガトロン) is a dark purple redeco of the Deluxe ClassBeast Wars 10th AnniversaryMegatron toy, and is the first release of the mold in Japan.
Like the 5th and 6th wave figures, Beast Megatron's package features a sticker that said "limited quantity" ( số lượng hạn định ), indicating that this figure is released in limited numbers after its first and only shipment.

Combiner Wars

This nonsense body.
  • Megatron(BotCon 2016 souvenir)
  • Accessories:2 missiles, 2 launchers
Released as a souvenir figure forBotCon 2016,Combiner WarsMegatron is a redeco/retool of the2001Robots in DisguiseUltra ClassMegatron/Galvatronmold, which was based on an unused concept by3H Productions.It features a new head and paint scheme based onTransmetal 2 Megatronfrom the originalBeast Warscartoon. The snout piece which folds out from under the robot mode head for the original release's bat mode was removed in order to provide clearance for the new head, effectively reducing by one the number of modes to which this release is capable of converting. Despite this, the bat mode is still represented in the (microscopically tiny) instructions. His hand mode, and presumably those of the mold's other uses, can coincidentally hold the same year'sRubber Duckysouvenir.
The robot mode chest sports aDinobotspark crystalinstead of a Predacon one, possibly because the Dinobot spark crystal is the only version of that tooling which remains. Additionally, the factory neglected to paint the dragon mode's eyes—while accidental, this is fitting since the last time Megatron had a red dragon body, as "Beast Changer" (see above), he was also eyeless in dragon mode.Fun Publicationsprovided eye stickers and a spark crystal-sized Predacon symbol sticker on that year'sMagna Bosssticker sheet.
This mold was also used to makeTimelinesDeathsaurus.In addition to being Megatron's body inDawn of the Predacus,the BotCon 2016 toy was also used as Megatron'sBeast Upgradebody inBeast Wars: Uprising.


An homage,playing anotherhomage,while paying homageto theoriginal character.Confused yet?
  • ID number:LG-EX
Available with thee-HOBBY-exclusiveLegendsConvobat,thisHeadmasterof Megalligator (メガリゲーター) is a redeco ofTitans ReturnNucleon.As a Headmaster, Megalligator can turn into a head compatible with any Deluxe-or-largerTitans Return-style figure, although he is intended for use withLG22 Skull's Deluxe-sized transtector, to which he is color-matched. The deep-green result, however, questionably matches the duller green of the original Megalligator toy. Megalligator can also pinch Convobat's partner droneApe X Arms,riding its gorilla mode or combining with it to form a jet.

As far as dual Megatrons go, I think we all prefer the dragon.
  • ID number:LG63
  • Accessories:Fusion cannon, rifle, Headmaster,NoblePartner Drone
Legends"G2 Megatron" (G2メガトロン) is a redeco ofTitans ReturnVoyager ClassMegatroninGeneration 2Megatron's "Hero"colors. It transforms from robot to tank to plane reminiscent of hisMachine Warscounterpartand back. Megatron comes with a Headmaster module that becomes his head. He also comes withNoble,who is redecoed fromFangry's drone accessory.
Like all Voyager ClassTitans Returnmolds, he has a pair of pop-up parts to fill in the area around his head; in this case, a pair of missile racks. This version of the mold retains the retooling that includes a pivoting assembly for better range of movement. Due to the nature of his transformation, it is possible to transform Megatron into tank mode without removing his head.
His fusion cannon can plug into the short barrel of the tank turret or the rifle/Headmaster vehicle weapon. In an undocumented additional feature, the rifle can be inserted into the front end of the fusion cannon. The fusion cannon can be mounted on his forearm or held by any figure with 5mm hands. It also has a peg hole that an accessory such as his rifle can plug into, with extra square peg holes specifically to hold the rifle in place.
In fiction, this toy represents a transtector body initially owned byBeast WarsMegatron before coming intoGeneration 1 Megatron's possession.


I'll just take your moneyforyou,yesss...
  • ID number:MP-43
  • Accessories:Laser effect part, smiling face, grimacing face, rifle, toothbrush, dinosaur tail/weapon, 2 dinosaur thighs/hip armor pieces, 2 shoulderpads, dinosaur belly/backplate, base adapter (beast mode) base adapter (robot mode), base adapter (robot back)
Depicting his original pre-Transmetal organic body,Masterpiece"Megatron (Beast Wars)" (メガトロン (ビーストウォーズ)) transforms from a show accurate robot to a show accurateTyrannosaurus rex,with the latter in particular being far more detailed and show-accurate than any previous toy of the character in beast mode. He comes with extra faceplates: alongside his regular, serious face, he can also have a tooth-clenched grimacing face or a smiling face. HisT. rexhead features articulated eyes with show-accurate yellow irises and pupils that can be hidden by rolling them into his skull to give him fully red "inactive" eyes as his robot mode hand/arm cannon, reminiscent of the original toy. He also comes with a laser effect part that plugs into theT. rexmouth, ahunting rifle(as seen in "Call of the Wild"), and a toothbrush to recreate the scene in"Before the Storm"where he is seen brushing hisT. rexhead/right hand's teeth. To further recreate the scene, all his dinosaur modekibblecan be stripped off to complete Megatron's not-fighting look. Finally, he comes with stand adapter pieces to assist with multiple action poses, compatible with the stand that comes withMasterpieceDinobot:it can be configured for Megatron's robot and dinosaur modes, and can also recreate the scene in "Call of the Wild" whereOptimus Primallifts him overhead each using a unique adapter. Both of Megatron's modes featureinsaneposeability, and the figure is kept stable via die-cast parts in the feet; despite this, the hip swivel joint in robot mode is quite loose and it's quite easy to knock him around. Additionally, he is the largestBeast Wars Masterpiecefigure.
Megatron comes with a voice gimmick with newly recorded lines byShigeru Chiba,activated by pressing theT. rexforehead. He features three sets of sound clips: one for beast mode, one for robot mode, and one consisting of laser blast sounds, which can be cycled through by holding down theT. rexforehead button. Some of the clips feature guest appearances byNAVI-ko,Blackarachnia,and even a snippet of "War War! Stop It".[7]
With a MSRP of 35,000 yen (approximately 315 USD), this figure had the highest initial price of any mass retail Hasbro or TakaraTransformerstoy (as opposed to convention exclusives, contest prizes, statues, etc.) untilMP-44 Convoy.Originally scheduled for release on January 26, 2019, Megatron was delayed to March 30. The toy was exported to Asian and English-speaking markets by Hasbro, with an additional slipcover over the box and a small battery installation/safety sheet in English.
For a toy this expensive, that transforms largely by stacking piles of folded-up beast bits on top of each other, owners should take significant care in watching out for stress marks in the plastic, especially the crotch section. The Japanese instructions take the unusual step of warning buyers of the best ways to handle the shoulder and waist movements to avoid breakage. Furthermore, said beast bits aren't guaranteed to hold tight together in beast mode, and must be alignedperfectlyto avoid gaps; some of this can be remedied by removing Megatron's right shoulder pad, which would otherwise be completely hidden in beast mode and frees up more space for the skin panels to lock together. There have also been reports of loose waist joints.
In Hasbro Asia markets, Megatron would have come with acollector coinmounted in a card modeled after his distinctive chest design. The coin appears to have been canceled, presumably due to the fact that, likeShadow Panther,both the coin and the fold-out interior of the card it's mounted on depict the Maximal sigil rather than the Predacon one.[8]The existence of this coin was discovered when some of them found their way onto the secondary market.

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

  • Megatron (Beast)(Leader Class,2020)
Released to commemorate the 25th anniversary ofBeast Wars,War for Cybertron: Kingdom"Megatron (Beast)" (named as such to distinguish this Megatron from his namesake) is a Leader Class-sized toy that transforms from a robot accurate to his appearance in the first season of theBeast Warscartoon into a "realistic"Tyrannosaurus rexseemingly inspired by theJurassic Parkschool of design. Though Megatron does not come with anyfire blast effects,those from other toys can be attached inside his dinosaur mode mouth. While he features a left hand underneath the tail weapon in robot mode, the tail weapon cannot be detached from his forearm.
Most of the beast mode shell is cast in a rubbery PVCplasticmaterial, likely to enhance the texture of the dinosaur mode as well as assist the part-clashing transformation. The beast mode itself is well articulated, especially with thigh pieces on a slider to ensure vertical hip movement, as well as spring-loaded pieces around his neck to prevent the sculpt from breaking up too much while posing. The downside to the softer plastic is that it's a great deal more susceptible to being warped out of shape if left deformed for prolongued periods. The sides of his tail that fold up for robot mode are the most common example of warping due to being forced out of shape while folded up.
Stock photos of his robot mode are mistransformed: the bottom of his tail is not flipped out, while the back kibble and thigh armor are not rotated correctly (though the latter does allow for improved hip movement). The TakaraTomy stock photos also show the figure with different colors, similar to what happened with theEarthriseAllicon:all the robot mode purple bits are cast in a deep burgundy plastic, while the robot face is red. Newer pics were shown a few days later, showing the correct color scheme. Official Hasbro stock photography also depicts the red face.
Megatron comes with a random Golden Disk card that "reveals a possible destiny of a key character",with each character having three possible destiny variants.
In January 2021, a variant of the figure was discovered featuring a different face sculpt with the same grimace as the original toy.[10]
This mold was redecoed intoT-Wrecksand retooled intoTyrannocon Rex.

Vintage Beast Wars

  • Megatron(Reissue,2021)
  • Accessories:Two missiles, water squirter
In celebration of the 25th anniversary ofBeast Wars,the original 1996 Ultra Class Megatron was reissued under theVintage Beast Warslineup. Megatron features all the same accessories and functionality as the original toy but differs slightly in deco, having a more saturated purple shade, and the silver paint on his robot head has been swapped to a gloss black. The claw arm spring is also a bit too strong, so the trigger tends to skip across the gear teeth instead of actually triggering the claw properly. The gear skip can mostly be fixed by tightening the three screws in the forearm, which aren't screwed in entirely when fresh out of the box.
The second set of Hasbro stock photography, which is the one used on thecross-sell,has a silver-painted helmet, akin to the original toy.
Much likeVintage G1,Megatron is packaged in a box styled after the originalBeast Warstoy packaging,package artand all. Also similar toVintage G1,the time disparity since the original release has the toy reasonably set at over double the price of the toy's 1996 release, $52.99 USD versus $20, and is exclusive toWalmartin the United States and Canada. Due to accommodating multiple languages, the bio card is also rather drastically changed, including using a silhouette of 2007TransformersOptimus Prime'shead for the intelligence. The cross-sell forCheetorandRattraplabel them both inaccurately as Mega Class figures, instead of Deluxe Class and Basic Class, respectively (though botharepriced the same).
Beast Warsmold:Megatron (Ultra Class)

Version 1:

Version 2:

  • Hasbro:Beast Wars 10th AnniversaryMegatron
  • TakaraTomy:Beast Wars RebornBWR-01Megatron


'Cause you're hot then you'recold...
  • Transmetal II Megatron(Leader Class,2022/2023)
The only new figure in the third wave ofLegacyLeader Class figures, Transmetal II Megatron transforms into his dragon mode in 33 steps and is a heavily cartoon-accurate representation (save for some deco choices and toy-inspired sculpt on the wings). Megatron comes with a fire blast accessory, which can peg into a 5mm port inside of his dragon's head's mouth, or can be wielded as a club, according to promotional photos and designer Sam Smith. Smith's renders and packaging art also show that the final toy is misassembled; the tips of the wings are oriented incorrectly and should curve inward, not outward. This error can be fixed by disassembling the wings via a screwdriver and flipping it around.[12]The laterpackage refreshforEvolutionhas the tips assembled correctly.
Oddly, Megatron's robot head is sculpted with an open-mouthed grimace to match the original Transmetal 2 toy, but jagged triangular teeth were then painted over it.
Megatron's box labels him with thePrimePredaconsymbol, rather than the standardBeast Warsversion. Neither of these symbols appear on the figure and thePrimeinsignia is a graphic design error.[13]The correct Predacon symbol appears on the instructions.
As mentioned above, Megatron was later re-released inLegacy: Evolutionpackaging (with the wrong Predacon insignia persisting). The product description for theEvolutionrelease describes his blast effect as "Evo-Fusiontechnology ", though the gimmick's logo is oddly absent from the box itself.

Beast Wars Again

Released as part of theBeast Wars Againline, the "Eternal Beast Showdown" ( vĩnh cửu ビースト の đối quyết ) set contains Megatron andConvoy.Megatron is a redeco ofMegatron (Beast)in slavishly cartoon-accurate colors, and now using the "pretooled"alternate grimacing head that was originally meant forKingdomT-Wrecks.Megatron does not come with anyfire blast effects,although others can be attached inside his dinosaur mode mouth.
Some copies of this release of Megatron contains a spring inside the right shoulder joint that was not present on the original release. Unfortunately, this spring is so strong it can flex the torso piece from the inside out and prevent the right shoulder area from fitting together as intended. Unscrewing the torso and removing the spring can significantly alleviate this issue.


Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game

Bright colors are for the weak.
  • Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game(1997)
Megatron was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for theBeast Warscard game.


  • Megatron(candy toy kit, 1997)
A tiny plastic Megatron figurine molded onto an irregularly-shaped stand was released by Kabaya. Labeled toy 2 of 6, the other characters in his wave were Dinobot, Cheetor, Rattrap, Optimus Primal, and Rhinox. As always, terrible candy is included.

Metal Monument

  • Metal Monument Megatron(TAKARA, 1999)
As the name suggests, the product is adie-caststatue of Megatron. The head is convertible/removable in order to change the normal one with the battle mask/mutant head. Thebox artand the design of the product are both done byHirofumi Ichikawa.


Looks good enough to drink.
  • Megatron(McDonald's Happy Meal, 2000)
    • McNumber:3
Transforms from cloaked robot mode to a very weak dragon mode. Much of the toy is made of translucent plastic, and he uses light piping to light up the spark crystal on his dragon mode's tummy. He doesn't do it very well, though—you sorta have to hold him up sideways to the light and hope it's working.
This mold was also released in four different color schemes by the Australian restaurant chain Red Rooster, but was advertised asNightscream.

Titanium Series

I have two heads: My robot mode one, and my dino, who looks really hungry.
  • Beast Wars Megatron(3 "Robot Master, 2006)
    • Accessories:Stand
For theTitanium Series,the initial 3 "Megatron toy was based off his 1996 Ultra version. He's kind of squat.
The toy features five points of articulation, including shoulders and head articulation. His dino-arm even features a 'wrist' and an articulated jaw. Despite his waist being a connection point it does not swivel.
Megatron features an enormous amount of paint for such a small toy, including cute little red eyes, and paint washes on most of his dinosaur features.

First 4 Figures

First 4 Figures Battlefield Megatron vs Rhinox.jpg
  • Megatron vs Rhinox(name unknown) (2006/2007unreleased)
Intended for release in theTransformers Battlefieldline by model companyFirst 4 Figures,this was to be 13-inch-ish tall diorama depicting a fight between Megatron andRhinox.When shown to toy news sites at New YorkToy Fairin 2006, the digital sculpt for this set apparently depicted the rather gruesome scene of Megatron impaling Rhinox through the chest with hisT. rexhand.[14]Unlike the other planned statues in theBattlefieldseries, which were designed and sculpted byLittle IroNand"Mad" Altertonrespectively, this Megatron/Rhinox statue was designed byPalisadesalumnJeffry Englert(alias Trion Studios).[15]
As aBattlefieldrelease, this model would likely have featured a detailed base designed to interlock with others in the same range to create a massive battle diorama–though that isn't a given, seeing as this statue differs from the others, which were advertised as being by Alterton and depicting "Generation 1" characters. We'll never find out what the deal was, since a general discontinuation of First 4 Figures'Transformers-related output meant that this set was never released.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

  • Megatron(2006/2007unreleased)
This was to be a probably-8-inch tall resin bust of Megatron released as part of First 4 Figures'Beast Warstenth anniversary series. Megatron would have been sculpted to be accurate to hisBeast Warscartoon design, and would likely have been depicted from the waist and upwards on a base or pedestal. When his digital sculpt was shown to the ASM news gang at New YorkToy Fair,he was specifically noted as being based on his design as seen in the first season.[14]First 4 Figures had also allowedBigBadToyStoreto solicit him for sale.[16][17]
Mini busts in the plannedBeast Warsline were designed to reflect the scale of the characters as seen in the cartoon, and each was set to be limited to 1,996 pieces, in a nod to the franchise's year of origin.[14]As with the statue above, Megatron and the rest of theBeast Warsbust line were cancelled, with First 4 Figures citing a challenging marketplace and lack of retailer interest.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

3D Battle-Card Game

"I dare you not to make fun of me."
  • Predacon Megatron(2007)
A 52-point "rare" character in the3D Battle-Card Game's "Energon Wars" expansion, Megatron "transforms" into a purple approximation of aT. rex.He uses the same parts layout asGrimlockandCruellock,although his robot mode is assembled differently. Megatron is nominally the leader of the Decepticons in the set.

Robot Heroes

Such a cute megalomaniac.
  • Rattrap & Megatron(Two-pack, 2008)
Part of the "Beast Wars Series" label of theUniverse-brandedRobot Heroes,Megatron comes packaged withRattrap.He has the standard shoulders-and-neck articulation.

He has the Golden Disk, he has the power to change the future, and the only obstacle in the way of his path to unimaginable glory... is being two inches tall.
  • Silverbolt & Megatron(Two-pack, 2008)
Also part of the "Beast Wars Series", this Megatron is based on his Transmetal form and comes packaged withSilverbolt.Megatron holds theGolden Diskin a special tail attachment seen in the episode "Code of Hero".He has the standard shoulders-and-neck articulation.


Don't you get it? You see the hat!? I amMrs.Nesbitt!
  • Megatron(Jollibee Kids Meal,2009)
    • Accessories:Con Pencil Point Vise, wing unit
Inexplicably releasednine years lateras part of aJollibeepromotion, Megatron is a greatly simplified version of hisBeast MachinesMega toy. He includes a stand sculpted with the franchise logo which has room to hold a pencil.

Tiny Titans

TinyTitans MegatronBW.jpg
  • Beast Wars Megatron(Tiny Titans, 2015)
    • Series:3
    • Number:8/12
Part of the third assortment ofTiny Titansblindpacks,this version of Megatron is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode.
He includes a collectible card that renders him in the2015Robots in Disguisestyling. The card includes a scan-badge for theRobots in Disguisemobile game,which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.

Prime 1 Studio

Premium Masterline

Prime 1 Studio Premium Masterline Beast Wars Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron(2017)
    • ID Number:PMTFBW-02/02EX(exclusive)
    • Accessories:Base, alternate head, angry head (exclusive)
Prime 1 StudioPremium MasterlineMegatron is a highly detailed statue of Megatron's robot mode posing over the bits of a destroyedDinobot.He features LED lights on his eyes and dino-head cannon.
The statue comes with an alternate head with a smiling expression. The exclusive version also comes with another head with an angry expression.
The standard version was limited to 500 pieces, while the exclusive version was limited to 300 pieces.

Thanks to your treachery, my price tag is greater than EVER!
  • Megatron Transmetal 2(2023)
    • ID Number:PMTFBW-03/03DXS(Deluxe)
    • Accessories:Base, 2 alternate faces (Deluxe), alternate right arm (Deluxe), alternate Tarantulas head (Deluxe)
This version ofPremium MasterlineMegatron is based on his Transmetal 2 body and is posing over a defeated TransmetalTarantulas.He also features LED lights on his eyes and dragon-head cannon.
While the regular release comes with only a standard face and a right arm with a closed fist, the Deluxe version includes two additional swappable faces and an alternate right arm holding Tarantulas' decapitated head. To prevent the statue from having two Tarantulas heads at the same time, the Deluxe version also comes with alternate body parts for Tarantulas that replace his regular head with the internal mechanisms of his sliced neck.


Cutie1 Beast Wars Megatron Figure.jpg
  • Megatron(2022)
    • ID Number:No:059
    • Accessories:Stand
Cutie1Megatron is a soft vinyl figure stylized as a button-eyed doll with chibi proportions.

Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Optimus Primal and Beast Megatron.jpg
  • Convoy (Beast Wars) and Megatron (Beast Wars) Set(April 14,2022)
    • ID number:15 & 16
Released as part of the third wave of thee-HOBBYexclusiveTransformers Character Cardseries, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of"Convoy"and Megatron along withcharacter profilesandtech specs.

Transformers Character Card Beast Wars Convobat and Megalligator.jpg
  • Convobat & Megaligator[sic]Set(November 12022)
    • ID number:29 & 30
Released as part of the fifth wave of thee-HOBBYexclusiveTransformers Character Cardseries, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Convobat"and" Megaligator "(distinct from the separate charactersConvobatandMegalligator) in their Wave 1 Basic Class bodies along withcharacter profilesandtech specs.Megatron is specifically depicted in his "Crocodile"body.

Jada Toys

  • Transformers Series 2 18-pack(4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
Released byJada Toys,Nano MetalfigsSeries 2 Megatron is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded doing an action pose. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
He is marketed as a Decepticon instead of a Predacon and comes in an impressive multipack withseventeen other figurines.


  • Beast Wars Megatron(2023)
ThisDiamond Select"Milestone" statue depicts Beast Wars Megatron in his season 1 body, holding theGolden Disk.Designed byMark Wong,only 1,000 pieces were to be produced, with an MSRP of $500. The release was canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Transformers: Kindergarten Series

We would also recommend floaties.
  • Megatron(2023)
A childlike nontransformable figurine of Megatron in aRubber Duckyinner tube brushing his tyrannosaurus head's teeth was available as part ofTransformers: Kindergarten Series,a crowdfundedblindpackagedtoyline available exclusively in China. Megatron's figure was the "Big Secret" of the line and was the most rare, and unlike the "Small Secret" chase figure which got an individualized box, Megatron's box was unremarkable. The figurine included a translucent plastic stand and a small chrome foil character card.


  • Megatron(2023)
Released in the seventh wave ofSuper7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch "retro" action figures,ReActionMegatron is a non-converting figure based on his originalMainframecharacter model,with 5 points of articulation (swivel neck, shoulders, hips).
Megatron comes packaged on a small cardback that mixes the design of the originalBeast Warspackaging with some nostalgic elements resemblingKenner'sStar Warsaction figures from the late 1970s to early '80s.

  • Megatron Hyper Steel(2023)
    • Accessories:Golden Disk
This redeco ofReActionBW Megatron now features translucent purple plastic and a newGolden Diskaccessory. This piece wasexclusivetoTarget.

Flame Toys

Furai Model

  • Beast Megatron(June2025)
    • Accessories:left arm/Tail weapon, Right arm/T. rexhead, alternate forearms
Released as part of the Furai Model line byFlame Toys,Beast Megatron is an articulated, non-transforming, Voyager Class-sized Gunpla-style model kit, using parts made of hard ABS plastic and some polycaps. His signature rightT. rexhead/arm and left tail weapon can also be swapped with the normal forearms with open-palm hands to recreate the loose depiction of his Cybertronian form.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Furai Action

  • Beast Megatron(?)
    • Accessories:left arm/Tail weapon, Right arm/T. rexhead, alternate forearms
Furai ActionBeast Megatron is a pre-assembled, pre-painted version of theFurai Modelkit.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


...Inferno Megatron..? Nah, couldn't be.
Look! Spark figure! Painful amounts of detail!
Everyone wished this happened. And it did!
  • Early inBeast Warsdevelopment, Hasbro conceived sea turtle toys of Megatron (using a mold concept similar toSnapper) to go with "Optimus Prime"as amanta.While the turtle Megatron toy never happened, a parallel dragonfly toy of Megatron ultimately became theMcDonald'stoyBeetle.Had IDW'sBeast Wars Sourcebooknot solidified Beetle as a separate individual, the toy could possibly have gone on this page.
  • Primal's gorilla mode paired againstMegatron'sTyrannosaurus rexmode was inspired by the showdown inKing Kong.
  • The concept art for the original Ultra class figure is largely the same, except the left arm houses an open three clawed hand. This idea would be revisited for10th AnniversaryMegatron.
  • Hasbro originally intended Inferno to be the new body for Megatron. According toa 1997 interview conducted by fan HooksX,Bob Forward stated: "For a while there Hasbro was planning to make the Inferno toy the new Megatron. We were going to kill Megatron and bring him back as Inferno."
  • Some time before theTransmetaldirection was decided upon, a possible retool of original Beast Wars Ultra Megatron into a dragon (noted for ease in the text[18]as "Metals Dragon Megatron" despite clearly not being Transmetal) was on the table. The new figure would reuse all of the legs, upper arms, and the majority of the existing Ultra Megatron torso, while new parts included the lower arms, chest, back (with articulated wings), and head, with the original's geared claw gimmick replaced with a geared drill arm. The new chest also features a Predacon symbol dead center. Considering how early this concept came about, it casts the above "Inferno" comment in a possibly different light. Some small details from this appear to have carried over into the later Transmetal 2 Megatron, mostly in the head sculpt, though it may be coincidental.
  • Originally, Transmetal 2 Megatron, along withOptimal OptimusandTigerhawk,was to have a small driver-like figure sitting on control chair located in the cockpit on his body. These drivers were meant to represent their sparks.Hasbrolater realized that kids could confuse these spark representations as pilots controlling the robots, so they were abandoned, but the cockpits remain. The spark pilot was eventually used in the Japanese release ofCryotek.
  • A retool of2001Robots in DisguiseMegatronas a post-Beast MachinesMegatron was proposed by3Hfor OTFCC 2005, but this idea went unused when 3H forfeited the license toFun Publications.It would have had aRubber Duckyaccessory. Fun Publications revived the concept as a pre-Beast WarsMegatron forBotCon 2016(exceptthe duckwas human-sized—or sized to Megatron's hand mode—and sold separately).
  • Per Hasbro's modern practice of "pretooling" heads for possible figures,Generations: Fall of CybertronVoyager ClassGrimlockwas designed with an alternate head as Transmetal Megatron. A prototype sporting the alternate head sculpt surfaced in early 2013.[19][20]


  1. "ゴールドコンボイ シルバーメガトロン( các 5 danh ) này phương は単 phẩm rương bản となっており hắn にもVS-40 số mệnh の đối quyết セットで cùng sĩ dạng の モノが hắn tạp chí でプレゼントされている( sau 々 giới thiệu dư định ). セット bản は Akihabara まんだらけやヤフオク chờ で trường kỳ に độ って buôn bán されていた の で thấy たことある phương も nhiều い の では?" —Kongoriki, Twitter, 2017/08/24(archive link)
  2. Transformers Archive Super Encyclopedia
  3. Transformers Beast Wars: Beast Generations
  4. "Ultra: Optimus & Megatron - probable release date - June 2001 (these are new additions to the list - I don't know if they will replace the 2 megas or if they are in addition to them, but these 2 along with the 4 deluxe will be the initial release" —BigBadToyStore, 2000/12/06(archive link)
  5. "Megatron was a tough one. We couldn't find the right mold. Couple of days before concepts were due, Takara showed off Cybertron Red Alert & instantly became my choice. Before that, the only choice was Energon Shockwave, but he was never right. See both concepts & final figure." —Joe Moore, Twitter, 2021/03/11
  6. Sticker covering a typo onBeast Wars 10th AnniversaryMegatron's packaging with correct "Predacon" spelling.
  7. Video showcasingthe hidden voice clips.
  8. TFW2005 - The Masterpiece Cards & Coins Thread
  9. Transformers panel atHasbro PulseCon 2020
  10. "Kingdom Megatron head variant?"at TFW2005
  11. Sam Smith'sInstagrampostsaboutLegacyTransmetal 2 Megatron
  12. "Not sure if anyone else noticed this, but the wing tips are actually installed back-to-front when compared to the original render and the picture on the back of the box! If we go by the original show, it should be indeed flipped the other way around. It's extremely tight, but it is indeed possible to make this fix with just a screwdriver." —Actar, TFW2005, 2022/09/22
  13. "I hate to be the one to burst all the theories for why that symbol is present, but when I asked Evan from the Transformers team about that at SDCC he told to me that it may have just been an error on their part." —Astromotive, Twitter, 2022/10/22
  14."First4Figures Limited Transformers Statues and Busts Info!"at ASMzine (archived)
  15. "Here's an image of the unreleased Battlefield statue I designed for First4Figures. Obviously it is BW Megatron vs. Rhinox." —Primus (Jeffry Englert), TFW2005, 2008/08/28
  16. "Update from BigBadToyStore: Transformers and G.I.Joe Statues and Busts!!!"on Seibertron
  17. BigBadToyStore's listings for First 4 Figures' busts(archived)
  18. Transformers Generations 2017,p74.
  19. "Generations Beast Wars Megatron - Fall of Cybertron Grimlock Remold"at TFW2005
  20. "Generations 30th Anniversary Beast Wars Megatron New Images"at TFW2005
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