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Menasor (G1)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Menasor" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeMenasor (disambiguation).

This article is afeatured article,and considered to be one of the most informative on this wiki.

Menasor is aDecepticoncombinerfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Dennis the Menasor

Menasorwas meant to be the ultimate Decepticon weapon, and perhaps he would have been if not for the fatal flaw in his design. His mind was designed to merge the psyches of the fiveStunticonswho compose his form. Unfortunately the great depth of resentment the four limb components feel towardsMotormaster,plus the extreme differences in attitude that makes them less a team and more a destruction derby, and of course the tiny detail that they're all psychotic, has created a primal psychological rift and left Menasor an unpredictable mass of conflicting, chaotic impulses.

Extremely powerful, highly mentally unstable, and prone to violent tantrums where he lashes out at anything in range, Menasor is not a weapon to point and fire, but a raging monster to turn loose on the battlefield and then get as far out of range as possible.

Menasor is the combined form of all five Stunticons:

In some universes,OffroadorBrake-Neckreplaces Wildrider on the team, and sometimes the "roller car"orBlackjackact as a sixth component forming a chestplate for the combiner.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon

Voice actor:Roger C. Carmel(English, "The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2" only),Regis Cordic(English),Kōji Totani(Japanese),Zhan Che(Chinese),Toni Orlandi(Italian, second dub),Edgar Wald(Latin American),Willi Röbke(German,Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1),Thomas Rau(German,The Ultimate Weapon),Christoph Jablonka(German, Generation 2 Dub ofThe Ultimate Weapon),Georges Atlas(European French, "Cosmic Rust" ),Jean Roche(European French, "Masquerade" ),Francis Lax(European French, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1" ), Unknown actors (European French, "The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2", "Trans-Europe Express" ),Júlio Chaves(Portuguese),Paulo Flores(Portuguese, "Masquerade" )
Don't offend the little ones, Prime!

Created byMegatronto counteract theAutobots' rule of the road, the Stunticons were powerful in their own right, but were also equipped with a secret ability by the Decepticon leader: they were the second Decepticon combiner team, able to merge into the towering Menasor. Megatron had the Stunticons unveil their combined form to battle the Autobots' new team, theAerialbots,butOptimus Primehad predicted Menasor's existence, and had given the Aerialbots the power to combine intoSuperion.Menasor quickly took the upper hand in the fight that ensued between the two giants, his sheer aggression driving the Autobot combiner back, trapping him in a landslide. Just as Menasor was charging his opponent with intent to impale him on a factory smokestack, however,Omega Supremeappeared to intercept the Stunticon gestalt's attack. Omega freed Superion, and the two Autobots overpowered Menasor, forcing him to disengage and retreat.The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

By the power of bumblebees!

When the Autobots obtained the weather-manipulatingPearl of Bahoudin,Megatron had the Stunticons merged into Menasor to reclaim the device. His heavy-handed efforts did more harm than good, however, as the Pearl was knocked free fromBumblebee's grasp and was swept up into a cyclone of its own making. Megatron abandoned the field of battle, leaving Menasor to menace the Autobots until the Pearl's storms wiped out all life on Earth. Bumblebee,TracksandBluestreaktried burying Menasor in a crevasse, but the giant's prodigious strength allowed him to tear free easily, forcing the Autobots back into a corner as he pressed his attack. Moments before the Autobots met their end, theraging jackasschampion driverAuggie Cahnayhopped a cliff in his specially-designed car, launching it full speedstraight into Menasor's face.Even Menasor couldn't shrug off an impact like that, and went down like a sack of tironium bricks.Trans-Europe Express

Menasor's size and strength were brought into play when the Decepticons targeted theStatue of Libertyfor destruction, as he could wield theAntillanLightning Bugheat ray as a hand-held weapon. The Autobots defend the statue, and before Menasor could open fire with the Lightning Bug, a strafing run from the Aerialbots caused him to drop the weapon. His flying foes combined into Superion and the two titans grappling over the weapon until Superion triumphed, throwing Menasor so hard that he splintered into his component Stunticons, giving the Aerialbot combiner the chance to destroy the Lightning Bug.Cosmic Rust

"If you are me, then who am I? This is all way too confusing for me."

While gathering up the components required for a new Decepticon laser weapon, the Stunticons wound up being captured by the Autobots. Looking to find out what Megatron was up to, a squad of Autobots usedcamouflage paintto disguise themselves as Stunticons to infiltrate the Decepticons camp, but while they were away on the mission, Breakdown managed to shake the true Stunticons free from their cells. The team united into Menasor, who felled their Autobot captors, then smashed his way out of the Autobots' volcano and took off for the Decepticons' temporary base. His arrival confused everyone, as he insisted that the "Stunticons" already present were impostors, but the Autobots were able to maintain their deception a while longer by "merging" into a Menasor form of their own through a combination ofWindcharger's magnetic powers andMirage's illusions. The two Menasors battled, but the Autobots' makeshift combination couldn't stand up to a slash from the true Menasor's sword, and their true identities were exposed. Menasor stood strong in the hail of firepower the Autobots proceeded to unleash against him, but when a cavalry of other Autobots then arrived, the combiner decided he had had enough, and fled.Masquerade

I'll kill you if you point out that I'm just Motormaster with some cars attached to my arms!

When the treacherousStarscreamrampaged with his newCombaticonarmy, Megatron requested the assistance of the Stunticons, only to be rebuffed by Drag Strip. The Stunticons finally decided to take notice when the Combaticons' combined form ofBruticusdefeatedDevastator;at first, the rowdy bunch of cars did not care if Megatron was destroyed, but they realized Starscream would not simply stop at eliminating his former leader. The team quickly formed Menasor, who dispatched Bruticus with one mighty punch.Starscream's Brigade

In 2005, following their expulsion fromCybertron,the Stunticons retreated with the rest of the Decepticons to the planet ofChaar.WhenAstrotrainreturned with a pittance ofenergonto go around, the Decepticons began fighting over the small handful of cubes, but Menasor held back until a victor had emerged in the form of Devastator, whom he then attacked. Menasor chopped the energy-deprivedConstructiconcombiner into his constituent 'bots, but before he could claim his prize, theInsecticonsswooped in to snatch up the cube. At that point,Cyclonusarrived to chastise the squabbling Decepticons; Menasor and Astrotrain shared a wearied look as Cyclonus and theSweepsmindlessly chanted their loyalty to the absentGalvatron.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1

In 2006, the Stunticons attempted to attack a weakenedDefensor,who was missingFirst Aid,as he rescued a falling train. Unfortunately for them, no sooner had they combined into Menasor thanRodimus PrimeandUltra Magnusblasted their combined form in the back, disabling him before he even laid a hand on Defensor.The Ultimate Weapon

Japanese cartoon continuity

The events of the Generation 1 cartoon occur in Japanese continuity as described above, except the events of 2006 take place in 2010, and many additional stories are inserted into the timeline.
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformersstory pages
Brutisor, or Menacus. You decide!

When Menasor clashed with Superion in the heart of a major metropolitan area, the Stunticon combiner took the upper hand in the fight, but was bested when the Aerialbots separated and bound their opponent with energy ropes, making him an easy target forScramble City's firepower.Story page #8Later, Menasor teamed up with Devastator to wreak some havoc on the Autobots, but the Autobots had some new backup in the form of Defensor.Story page #12

During a later battle with the Autobots, Motormaster combined with the Combaticons to form a variant version of Menasor withBrawlandBlast Offas arms, andVortexandSwindleas legs. The Autobots were aghast at the sight of this new menace,Story page #13but likely notquiteas aghast as they were at the sight of Menasor, Devastator, and Bruticus'sdeformed bodieswhen they later gathered for another major battle.Story page #16

Scramble City
Voice actor:Kōji Totani(Japanese)
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After the Aerialbots prevented an attempt by the Decepticons to attack the subterranean construction site of their Scramble City project, the Stunticons were called into action and soon combined into Menasor to battle their airborne rivals. When Superion unveiled the full extent of the Aerialbots'Scramble Power,reconfiguring his limbs to increase his power, Menasor shocked the Autobots by revealing that he too had the same ability. The Stunticons had a slightly better handle on the power, too; whenFireflightforgot his position on the combiner, leaving Superion legless, Menasor disconnected Wildrider and had him take the place of Superion's missing limb, crippling the Aerialbot gestalt. A barrage from the other Autobots severed Wildrider, and the restored Superion toppled Menasor, but the Combaticons then arrived to aid the Stunticons. Menasor and Bruticus tag-teamed Superion, but were both stopped whenScramble City itselfwas brought into battle to end the conflict.Scramble City: Mobilization

Transformers 2010story pages
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Following the return of Galvatron and their alliance with theQuintessons,the Decepticons renewed their offensive against the Autobots. Menasor, Bruticus and Devastator joined the Decepticons' newest combinerPredakingin battling Superion and Defensor, though Predaking did most of the work as Menasor held back and smirked at the sight of his old rivals taking a beating.Story page #2To fight back, the Autobots had to take the threat posed by Menasor and the other combiners into consideration and develop appropriate countermeasures.Story page #4

In an "imaginary tale" that proposed an alliance between the Stunticons, Aerialbots, Combaticons and Protectobots, a version of Menasor was formed who had Vortex for a right arm,Streetwiseas his left arm,Grooveas his right leg, and Fireflight as his left leg.Story page #5

The Headmasterscartoon
Voice actor:Hōchū Ōtsuka,Tomomichi Nishimura(Japanese)
"Made... In... China...?"

The Stunticons participated in Galvatron's siege on Cybertron in the year 2011. They formed Menasor to fight their Autobot counterparts, but were steamrolled by the might and firepower of theBattleship Maximus.Returning to Earth, they were deployed to stop what appeared to be an attempt by the Aerialbots to steal a cache of Decepticon energon in the desert, but this was a feint to keep them busy and prevent them from interfering in Hot Rod's quest for the missingMatrix of Leadership.Realizing they had been had, the team formed Menasor and sped to Hot Rod's location in the Arctic, but Superion followed and took Menasor down despite his attempt to use Hot Rod as a shield.The Mystery of Planet Master

InSan Francisco,Menasor assisted Bruticus in usinga carnivorous plantto distract the Autobots fromScorponok's plans onZarak.He fought against theTechnobots' combined form,Computron.Head On!! Fortress MaximusMuch later, the Stunticons assembled in the desert as their Ninja CommanderSixshotbegan issuing orders. They formed Menasor and took part in the escalating Decepticon war effort as five separate Autobot outposts were attacked simultaneously at Sixshot's command.The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg

he got hit with a getsuga tensho

Following the Decepticons' apparent expulsion from Earth, Menasor was among the group who secretly did not leave the planet, but who instead withdrew to the sub-oceanic city ofLemuria,where he oversaw the processing ofcrysmagnetalfor Scorponok's fiendishDeath Towers.Following the towers' deployment, he joined the entire Decepticon army in battling the Autobots at the North Pole, where he would have killedDaniel Witwickyif Sixshot hadn't intervened on the boy's behalf, charging the combiner head-on and toppling him. When Scorponok's plan was foiled, Menasor escaped into space along with the rest of the Decepticons as the battle climaxed.The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)

Voice actor:Masato Hirano(Japanese)
Those racecars are, like, 50 stories tall.

Menasor was among theNine Great Demon Generalsrecruited by the Decepticons' newestEmperor of Destruction,Violengiguar.Outfited with new armor and weaponry—including a giant shield that he could sling at his enemies, and some kind of funky transparent-green Phantom-of-the-Opera-lookin' half-face mask—Menasor was somewhat dubiously christened the "Intelligence General" of the group, and sent forth to conquer planets in pursuit of Violengiguar's goal of creating aDecepticon Zone.Zone Part 1At some point, the Generals schooledMetrotitanand theMetrosquadin the ways of evil, making them more than formidable foes for thePowered Masters.Zone Part 7

Together with Overlord and Abominus, Menasor laid waste to the world of Feminia, destroying the entire planet and nearly killing Autobot leader Star Saber. With the Autobots left in disarray, Violengiguar gathered all nine of his generals together and instructed them to gather the energy sources necessary for him to create a Decepticon Zone: the Energon Z of planet Zone, and the mysteriousZodiac,concealed on Earth. Menasor joined Overlord, Abominus and Bruticus in attacking Zone; the armament of the Autobots' Zone Base was no match for the giants, and Menasor smashed theGasoline Basecomponent to pieces with his huge shield. Overlord tore the Energon Z power core out of Zone Base, and the team immediately departed to redenzvous with the other generals and hand over the Energon Z so they could take it with them to Earth.Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

e-HOBBY comics

Menasor was charging into battle against the Autobots when the dimensional intruderGrand Scourgesuddenly dropped in through a tear in space-time. Menasor cared little about the new arrival's identity, moving in to crush him immediately. But with a single swift blow of Grand Scourge'sMatrix Breakersword, Menasor was split into his individual components. The Stunticons were then forced to combine with Grand Scourge, save Motormaster, who fled in terror.Decepticon Dark Commander Grand Scourge

Generations Selects Special Comic

In2050,Menasor and the Decepticons joined the revolution of theSelectorsagainst their human masters. TheQuintessonsand theTerrorconssided with the humans, andAbominusattacked all while craving Angolmois Energy. In battle with a scrambled version ofComputron,Abominus crashed into Bruticus and Menasor and stole some of their limb components to make an even stronger version of himself.Abominus comic 2

TV Magazinecomic continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformerscomic
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In the late 1980s, under orders fromMegatron,Menasor joined theSeekersin an energy raid onTokyo.Though challenged byOptimus Primeand a unit of Autobots, Menasor made short work of them by punching all he could in the face with his giant fist. His evil was bested, however, when Prime drove up a ramp and punchedhimin the face. The blow was powerful enough to force him to retreat.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #1

Menasor later attacked a baseball stadium whereKenjiwas on a date, intending to turn it into a new Decepticon base. Kenji quickly summonedDefensorandSuperionto battle the Decepticon, but Menasor was immediately aided byBruticus.After a short skirmish, Decepticon victory seemed in the bag until Menasor got his legs knocked off.GrooveandBladesthen latched onto the stumps and blasted Menasor away, dumping him in the Pacific Ocean, far away from Japan.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5

The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers

The Stunticons joined the entire Decepticon army in a raid onFeminiato capture thePrime Energy Tower.Menasor was formed along withPredaking,DevastatorandBruticusto oppose the Autobot battalion guarding the tower; they were met by the Autobots' own big soldiers Superion, Defensor and Omega Supreme, but with the addition of Predaking to the fray, the Autobots were soon outnumbered. TheOmnibotswere there to save the day, tying Predaking's legs together and causing him to topple over and crush Menasor and the other combiners under his weight.The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #5

The Great Transformer War
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After tearing Superion into his component Aerialbots, the Stunticons merged into Menasor and joined Bruticus in defendingDinobaseagainst incursion by the Protectobots. While his men kept the pair busy,Hot Spotused his repair bay mode to fix up the injured Aerialbots, who then blinded the giants with their dazzling "Scramble Shot" fly-by attack.The Great Transformer War #1

Super-God Masterforcecomic

The image of Menasor was among a group of holograms of older Decepticons projected byKing Poseidonto deceive and confuse the Autobots underGinrai's command.Burn, Chokon! New Commander Super Ginrai!


Menasor was among theNine Great Demon Generalsrecruited by the Decepticons' newestEmperor of Destruction,Violengiguar.Outfited with new armor and weaponry—including a giant shield that he could sling at his enemies, and some kind of funky transparent-green Phantom-of-the-Opera-lookin' half-face mask—Menasor was somewhat dubiously christened the "Intelligence General" of the group, and sent forth to conquer planets in pursuit of Violengiguar's goal of creating aDecepticon Zone.Zone Part 1At some point, the Generals schooledMetrotitanand theMetrosquadin the ways of evil, making them more than formidable foes for thePowered Masters.Zone Part 7

Following the generals' successful destruction of the planet Feminia, which badly wounded current Autobot leaderVictory Saber,a team consisting of Menasor, Bruticus,AbominusandOverlordattacked the leaderless AutobotMicromasterson the planetZoneand stole theirEnergon Zpower source, a key component in Violengiguar's plan. As they came under an intimidating amount of firepower fromZone Base,they feld with their prize; the Autobots tried to pursue them into space, but were stopped byBlackZarakand his energy web.Zone

Full Throttle Scramble Power!

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On a mission to steal energy from a power plant, the Stunticons formed Menasor to fight off the interfering Superion. With Superion weakened by a blast from the Decepticons' new electromagneticOmega Wave Cannon,Menasor reconfigured his limbs, positioning Drag Strip and Wildrider as his arms for aDouble Graviton Gunattack that pinned the Aerialbot down. Unfortunately for Menasor, Metroplex and the other Autobots soon arrived, and the sight of the giant city-bot left the Stunticon combiner momentarily stunned, allowing Superion to right himself. Superion disengaged Slingshot, who knocked Wildrider loose from Menasor and took his place, immobilizing the Decepticon so that Superion could stomp him into defeat.Full Throttle Scramble Power!

The Animated Movie

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During theBattle of Autobot Cityin 2005, Menasor and Bruticus staged an attack onAutobot Headquarters,occupying the attentions of Omega Supreme, Superion and Defensor and preventing them from coming to the aid of their comrades in the besieged city.The Animated Movie trade paperback

Wings Universe

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Wings Universeis based on theGeneration 1 cartoon,but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

After Cybertron entered its new Golden Age, the war between the Autobots and Decepticons still raged in space and on Earth. Menasor was permanently destroyed in battle with his nemesis,Defensor.Only Breakdown, acting as one of the giant's legs at the time, managed to survive the colossal damage Menasor suffered. He swore revenge against the last survivingProtectobot,Streetwise,dedicating himself to finishing the destruction his team had started.Generation 2: Redux

MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Events from theUK-onlycomic stories are in italics.
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Menasor first appeared in a series of dreams experienced byBuster Witwicky,in which the young boy saw the Decepticon combiner ambush Superion while the Autobot was distracted after defeatingShockwavein combat, only to be beaten back and buried in a landslide. Realizing in short order that these dreams were, in fact, visions of the future granted to Buster by theCreation Matrixhis brain had briefly housed, the Autobots and Decepticons devised a way to peer into his mind. In this dream-vision, they watched as the Stunticons formed Menasor to combat the Protectobots as they attempted to save humans at thePullen Power Plant.Menasor found himself physically outmatched by the Protectobot gestalt Defensor, but back-up soon arrived in the form of Bruticus. While Defensor and Bruticus grappled, Superion arrived to engage Menasor; unfortunately for the Stunticon combiner, his personality problems handicapped him, with Dead End taking objection to being ordered about, leading to him firing his weapons too late to hit Superion and accidentally blasting Bruticus instead. Menasor attempted to flee, but Superion stopped his flight by opening a crevasse under his feet with hisstress fracture cannon.Second Generation!The Special Teams Have Arrived

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Using these dreams as a blueprint,the Decepticons constructed the Stunticons and imbued them with life via one ofBombshell'scerebro-shells,which siphoned off the energies of the Creation Matrix asOptimus Primeused it to bring the similarly created Aerialbots to life. When the two teams subsequently met in battle over the Autobot namedSkidsand his human passenger,Donny Finkleberg,they merged into Menasor and Superion for the first time. The two gargantuan gladiators shattered a freeway overpass (or was it an entrance ramp...?) before engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Unfortunately for the Autobots, the ever-unhelpful robot hunter namedCircuit Breakerentered the fray forRAATand zapped Superion, temporarily overloading his circuitry and allowing Menasor to administer the coup-de-grace, courtesy of hiscyclone gun.Skids and Finkleberg disappeared in the melee, though, forcing the Stunticons to disconnect and begin searching for them anew.Heavy Traffic!

Later, Menasor attacked aBlackrockfuel plant, once again drawing the attention of the Aerialbots.Silverboltand his team were forced to combine into Superion in order to battle the united Stunticons. Unfortunately for Silverbolt, this meant his teammates learned about his fear of heights due to the mental bleedover. Ashamed, he caused Superion to fight back extremely savagely against Menasor, almost injuring innocent civilians in the process....Perchance to Dream

Marvel UK future timelines

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In2008,the renegade DecepticonsScourgeandCyclonusteamed up with the freelance peacekeeping agent namedDeath's Headto assassinate CommanderShockwave.Cut off from the battle by a set of blast doors,Soundwavesummoned Menasor to help him break through and deal with the traitors. The super-robot eventually succeeded, but it was too late. Shockwave was dead, and the Decepticons were forced to accept Scourge and Cyclonus as their new leaders.The Legacy of Unicron!

The Special Teams

A malfunction in the systems of the Autobots' new combiner team, the Aerialbots, caused them to briefly defect to the Decepticons, but when they returned to the Autobot ranks, Megatron was inspired to compensate for their loss by creating the Stunticons. After Starscream collected the freshly-created Stunticons from Cybertron, Megatron ordered them all to rendezvous with the rest of the Decepticon force at the recently evacuatedPullen Power Plant.The Stunticons merged into Menasor to smash through the Protectobots guarding the plant, but Menasor was unprepared for the Protectobots' own ability to combine into Defensor. Bruticus soon arrived to back him up, but Superion then join the fray; Menasor and Superion squared off, with the Aerialbot combiner successfully damaging Menasor's armor with his stress fracture cannon. Having taken enough lumps for one day, Menasor disengaged into the individual Stunticons and fled.The Special Teams

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

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Menasor was one of several combiner robots based on the original prototype,Devastator.He existed as the combined form of Motormaster's Stunticons, but was effectively forced into retirement by theCrisis Intervention Accord,which outlawed the use of super-robots among the factions.War Within: The Dark Ages

At some point in Cybertron's recent history, the Stunticons were deemed psychotic and too dangerous to function in society, and as a result were placed into perpetual stasis lock inside of aprison facility,much to the relief of security officerRed Alert.More than Meets the Eye #6However, in the year 2003, in an attempt to create a diversion while he set his final plans in motion,ShockwavehadRumbleandFrenzysurreptitiously release the Stunticons, unleashing Menasor on an unsuspecting world once again. The deranged combiner ran amok for a while, crushing Defensor and the Wreckers when they tried to stand in his way, untilUltra Magnusarrived and took up the fight. Insulting the individual Stunticons as he battled, Magnus was able to fracture Menasor's mind, causing the five Stunticons' consciousnesses to began to bickering inside his head over whose fault it was that they were losing. Temporarily paralyzed by this mental turmoil, Menasor was left wide open, and Ultra Magnus rammed the combiner in the chest, forcing him to separate into his disabled component parts.Passive Aggression

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

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When a group ofG.I. JoeandCobramembers ran into the Stunticons in 1930'sChicago,Optimus Primewarned them about the existence of Menasor. Thankfully, Motormaster wasn't around to form the giant.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2

After the Stunticons were recruited intoSerpent O.R.'s army, Menasor attacked an Autobot peace ceremony, teaming up withPredakingandPiranaconto defeatOmega Supreme.The Art of War #3He then tracked down Optimus Prime, stomped on acivilianOptimus had just saved, and deliveredReflectorto pass a message on to the Autobot leader.The Art of War #4

The Beast Within

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Just as the Decepticons were on the brink of a great victory over the Autobots, the tables turned when theDinobotsrevealed their long-hidden combined form,The Beast.This misshapen monstrosity's raw power struck fear in all the Decepticons, but the Constructicons, Combaticons and Stunticons found the courage to combine and counter-attack. When the Beast effortlessly felled Bruticus and Devastator, however, Menasor thought twice about going through with an attack, and instead cowered before the monster, begging for mercy. But the Beast had none: it seized Menasor, lifted him above its head, and tore him to pieces.The Beast Within

Mystery of Convoy

For further information, see:#Games


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One of a higher-dimensionalMegatron's many pawns in a "game full of death and suffering",Menasor was empowered to be pitted against anavatarof a higher-dimensionalOptimus Prime,alongside endless hordes of other Decepticons.To Die Game!

Mystery of Convoystrategy guide manga

The five Stunticons confronted Ultra Magnus as he reached the end of theFloating City,combining into Menasor and opening fire on the Autobot. Magnus leapt over their blasts and returned fire, striking the combiner's weak point: the flashing spot in the middle of his forehead.Menasor's Weak Point is His Forehead!

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance:Transformers#5
Menasor's only purpose in IDW fiction is get beaten up by everyone and everything.

Gestalt technology was the product ofNexus Prime'sEnigma of Combinationin the ancient past ofCybertron,and when it was lost, many dedicated themselves to rediscovering it.The CruciblePerhaps the most unexpected success was that accomplished bySwindle,who stole what little of the technology had been re-engineered, reunited the scattered Stunticons after they were left behind on Earth following the Decepticon evacuation of the planet, and gave them the ability to combine into Menasor. Keeping his accomplishment a secret, Swindle forged a phoney alliance with a splinter group of Autobots led by Hot Rod, but once they had completed construction of the spacecraft to take them off Earth, he revealed his intent to steal the ship and kill the Autobots, and had the Stunticons merge into Menasor before their horrified eyes.Enemies of the SystemFortunately for the Autobots, the combination wasn't seamless, and the Stunticons were left with individualized consciousnesses instead of a gestalt Menasor mind.Unfortunately for Swindle's chosen first target,Ultra Magnus,they didn't disagree about killing him...onlyhowto kill him. The arrival ofOptimus Primegave Menasor momentary pause, long enough forBumblebeeto recognize how uncoordinated Menasor's mind(s) was, and instruct the Autobots on exploiting that weakness. By selectively targeting the individual Stunticon components, the Autobots forced them to think of their own safety instead of Menasor's, making the giant easy prey. He was overwhelmed by their firepower, and broken down into separate Decepticons before capture.Earthworks

The Stunticons' makeshift combination would never function again, but represented a further step in the continuing rediscovery of the technology; Shockwave studied the records of his creation,Shockpointwhich fed into the Decepticons' subsequent perfection of the process.Before the DawnWhenStarscreamlater took rulership of Cybertron, he encouragedWheeljackto help him create a functioning combiner of his own, citing Menasor as a particularly worrisome example of a combiner created by an unlikely source.The World of Tomorrow

Basically the only time that Menasor posed a threat to anyone... for about five minutes or so.

Aftera particularly humiliating defeatresulted inWildriderleaving the Stunticons, Offroad was brought in to replace him. As the Stunticons were explaining to him how they operated, they were approached by Swindle, who piqued their interest by showing them that he had with him the Enigma of Combination.First ContactBeforehand, Starscream had also arranged forBlackjackto join the Stunticons, fully aware that the cop's anger issues would affect the personality of a combiner...The Sum and Its Parts

After using the Enigma to upgrade Menasor—allowing the Stunticons to properly merge their minds—the Stunticons combined, and accompanied Swindle to the colony world ofCaminus,ready to steal anything of value from its people.First ContactHe appeared in front of theAlpha Squadronto menace his enemies and whenone of themtried to arrest him, he stomped the poor bot flat. By this point Swindle realized Starscream had arranged for the Stunticons to play villains so that he could take them down and become the "savior" of Caminus, but his attempts to convince Menasor to stand down were in vain due to Blackjack's influence, which turned the combiner into an unhinged, raging monster. Menasor made short work of both Camien defenders and Starscream's reinforcements from Cybertron, but was finally brought down when Starscream and Optimus Prime deployed the Autobot combinerSuperion,whose mental stability prevailed over Menasor's blind rage.The Sum and Its Parts

The Stunticons and Swindle were incarcerated in Starscream's secret prison while Starscream built relations with the Camiens.You, Me, and the UniverseHowever, in the interim,Prowland the Constructicons returned to Cybertron and tried to useDevastatorto forcibly sever contact between Cybertron and Caminus, only to bet thwarted when Starscream created the Autobot combinerDefensor.The Possible LightMistakes and MayhemMeanwhile, Starscream's advisorRattrap,also not wanting Starscream to form a Cybertronian empire, was colluding with Prowl. While Starscream gained Devastator's loyalty, Rattrap freed Swindle to cause a distraction while Rattrap freed Prowl. Swindle graciously complied, breaking out the Stunticons and proceeding to lie to them and several Decepticons that a better life awaited them on Caminus. The Stunticons combined into Menasor, leading the charge to Metroplex's space bridge chamber. Menasor tried to enter the portal only for Devastator to oppose him; Defensor and Superion soon joined the four-way fray. During the ensuing clash, a stray shot from Swindle hit the space bridge's control panel and destabilized the portal. Menasor and Superion fell through to an unknown, alien planet and were soon joined by Defensor and then Devastator, who demands that the other three calm down or else he would make them calm down. But then they were joined by the result of Prowl's machinations: the new combinerOptimus Maximus!You, Me, and the UniverseThe combiners fought as they travelled from planet to planet, and Menasor was subsequently knocked out by Defensor and dragged back to Cybertron, where Windblade and Chromia helped subdue him.All That Remains

Later, when theMistress of FlamewantedChromiareleased to Camien custody, she suggested Swindle or Menasor could be handed over instead to face justice for their crimes. Wanting to keep Menasor andBruticuson his side, Starscream opted to release Chromia.Heavy

Titanium SeriesMenasor toy bio

With the help of experimental technology, the gestalt frame of Menasor was unified into a singular body. While the dominant personality of this new body was Motormaster, the constant mental assault on him by the supressed personalities of his Stunticon teammates made Menasor little more than a destructive monster of rage and agony, making him unable to reach his potential to be the ultimate weapon.

Motormaster's control slipped only once in an occasion when Stunticons found themselves united in Menasor.Titanium Series Menasor

Kre-Oonline manga

WithBruticusandDevastator,Menasor attempted to place a giant bust ofMegatron's head atop the Decepticon's solar tower. However, the three were unable to work as a team and sent the tower collapsing on themselves.Megatron's Ambition!? The Solar Tower Is Built!

Ask Vector Prime

During the Battle forSherman DaminPrimax 096.0 Beta,Menasor attackedDefensorwhile the Autobot was attempting to evacuate the workers.Ask vector Prime, 2015/09/06

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Menasor was among the gathered Decepticons standing safely behindTrypticon's force field when the combined forces of the Autobots andG.I. Joecame calling.Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12

Prime Wars Trilogycartoons

Voice actor:Charlie Guzman(English)
"Hi, I'm Trypticon!"

The creation of Menasor and his ilk led to Optimus Prime's realization that the Transformers' civil war had become a never-ending arms race, one that could only end in Cybertron's destruction.Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars - Optimus Prime

Menasor andComputronfought one another, a fight that spilled over toCaminus.Menasor was able to put down his Autobot enemy for good, but was soon set upon byWindbladeandMaxima.Declaring that combiners were here to stay, he killed Maxima after she blasted him in the eye - but Maxima's sacrifice allowed Windblade to kill the combiner.The FallFor this incident, Windblade swore vengeance against the combiners and all who followed them.Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars - WindbladeMenasor's remains were brought back to Cybertron, where Starscream absorbed them into his giant super-combiner form.A War of Giants

For some reason or the other, Menasor andComputronwere later brought back to life. Probably due to theEnigma of Combination.Destruction's Dawn

Menasor assisted in the reconstruction efforts following the end of the Combiner Wars.Aftermath and RebirthWhenTrypticonattacked, he and the other Combiners were recruited by theMistress of Flameto search forFortress Maximus.Our Heroes RespondThey eventually reached theTitan,where Menasor got distracted by a flashing button and pressed it, inadvertently launching amissile.The Fight BeginsWhenVictoriontook control of Fortress Maximus's weapons and prepared to fire them at Trypticon, Menasor spoke up in protest, noting that the barrage would hitMetroplexas well, but was overruled.Overlord and Emissary


WhenMegatronarrived at Fortress Maximus and revealed the Mistress of Flame had perished, Menasor and the other Combiners assumed him responsible and attacked. Menasor managed to grab Megatron, but was forced to release him after taking a shot to the face from hisfusion cannon.Once Windblade arrived and the fight stopped long enough for Megatron to explain, Menasor fused with the other Combiners using the Enigma of Combination, turning Victorion into a super-Combiner.Desperate ActionsUnfortunately, they proved no match for Trypticon and were ultimately forced to separate again, though Menasor was quick to jump back into the fray. He and Computron attempted to attack Trypticon's foot to knock him off balance, later joining the others in attacking Trypticon's fortress mode from all sides.In Good HandsWhen Trypticon swallowed Victorion and the Enigma, he used its power to take control of Menasor and the other Combiners, forcing them to attack Maximus and Optimus Prime.ConsumedMenasor was freed form Trypticon's control after the Titan expelled the Enigma, and he bore witness to the return ofMegatronusand the death of Optimus. Believing he intended to restart the Decepticons, Menasor was all but ready to kill Megatron, but cooler heads eventually prevailed and he agreed to follow Megatron's lead in hopes of stopping Megatronus.All Things Must Pass

Unfortunately, while the others went searching for theRequiem BlasterinPrimal Swamp,Menasor and his team were cornered byOverlordandRodimus Cron.Though he refused to admit Megatron's whereabouts and tried to fight back, he was eventually restrained by Overlord, who forced him to watch as Rodimus destroyed each ofDevastator's limbs. Finally cracking, Menasor confessed where the others had gone, only for Rodimus to finish Devastator off and Overlord to crush Menasor's neck, killing him again, causing his spark to float away.Volcanicus

War for Cybertron Trilogycartoon

Teletraan I accurately predicts the Stunticons' release in thenext toyline.

Upon exiting theDead Universe,Teletraan Iwas immobilized while processing a massive data upload,Earthrise episode 6as he was seeing multiple visions of the future,Kingdom episode 5one of which included Menasor. AnArkmonitor would display the future data again after crash landing onEarth.Kingdom episode 1

Commercial appearances

G1commercial menasor vs superion.jpg
  • After some dramatic transforming and posing, the Stunticons and Aerialbots combined to do battle as Menasor and Superion. Superion evaded Menasor's firepower and closed in for a hand-to-hand fight, but Menasor was ready for the Aerialbot combiner and hurled him over his shoulder. Charging in to finish the job, however, Menasor was met by Superion's powerful fist and send reeling backwards to collide with a cliff-face, which collapsed and buried him.Aerialbots and Stunticons commercial
  • When Menasor was wreaking havoc in a human city, eitherSuperionorDefensorstepped forth to oppose him.Transformers Generations: Combiner Wars commercials


Transformers: Mystery of Convoy

Menasor, famous for... flying in place.

Menasor guards the end of theFloating City,in a great dark room with three hovering platforms, firing periodic laser blasts across the room. His armor makes him invulnerable to damage, except for one spot: a conveniently glowing multicolored spot on his forehead crest. Shot enough times there, and Menasor will fall.Transformers: Mystery of Convoy

Transformers: The Headmasters

HeadmastersNES chromedome vs menasor.jpg

When the Decepticons captured some of the Autobots' greatest warriors, Menasor andAbominusstood guard overHardheadandBrainstormon the Jail planet. They were defeated and their prisoners were rescued byChromedomeand the other freed Autobots.Transformers: The Headmasters

Transformers Legends

The Stunticons were created in response to the failure of a Decepticon campaign to acquire Autobot superfuel. Realizing they needed a strong ground force, the Stunticons were created by modifying Earth vehicles with Cybertronian technology, and then bringing them before Vector Sigma to be imbued with the spark of life. The Autobots brought the Aerialbots to life at the same time, and the Decepticons found themselves on the losing side until the Stunticons merged into Menasor. The Decepticons lost nonetheless, though they acquired the key to Vector Sigma as a consolation prize.The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1Upon discovering that the key could transform Earth's organic matter into metal, the Stunticons merged once more into Menasor to fight against the Aerialbots, who attempted to stop them from transforming Earth into a new Cybertron. Menasor was defeated by Superion.Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

Angry Birds Transformers

Menasor appears as the third Combiner, unlockable in Challenge Events or with a gem purchase. His head is Corporal Pig's.Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers Battle Circuit

Menasor, one of the "greatest Transformers of all time," was part of a Decepticon team that participated in a tournament on Cybertron. He faced off against a team of Autobots in a series of one-on-one matches. If he managed to defeat Bumblebee, Rodimus, Grimlock, Jetfire, and Optimus Prime, Menasor was declared to be the tournament's champion!Transformers Battle Circuit

Transformers: Battle Tactics

My optic sweep specials make me more ineffective at max level!

Menasor participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! Menasor could be recruited to a team if all of his components were at max level.Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Devastation

Voice actor:James Arnold Taylor

After being defeated by the Autobots while they tried to retrieve thePlasma Core,Motormaster brought out the rest of the Stunticons to form Menasor. The Autobots were able to get the better of the combiner, but he still tossed the Plasma Core to a waiting Insecticon that delivered it to Megatron (while rather petulantly complaining that no one defeated Menasor). Menasor appeared again on theProudstarto help Devastator stop the Autobots from reaching theFerrotaxis,but both of the combiners were sent plummeting over the ledge to their apparent doom.Transformers: Devastation

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirvideo game appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

Offroad not used, because Menasor doesn't want to seemtoo familiar

Menasor was formed after a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Rust Renegades, and Lugnut's betrayal so that he could revive Megatron. Motormaster vowed revenge, but the personalities of the Stunticons clashed, and Menasor couldn't exactly be controlled. Transformers: Earth Wars

Menasor can be formed once all 3 to 4 star Stunticons have been collected.

  • Class- Combiner
  • Weapons- Menasor swings around a large sword to heavily damage any building. His sword is capable of deflecting projectiles and damage. When up close, Menasor can also stomp on enemy defenses.
  • Abilities:
    • Blade Dash- Dash straight to a target and slash it for heavy damage
    • Kinetic Barrier- Spin your blade, reflecting 75% of all damage dealt to you and dealing damage to nearby enemies
    • Internal Conflict- Deal heavy damage and disable enemies over a large area while losing 20% of your max Health. If this ability kills you, disable the entire enemy base for 10–15 seconds
  • Cooldown:15 seconds to 20 seconds.

Menasor at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Menasor was the combined form of the Stunticons, and a monstrous force of nature to be reckoned with.Decepticon Directive


The Transformers

  • Menasor(1986,1990)
    • Japanese ID number:D-55
    • Accessories:Head, left & right fists, left & right feet,roller car/chest plate, "blast deflector" waist plate, Motormaster'scyclone gunandionizer sword,small Stunticons' individual guns, sticker sheets (both individual packs and giftset)
Menasor is formed out of all five Stunticon toys, with Motormaster serving as the central body component, and the four smaller team members as limbs, using additional attachments for Menasor's hands and feet, a mask for his head, waist armor, and a chestplate formed from the "roller car" figure included with Motormaster. He is armed with Motormaster's sword and cyclone rifle. As a "Scramble City"-style combiner, Menasor's limbs are fully interchangeable; any of his limb-components, or any members of the other compatible combiner teams, are able to form either an arm or leg for the giant. Menasor is the smallest, but sturdiest, of the Scramble City combiners.
Along with Metroplex, Superion, Bruticus, and Defensor, Menasor was designed for an abortedDiacloneline that would have been calledJizai Gattai( tự tại hợp thể "Limitless Combination" ), which was shelved to make way for theTransformersline. Menasor's five Stunticon components could be purchased either individually, or in a giftset. A Japanese "VS-A" set that would have packaged Menasor with Superion was planned, but went unreleased.
In his original release year of 1986, Menasor's five Stunticon components could be purchased either individually, or in agiftset.The individual Stunticons were later reissued inEuropeas part of theClassicsseries in 1990.

Generation 2

  • Menasor(unreleased)
    • Accessories:Head, left & right fists, left & right feet,roller car/chest plate, "blast deflector" waist plate, Motormaster's cyclone gun and sword, small Stunticons' individual guns
Redecosof all five Stunticons were planned for release in1994,but were canceled, with only a handful of test shots and production samples made, including a small run ofBreakdownsproduced as a1994 BotConexclusive. Given theGeneration 2toyline's handling of other combiners, it is unlikely Menasor would have been released as a giftset even if the individual figures had made it to retail.
While the number of collectors who ownGeneration 2Menasor is vanishingly small inthisuniverse, at least one collector inanotheruniversehas managed to snag himselfa set—Decepticon toy aficionadoShortround!
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Man. He looks like a rolling bruise.
  • Menasor(Ultra Class,2004?)
A redeco ofMachine WarsUltra ClassOptimus Prime(himself aretoolingof Generation 1Thunder Clash) as Menasor was planned as a store exclusive for theUniverse toyline,but was ultimately canceled. It was initially supposed to be Motormaster, but trademark issues forced a name change.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Menasor(Classic Legends,2007)
This black and purpleredecoofCybertronLegends of CybertronOptimus Primetransforms into a futuristic truck cab. It was intended to be Motormaster, but the nametrademarkcould not be obtained. The toy was given the name "Menasor", and the super robot's function of "Super Warrior," effectively making him Menasor, not Motormaster.
This mold was also used to makeUniverseHot Zone.

Titanium Series

  • Menasor(6 "Cybertron Heroes,2007)
    • Accessories:Rifle, display stand
AHasbro Toy Shopexclusivefirst sold atSan Diego Comic-Con2007, Menasor is a redeco of theTitanium SeriesRodimus Prime,transforming into a Cybertronic Winnebago-ish thing.
According to this Menasor's bio, he is a single entity built from the bodies of the individual Stunticons and controlled by their psychotic, permanently unified minds.


Now, where's my Trucker hat?
  • Menasor(Micro-Changer Combiner, 2013)
    • Set number:A7308
    • Pieces:90
Part of the third wave ofKreonMicro-Changercombiner sets, Menasor comes as a set of four component Kreons: Breakdown, Dead End, Drag Strip, and Motorbreath. The Kreons can be built into their robot modes or their vehicle modes, or they can be built into Menasor by taking them apart and combining their pieces.
Like the entire Micro Changer combiner sets, Menasor comes with only one Kre-O display brick, and a sticker sheet composed of his leg detailing and aKre-Ologo. Due to the leg stickers being slightly transparent, applying them into the black-colored leg parts can render the details being semi-transparent. The instructions also did not mention on where you should put theKre-Ologo sticker. Also, Menasor's combined mode's waist part is somehow prone to falling off from the assembly while posing, and he has a problem standing straight due to how the legs are constructed.
As Kreon combiners only involve four components,Kre-OBrake-Neckinstead ended up as a Series 4 blind-bagged figure. However he can built along with the gestalt if you have any creativity.

  • Combiner Robot Mega Pack(3-pack, 2016)
    • Set number:B6425
    • Pieces:245
3 years later, the 3 Micro-Changer combiners, Superion, Bruticus, and Menasor was reissued and released as a 3-pack. The toys were unchanged from their individual releases.

Combiner Wars

Still not Optimus Prime and the Autobots in cosplay...or is he?
  • Decepticon Dragstrip(Deluxe Class, 2015)
  • Dead End(Deluxe Class, 2015)
  • Motormaster(Voyager Class, 2015)
  • Breakdown(Deluxe Class, 2015)
  • Decepticon Offroad(Deluxe Class, 2015)
  • Brake-Neck(Deluxe Class, 2015)
  • Decepticon Blackjack(Legends Class, 2015)
    • Accessories:Sword (formed from Motormaster's sword and gun), 4 hands/feet, 4 small weapons
Part of theCombiner Warssubline,GenerationsMenasor is an entirely new mold Scramble City-style combiner made up of four Deluxe figures (Dragstrip,Breakdown,Dead End,and new memberOffroad) as limbs, a Voyager figure (Motormaster) as the torso, andBlackjackfor the chestplate. He can wield a large,5 mm postsword formed by connecting Motormaster's smaller sword to his gun and can also hold any of the Deluxe components' smaller weapons. He was announced atSan Diego Comic-Con2014along with fellow combiner Superion. His stock photo cleverly concealed an online listing image ofGenerationsHuffer and Blackjack. A few months after the other Stunticons' release,Brake-Neck(actually Wildrider, renamed due to trademark reasons) was announced and released shortly thereafter, intended to replace Offroad and complete the original Stunticon roster.
Menasor is considered the least-stable Combiner of the entireCombiner Warsline, due to the various design failures that plague Motormaster's design which will more likely than not cause him to fall apart. Such issues include but are not limited to: bad hip articulation due to poorly-designed ratchet joints which complicates his ability to stand any way other than straight and stiff (further complicated by the lack of ankle articulation necessary to compensate), shoulder mechanisms that come untabbed due to weak lock tolerances if the arms are moved, a problematic waist swivel caused by the skirt flap being attached to the stomach instead of the pelvis, and the inability to keep Blackjack securely attached to the chest due to incorrectly-molded sizing in the tabs. Although the hip ratchet problem was (slightly) resolved with an updated re-release of Motormaster that included remolded ratchets, the other problems were not addressed by the rerelease or subsequent redecos.
Although heavily based on the G1 design for Menasor, the Generations iteration of Menasor instructs the legs to be attached with the car body facing forward, as opposed to facing backwards like the G1 toy. Although the undersides of the Stunticons resemble the G1 toys enough to resemble the G1 design if attached backwards, doing so will rob Menasor of his functional knees, ironic due to the fact the reverse was done to give the G1 Menasor toy functioning knees.
As a part of the first and second wave promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for theAerialbotsandStunticonswas given out when purchasing any four Deluxe Class toys from those waves. As such, Menasor was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.[1]These sticker sheets did not include stickers for Brake-Neck or Blackjack, however.

Shortroundwould have a field day at this.
  • Menasor(Collection Pack, 2015)
    • Accessories:Sword, Stunticon weapons/extremities
Aredecoof theCombiner WarsStunticons, based on their cancelledGeneration 2toys.Well, okay,technically,this set is based onsomebody's digibashbased onsomebody's hand-painted recreationof the cancelledGeneration 2toys, including an erroneous purple and silverBreakdownand some other errors. This set replaces Offroad withBrake-Neck,and includesBlackjack.G2 Menasor is available as a box set, and comes with a collector card and a poster ofCombiner WarsG1 Menasor printed on cardstock paper, both presented inside an envelope.
This set's Motormaster has the improved hip ratchet joints.
The second set of stock photos shows Menasor ashideouslymistransformed in combined mode, and some shots also depicted the head with only one horn, the other being broken off.

Unite Warriors

Oh, no room for Offroad, huh? Well fine, I'll go build my own combiner! With Blackjack! And hookers!
  • Menasor(giftset,August 22,2015)
    • ID number:UW-02
    • Accessories:Sword (formed from Motormaster's sword and gun), 4 hands/feet, 4 small weapons
Takara'sUnite Warriorsiteration of Menasor was sold in a gift set including all five "Stuntrons" (minusthe Blackjack mold) with Wildrider (a retooled Dead End) included instead of Offroad. He has numerous changes in deco to better match his look in the Generation 1 cartoon. Most notably, Motormaster has more black on his vehicle mode, "Drag Stripe" has red details instead of purple, and Dead End lacks his usual gold stripe. The set also features some minor improvements to the original sculpts, such as improved hip-ratchets for Motormaster for increased stability. In addition, Breakdown's hand/foot/gun accessory (which was designed with the intended Sunstreaker redeco/retool in mind, doubling as his "supercharger" engine) was replaced with another version of Dragstrip's hand/foot/gun accessory, which also increases the symmetry for the hands and feet.
As the entirety of Motormaster is molded inswirly plastic,Menasor/Motormaster's waist can eventually crack and split the torso in half.
Printed on his instructions is the second chapter ofUnite Warriors Offshot.Undocumented in the instructions,Unite WarriorsMenasor's chest can attachAdventureRunabout(or his mold mates Blackjack and Rodimus) on his combined mode chest.
The giftset also included a collector commemorative coin when purchased in select retailers outside Japan.


ゴゴゴゴ (Menacing)
The first combiner figure released in the mainGenerationsline sincePower of the Primes,LegacyMenasor is based heavily on the character's appearance in the original Generation 1 cartoon. To match this design—which depicted the Stunticons as if they were simply hanging off Menasor's limbs, rather than actually forming the limbs themselves—the toy features a very unconventional combination method that involves Motormaster's trailer splitting into five combiner-body pieces—two arms, two legs, and a torso—to which the individual Stunticons attach. When attached to the arm pieces, hidden buttons on the arm Stunticons are pressed that allow them to split in two, giving Menasor a full range of elbow articulation; the leg Stunticons, meanwhile, activate an auto-transform feature in the leg pieces themselves, closing up the front of the leg to "complete" its appearance. Motormaster himself forms the upper block of the chest and the head. Nearly every one of Menasor's joints is constructed using strong ratchets, adding a great deal of stability to him overall.
Hasbro China Tmall Exclusive Legacy Menasor Boxset.jpg
As the other Stunticons themselves do not actually play a role in the combination process, it is possible—and indeed, advertised on the back of Motormaster's packaging—to combine most of the trailer pieces into a skeletal, incomplete Menasor even if you don't have any of the limb-bots. Unlike past toys of Menasor, theLegacyStunticons are not interchangeable, each designed to form a specific limb; at most, you can swap the legs, Breakdown and Wild Rider, for one another. Although theLegacyStunticons are not designed to be reverse-compatible with the olderCombiner Warsfigures, Motormaster's combination system featuresCombiner Warsjoint-sized recesses, which technically allow anyCombiner Wars-compatible figure to be used as a leg for Menasor, although the connectedCombiner Warsleg will not secure inside the recess and not scale properly if used with a native Menasor leg. The middle portion of Motormaster's trailer is also not involved in the combination.Age of the PrimesSuperionmakes use of the same frame system as Menasor, and can swap his parts with him. (However, the bots that connect to the frames cannot be attached to the other combiner’s ones.) Both of his shins share identical detailing due to the scrapped original plan for Breakdown to be a straight redeco of Wildrider with zero retooling.
His forearms have molded details based on his arm blasters from "Masquerade".
According to designerJohn Warden,he devised the basics of this unique combination scheme with Shogo Hasui, passing a napkin back and forth as they split a hamburger.[2]
In January 2023, the entirety of Menasor was sold as a boxset exclusive to Hasbro China's Tmall store. It contained all 5 components, unchanged and in their original packaging, inside of a larger box decorated with an illustration of Menasor. The set came with an enamel pin based on the combiner's original G1 box illustration. The set was limited to 100 copies.

  • Stunticon Menasor(Giftset,2023)
Released as a giftset, "Stunticon Menasor" is formed from five redecos of the aboveLegacyfigures, this time based on their original 1986 toy decos. Out of the five figures, onlyBreakdownreceived an optional alternate head to match his toy design.
Menasor's five components were revealed at San Diego Comic Con 2023, and sold in aHasbro Pulseexclusive giftset. Said giftset features a similar layout to the original Generation 1 Menasor boxset, and even includes a bio and tech specs on the back. Neat!
The set itself went up for pre-order onAugust 1st.


Transformers Ramune

Ramune menasor keshi.jpg
  • Menasor(1986)
    • ID number:3
An unpainted figurine of Menasor was available as part of the second range ofKabaya's line ofTransformers Ramunecandy toys,tying in with theScramble Citytoyline. Like all figures in the series, Menasor was sold in ablindpackedbox with fizzy "ramune" candy, and featured a main body was made of hard red plastic, with soft grey PVC limbs articulated at the hips and shoulders.
  • Menasor(1986)
Later in 1986, in the thirdRamunewave, Menasor was among the characters immortalized as a soft rubber figurine, known as akeshigomuin Japan. He was available in either red, blue, or yellow colors, and as before, came blindpacked with ramune candy. While similar to the separate range ofkeshigomufigures released by Takara that would later be imported by Hasbro as part of theirDecoypromotion, Menasor and his wave-mates saw no American release.

Forms Robo

  • Menasor(1986)
Menasor was also part of the smallForms Robocollection of largerkeshigomu,with this chunkier version of the character standing at around twice the height of hisRamunefigure. Like the other figures in this series, Menasor was packaged in an individual baggie and was available in red, blue, green, and yellow.

Gaia Scramble/Transformers Gum

Kabaya menasor.jpg
  • Menasor(2013)
This incarnation of Menasor is formed by combining the separate Stunticons available in two ofKabaya's lines ofcandy toys:Dead End, Breakdown, Drag Strip and Wildrider were available as part of theGaia Scrambleline, while Motormaster was released through theTransformers Gumline. All five figures are snap-together model kits that use stickers for details and come with a stick of gum; Dead End and Breakdown share a mold, as do Drag Strip and Wildrider, each kit affecting minor differences in how they are assembled to differentiate the figures beyond color, which, aside from Motormaster, bear no resemblance to any previous established color schemes for the Stunticons.

Transformers Trading Card Game

One of the titularcombinersfrom theTransformers Trading Card GameWave 2: Rise of the Combiners, Menasor, Menacing Colossus can be formed by playing the Action cardStunticon Enigmawhile the Character cards for all fiveStunticonsare in Bot Mode while on the battlefield and/or the KO area.
Menasor, Menacing Colossus' art is based on theCombiner Warsversion of Menasor, withOffroadreplacingWildrider.Like the Combiner Wars version of Menasor,Blackjackis depicted as a chestplate despite not being included in the card set.

Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Superion and Menasor.jpg
Released as part of the sixth wave of thee-HOBBYexclusiveTransformers Character Cardseries, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art ofSuperion(with his componentsFireflight,Skydive,Silverbolt,Air RaidandSlingshot) and Menasor (withhiscomponentsDead End,Breakdown,Motormaster,WildriderandDrag Strip) along withcharacter profilesandtech specs.


Menasor got dressed in a rush this morning.
  • Menasor'sinstructionsandpackage artdepict Drag Strip and Breakdown as his arms, and Wildrider and Dead End as his legs, while thecharacter modelused for the cartoon and comic—which has gone on to become the "default" arrangement for Menasor in most subsequent media—makes Drag Strip and Dead End the arms, and Breakdown and Wildrider the legs. An alternate model, designed byStudio OXfor theTV Magazinemanga and story pages, seen at the top of this article, makes Drag Strip and Wildrider the arms, and Breakdown and Dead End the legs. Drag Strip's the only one in the same place in every configuration!
  • An alternate animation character sheet from the original cartoon exists for Menasor. It features all of the limbs in different orientations (the arms upside-down, the legs upside down and reversed with the car sides facing front) from the final modelandthe chest sports an Autobot symbol, suggesting, perhaps, that the Stunticon and Aerialbot toy factions may have originally been the other way around. This model was used for the toycommercialwhich appeared to introduce the Stunticons and Aerialbots, though with the faction symbol corrected.
  • The animators frequently misinterpreted Menasor's character model in the original cartoon. Instead of having the four small Stunticons as his actual limbs (with, for example, his fist directly attached to Drag Strip's form), he was drawn as though the four cars attached on top of generic blocky limbs that extended from Motormaster.
    • Menasor's original design featured in IDW'songoing seriesfeatures a modified version of this idea; Motormaster's separating parts form the torso, forearms, hands, and feet of Menasor's body, with the Stunticons filling the missing gaps in the body. When Menasor returned after being rebuilt by the Enigma of Combination, his design was altered to resemble the toy featured in the concurrently runningCombiner Warstoyline, and returns to the traditional combiner limb setup.
    • Conversely, Menasor's appearance inTransformers: Devastationcombines his classic Generation 1 andCombiner Warsdesigns. While combining, the Stunticons instead attach directly on top of Motormaster's limbs before merging with them to form Menasor's limbs. The resulting Menasor design uses the torso and arms from his G1 design, and uses the CW design for the legs, chest and head. Offroad is featured in this design instead of Wildrider, and although he does not appear with the Stunticon grouping prior to combining or when Menasor briefly separates, Blackjack takes the place of the Roller Car on Menasor's chest, materializing directly from Motormaster himself.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Menasor(メナゾールMenazōru,メナソーMenasō)
  • French:Menaseur(Canada, limb cards and cartoon),Confusio(Canada, Motormaster's box)
  • Italian:Pentacar(toyline and season 3),Ultrax(cartoon)
  • Mandarin:Fēitiān Hǔ( phi thiên hổ, "Flying Tiger" )
  • Portuguese:Ameaçador(Brazil comic)
  • Russian:Megasaur(МегазаврMegazavr)
  • Polish:Minozaury(Minosaurs)


  1. Aerialbot and Stunticon sticker promotion on Seibertron
  2. "I remember famously splitting a hamburger Hasui, I tell this story all the time, where we went to a bar and grill and the hamburger was too big, and so we split it down the middle, and we were drawing on napkins having a back-and-forth to each other, and during that meeting we devised the idea of how to make Menasor. He would have to be this Commander class character flanked by a bunch of Deluxes." —John Warden, TFW2005, "SDCC 2024 Hasbro Interview – John Warden’s Return, Generations, Studio Series, Combiners, More!", 2024/08/03
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