Motorarm (BW)
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This article is about the Maximal fromBeast Wars II.For the Autobot fromAnimated,seeMotorarm (Animated). |
- Motorarm is aMaximalJointronfrom theBeast Wars IIportion of theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Motorarm(モーターアームMōtāāmu) is the middle child of the cheerfulJointronbrothers. He belongs to theTriusstable in theUniversal Sumo Associationand is training with his brothers to help with his excitable nature, as counterproductive as it is.
His strength is enough to lift Megastorm barehanded and his Magma Horn can melt any object, but his inability to focus on anything but partying ultimately gives his opponent an edge.
Motorarm canjoinwith his fellow Jointron brothers to formTripledacus.
Contents |
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Beast Wars IIcartoon
- Voice actor:Daisuke Ishikawa(Japanese)
Along with his brothersDJandGimlet,Motorarm was sent by Maximal command to the planetTrius.However, their ship ran into problems and they were forced to land on the nearest planet:Gaia.Evacuating the ship before anybody else could find them, they later ran into thePredaconsandMaximalsstationed on Gaia in their combined form,Tripledacus.After initially thinking the Maximals were Predacons, they realized their mistake and split into their individual selves, introducing themselves as theJointronsto the other Maximals. However, the three's eccentric behavior didn't endear themselves to Lio Convoy's group. Unconcerned about this, they sought to use their might to defeat the Predacons and flew out without informing the other Maximals. The Jointrons faced against a Predacon force as Tripledacus and weren't faring well tillLio Convoy,Scuba,andApachecame to add their firepower to the battle. After the Predacons retreated, the Jointrons claimed all the credit.The Combined Giant, Tripledacus
Still intent on handling the Predacons on their own, the Jointrons took over a Maximal shuttle and turned it into a party house, to the annoyance of Apache. Disabling the shields and shooting out a flare to lure the Predacons to their position, they managed to lure inDirgeandThrust,who leftAutorollerbackup outside. The twoCombatronswere treated to the Jointrons' friendly hospitality—massive amounts ofoilthat impaired their already poor judgment. Using the excuse that they were bringing oil to the Autorollers, the Jointrons combined into Tripledacus, and, with Lio Convoy's help, chased away the Autorollers. Afterwards, the Combatron duo were forced to surrender—a victory for the Jointrons!The Festive Jointrons
Again eager to take down the Predacons, Motorarm and his brothers went out on patrol for them, coming across a trap that they dumpedTasmania KidandDiverto check out. Soon, they came acrossStarscreamandBB,who attacked them with a "bacteria bomb"that struck DJ and Motorarm with bacteria that sapped them of energy. The three attempted to combine, but Gimlet's germaphobia prevented any cohesion, and they were left at the mercy of the Predacons. After the other Maximals came to the rescue as the"Jointron II",and Lio Convoy made a speech about how they could overcome this challenge if they shared energy, the Jointrons managed to combine and sent Starscream and BB fleeing.A Fearsome Combination Plan?
On another day, the Jointrons were sent on patrol with Diver and Tasmania Kid, who brought up the question of justwhothe leader in the trio was. Naturally, each one made a claim for themselves, with Motorarm noting that he was the strongest, among other qualities. Their competition brought them to the attention of the Predacons, who sought to capture the Jointrons to study their combination abilities. To handle the Predacons, the Jointrons took off on their own in a Maximal shuttle, but the intervention of Tasmania Kid caused them to crash. In the following battle, the brothers agreed that whoever was most successful against the Predacons would lead, but they all ended up captured and required the other Maximals to step in and rescue them. Afterwards, they reconsidered their silly argument and combined into Tripledacus to repel the Predacons.Who Is the Leader!?
The Jointrons were left behind on Gaia's eastern continent while Lio Convoy's troop returned to the northern continent. Later, during their patrol of the nearby ocean, they foundBighornpining forScyllaand agreed to help in the sake of love. As part of a plan where Bighorn would "rescue" Scylla and be hailed as a knight in shining armor, the Jointrons sent a fake letter to Scylla, imploring her to come toTengu Cliff.When she arrived, expectingScuba,she was met by the masked Jointrons, who stuffed her into a bag and went off to rendezvous with Bighorn. Their plan hit a snag when they were spotted by Starscream and BB, who fired upon them and Bighorn. The trio were also spotted bySea PhantomandTerrormander,who realized that they had their teammate. When the furious Scylla informed the Jointrons that she was one of the Space PirateSeacons,the three agreed to bring her to Lio Convoy to get "credit". Their new plan didn't succeed, as they were soon caught between the Predacons and the Seacons who attacked them before; after dropping Scylla down a hill, they resorted to defending themselves. When the remaining Seacons showed up, the three combined into Tripledacus and fought againstGod Neptune.With the aid of the other Maximals, the pirate combiner was sent tumbling into the sea, and the Jointrons rejoiced over their "victory" against a quintuple combiner.Face the Setting Sun
While somehow out in Gaia's orbit, the Jointrons fought the Seacons, but their battle was interrupted by the passingteleport gate.Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!DJ, Gimlet, and Motorarm later tried to deal with the eruptions ofAngolmois Energycaused byNemesisby using boulders to block them. When they came across the other Maximals using cooling rays to freeze the Angolmois Energy, they got the idea to use an iceberg to seal a particular geyser that was threatening a nearby forest.The Great Angolmois Freezing TacticWhen the Maximals set up a launch to get to Nemesis, the Jointrons fused as Tripledacus to help hold off the Predacons before they could interrupt the launch. When the tip of the ramp was broken by the Predacons, Tripledacus used his strength to push it back to its original position and let Lio Convoy's Maximals successful leave Gaia's atmosphere.Fly Out! Planet Gaia
Beast Wars Diorama Story
Some time afterStarscreamfled fromprehistoricalEarth,Optimus Primaland a group of Maximals, includingCheetor,Dinobot,Rhinox,and a time-displacedColada,battled a contingent ofPredaconscomprisingMegatron,Waspinator,Blackarachnia,Archadis,andWolfangin a forest.Optimus Primal Chapter
Some time into the battle, a warp opened, bringing with itJazz,Ironhide,Starscream,Optimus Prime,andRatchet,who were all from anotheruniverse.TigatronandGimletalso joined the battle, and the Autobots and Maximals teamed up against the combined Predacon and Decepticon forces.Tigatron ChapterBlackoutlater appeared as well. As the battle raged, theMegatronfrom the other universe came in through the warp.Gimlet Chapter
Megatron brought alongBrawl,and the two Megatrons combined their troops into a fearsome force against the Autobots and Maximals. The Maximals' savior came in the form of Motorarm, who traveled across time to join the battle. Motorarm went on to battleTarantulas,who was then fended off by Motorarm's Beetle Cutter. The two factions then took formation against each other with the intention of combining their energies to attack the opposing side. With Motorarm leading the charge, the Maximals and the Autobots attacked first.Motorarm Chapter
Beast Wars Neocartoon
After the defeat ofUnicron,Motorarm, as part of Tripledacus, returned toCybertron,where he helped with reconstruction.Graduation Ceremony!!
Beast Wars IIcomic
When the Angolmois Energy-corrupted Lio Convoy fought Galvatron in the desolate city ofTokyo,Scubasent out a signal for assistance, which DJ, Gimlet, and Motorarm answered. As Tripledacus, they arrived just as Galvatron was beaten, but were knocked out of the sky by the malevolent Lio Convoy.Free the Captured Matrix!The Jointrons were later part of an assembledMaximalforce that took off in theYukikazeto reachNemesis.All hands survived the destruction of the ship by the Predacons and engaged their enemies in battle on the artificial planet's surface.All Hands, Make a Special Attack on the Evil Planet!
2006 IDWBeast Warscontinuity
In the past, Motorarm had grown weary of the ongoing wars between Cybertronians, and abandoned his post to instead join several various athletic federations throughout the galaxy, from which he gain incredible fame on top of physical prowess and amazing abilities through the mastery of martial arts from dozens of worlds. Not believing him to be a deserter, his fellow Jointrons asked him to return to Cybertron when the war reached a critical juncture. Disproving those who claimed he was a coward, he fought valiantly during the war thereafter and become one of the most decorated warriors in the Maximal army.Beast Wars Sourcebook #2
Motorarm was part of an Angolmois-induced riot onCybertron,following theTako Tankwhen it broke through a wall.The Ascending #4
Beast Wars
- Motorarm(モーターアーム, 1998)
- ID number:C-24
- Release date:1998July
- Accessories:"Utchari Claw" weapon
- Known designers:Yuichiro Hira(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Part of the sixth wave ofBeast Wars IIproducts in Takara'sBeast Warstoyline, Motorarm is aredecoof the HasbroBeast WarsRam Horn,transforming into an organic rhinoceros beetle. He is armed with a dual-bladed "Utchari Claw" weapon that tucks under his back-shell inbeast mode,and his "Magma Horn" (the main rhinoceros bettle horn). Inrobot mode,the Utachi Claw can be placed in his hand as a hand-held weapon.
- The dark, glossy plastics used on Motorarm's legs, arms, shell, and weapon eventually develop a mild variant ofGold Plastic Syndromewhere they lose all elasticity, but won't disintegrate on their own. Fractures will eventually develop near the ball joints and pulling out the bladed weapon stands a good chance of either shattering the weapon or the shell brackets that hold it in place.
- Motorarm forms the arms ofTripledacus,with the Utchari Claw forming half of the combiner's multi-claw weapon's base.
- Tripledacus(トリプルダクス, 1998)
- ID number:X-3
- Release date:1998July
- Accessories:"Utchari Claw" weapon
- The three Jointrons were also made available in a gift set, also released in the sixth wave ofBeast Wars IItoys.
- All three toys are identical to their individual releases, though the set only included a single card for the combined Tripledacus form.
Beast Wars Telemocha Series
- Motorarm(モーターアーム,2007)
- ID number:TM-13
- Release date:2007September 20
- Accessories:"Utchari Claw" weapon
- Released in the sixth wave ofBeast Wars Telemocha Seriestoys (and the only item in said wave), Motorarm is an extensiveredecoof the figure above in a generally more "earthy" scheme, to better blend the figure with the other toys in the line, which got paint jobs hewing very closely to theMainframemodels of the CGI show's cast. This figure retains all of the same aforementioned gimmicks, and comes with a DVD featuring the Japanese dub of theBeast Warsepisode "Possession"... an episode (and show) that the character was never featured in.
- Thankfully, Telemocha Motorarm is devoid of the fracturing high gloss plastic of the first version, and is therefore actually far better at forming Tripledacus than the original.
Beast Wars Gum
- Motorarm(candy toy, 1998)
- A snap together model kit of Motorarm was available as part ofKabaya'sBeast Wars Gum,sculpted from red and brownish-grey plastic. He could transform from robot to beast mode by being broken down into its component parts, then rebuilt into a new mode, and could combine with the other Jointrons to form Tripledacus. He came with stickers for his chest, crotch, and claw weapon, and also came with a stick of gum.
- Like many JapaneseBeast Warscharacters, Motorarm received a verbal tic in the form of a word or phrase he repeats at the end of each sentence. In his case, he ends his sentences with "arm" (アームāmu).