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Mutant (G1)

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The name or term "Mutant" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeMutant (disambiguation).
The average inhabitant of the world down under.

TheMutantsrule theUnderworld,far down the many levels ofCybertron.They are enemies of the Cybertronians living on the surface, and if any of them is either brave or stupid enough to enter their domain, the Mutants have zero inhibition to entertain themselves with murder. It is unknown why they are this hostile towards outsiders, as is it unknown just what manner of "mutant" the Mutants are. Their bodies are certainly unconventional and they do notappearto be able totransform,but how they got this way remains untold. While sociable to one another, Mutants prefer to stick to small groups or travel solo. Mutants also aren't among the brightest of minds Cybertron has produced, which is one of their main weaknesses gratefully exploited by theMini-Cons,whose task it is to cleanse Cybertron from their menace.



Marvel Comics continuity

MarvelThe Transformerscomics

The Mutants appeared exclusively in the UK portion of theMarvel Comics continuity.

A group of five Mutants consisting ofRotgut,Jackhammer,Slayride,Warhead,andSmeltdownsubsequently declared the hunt open when they found a trio ofMinibotswho had entered their domain. Searching for their victims-to-be after they had run and hidden, the Mutants passed the more boring part of the hunt by exclaiming various threats and taunts. Soon enough, Jackhammer found the trio's hiding place and introduced them to Warhead just before the latter killedSubsea.In retaliation,Tailgatepunched Jackhammer, but the Mutant barely felt it. All Tailgate accomplished with his action was the immediate execution ofFlattopby Smeltdown, though that in turn gave theAutobotan idea on how to fight back. Pulling his gun, he shot into Smeltdown's furnace, correctly guessing that there were gas tanks in there. The explosion conveniently took out nearly all of the Mutants, except for Rotgut. Furious, the leftover Mutant began clobbering Tailgate, but he too ended up getting killed when Tailgate managed to make him trip into Smeltdown's flaming wreckage.Underworld!The corpse of Jackhammer was found by thedemonsand served as their first meal in millions of years.Demons!


Classicscontinues from theMarvel US series,and does not include theUK storiesor any subsequently published stories.
Horrors dwell beneath the surface that have been unleashed in the planet's upheaval, but your inner light can destroy this darkness.TheLast Autoboteither summons the Mini-Cons to restore Cybertron or rallies them to commit genocide on their brethren. Depends on whom you ask.
Daddy wasn't there / to take me to the fair / It seems he doesn't care / Daddy wasn't there

A group of Mutants consisting ofGuttersnipe,Sawtooth,andMeathookstumbled upon a lone Mini-Con,Broadside,far beneath the surface of Cybertron. Naturally, they immediately made plans to kill and eat him. Taunting him when he annoyingly refused to show any reaction, Sawtooth eventually ran out of patience and prepared to devour Broadside. Instead, the Mini-Con finally did react and aimed his back-cannon into the Mutant's mouth, blowing up his head. Guttersnipe and Meathook moved in to avenge their companion, but found themselves under attack by two other Mini-Cons,OverbiteandSnarl.Guttersnipe was killed by Overbite, but Meathook held his own against Snarl, at least untilDreadwingcame to his teammate's aid and finished off the last of the Mutant trio.

As the Mini-Cons gloated over their victory and pondered on how to proceed their hunt, they were approached by theirDinobot colleagues,with whom they had a bet running on which team would perform best during the day's underground cleanup. As it turned out, both teams had taken out three mutants, but then Dreadwing noticed another Mutant from afar and took it out swiftly, winning the bet for his team. The two teams thus left to celebrate atMaccadam's Old Oil House,where more Mini-Cons had gathered to brag about how well they did against the Mutants.

Later, when Dinobot leaderHacksawand Broadside confronted each other about the future of Cybertron and the Mini-Cons, Broadside brought up his view on the Mini-Cons' quest to destroy Mutants. In his opinion, they weren't doing anything good or noble, they were committing genocide on their fellow 'Children of Primus' on behalf oftheir creator,who in Broadside's belief, couldn't care less about either of the two groups.The New World

Ask Vector Prime

According to a drunkard's story thatVector Primeheard, the mutant prophetChainsawunited the mutant tribes in the2002ofG1 Worldwith the promise to lead them to the promised land. He delivered on that promise, seizing theCybertron Netstation inUpper Petrohexand transporting his forces toEarth.The mutants were initially victorious against theSpychangers,but theirSuperSpychanger upgrade proved too much for the mutants. They were captured and returned to Cybertron.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/01

Beast Wars: Uprising

Biskwas known to fight Mutants and other pests that lurked in Cybertron's lower levels.Not All Megatrons


  • Simon Furmanhas stated that the Mutants are byproducts ofbiomorphic reproduction.[1]
  • Classicsfollows up the US Generation 1 Marvel continuity and generally ignores the additional material provided by the UK comics andGeneration 2.The Mutants are one of the few elements originating from the UK comics that are included inClassics.


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