Optimus Prime (G1)/toys
From Transformers Wiki
Since 1984,Generation 1Optimus Primehas received the largest number of toys for any singleTransformerscharacter, a testament to the character's enduring popularity and status as a hero to many fans.
Due to the popularity of the character and the evergrowingGeneration 1 continuity family,this article had become far too large, causing internet browsers to struggle loading all of its contents, and—in the most extreme cases—crashing entirely. For the sake of a nice clean split, we have opted to move all of Optimus Prime'sGenerationstoys into a separate article which can be foundhere.
The Transformers
- Optimus Prime(Autobot Commander, 1984-1986)
- Takara ID number:01
- Accessories:"Laser Blaster", left & right fists, trailer/ "Combat Deck", "Roller", 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- Known designers:Hiroyuki Obara(TakaraTomy),Shōji Kawamori(Studio Nue)
- Released in the first year of theoriginalTransformerstoyline,Optimus Prime transforms into a White Freightliner WFT-8664T cabover semi-trailer truck with an additional trailer unit. In robot mode, his fists are separate accessories that must plug into his wrists; the fists do not store securely anywhere in vehicle mode, but can fit easily in Prime's chest/drivers' compartment. He is armed with a black laser rifle that, by design, he cannot hold straight. His articulation is relatively high for the era due to his transformation, and even has functioning knees, though their use is restricted by his lack of forward hip movement. His smokestacks can rotate, but are seemingly a form ofanti-breakage move.
- Prime'straileropens up into hisCombat Deck,containing the scout drone,Roller.The interior of the Combat Deck features three raised holes that can accommodate Prime's laser rifle, fuel pump and nozzle accessories. The Combat Deck's central feature is a missile-armed repair drone pod mounted upon a boom lift arm, which can be extended through square holes in the trailer's roof and front end when it is closed. While the drone has spring-loaded missile launchers, the springs have been severely weakened in the Hasbro release. Situated in the base of the boom arm is a spring-loaded launcher that can launch Roller out of the Combat Deck and into action. Roller features a port that can accommodate either Prime's rifle or the fuel pump. The interior space of the trailer allows storage room for one standardAutobot Car,which can also be shot forward by the launcher.
- The toy started life as the TakaraDiaclone"Battle Convoy" toy, a piloted mecha, thus the numerous spots across the toy's components with little seats for Diaclone pilots that Optimus did not come with.
- Optimus was subject to several molding and color variations in his early days. The earliest release of the figure featured large rounded fists, a hefty rifle with a large rounded barrel, a thick fuel pump with a detailed nozzle, silver rockets, silver Roller, silver Combat Deck launcher, and metal plates in the floor of the Combat Deck (a holdover from theDiacloneversion of the toy, to which the magnetic feet of the pilots could cling). In short order, new-yet-almost-identicalmoldswere created, presumably to refresh the tooling as the original had already been heavily used forDiacloneand so a wider range of factories (going from only Japan to Japan, China, Macau, and more) could produce more units to meet demand quickly, a common practice at the time. Prime's fists were resculpted to be smaller and more angular, the gun's silhouette was heavily revised, the fuel pump and nozzle were simplified, the rockets and launcher recast in black plastic, the Combat Deck's metal plates (and their clips) were removed, and the outer trailer detailing and door hinges were altered. Roller and the Combat Deck's drone pod color was swapped to a light blue, though a third running change soon followed that saw them restored to their original darker blue. The revised mold would be used by subsequent reissues of the Optimus toy, though Roller still fluctuates back and forth between grey and dark blue, depending on howshow-accurateeach reissue wants to be.
- The Japanese 1985 release of the figure also underwent the accessory changes, but never featured a silver Roller. Instead, Takara's original release of Prime featured aDiaclone-style Roller without the two rear pegs, and the differently-shaped launcher that accommodated him, before a running change switched over to the Hasbro version. It also had fully-functional missile launchers on the drone.
- Finally, in some European countries, Prime sported red feet, as opposed to his traditional blue; this version of the figure is also known in some cases to feature a differently-painted forehead crest which leaves the three central indentations unpainted blue. For the mainland EuropeMilton Bradleyrelease, there were twovariantsof Optimus Prime available: the first version, manufactured by Takara, sported blue feet like most other versions; the second version, manufactured byJoustra's parent companyCeji,sported red feet instead.[1]On top of that, the Italian release of "Commander" byGiGeventually featured alater variantthat replaced the rubber tires anddie-castfeet with plastic parts, similar to the USKB Toysvariant ofUltra Magnus.
- Having been removed from toy store shelves after 1985, Optimus Prime was made available as a mail-away toy in the "Digital Doom on the Highway to Destruction"offer in the US in 1986 to coincide with theTransformersmoviepremiering that year. He cost $21.50 and 5Robot Points.He was also offered in "The Autobots Have a Special Mission for:"mail-away pamphlet, and came with a special" Movie Edition Certificate "and a round sticker that read" Movie. Edition. Transformer "with the Autobot symbol in the middle; this edition of the toy is consideredparticularlyrare.
- Over twenty-plus years, there have been abajillionreleases of this mold, some identical to the original toy, and some featuring significant variants with notably different paint jobs, color schemes, accessories and other pack-ins. We have striven to list all these variants on this page under their respective series; for a quick-reference list of all variants and releasescheck here.The cab robot has also been used sparingly to represent different characters; outfitted with different trailers, it has become Generation 1Ultra MagnusandPepsi Convoy.
- Optimus Prime(Autobot Commander, 1985)
- Accessories:"Laser blaster", left & right fists, trailer/ "Combat Deck", "Roller" (dark blue), 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- A limited edition version of the Optimus Prime toy was sold as a mail-away exclusive byPepsiCoin North America in 1985. This version of the figure came with a small fold-out leaflet glued to the top-right of the packaging, which contained two Pepsi logo stickers for the buyer to attach to Prime, mid-way through the traditional silver-and-blue stripe on his trailer.Canadaalso got a version of this promotional figure, but with much larger stickers that were the full length and height of the trailer.
- This promotion would go on to serve as the inspiration for the Japanese character ofPepsi Convoy,who would in turn be released by Hasbro as a new "Pepsi Optimus Prime"in 2007.
- Convoy vs. Megatron(Multi-pack, 1985)
- ID number:VSX
- Accessories:"Laser blaster", left & right fists, trailer/ "Combat Deck", "Roller", 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- This Japanese-exclusiverelease of Optimus Prime came with the Japanese release ofMegatron.There are no differences between this release of Convoy and the individually-released toy.
- Good Bye Convoy(Multi-pack, 1986)
- Accessories:"Laser blaster", left & right fists, trailer/ "Combat Deck", "Roller" (dark blue), 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- Commemorating the death of Optimus Prime inThe Transformers: The Movie,this set contains a special version of the original Optimus Prime figure with show-inspired translucent blue windows.
- It was packaged withLigierandAlert,in an apparent homage to the similarDiaclone"Powered Convoy DX" giftset that packaged the "Powered Convoy" version of the Optimus mold with figures using the molds of Ligier and Alert.
- Ultra Magnus(City Commander, 1986)
- Takara ID number:C-69
- Accessories:Large robot head, rifle, chest plate, 2 trailer connectors/waist plates, left & right small robot fists, left & right large robot fists, 2 missile launchers, 4 missiles
- Ultra Magnus is aredecoof theDiaclone"Powered Convoy" figure, itself a redeco and slight retool of "Battle Convoy", the toy that became the original Optimus Prime figure, sporting a new trailer. One of the last fewDiaclonetoys to be released in theTransformerstoyline, Magnus was recolored from the original toy's dark blue, red and black color scheme into a more patriotic red, white and blue, though his chestplate, which was rendered white in his package art followed a more the blue color scheme of his shoulders. He transforms into a Freightliner COE, towing a car-carrier trailer capable of transporting up to four normal-sized Autobot cars. As with Optimus Prime, his cab transforms into a small robot, which can then combine with the trailer to form a "super robot", although all original Generation 1 fiction prior to the 21st century ignored this and simply rendered the super robot as Magnus's default robot form. To facilitate this combination, Magnus sports a slightly longer front axle than Prime, thereby creating tabs on either side of the cab that slide into grooves in the trailer to help lock the small robot into place. He is armed with a rifle sporting two handles that allow either of hisrobot modesto hold it, and two shoulder-mounted missile launchers, whose spring-loaded firing mechanism was removed for the Hasbro release of the figure.
- TheDiaclonePowered Convoy figure had several additional features and modes which were mostly excised or left unmentioned for theTransformersrelease of Ultra Magnus. Principally, Powered Convoy came packaged with "Powered Buggy", who was left out of Magnus's release (seenotes belowfor further details). Omitted from Magnus's instructions is the ability of his chestplate and super robot head to combine to form a small vehicle; the Powered Convoy version of the figure included small rolling wheels on the underside of the chestplate which were removed for Ultra Magnus. Additionally, three additional modes were included in theDiacloneinstructions that Hasbro left out: a "preparation base" mode and an "Autobot base" mode were excluded entirely, while the third, a "catapult launcher" mode originally intended and proportioned to accommodate theDiacloneJet Robo figure that becameStarscream,was shown only on the front of his packaging, interacting withSilverbolt.The Japanese release of Ultra Magnus—released as part of theScramble Citysub-line—didinclude instructions for the preparation base and catapult launcher modes, but replaced the original Autobot base mode with a new configuration.
- The original Ultra Magnus figure has been reissued and redecoed several times down the years, and this article strives to list each edition of the figure under its own heading. The first alteration to Magnus, however, was arunning changemade while he was still on shelves: Originally, his tires were made ofrubberand he sported paint on both his small and large robot heads, but this version was soon replaced with one featuring plastic tires and no paint on either head. In addition, the clear yellow plastic that formed his windows was removed from the cab, leaving just holes instead; and his thighs and fuel tanks were left white, as opposed to the vacuum metalized chrome ones of the original release.
- The small robot component, as well as being part of Optimus Prime, was also released with a different trailer asPepsi Convoy.
- Optimus Prime(Powermaster, 1988)
- Accessories:Hi-Q Powermaster unit, 2laser rifles,2 twinparticle beam cannons,super robot head
- Sold in the fifth year of the Hasbro USTransformersline (fourth in European markets), Powermaster Optimus Prime was the first new toy of the Autobot leader since the original toy's release in 1984. He is an all-new design, featuring thePowermastergimmick: His partner figure,Hi-Q,must be transformed into an engine and attached to Prime's vehicle mode in order to enable the transformation into robot mode.
- Like the original figure, Powermaster Prime is composed of two major components: his truck cab, which transforms into Prime himself, and his trailer, which is essentially a heavily-armed version of the original. The trailer has a fold-down ramp to allow the storage of a smaller Transformer, or perhaps spare accessories. The trailer transforms into a battle station armed with two long black rifles and two grey double-barreled cannons (featuring seating for Powermaster engine figures), all of which Optimus Prime can also wield in his fists.
- Aside from the Powermaster feature itself, the maingimmickof the toy is the ability of the truck cab to combine with the trailer to form the larger "Super Optimus Prime" figure. This is essentially accomplished by standing the trailer up, folding the cab in half and inserting it into the empty cavity in the trailer's torso, forming an imposing—if almost entirely unposeable—robot form armed with all four weapons. The head of this super robot form is a separate piece which can be stored in the rear of Prime's trailer when not in use. While Hi-Q was always shown plugged into Prime's chest in artwork of this mode (as seen in the picture here), this was actually entirely unnecessary as transforming into Super Optimus Prime didn't require the standard Prime toy's legs to be unlocked.
- The Japanese release of Powermaster Optimus Prime actually represented a new character namedGinrai,and featured several retools: the cab featured die-cast metal, shortened smokestacks, vacuum-metalized plastic and clear blue windows, while the trailer was given retractable super robot fists. This Japanese version was eventually issued by Hasbro in 2003 as part of theCommemorative Seriescollection (see below).
- This toy was later redecoed into the Japanese-exclusive Super Convoy.
- There were several different prototypes made for this toy.See a list here.
- Armored Convoy with Optimus Prime(Action Master, 1990)
- Accessories:trailer, 2 laser guns, 4 blaster cannons, 2 Energon exhaust stacks,photon bazooka
- Known designers:Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Sold in the seventh and final year of the original line (sixth and not-final in Europe),Action MasterOptimus Prime is a non-transforming 3¾-inch action figure closely based on hischaracter model,albeit with a coloration that seems to have been based at least partially on the small robot form of his Powermaster body. His construction is broadly similar to that used by theG.I. Joefigures of the time, having a swivel neck, shoulders and knees, plus ball-jointed hips attached via a steel rod internally secured by a rubber "o-ring". His hands have standard 3 mm holes which allow him to hold any other accessory in the Action Master line, plus his feet have holes in the bottom to secure him to larger vehicles. On top of that, the hole in his back is compatible with5 mm posts.
- The toy shown in the Action Masters commercial shows paint operations on Prime's upper legs that the final toy lacks.
- He was only available with the "Armored Convoy",a large, heavily armed tractor trailer, and the largest Action Master vehicle set offered.
- The Action Master Optimus Prime figure was later redecoed with a moreshow-accuratecolor scheme and included in the Japanese-exclusive "New Year" reissue of the original Optimus Prime toy in 2002. The Armored Convoy was later redecoed as theMicroman:LED PowerstoyMicro Trailer– sans Optimus Prime, natch – which also received two separateLucky Drawtoys as theDark TrailerandFlame Trailer.
- Original Optimus Prime(Original Autobot Leader, 1990)
- Accessories:laser blaster, left & right fists, trailer/ "Combat Deck", "Roller", 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- This straight reissue of the original Optimus Prime figure was released in Hasbro's European markets in the early 1990s, at the same time as many other Generation 1 figures were being re-released as "Classics".Oddly, although he shares their golden packaging, Prime is not actuallyidentifiedas a "Classics" figure anywhere on his box, but is generally considered to be part of the sub-line for simplicity's sake.
- Convoy(reissue, 2000)
- ID number:01
- Accessories:laser blaster, 2 fists (left & right), trailer/Combat Deck, Roller (grey), 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- The first in what would be a deluge of reissues of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime figure in the 21st century, this Japanese release sported a golden sticker on his packaging announcing the celebration of the Transformers' 15th anniversary in the country. This version of the mold was retooled to have the same longer front axle introduced on Ultra Magnus. It also featured slightly modified fists to help hold the gun better.
- Simultaneously, this figure was available as a black convention-exclusive redeco, and a golden-chromed "Lucky Draw figure"(see below).

- Convoy Black Version(2000)
- ID number:01
- Accessories:laser blaster, 2 fists (left & right), trailer/Combat Deck, Roller (black), 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pum
- Released concurrently with the 2000 reissue of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime toy, thisblack redecoof the original Prime was available exclusively at the Japanese convention JAFCON.Everythingabout it is black, including all of the Combat Deck and Roller.
- Convoy Gold Version(2000)
- ID number:01
- Accessories:laser blaster, 2 fists (left & right), trailer/Combat Deck, Roller (gold), 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- Released concurrently with the 2000 reissue of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime toy, this "Lucky Draw"redeco of the original Prime replaced all of the figure's silver chromed parts and stickers with golden ones, and even included a blinged-out Roller. The figure is extremely rare; apparently only 25 are known to exist.
- Super Convoy(2001)
- ID number:C-307X
- Accessories:Hi-Q Powermaster unit, 2 laser rifles, 2 twin particle beam cannons, super robot head
- Known designers:Hirofumi Ichikawa(deco artist)
- This redeco of the Ginrai tooling of the Powermaster Optimus Prime figure (released concurrently with the 2001 reissue of the Ginrai figure) was a ToysRUs Japanexclusiveblack repaint, made to represent the original Optimus Prime equipped for a special mission. All of his red and blue plastics were changed to black, his clear blue windows were now tinted red, making his overall colour scheme very reminiscent of the now-familiar 'Black Convoy' color schemes.
- Convoy (Tokubetsu Shiyō)(2002)
- ID number:01
- Accessories:2 laser blasters, 2 fists (left & right), trailer/Combat Deck, Roller (dark blue), 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump, Action Master Optimus Prime figure,Matrix of Leadership,chain, Autobot sticker sheet, mouse pad
- Labeled "2002 New Year Special", this Japanese-exclusive "Special Specification" ( đặc biệt sĩ dạngTokubetsu Shiyō) of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime figure featured tinted blue windows, like those sported by the "Goodbye Convoy" edition of the toy, as well as show-accurate blue eyes. Prime came with all his original accessories, includingbothversions of his rifle, as well as a new die-cast metal Matrix of Leadership accessory, which can be tabbed into his chest. Additionally, the set included a show-accurate redeco of the Action Master Optimus Prime figure, a sheet of Autobotinsigniastickers of varying sizes, and a mouse pad decorated with the Autobot symbol.
- The Matrix accessory was later recolored in gold chrome for inclusion with the 2005Galvatron reissue toy,and in green chrome as theCreation Matrixfor thee-HOBBY-exclusiveGalvatron IItoy. It returned to its original silver coloration when it was included, sans chain, in the 2010Transformers: Reveal the Shield"Battle in Space" 2-pack.
- Convoy Reissue BAPE Ver.(A Bathing Ape exclusive, 2011)
- ID number:01
- Accessories:laser blaster, 2 fists (left & right), Trailer/Combat Deck, Roller, 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- Available exclusively from Japanese clothing companyA Bathing Apein July 2011, concurrently with a range of exclusive Transformers t-shirts, "Convoy Reissue BAPE Ver." (コンボイ phục khắc bản BAPE® Ver.) is a redeco of the original Optimus Prime toy sporting a unique new green color scheme, along with a tan trailer decorated with a camouflage pattern. Both trailer and Prime himself feature the A Bathing Ape logo in place of an Autobot symbol, while the floor of the trailer's Combat Deck mode features new Bathing Ape-themed labels. The figure comes in a recolored version of the original Japanese Optimus Prime packaging.
- Convoy Reissue BAPE Ver. BLACK[2](A Bathing Ape exclusive, 2012)
- ID number:01
- Accessories:laser blaster, 2 fists (left & right), Trailer/Combat Deck, Roller, 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- Available exclusively from Japanese clothing companyA Bathing Apein April 2012, "Convoy Reissue BAPE Ver. BLACK" (コンボイ phục khắc bản BAPE® Ver. BLACK) is a redeco of the original Optimus Prime toy sporting a unique new grey color scheme, along with a grey trailer decorated with a camouflage pattern. Both trailer and Prime himself feature the A Bathing Ape logo in place of an Autobot symbol, while the floor of the trailer's Combat Deck mode features new Bathing Ape-themed labels. The figure comes in a recolored version of the original Japanese packaging.
- Convoy Reissue BAPE VERSION RED CAMO[3](A Bathing Ape exclusive, 2013)
- ID number:01
- Accessories:laser blaster, 2 fists (left & right), Trailer/Combat Deck, Roller, 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- Available exclusively from Japanese clothing companyA Bathing Apein March 2013, "Convoy Reissue BAPE VERSION RED CAMO" (コンボイ phục khắc bản BAPE® VERSION RED CAMO) is a redeco of the original Optimus Prime toy sporting a unique new red color scheme, along with a red trailer decorated with a camouflage pattern. Both trailer and Prime himself feature the A Bathing Ape logo in place of an Autobot symbol, while the floor of the trailer's Combat Deck mode features new Bathing Ape-themed labels. The figure comes in a recolored version of the original Japanese packaging.
- Transformers 35th Anniversary Commander Convoy(
2019)- Accessories:laser blaster, 2 fists (left & right)
- Released as part of the "Transformers 35th Anniversary Commander Convoy Box Crowdfunding Project" kickstarted by TakaraTomy andTV-Kun,this Convoy is a gold-chrome-and-redeco of theGeneration 1Optimus Prime figure, featuring a more balanced deco compared to theGold Convoy Trophy(at least untilthe second prototype reveals that the entire body is chromed). Despite being etched on a trophy stand, Convoy is able to transform into truck mode, albeit facing upwards.
- In addition, the set also comes with a replica of theS.T.A.R.S.supply kit, a S.T.A.R.S. badge, a Transformers Fan Club card, a poster, and a Transformers Mook.
- Crowdfunding began onJuly 1fstuntilAugust 31st,with a total of 2000 backers needed. Unfortunately, it only reached 840 backers with a total of 16,650,000 yen out of 33,600,000 yen needed.
Transform Jr
- Convoy(1985)
- ID number:01
- Accessories:2 fists (left and right), head, laser blaster, cardboard trailer
- As one of the firstTransform Jrtoys, this version of Optimus Prime was released under the early name for the series,Transform Gōkin.As a smaller, simplified version of the original Generation 1 Prime figure intended as a low-cost alternative for younger children, Prime features a similar transformation, with a removable head in addition to fists, but lacks rubber tires and translucent windows. As with most otherTransform Jrfigures, he lacked any of his major accessories, coming only with his rifle and a cardboard replacement for his trailer that had to be assembled by the buyer.
- 3 Heroes Set(multipack, 1987)
- Accessories:2 fists (left and right), head, laser blaster, cardboard trailer
- TheTransform Jrversion of Prime was re-released a few years later in a "Hero" set alongside theJrversions ofChromedome,andFortress Maximus.
- 5 Years of Leaders Set(multipack, 1989)
- Accessories:2 fists (left and right), head, Laser Blaster, cardboard trailer
- Prime was again re-released several years later in a lucky Draw "5 Years of Leaders" set alongside theJrversions of Rodimus Convoy,Fortress Maximus,God Ginrai, and Star Saber.
Return of Convoy
- Star Convoy(Cybertron, 1991)
- ID number:C-372
- Accessories:"Galaxy bomber" rifle,Micro Trailer,Microcarrier, small cannon, cannon turret stand, radar, connector, 2 ramps
- Known designers:Takashi Kunihiro(TakaraTomy)
- Released in theReturn of Convoypart of theoriginal TakaraFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformerstoyline,and the final new-design Optimus Prime toy from the original Generation 1 era, the Japanese-exclusive Star Convoy was a significant departure from previous versions. This incarnation of Prime transforms into an extended-hood cab truck of made-up model pulling an implausibly large trailer, incorporating the motorized "Microcarrier".Powered by four AA batteries,the Microcarrier drives Star Convoy either forward or backward, spinning a radar dish mounted on the rear of his trailer as he rolls along. Prime's teammate in theBattlestars,Grandus,can link up to the rear of Star Convoy's vehicle mode and be pulled along behind him;Sky Garrycan then land atop Grandus, forming a giant vehicle.
- Unlike previous Optimus Prime toys, the cab section does not separate from the trailer for transformation, instead forming the arms of his imposing 12-inch tall robot mode. He lacks any sort of leg articulation in this mode, but the Microcarrier comes into play again, allowing Prime to roll either forward or backward into action.
- Additionally, Star Convoy transforms into a large battle station that interacts with theMicromastersthat made up the vast majority of theTransformertoyline at the time. His chest contains a peg that allows Micromaster figures to stand inside it in either robot or base modes, and he comes with a unique Micromaster version ofHot Rodnot available on its own. He features storage space in his legs for two spring-loaded figure-launchingMicro Trailers,and comes with one of his own, decorated in a unique black and orange color scheme. In this mode, two ramps are connected to the Microcarrier; when the carrier's treads are set rolling, they do not move the base, but instead act as conveyor belts that carry Micromaster figures down the ramps. The Microcarrier also spins a gun turret mounted between the conveyors, on which Micromaster figures can stand. Finally, a special connector packaged with Star Convoy allows the Microcarrier to be connected up to Grandus's base mode, powering his moving elevator.
- Star Convoy(Cybertron, 2005)
- ID number:C-372
- Accessories:"Galaxy bomber" rifle,Micro Trailer,Microcarrier, small cannon, cannon turret stand, radar, connector, 2 ramps
- Star Convoy was reissued by Takara in 2005, with some notable alterations to his deco: his white plastic was replaced with metallic silver, and the yellow star on his chest was chromed golden. Star Convoy himself retained some of his original decals, but most notably his "simulated head lights" and "wind shield panels" were tampographed on him; similarly,Hot Rod's stickers were all replaced with tampograph deco. Additionally, where the original toy had been packaged in robot mode in a tall box decorated with the standard Japanese package art of the time, the reissue was packaged in vehicle mode, in a long, wide box more reminiscent of the original Generation 1 toys.
- The stickers for this reissue have been found to deteriorate over time, with the silver portions showing a prominent fading effect. This was even present in asealedcopy.[4]
Generation 2
- Optimus Prime(Leader,1992)
- Accessories:"Laser blaster", left & right fists, light & sound module, 2 rocket launchers, 4 rockets, "Roller" scout car, hose, nozzle, fuel pump, trailer, 4 missiles
- Part of the very first assortment ofGeneration 2product released just in time for the 1992 holiday season, this Optimus Prime is aredecoof the original figure release with some notable new additions to catch him up to the radical 1990s. While his cab robot retained his original red and dark blue color scheme, his trailer was recast in black, with the original blue and silver striped sticker replaced with a red and silver one displaying Optimus's name. On the first release of the trailer, the internal components and Roller matched the blue of the cab robot. Later, the internal components and Roller were changed to a lighter blue. Anothersecondrunning change followed, making the dark blue of the cab robot match this lighter shade. A bright yellow "Autobot"tampographwas also added to the back of his right leg, present in all versions of the toy.
- Generation 2Optimus Prime comes with all his original accessories and play features... yes, even theseverely-weakenedmissile launchers on the Combat Deck, the only recycled toy inGeneration 2to retain the old launching mechanisms. But Optimus also has two major new play features. To increase his arsenal, Optimus is now armed with a pair of large, black handheld missile launchers that fire red missiles. These launchers were retooled from the 1992G.I. JoefigureBarricade.
- Second, he comes with an electronic "sound and lights module" that can either plug into the front of the trailer (where it resembles a trailer refrigeration unit), or hook onto Optimus's back inrobot modevia a new slot retooled into the cab robot. Unfortunately, the soundbox is heavy enough that doing so can often overpower Prime's hip joints, causing him to topple backward. The soundbox features a large,vacuum metalizedAutobot symbol on its front, and three grey buttons which trigger two flashing red LEDs on either side of the module, anda trio of sound effects:a truck engine noise, a laser gun sound effect, and a very loud "I am Optimus Prime!". The module also features ports on either side into which the missile launchers can peg. How the sound module handles batteries is an oddity among Transformers before or since: as Optimus came out during a transitional period where button cell batteries were still fairly expensive, the module uses AA batteries by default, but was originally packed with a small bracket for included LR44 batteries that overrides the AA compartment completely to support the "Try Me!" feature in the box. The original intent is to discard the bracket once the LR44s run out and switch to several AA batteries, but if one were to keep it, the electronics can work equally well solely off far fewer button cell batteries.
- Optimus Prime(Hero, 1994)
- Takara name:Convoy Missile Trailer(コンボイミサイルトレーラー)
- Takara ID number:TRF-1
- Accessories:Rifle, 2 rockets
- Known designers:Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Released in the second year ofGeneration 2,HeroOptimus Prime was the first new-mold Optimus Prime toy created for theGeneration 2line. He transforms into a long-nose truck and trailer of unknown, potentially made-up model. The trailer has a permanently-attached massive rocket launcher powered by an air bellows: slide one of his rockets over the barrel, then slam down on the bellows to launch the rocket. The launcher also features a5 mm postto attach a smaller rifle. The rockets and bellows all clip neatly onto the trailer as well.
- In robot mode, the launcher remains permanently affixed to Optimus's right arm, and retains its functionality. The air bellows and rockets mount on his back. This was also one of the firstTransformerstoys to feature expandedarticulationin robot mode, though they hadn't really perfected the formula so soon and he ends up fairly back-heavy and heel-strut-needing.
- A similar air-launching system with identical missiles was used by the simultaneously-releasedHero Megatron,and by Laser Optimus Prime the following year (see below).
- This mold was also used to createSureshotand theKB Toys-exclusiveDestructiconScourge.
- Laser Optimus Prime(Leader,1995)
- Takara name:Battle Convoy(バトルコンボイ)
- Takara ID number:TRF-13
- Accessories:"Laser cannon", "saber weapon",missile launcher, 10 missiles, 5 discs, 2 rockets
- Known designers:Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Released in the final year ofGeneration 2,Laser Optimus Prime (released in Europe under the name "Laser Rod Optimus Prime" ) transforms into a mid-1990s Western Star 4964EX, pulling a grey and black fuel tank trailer. The sides of the trailer are decorated with a sticker depicting Prime using a flamethrower to burn down a banner with the words "Optimus Prime Octane" on it. The truck is armed with a disc launcher on the roof of its trailer, which launches five blue discs bearing theGeneration 2Autobot insignia as a knob is turned. Like the other "Laser"toys released this year, Prime features electronics powered by two button-cell batteries; in truck mode, pressing the button on the cab's roof causes his headlight to light up with yellow LEDs.
- In the grand Optimus tradition, the cab of Laser Optimus Prime disconnects to become the highly poseable robot mode of Prime himself. Like Powermaster Prime and Hero Prime, the toy features the iconic windshield pecs and grill abs, despite not actually being formed from the actual truck components they emulate. In robot mode, pressing the button on Prime's cab (now on his back) activates a red LED in his right fist which illuminates his clear-plastic sword (which stores beneath his legs in truck mode).
- Prime's trailer unfolds via a spring-loaded transformation mechanism in a battle station that is positivelybristlingwith varied weaponry. In addition to the disc launcher, it is armed with a "ripple-fire" missile launcher that fires five missiles, an air-powered rocket launcher like the one previously seen on Hero Optimus Prime, and a small laser cannon that mounts on the base's main tower. Both the missile launcher and laser cannon can disconnect and be held by Prime; his LED-fist will illuminate the laser cannon like it does his sword. Additional missiles and a second rocket are stored in grooves inside the sides of the trailer.
- This mold was redecoed by Takara in 2000 asCar RobotsBlack Convoy,and later by Hasbro as Black Convoy's2001Robots in Disguisefranchisecounterpart Scourge. It was also used to make thee-HOBBYexclusiveLaser Ultra Magnus.It was planned to be used to makeUniverseToxitron,but that was canceled.
- In addition to being possibly the most popularGeneration 2figure, Laser Optimus Prime was, prior to 2003, a regular contender for most popularTransformerstoyever,back in the days of the annualalt.toys.transformersfan awards; the toy won twice, and actually lost once to his redeco, Scourge.
Generation 2mold:Laser Optimus Prime | ||
- Optimus Prime(Go-Bot, 1995)
- Accessories:Gun
- Known designers:Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Part of the second wave ofGo-Bots,this Optimus is a redeco ofFirecracker,transforming into aHot Wheels-sized 1:64-scale Lamborghini Diablo. Like most Go-Bots, he features high speed axles and can roll very well across smooth surfaces, but lacks the weight to propel him quickly, and is broadly compatible withHot WheelsandMatchboxstyle tracks and playsets.
- The plastic colors are a "solid" version of Firecracker's color layout, substituting opaque red for transparent red plastic, but also adding blue paint to his helmet for that little extra touch of Optimus. (All of the toys from the first wave that had transparent plastics were released in this wave with opaques instead;Blowoutand Firecracker became new versions ofMegatronand Optimus Prime respectively, whileGearheadandMotormouthstayed themselves.)
- In Europe, this deco was sold as Firecracker himself rather than Optimus Prime (at least in the French/Dutch/German packaging variant).
- Optimus was one of only three Go-Bots sold in the TakaraG-2line, but it was a... weird release. His hood was tampographed with a stylized "T" with theTransformerslogo set within the top bar, the same deco that appears on Go-BotsSoundwave,as well as the Japanese release of Go-BotsMegatron.On top of that, his yellow plastics are now the same bright fluorescent yellow as found on Soundwave, thanks to thegang-moldingprocess used to make this batch. He keeps the blue helmet though. These three toys were sold on cards that were nigh-identical to the Hasbro cards on the front, rather than the usualG-2style packaging, with only a small bit of Japanese text on the front in the logo. The back side is stylistically close to theGeneration 2packaging, but a "generic" cardback used for all three toys and entirely in Japanese. It's unclear why these toys were released this way; it's possible these were sold in convenience stores or some other similar outlet rather than in conventional toy stores/departments; these toys do not appear on the normalG-2catalogs either. Even more oddly, the Optimus shown on the cross-sell is actually aSideswipewith the car panels hand-painted red, and lacks the "T" on the hood... and yes, he's labeled "Optimus Prime" in Japanese as well, making this the first instance of the characternotbeing named "Convoy" in Japan.
- The sculpt was later redecoed again for the third wave of Go-Bots to becomeSideswipe,and later still into the2001Robots in DisguiseSpychangerR.E.V..
Generation 2mold:Firecracker | ||
- Optimus Prime(Hero,
- Accessories:Gun, 2 rockets
- This Optimus Prime was to be a redeco of Hero Optimus Prime (above) in dark blue and red. Packaged samples of this toy were produced, but it was ultimately never released. The packaged samples feature a "traditional" color scheme for the head, with a silvermouthplate;the prototype depicted in the official catalog image seen on the right sports an unusualredmouthplate, which inspired several later toys.
- Since much of the advertising for the ultimately-unreleased redeco used an older, outdated name for the "Heroes" assortment, "Combat Heroes", Optimus and an equally unreleased redeco of "Hero" Megatron are commonly referred to by fans as "Combat Heroes" compared to the original "Heroes" releases, although all evidence suggests that Hasbro had never actually intended such a distinction, instead treating them as mere colorvariants.Though the packaging is mostly unchanged (including a reuse of the existing packaging art depicting the original release's color scheme), one of the few minor alterations sees the addition of the name "Hero" (rather than "Combat Hero" ) to Optimus Prime's name above the (otherwise unchanged) UPC barcode.
- A finished sample of the Hero Optimus Prime redeco was among the rare toys auctioned off for charity atBotCon 1996,along with several other unreleasedGeneration 2items.
- General Optimus Prime(Auto Roller,
- Accessories:Four missiles
- "General" Optimus Prime would have been a redeco of the DecepticonAuto RollerDirtbag,transforming into an "earth mover" mining dumper/haul truck in green camo, ironically bearing a closer resemblance toHound's color scheme than the also-unreleased"Sgt. Hound"Auto Roller.
- the mold has anauto-transforminggimmickactivated by rolling his rear wheels; roll forward to go torobot mode,and back to dump truck. A switch on his back end separates the gears of the gimmick, allowing him to roll freely in either mode. In robot mode, he has a twin spring-loaded missile launcher in his right arm, and a clamping "stun gun" claw on the left. In vehicle mode, his missiles can peg onto the front end of the dump-bed for storage.
- This mold was also used to makeAutostinger.
- Battle Convoy(reissue,2006)
- ID number:TRF-13
- Accessories:"Laser cannon", "saber weapon", missile launcher, 10 missiles, 5 discs, 2 rockets
- This reissue of the originalGeneration 2Laser Optimus Prime figure was made using the modified version of the mold created forRobots in DisguiseScourge, lacking the sculptedGeneration 2Autobot insignias on the disks featured on the original. It sports a modified deco, with the flat grey plastic on both the trailer and Prime's chest now replaced with silver chrome; additionally, new Autobot symbol tampographs were added to the doors of Prime's cab mode and the front end of his trailer, and a pair of new chest-window stickers featuring an illustration of the Matrix of Leadership replaced the original decals.
- This version of the mold was used to create thee-HOBBYexclusiveLaser Ultra Magnus,and somewhat more perple xing ly, was brieflyrepurposedby thesecondBeast Wars Reborntext story as a temporary body forOptimus Primal!
Generation 2mold:Laser Optimus Prime | ||
Beast Wars
- Optimus Primal vs Megatron!(Basic versus two-pack, 1996)
- Takara ID number:C-6
- Accessories:2 swords
- Known designers:Takio Ejima(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- The firstBeast WarsOptimus Primalis a Basic size class blue bat which could autotransform into a robot by pulling the tail. Two swords were removable from under its wings for use as weaponry inrobot mode.It was packaged along with an alligator version of Megatron and aBeast Warsmini-comic.
- This figure was released during the short-lived period when Hasbro was treating the Beast Wars as an extension of the Autobot/Decepticon war, and Optimus Primal was presented as being the same character as Optimus Prime. This was soon relegated to the realms ofmicro-continuitywhen theBeast Warsanimated series began and clearly established that the two Optimuses were different characters, but the toy remains one that was officially branded as Prime, and is consequently listed here.
- This mold was also used to make the less ambiguousOptimus Prime-recolored Convobat,the separate individualConvobat,Onyx Primalas well as inspire the comic characterNyx.
- Optimus Primal(Ultra, 1996/1997/1998)
- Takara ID number:C-1
- Accessories:2 "spinal swords", 4 "mega-blast missiles", "mace whip"
- Known designers:Yuichiro Hira(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- The second Optimus Primal toy was an ape in the Ultra size class. Though the transformation from primate to humanoid was a relatively simplistic one, the toy compensated with more than a fair share of weaponry and action features. A compartment on his right forearm opened to reveal a skull-shaped "mace whip" he could hold in his fist. His left forearm could open into a double-barreled "mega-blast missile" launcher. On his back were two more spring-loaded "mega-blast missile cannons" /launchers which auto-flipped over each shoulder. By pulling a lever in the center of his back, both arms would either spin at the bicep or bend in and out at the elbow, depending on the placement of notch-buttons located on either bicep. This gimmick was shown to be an effort to simulate a gorilla beating its chest while Optimus was inbeast mode,but could also be used in robot mode, making him swing his weapons wildly before himself. And finally, like many first-yearBeast Warstoys, a battle mask/ "mutant head"could be deployed over his robot head.
- Takara released the toy as part of theirBeast Warsline in July of 1997, nearly identical to the Hasbro version. The missiles for the Takara version are thinner and simpler than the original Hasbro version, and would be used in all subsequent releases of the mold.
- Just like Optimus Primal's basic bat toy, this figure was released during the short-lived period when the Beast Wars was still considered to be an extension of the Autobot/Decepticon war, and Optimus Primal was the same character as Optimus Prime. This was soon relegated to the realms ofmicro-continuitywhen theBeast Warsanimated series began and clearly established that the two Optimuses were different characters, but the toy remains one that was officially branded as Prime, and is consequently listed here.
- This mold wasredecoedintoUniverseOptimus Primal andBeast Wars Telemocha SeriesDX Convoy, andretooledintoBeast Wars Reborn/Beast Wars Tenth Anniversaryversus pack Optimus Primal. Takara also created multiple special variants, including all-gold (fromTV Magazine,only ten awarded), red and gray (TV Magazineagain, but onlyoneawarded), and blue-fur (aComic BomBomdesign-contest prize, only five awarded).
Beast Warsmold:Optimus Primal (Ultra Class) | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
- Amazon Showdown Special Version(1997)
- ID number:VS-S1
- Accessories:2 swords
- Available only in a special CD-ROM two-pack with apurple redeco of "Megaligator",this redeco of "Convobat" takes his colors fromthe firstG-2Convoy toy released in Japanand retains his previous gimmickry. His back features a silver Maximalfaction symbolplus "C-ROM", as in "Cybertron", get it? Huh? And Megatron has the "D-ROM"? See what they did there?
- The toy'sbioclarifies that this Convobat is Optimus Prime, having had a trailer truck alternate mode and later scanning a bat to fight Megatron.
- The included CD-ROM includes the bios from wave 1 of theBeast Warstoyline, thefirstBeast Warscommercial,and a coloring game.
- This mold was also used to makeOnyx Primal.
Machine Wars
- Optimus Prime(Ultra, 1997)
- Accessories:Laser rifle, 2 missiles
- Available only atKB Toys,Machine WarsOptimus Prime is aredecoand slightretoolof the European Generation 1 exclusiveTurbomasterleaderThunder Clash.It's easy to see why Thunder Clash was chosen to become the new Optimus Prime, given his adherence to Prime tradition: the truck cab disconnects to become the robot, while the trailer unfolds to become an assault tower with twin missile racks. On the original Thunder Clash version of the mold, the racks operated on a gravity-feed system where a new missile drops into the launcher from above each time one was fired, allowing for twelve to be fired in rapid succession using a pinball launcher style mechanism.
- ForMachine WarsPrime, this feature had to be retooledfor safety reasons,sealing the gravity feed slot and cutting the original launcher plungers down to just the handles, which do not move. The small missiles were replaced with much larger new molds to prevent choking hazards and triggers were added to the sides of the launchers, becoming regular spring loaded (and unusually powerful) single-firing weapons. There seems to have been some disconnect between the deco artist and whoever handled the redone Thunder Clashstickers,as some stickers replicate details already handled by paint on the figure. Not noted in the instructions is that the handgun is meant to serve as the drive shaft for the cab, storing between the legs on the backside. On a minor note, the redeco eliminates allgold plasticfrom the toy, making it much more durable than Thunder Clash's original release.
- Thepackage artfor this toy is a retouched version of the art forGeneration 2Laser Optimus Prime (see above), but now positioned so one robot arm is always "off the edge" of the box and unseen - conveniently hiding the sword this toy has never had, yet leaving the Laser Prime faceplate intact.
- This version of the mold was planned to beredecoedintoMenasorfor theUniverseline, but the release was canceled.
Choro-Q Robo
- Convoy TV Version(2001)
- ID Number:Q/01
- Accessories:Laser rifle
- Known designers:Kazutami Yasuhiko(TakaraTomy)
- Choro-Q RoboConvoy is a small, cutesified transforming figure of Optimus Prime that changes from trailer-pulling truck directly torobot mode.The toy features a working pull-back motor, and is decorated in a color scheme based on Prime's appearance in the original Generation 1 cartoon, with blue eyes and windows and a grey stripe on the trailer.
- Convoy Metallic Version(2001)
- ID Number:Q/02
- Accessories:Laser rifle
- This version ofChoro-Q RoboConvoy is a redeco of the first, featuring glittering metallic plastic, and a deco based upon the original toy, with yellow eyes, black windows, and a silver-and-blue stripe on the trailer.
Commemorative Series
- Optimus Prime(2002/2012)
- Accessories:Laser Blaster, 2 fists (left & right), trailer/Combat Deck, Roller (grey), 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- The first reissue of the original Optimus Prime toy in North America since the Generation 1 toyline reached its end, this "Commemorative Series"edition of the figure was a Toys" R "Us exclusive. It wasmostlyidentical to the original figure, save for some necessary modifications madefor safety reasons:In the first instance of what would become a recognizable alteration to the mold, the toy's smokestacks were shortened, while the Combat Deck's firing missiles were elongated to prevent potential choking, as was the case with all other Commemorative Series figures' firing missiles. This release also had the trailer's launching feature removed.
- In 2012, a reissue of the Commemorative Series toy was released. Though the "Commemorative Series" label was not printed anywhere on the packaging, the included instructions retained the name. The toy itself is a mix of different versions. The cab has the safety modifications of the originalCommemorative Seriesrelease, including the shortened smokestacks and longer missiles (and thicker rifle), but also has the modified hitch of the 2011Chronicletwo-pack (see below). Meanwhile, the trailer features the lighter gray plastic colors used for the 2008Universerelease, and the Autobot insignias on the robot's shoulders are tampographed (like on Takara'sEncoreversion and Hasbro'sUniverse25th Anniversary release). This version also seems to suffer frommold deterioration.
- Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Armor(2003, 2012)
- Accessories:Hi-Q Powermaster unit, 2 Laser Rifles, 2 Twin Particle Beam Cannons, Super Robot head, missile launcher, 2 missiles,Apex Bomberchest/trailer top, 2 legs (left & right), 2 arms (left and right), Armor chest/trailer front, 2 wings (left & right)
- Known designers:Kōjin Ōno(TakaraTomy),Ban Magami(concept artist)
- Marketed as a reissue of Powermaster Optimus Prime, this Toys "R" Us-exclusive Commemorative Series figure is in truth based on the Ginrai tooling on the toy that had previously been exclusive to Japan. It features a die-cast metal cab with translucent blue windows, and shortened, chrome smokestacks, and comes packaged with the droneApex Bomber(formerly Ginrai's partnerGodbomber), who splits into several components and combines with Prime to form "Apex Armor". As with all other Commemorative Series figures, Prime's new spring-loaded missile launcher featured an elongated missile.
- The figure was re-released in Hasbro's Asian markets in 2012, with no known changes to the figure itself but several modifications to the packaging that makes it easy to tell the two releases apart: The flap containing thepackage artis omitted entirely, the "Commemorative Series II" label is missing, the age recommendation and safety warning labels, the "Changes from double tractor trailer to battle station to super robot!" call-out and the name of the toy have all been shuffled around (with the words "battle" and "super" being omitted in the process), and most notably, the toy is no longer named "Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Armor", but simply "Optimus Prime", with Apex Bomber's existence no longer acknowledged anywhere on the packaging.
The Transformers Collection
- Convoy(2002)
- ID Number:0
- Accessories:Laser Blaster, 2 fists (left & right), trailer/Combat Deck, Roller (dark blue), 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump,energon-axe
- As yet another in an increasingly large number of reissues of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime toy, this entry in the Japanese-exclusiveThe Transformers Collectionline of reissues added a few extra goodies to spice things up. Chiefly, the figure was armed with a newenergon-axe,based on the weapon used by Prime in the Generation 1 cartoon episode, "More than Meets the Eye, Part 2",which plugs into either of the headlight-holes that normally accommodate Prime's fists. Additionally, Prime came packaged with a ring binder folder designed to hold the pull-out character file sheets that were included with all the otherTransformers Collectionreissues. Notably, this figure reinstated the original, thick version of Prime's rifle as the standard for all future Japanese reissues.
- Starscream(2003)
- ID Number:9
- This redeco of the original Generation 1Starscreamtoycame packaged with a remolded right fist for Optimus Prime. This fist featured additional pegs that allowed it to holdthe pistol mode Megatron accessorywhich was also included with Starscream.
Smallest Transforming Transformers
- Convoy(2003)
- ID Number:GTF 01A
- Accessories:Laser Blaster
- Standing only two-and-a-quarter inches tall,Smallest Transforming TransformersOptimus Prime was the smallest fully transforming G1 Optimus toy. He features an accurate transformation sequence based on the original full-sized toy, replacing the detachable hands with actual sculpted fists, and even including a tiny version of his laser rifle. Unsurprisingly, he also has little articulation and is only capable of moving his arms and legs.
- His trailer and Roller were also available as a separate set in the same wave, as a rareshortpackedfigure with the ID number "GTF-01B". It is a simplified version of the original Combat Deck, lacking features like the interior deco and the lift arm of the artillery robot, but still nonetheless looking fairly accurate to the original toy.
- Convoy (Anime Version)(2004)
- ID Number:GTF 06
- Accessories:Laser Blaster
- Smallest TransformingPrime was redecoed the following year for the second wave of the line, into a color scheme based on his Generation 1 cartoon appearance featuring brighter reds and blues, white thighs, yellow details on his bumper, and blue eyes and windows. This version of the figure was made available for a second time in the next wave ( "Wave 2.5" ), with a new anime-decorated version of the Combat Deck now available as a rare "chase" figure.
- Convoy (White)(2004)
- ID Number:GTF X-4
- Accessories:Laser Blaster
- Another version of Prime was also available in the second wave of theSmallest Transforming Transformersseries as a chase figure. This almost entirely white version of the figure is clearly based on the version of the original Prime cab robot used in the Generation 1 Ultra Magnus figure, but was nonetheless sold as Optimus Prime for theSmallestline.
- Convoy vs Megatron(multipack, 2004)
- ID Number:VSX
- Accessories:Laser Blaster
- Available exclusively as a freebie through the September 2004 issue ofDengeki Hobbymagazine, thisSmallest Transforming Transformerstwo-pack contains both Optimus Prime and Megatron, in homage to the original 1984 "VSX" giftset containing the original versions of the two leaders.
Mini Toy Shop Collection
- Convoy(2004)
- ID Number:01
- At about 2/3 the size of theSmallest Transforming Transformers,this diminutive version of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime toy is the smallest figure of the Autobot leader made to date. It was sold as part of Takara's blindpackedMini Toy Shop Collectionline, a series of miniaturized figures from numerous classic Takara toylines, includingTransformers,Microman,Licca-chan,Choro-Qand others. Both of Prime's modes are represented by non-transforming individual figures, which come together in a two-pack. In-box, his truck form is even packed in a miniature recreation of his original Japanese packaging, which also includes a shrunken version of his sticker sheet. A tiny version of the original Takara Transformers catalog completes the set.
- Optimus Prime/Convoy(December 11,2003/2004)
- ID number:MP-1
- Accessories:Ion blaster, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, gun mode Megatron, Megatron's scope, stock and silencer, energon-axe, cardboard trailer (Japanese release only)
- Known designers:Aaron Archer(Hasbro),Hironori Kobayashi(TakaraTomy),Don Figueroa(concept artist)
- 20th AnniversaryOptimus Prime was produced for the stated milestone of theTransformersbrand. So successful was the figure thatToyFaremagazine ultimately ranked it #1 in their quest for "Best Toy Ever".[5]
- Created with the specific purpose of producing an Optimus Prime as accurate to the original animated series as possible, the toy is exceptionally poseable compared to toys prior, partially constructed from die-cast metal, features rubber tires and vacuum-metalized plastic and is heavily detailed, with sliding pistons in its joints and working spring-loaded suspension in vehicle mode. The figure also contains multiple non-intrusive gimmicks, such as a movingmouthplateto emulate Prime's traditional method of speech, flip-up communications panels on the forearms depicting images ofBumblebeeandStarscream,and an opening, light-up Matrix chamber in the chest, which contains a removable vacuum-metalized Matrix of Leadership that can also be pulled open. The Matrix is housed within a removable gray battery box which can light up the matrix core when activated.
- Optimus Prime comes with many accessories in addition to the aforementioned Matrix, including the character's traditional laser rifle, now termed (and henceforth known as) anion blaster.The initial release of the figure cast the ion blaster in grey plastic, but later assortments recast it in its more familiar black coloration. Other accessories include a transparent orange energon-axe that plugs into either wrist when Prime's fist is retracted, and even a non-transforming gun mode Megatron weapon, with removable stock, silencer, and scope accessories, in homage toseveralinstancesin the Generation 1 cartoon when Prime was forced to wield his enemy. Pack-in bonuses that came with the figure included an inner cardboard tray illustrated to resemble the interior of Prime's Combat Deck, and in later releases, a small poster drawn byPat Lee.
- Optimus has a hidden sculpted mouth underneath his face mask, though attempts at removing the mask from the head may entirely damage the action feature.
- Takara's version of the figure was released in their markets slightly earlier, as the first of their long-runningMasterpieceline. In addition to coming with a cardboard trailer that the buyer could assemble to "complete" Prime's truck mode, Takara's release differed from Hasbro's by featuring longer smokestacks (kept short on the Hasbro versionfor safety reasons), and lacking the black scorch-marked "battle damage" paint applications Hasbro included on the figure's shoulders, wrists, and abdomen. In Western markets, the figure was intended to complement theAlternatorsline.[6]
- This sculpt was redecoed by Takara into a golden Lucky Draw figure and later released in its original coloration with a trailer as a "Perfect Edition" (see below for both), while Hasbro would later redeco it into theirClassics-branded "DVD Edition".The mold was also used to makeMasterpieceUltra Magnusand "Convoy Black Version",representing one of many drones built in Prime's image, rather than Prime himself.
- InTransformers History Collection,ablind-packedTransformers trading figure line, Takara released an add-on hand forMasterpieceConvoy as aChase figure.The hand holds aSpike Witwickyfigure and clips on to the end of Optimus Prime's arm, making the arm slightly longer than normal.
Masterpiecemold:Convoy (MP-1) | ||
| ||
Hironori Kobayashi& |
- Convoy(Lucky Draw figure,2004)
- ID number:MP-1
- Accessories:Ion blaster, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, gun mode Megatron, Megatron's scope, stock and silencer, energon-axe, cardboard trailer
- Offered as part of a Lucky Draw campaign in August 2004, this extremely rare version ofMasterpieceConvoy is almost entirely vacuum-metalized gold, lacking any other painted detail or stickers. The parts which are not viable are molded in a flat golden plastic; the only exceptions are its rubber tires, the core of the Matrix and the energon-axe, which remain black, blue and orange, respectively. Whether or not the figure was intended to evoke Optimus Prime'sentirely-golden appearancein the cartoon episode "The Golden Lagoon",when he was coated withelectrum,is unknown; given that entirely chroming a figure gold is a fairly standard deco for Lucky Draw figures, it may just be happy coincidence more than anything else.
- The figure comes packaged in the standardMasterpieceConvoy box, with the only telltale sign of its fabled contents being the replacement of the traditionally silver foil lettering on the box with gold. It's not clear how many were made, but it is thought to be no more than 10 or 20.
- Convoy Perfect Edition(September 28,2006/2009)
- ID number:MP-4
- Accessories:Trailer/Combat Deck, ion Blaster, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, gun mode Megatron, Megatron's scope, stock and silencer, energon-axe, cardboard trailer
- Known designers:Hisashi Yuki(TakaraTomy)
- For this re-release ofMasterpieceConvoy, Takara submitted to the biggest desire fans had for the figure and produced a full-size, fully transforming plastic and die-cast metal trailer. The trailer opens up into Convoy's Combat Deck, with storage for its accessories and a functional repair drone, though Roller is conspicuous by its absence. Like the original Combat Deck, the drone can extend through holes in the roof and front of the closed trailer, and the interior has enough room to accommodate oneAlternatorsfigure invehicle mode.Some reports suggest that the paint on this figure's chest chips more easily than past editions. The red paint on the cab is also a slightly lighter color than on MP01.
- This version of Convoy, and Hasbro's 20th Anniversary DVD version of the toy depictsMegatronandGrimlockon its communicators rather than Bumblebee and Starscream.
- Continuating the trend begun by their previous release ofMasterpieceUltra Magnus in 2005, HasbroAustraliareleased Convoy Perfect Edition as a Target Australiaexclusivein 2008. Takara themselves then made the figure available for a second time in October 2009.
- Convoy Sleep Mode(2010)
- ID number:MP-4S
- Accessories:Trailer/Combat Deck, ion Blaster, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, gun mode Megatron, Megatron's scope, stock and silencer, energon-axe
- Released by TakaraTomy as part of theirWelcome to Transformers 2010anniversary line honoring the "future era" of the original cartoon (which was set in 2010 in Japanese continuity, you see!), this exceptionally morbid re-release of theMasterpieceConvoy figure recolors the Autobot leader in
blacks and greysverylow-saturated reds and blues, representinghis dead bodyfromThe Transformers: The Movie—but don't worry, kids, it's actually a "sleep mode", according to the figure's name! Limited to 2010 pieces in Japan (see what they did there?), it comes with all its customary accessories, including the Perfect Edition trailer, redecoed where appropriate: the trailer itself has become translucent, its energon-axe is now transparent grey, and Megatron, in another movie homage, is rendered in translucent purple, evoking the scene depicting his transformation intoGalvatron.The figure was also released in other parts of Asia as a limited edition of 2010 as well, combined with the Japanese edition for 4020 total. The Japanese version denotes "Serial Number in Japan: ####/2010" on its bio card with the number out of 2010, while the Asian version denotes "C1 - ####/2010" with the number out of 2010 on its bio card.
- This version of Convoy depictsHot RodandUltra Magnuson its communicators.
- Convoy Last Production(March 26,2011)
- ID number:MP-1L
- Accessories:Ion blaster, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, gun mode Megatron, Megatron's scope, stock and silencer, energon-axe, sound stage
- "Convoy Last Production" was the final re-use of theMasterpiecetoy mold before it was at last retired after numerous re-releases and redecos. The figure is essentially identical to the original Japanese MP-1 release, aside from a slightly brighter red, and the addition of the words "LAST SHOT" in Transformers typeface molded into the small of Convoy's back, hidden beneath its headlight-flaps inrobot mode.Lacking the trailer of MP-4, the figure instead comes with a redecoed version of the electronic base included with Hasbro's "DVD Edition"of the figure from five years prior, which now features a collection of sixteen soundbytes of Convoy delivering famous lines from the Japanese version of the Generation 1 cartoon, recited by the character's original Japanese voice actorTesshō Genda.The base was promoted as containing a hint as to the identity of the nextMasterpiecetoy; as it would turn out, this was a new version of Convoy himself (see below), foreshadowed by a sound clip on the base which played only intermittently, and which had Convoy announce that he would "soon be reborn".
- For its release in Korea, Hasbro Asia provided acollector coinfeaturing truck-mode Optimus Prime on one side and "MP-01L" on the other. The coin came mounted on a card featuring lineart of the Autobot leader's head, the stark black design of which could be mistaken for promoting the earlier "Sleep Mode" release. The limited release (and general lack of enthusiasm for the collector coins in Korea) makes this one of the more difficult Masterpiece coins to find.
- Convoy(September 24,2011, 2016)
- ID number:MP-10
- Accessories:Ion blaster,Matrix of Leadership,energon-axe,trailer/Combat Deck,Roller,Spike Witwicky figurine
- Known designers:Shogo Hasui(TakaraTomy),Junichi Akutsu(concept artist)
- MP-10 Convoy, advertised as a "perfect new model" on its packaging, is an entirely new tooling of Generation 1 Optimus Prime. Convoy is now smaller, making him more in-scale with other recentMasterpiecetoys, such asRodimus,and comes with a trailer and various accessories. While the front of the vehicle mode's cab is an accurate depiction of a mid-to-late-1980s Freightliner FLT cabover, the back half, (which is, as usual, made out of Convoy's legs) is much larger and robot-leggier in proportion. (So much that they sculpt a ladder on each side.)
- Many of the small features and electronics of the originalMasterpiecemold are left out. Instead, this Convoy features better overall cartoon accuracy (chest interior, head, etc.), an extensive red paint job that covers much of his red plastic, corrected robot mode proportions, improved articulation, and its gun can now collapse and store inside a compartment on its back in either mode. In addition to Convoy's trailer, which can transform into Combat Deck, it also comes with Roller, a small Spike Witwicky figurine, a die-cast metal Matrix of Leadership (with a clear blue plastic center), and an energy axe that slips over Convoy's right hand. Spike can fit inside the cab in vehicle mode, ride in Roller's seat, or fit into any of the seating compartments inside Convoy's trailer. Roller has options to plug in Convoy's gun or pull Convoy's trailer, and the trailer itself can store Convoy's weapons in any mode. Although not easily breakable, care must be taken for posing the index fingers; extending the finger even far would cause it to pop off.
- MP-10 immediately became the gold standard in terms of scale for the Masterpiece line, with all subsequent releases being sized to best match him for nearly a decade.
- This figure was re-released in 2016, with the packaging now advertising the "Long Life Design" award which theMasterpieceline won that same year.[7]This mold was also used to makeMP-10B Black Convoy.
- See also:MP-10 HasbroandHasbro Masterpiece.
Masterpiecemold:Convoy (MP-10) | ||
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Shogo Hasui |
- Convoy (BAPE ver.)(2014-07-19)
- ID number:MP-10A
- Accessories:Ion Blaster,Matrix of Leadership,Energon axe
- Available exclusively from Japanese clothing companyA Bathing Apein 2014, Convoy (BAPE Ver.) is a trailer-less redeco of the MP-10 mold sporting a green color scheme matching theConvoy Reissue BAPE Ver.of the original G1 toy, with "BAPE's famous camouflage pattern" and an ape head print on the shoulder replacing the usual faction symbol.
- Convoy Mode "Eva"(2014-11-28)
- ID number:MP-10
- Accessories:Ion Blaster,Matrix of Leadership,Energon axe,trailer/Battle Station,Roller,Spike Witwicky figurine
- Exclusive to theTakaraTomy Malland limited to 1,000 pieces, this figure was released as part of theTransformers × Evangelioncrossover. It uses the MP-10 mold with all the same accessories, decoed in the green and purple color scheme ofEva-01.The trailer, Roller, and Spike figure are done up inNerv-themed colors.
- Convoy (BAPE REDCAMO ver.)(2015-11)
- ID number:MP-10R
- Accessories:Ion Blaster, Matrix of Leadership, Energon axe
- Available exclusively from Japanese clothing companyA Bathing Apein 2015, Convoy (BAPE REDCAMO Ver.) is a trailer-less redeco of the MP-10 mold sporting a unique deep red color scheme matching theConvoy Reissue BAPE Ver. Redof the original G1 toy, with "BAPE's famous camouflage pattern" and an ape head print on the shoulder replacing the usual faction symbol.
- Optimus PrimeMini Die-Cast figure (2016-11-26)
- ID number:1
- Included withMP-33 Inferno
- Replacing the collector coins in previous releases, the Asia release ofMasterpieceInferno comes with a mini Optimus Prime figure, the first in a range of non transformable collectables made from
lost artDie-Cast metal and based on the corresponding Masterpiece figure (MP10).
- Convoy (BAPE BLACKCAMO ver.)(2017)
- ID number:MP-10K
- Accessories:Ion Blaster, Matrix of Leadership, Energon axe
- Available exclusively from Japanese clothing companyA Bathing Apein 2017, MP Convoy BAPE BLACKCAMO Ver. is a trailer-less redeco of the MP-10 mold sporting a unique black color scheme matching theConvoy Reissue BAPE Ver. BLACKof the original G1 toy, with "BAPE's famous camouflage pattern" and an ape head print on the shoulder replacing the usual faction symbol.
Masterpiecemold:Convoy (MP-10) | ||
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Shogo Hasui |
- Convoy (7-Eleven ver.)(February 28,2018)
- ID number:MP-711
- Accessories:Ion blaster, Matrix of Leadership, energon-axe, trailer, Roller, Spike Witwicky figurine
- Available exclusively from Japanese 7-11 stores, MP-711 is anUltra Magnus-decoed Convoy—white with green and blue highlighting—themed with7-Elevenlogos. Unlike most MP-10 redecos, he comes with a trailer, Roller, and Spike figure, who is sporting a 7-Eleven uniform. Roller and the combat deck come with 7-Eleven logos, however Convoy's shoulder logos are stickers with the option of a green 7-Eleven logo or the standard Autobot logo on either shoulder.

- Convoy (atmos safari LeBron Ver.)(March 15,2019)
- ID number:MP-10ASL
- Accessories:Ion Blaster, Matrix of Leadership, Energon axe
- Exclusive to Japanese Atmos stores, this deco of Optimus matches Atmos Safari LeBron James sneakers, in a fetching scheme of vibrant orange plus black and gray with extra details and logos. Unfortunately he does not come with aballobotaccessory.

- Convoy Ver.3.0(August 31,2019)
- ID number:MP-44
- Accessories:Ion Blaster, 2 beam effect parts, Matrix of Leadership, Energon axe, damaged head, alternate head, Starscream head, Starscream shoulder intakes, damaged chestpiece, jetpack, trailer, Roller,Spike Witwicky figurine,Sparkplug Witwicky figurine,Carly figurine
- An entirely new mold released to commemorate the brand's 35th anniversary,Masterpiece"Convoy Ver.3.0" is a much more complex and cartoon-accurate figure than previous releases. At 50,000 yen (approximately $450 USD), this Convoy had the highest MSRP of any mass-marketTransformerstoy untilWar for CybertronUnicron's $575 price tag was announced.
- Alongside the Trailer (which retains the same function and can hold 4 standard-sized Autobot cars at a time when open), Roller, the Ion Blaster, Matrix of Leadership, and Energon Axe, the Combat Deck's base can be removed and with the new flip-out wheels, Roller (now cast in stark grey with silver rims) can tow it around. The cannon and arm section can also be removed so it can function as a flight stand, while an adapter forMP-41 Dinobot's display stand is also included, and the Ion Blaster now has 2 effect parts, which can simulate blaster fire and when used with the Sideswipe rocket pack included, can be used as booster flames. He also comes with a fuel hose like that on the original figure, as well as a soundbox feature that can be switched between recorded lines by the character's original Japanese (Tesshō Genda) and English (Peter Cullen) voice actors, with transformation effects (though the ascending and descending transformation sounds are spliced together in his English voice) and Douglas Walsh music to boot! As to note, Cullen's clips are closer to the recentAlignedportrayals.
- LikeMP-36 Megatron,Convoy includes a battle-damaged head and an abdomen cover to replicate the war wounds in the climatic battle in the movie, and alongside a newly designed figure of Spike, he comes with two of Sparkplug and Carly, any of them capable of riding inside via 2 small doors on the side of the cab. A second alternate head is based on his head's rounder design seen in the first season of the cartoon and the Marvel Comics. His accessories can be stored in the trailer's removable undercarriage.
- This figure, with the included intakes and alternate head in place, also doubles asStarscreamfrom "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1".
- Unfortunately, Convoy has been known to suffer from differing quality control issues. Because of a design flaw, certain plastic parts in his lower ratcheted knee joints tend to build stress during movement and eventually break. Furthermore, grey and yellow paint in parts that tend to get scratched and bumped during transformation have been prone to paint chipping. Some units have come with theirsoft plasticear antennas on different heads warped in-package. The human minifigures can have their ball jointed limbs rather easily popping out of their sockets and misassembled ( in this case, Carly with her groin part in reverse from the front).
- Unlike MP-01 and MP-10, this version of Convoy did not get a fully localized Hasbro release for English-speaking markets. However, it is being imported by Hasbro through numerous retail outlets with additional branding using the localized Optimus Prime name and presumably with the same Hasbro-branded slipcover and English safety sheet given to other contemporaryMasterpiecereleases. In Canada, the figure is being released as an EB Games exclusive, where he'll cost even more than the game consoles sold there! Hasbro's online product description neglects to mention the voice box gimmick, possibly due to English-speaking audiences' unfamiliarity with JapaneseTransformersmedia and the fairly late reveal of his English-language voice clips.
- This mold was redecoed asBlack Convoy,with the sound gimmick removed, and without the trailer, battle damaged, and Starscream parts.
- The trailer from this mold is able to be towed byBrave Commander Optimus Primefrom theTransformers One toyline,though this feature is undocumented.
Masterpiecemold:Convoy (MP-44) | ||
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- Convoy (atmos duckcamo Ver.)(March 26,2020)
- ID number:MP-10DC
- Accessories:Ion Blaster, Matrix of Leadership, Energon axe
- Exclusive to Japanese Atmos stores, this deco of Optimus matches Atmos Safari Duck sneakers, in a fetching scheme of greens plus vibrant orange.
Masterpiecemold:Convoy (MP-10) | ||
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Shogo Hasui |
- Convoy (atmos ELEPHANT CAMO Ver.)(black plus vibrant teal)
- Convoy (atmos VIOTECH CAMO Ver.)(light grey plus light gold)
- Convoy (atmos TIGER CAMO BLACK Ver.)(black plus shocking green and gold)
- Convoy (atmos TIGER CAMO YELLOW Ver.)(yellow and black tiger stripes plus white)
- Skyfire(2023)
- ID number:MP-57
- Known designers:Kōjin Ōno(TakaraTomy),Yuki Ohshima(concept artist)
- Included with the massiveMasterpieceSkyfireis an articulated,cartoon-accuratefigurine of "Convoy", made to scale with Skyfire's jet mode.
- Optimus Prime(February2024)
- ID number:MP-44S
- Accessories:Ion Blaster, beam effect part, Matrix of Leadership, Energon axe, alternate head
- Released in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of theTransformersbrand,MasterpieceMP-44S Optimus Prime is a redeco of "Convoy Ver.3.0",featuring colors based on theoriginalThe Transformerstoy.Among the heaps of accessories included with the original release of Convoy, Optimus retains only his Ion Blaster (with its beam effect), Energon Axe, and the more rounded head styled after season 1 of the cartoon (here passing the squint test for the toy head). These accessories are the same as MP-49, but now includes the Transformers power base stand adapter. New for this release is a sheet of stickers to reproduce the, erm, sheet of stickers, included withThe TransformersOptimus Prime. As with the previous trailer-lessMP-49 Black Convoy,the soundbox has been neutered for this release.
- This redeco has noticeably different tolerance changes, with the joints being much tighter than both MP-44 and MP-49. Also unlike MP-49, the entire figure is painted albeit in a lighter, more resistive coat compared to MP-44. The "round head" was given blue eyes (a change from the promotional photos). With the adjusted tolerances in mind, the clips that hook the leg-stored cab panels into the gas tanks have been removed.
- Instead of the standard "Convoy" of Japanese releases based on older media, this toy uses the "Optimus Prime" name. It is explained as a name made popular by Hollywood movies—referring to thelive-action film series,which does not change character names in Japanese localization.
Masterpiecemold:Convoy (MP-44) | ||
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- G1 Convoy(2004)
- ID number:RM-01
- Release date:July 15,2004
- Accessories:"Convoy Gun", missile launcher, missile, energon-axe, 4 fists (2 left, 2 right)
- Part of the first wave ofRobotmasterstoys, "G1 Convoy" (as he is amusingly referred to even in fiction) visibly takes some design cues from20th AnniversaryOptimus Prime, featuring a similar sculpt, but sharing few to none of the larger toy's other attributes.
- G1 Convoy comes with two sets of fists, each pair featuring differently-shaped fist holes: one pair with square holes to hold the figure's "Convoy Gun" (as his ion blaster is called), and the other with round 3 mm-compatible holes to hold the spring-loaded translucent blue missile launcher (a generic accessory also available withRobotmastersBeast MegatronandBeast Convoy). The fists are swapped out by simply popping them out of the wrist-hinge that holds them in place; the figure also includes an energon-axe that can be inserted into the wrist instead of a fist.
- Due to being molded in translucent plastic, the waist section is prone to breakage, so exercise some caution.
- G1 Convoy + DVD(2004)
- ID number:RM-10
- Release date:July 15,2004
- Accessories:"Convoy Gun", missile launcher, missile, energon-axe, 4 fists (2 left, 2 right)
- Also in the first wave ofRobotmasters,this special edition release of G1 Convoy is decked out in metallic paint and a tint of yellow for his eyes, with an extra Autobot insignia tampographed onto his right shoulder, and a black Convoy Gun. The figure comes packed with a DVD containing the first episode of theRobotmasterscartoon, "Fight! The Group of the Strongest Commanders!".
- G1 Convoy Limited Black Version(2005)
- ID number:RM-01
- Accessories:"Convoy Gun", missile launcher, missile, energon-axe, 4 fists (2 left, 2 right), Calamity Defenser
- Available only via mail-order throughDengeki Hobbymagazine, the "Limited Black Version" of G1 Convoy is just that: a straightblack redecoof the G1 Convoy toy. He comes with all his original accessories, appropriately redecoed (including a silver version of his axe), as well as a gold-chromed version of the "Calamity Defenser"solitariumweapon that came withPsycho-Orb.
- G1 Convoy(Lucky Draw figure, 2005)
- ID number:RM-01
- Accessories:"Convoy Gun", missile launcher, missile, energon-axe, 4 fists (2 left, 2 right)
- WhenRobotmastersG1 Convoy was turned into a Lucky Draw figure, the color scheme into which he was redecoed was chosen through a children's coloring contest held in the pages of the December 2004 issue ofTV Magazine.The winning entry was a...startlingmixture of blue, orange and two shades of green, earning the toy thefan-appointed nickname of "Crayola Convoy". As with all Lucky Draws, it is extremely rare, with only ten units produced.
- Optimus Prime(Spy Changer, 2004)
- Universe"Spy Changer" Optimus Prime is aredecoof theRobots in DisguiseSpychangerScourgetoy, transforming into a Western Star 4964EX truck. He replaces most of the black plastic with predominantly red and blue, with silver for detailing. Like most Spy Changers, he features high speed axles and can roll very well across smooth surfaces, but lacks the weight to propel him quickly.
- Originally aKB Toysexclusive, the first release of this toy (and the others in the assortment) did not have any sub-line designation at all, but later releases for other chains, most notably "budget" chains like Family Dollar, marked them asUniverseproduct.
- This mold was also redecoed intoa Spy Changer version of the live-action movie Optimus Prime.
Collector's Edition
- Orion Pax(2-pack, 2005)
- ID number:67
- Accessories:"Barrelroller" robot/ "electromagnetic lift handle", "laser rifle"
- ThisCollector's EditionJapanesee-HOBBYexclusive is aredecoofTargetmasterKup,released in conjunction withKup's 2005 reissueinThe Transformers Collection.He transforms into a Cybertronian pickup truck, and is colored to representOrion Paxas he appeared in theGeneration 1 television seriesepisode "War Dawn".
- Like the Kup reissue, he comes with both the original release's gun and aTargetmaster,in this caseBarrelroller,a redeco ofRecoil.The original-release rifle has been slightly retooled to fit in the wider fist-holes of the Targetmaster vesion of the mold.
- Just as the reissued Kup came with a reissue ofWheelie,this set also included a redeco of Wheelie as Orion's best friend,Dion.It shipped to buyers in September 2005.
- In later years, other Kup toys would be repainted into Orion Paxunder theTributeline, and also theLegacy"A Hero Is Born" double pack.
Hybrid Style
- Convoy(2006)
- ID number:T.H.S.-02
- Accessories:Trailer/Combat Deck, Roller, ion blaster, gas pump, energon-axe, Autobot Matrix of Leadership,rocket pack,8 hands (4 left, 4 right), Autobot insignia stand
- Known designers:Shōji Kawamori(TakaraTomy)
- Hybrid StyleOptimus Prime is aninsanelydetailed and complex transforming toy, created under the supervision of famed mecha designerShōji Kawamori.Standing only three and three-quarter inches tall in robot mode, the figure is partially constructed from die-cast metal and features one of the most complex transformation sequences ever seen on aTransformersfigure of its size. Alas, the small size of the figure also works against it, as it required several design concessions that resulted in (if we're being nice about it) an unimpressive cab mode.
- Prime is loaded with a ridiculous number of features and accessories. The robot itself is highly poseable, and both the smokestacks on Prime's shoulders and the fuel tanks on his legs can be rotated forward to act as guns, even featuring sculpted detail to this effect. As ever, he comes with a trailer that opens up into his crazy-detailed Combat Deck, featuring more action features than ever before. In trailer mode alone, it features a flip-down support stand so it can stand alone, a spring-loaded pop-out ramp instead of a fold-down one, and when the trailer is split for transformation, the traditional support legs underneath automatically swing out into place. The trailer houses most of Prime's accessories, including his ion blaster (with a moveable ammo clip to allow for multiple poses) and energon-axe, as well as his classic gas pump accessory, now with a poseable wire instead of a rubber hose. Two fold-out compartments provide storage space for six of Prime's interchangeable fists, while the other two remain attached the robot: two clenched, two open, a pointing right fist, a tilted left fist (for holding the ion blaster's ammo clip), and two fists with slots to grip the miniscule Matrix of Leadership that fits in a tiny chamber in Prime's chest. The Combat Deck's artillery robot features two flip-out handles that Prime can grip as if aiming the drone's guns, and Roller is also included, with three different 3 mm ports to hold Prime's gun and gas pump. Lastly, Prime comes with a rocket pack like those used by the Autobots in such Generation 1 cartoon episodes as "Dinobot Island",and a stand shaped like the Autobot insignia that allows him to be displayed in mid-air, as if in flight. The rocket pack also has 3 mm ports for Prime's weapons, and stores on the front of the trailer in vehicle mode.
- Purchase of aHybrid StyleOptimus Prime at a JapaneseToys "R" Usstore allowed the buyer the option of also purchasing the exclusiveSmallest Transforming TransformersHot Rodtoy.
- The toy also received a Hasbro release 11 years later under thePlatinum Editionline.
- Convoy Black Version(2006)
- ID number:T.H.S.-02B
- Accessories:Trailer/Combat Deck, Roller, ion blaster, gas pump, energon-axe, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, rocket pack, 8 fists (4 left, 4 right), Autobot insignia stand, 2 missile launchers, 2 heads
- Available exclusively through e-HOBBY, this black and teal repaint ofHybrid StyleConvoy features the traditional "Nemesis Prime"color scheme, but represents a version of Optimus Prime himself. In addition to all the original accessories, the toys also includes several more deliciously metatextual goodies, themed around theGeneration 2toy and comics: two new large guns patterned after the new weapons wielded by theGeneration 2Optimus Prime toy, and two additional (blue) Prime heads that can be swapped with the figure's regular noggin, sculpted explicitly in the style ofGeneration 2comicartistDerek Yaniger.One head is pristine, the other decorated to match the battle damage seen on the cover of thefirstGeneration 2issue.
- As the more franchise-savvy TransFans may realise, these extra parts, plus the black trailer of Convoy Black Version, can all be used to modify the original, redHybrid StyleOptimus Prime into a comic-accurateGeneration 2version, complete with a black trailer, trailer-mounted guns and your choice of Yaniger-style heads.
- This figure came in a unique box, packaged with amini-comic,both illustrated byHidetsugu Yoshioka.
- Convoy Black Gold Version(November 25, 2013)
- ID number:T.H.S.-02
- Accessories:Trailer/Combat Deck, Roller, ion blaster, gas pump, energon-axe, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, rocket pack, 8 fists (4 left, 4 right), Autobot insignia stand, 2 missile launchers
- Availableonlyin China markets, Convoy Black Gold Version is yet another black repaint of the firstHybrid StyleConvoy figure, with some gold detailing. Convoy Black Gold Version does not include any extra accessories unlike the Black Version release above.
- Optimus Prime(2006)
- Alternator ID number:21
- Binaltech ID number:BT-22
- Accessories:Engine/gun
- Known designers:Steve Bono(Hasbro),Marcelo Matere(packaging artist)
- AlternatorsOptimus Prime transforms into an accurate 1:24 scale Dodge Ram SRT-10. The vehicle mode features rubber tires, functional steering, opening hood, tail gate and doors with a detailed cabin interior. Several of the details of hisrobot modebody are based on the sculpt of the 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime figure, but the head itself shares more similarities with the Powermaster mold. He is armed with a small pistol which transforms into his vehicle mode engine.
- This figure was originally conceived by Hasbro to be another character (exactly who is unknown), rather than Optimus Prime, but Takara insisted that the toy be made into Optimus to help it sell well in their markets, as the vehicle mode was no particular draw, given its scarcity in Japan. Reportedly, the figure cost twice as much as other Alternators to construct, so Hasbro had to bow to this demand so Takara would help fund it. Ironically, Takara eventually wound up soliciting the figurenotas Prime, but as hisSuper-God Masterforcelookalike,Ginrai(perhaps connected to the Powermasteresque headsculpt), before its Japanese release was cancelled and moved over into theKiss Playerstoyline (see below).
- It took two further years, but this figure was eventually released as part of the Japanese counterpart to theAlternatorsline (Binaltech) in 2008.BinaltechConvoy features some additional paint details, like his silver pelvis, additional patterns on his shoulders, and red paint on his engine-gun, and like allBinaltechfigures, he also includes die-cast metal pieces. Unlike previous Binaltech releases, a bio-card was not included.
- This sculpt was also used to createAlternatorsNemesis Prime.
Alternatorsmold:Optimus Prime | ||
Kiss Players
- Convoy × Melissa(2006)
- Accessories:Engine/gun, "Surfblade"surfboard/sword weapon,Marissa Fairebornfigurine with stand and 2 pairs of arms and legs
- Known designers:Yuki Ohshima(concept artist)
- Kiss PlayersConvoy is a redeco ofAlternatorsOptimus Prime. While the figures may appear similar at first glance, given thatKiss PlayersPrime is still red, blue and black, there are many subtle differences, not least of all the replacement of theAlternatorsfigure's bare, flat red plastic with a deep metallic red paint. Several of his body parts are cast in different colors of plastic (for example, his shins, formerly black, are now blue, while his formerly-blue hands are now black), and he features more intricate paint applications on his shoulders, and especially his pelvis, which is decorated to look like Prime's traditional bumper.
- In addition to the small engine-pistol of hisAlternatorsfigure, Prime comes with the "Surfblade", a pink surfboard that can be reconfigured into either two small knives or a large double-bladed sword. As with all theKiss Playersfigures, Prime also comes with aPVCfigurine of a cute girl: in this case, Marissa Faireborn, who can perch upon his shoulder or sit in his driver's seat, and comes with two pairs of interchangeable arms and legs. Additionally, the set includes a CD featuring the first five episodes of theKiss Playersradio drama,as well as the exclusive bonus audio adventure, "Someday, Beneath the Sun."
- This set was originally intended to be released under theBinaltech Asteriskline, as "Black Convoy meets Marissa", but this release was cancelled before it was officially even announced.
Alternatorsmold:Optimus Prime | ||
Titanium Series
- Optimus Prime(6 "Cybertron Heroes, 2006)
- Accessories:Ion blaster,display stand
- Known designers:Don Figueroa(concept artist)
- Released in the first wave ofTitanium Series6-inch Cybertron Heroes figures, this figure is based on Optimus Prime'sCybertronianform as seen in theDreamwavecomic book "The War Within".Prime transforms into a comic-accurate Cybertronian truck in a few steps, and his ion blaster can be slotted in the back of the truck mode cab for storage.
- The figure was personally designed by comic artistDon Figueroa,who created the original comic design in the first place, and his signature is left on the figure in the most literal way: the word "DON" can be seen sculpted into the barrel of his silver ion blaster. The paint on the handle of his ion blaster scuffs rather easily when placed into his hands.
- As aTitaniumfigure, Prime is made in large part from die-cast metal, but like so many of the other toys in theTitaniumline, his plastic joints have trouble supporting his heavy metal weight. For that reason, the tiny insufficient clips that hold his shoulders in place are highly prone to breaking off, leaving his shoulders floppy and unable to be secured in robot mode. He comes with the generic display stand shared by all of the 6 "" Cybertron Heroes ", with a unique removable nameplate.

- War Within Optimus Prime vs. War Within Megatron(two-pack, 2007)
- Accessories:Ion blaster
- ThisToys "R" UsexclusiveTitaniumtwo-pack includes the previously-releasedWar WithinOptimus Prime figure along with theWar WithinMegatronMegatron figure and an exclusivevariantcover ofThe War Within#5.
- As the mass retail release of the last waves of theTitanium"Cybertron Heroes" figures was delayed for several months, the two-pack version of Megatron was at least initially more widely available than the individually packaged one.
- Despite being mentioned in the jointinstructionsleaflet for the set, neither figure includes their display base.
- There appears to be a variant of this two-pack: One version has the Optimus Prime figure more or less identical to its individual release, whereas the other one drops the additional black paint weathering, making him much cleaner-looking.
- Optimus Prime(Voyager Class, 2006)
- Accessories:Smokestacks/laser cannon, wind vane/ion blaster
- Known designers:Eric Siebenaler(Hasbro),Takio EjimaandAlex Kubalsky(TakaraTomy),Don Figueroa(concept artist)
- ClassicsOptimus Prime is based upon the original Optimus Prime, as is the intention for theClassicstoyline. He transforms into a modern cab-over style truck of made up model, dominated by a large wind vane on his roof. As with mostClassicstoys, he features a heat-sensitiverubsign.
- Inrobot mode,his wind vane transforms into a large ion blaster, and his smokestacks transform into a smaller laser cannon. Additionally, both weapons can combine together to form a double-barrelled over-shoulder weapon. The unusually high amount of yellow paint used throughout the body is supposed to emulate the yellow stickers from the original G1 toy. The toy has a trailer hitch, but does not come with a trailer.
- Unfortunately, the yellow paint on his forearms tends to flake off.
Classicsmold:Optimus Prime | ||

- The Ultimate Battle(Multi-pack, 2006)
- Accessories:Laser rifle
- Known designers:Eric Siebenaler(Hasbro),Joe Kyde(deco artist)
- Classics"Ultimate Battle" Optimus Prime is a Deluxe Class figure and transforms into a flat-nosed truck cab. The figure is armed with a tommy gun-shaped laser rifle that transforms into a turret-like configuration and mounts on the rear of his truck mode, and features a spinning "power punch" action that sees the whole upper half of his torso spin when a button on his back is pressed. Pressing the button "unlocks" the spinning mechanism; pullhardon the button, and you can lock the torso back into place.
- In the United States, Prime was only available in a special two-pack with a similarly uniqueClassicsMegatron toy,and the specially-produced "The Ultimate Battle"DVD (which is, inappropriately enough, entirely about theUnicron Trilogy). The two-pack (including the DVD) was also available as aWalmartexclusive"Bonus Value" version with two randomly selected members of theCybertronGiant Planet Mini-Con Team,in the combinationsOvercast/Longarm,Overcast/Deepdiveand Deepdive/Longarm. International markets, including European countries, saw the two-pack in a considerably smaller, differently-shaped box that was lacking the DVD case (the DVD was instead made available separately). In addition, Mexico, Singapore and some European countries such as the Netherlands and Hungary also received the two figures on individual cardbacks. For the United States market, the two-pack wasrebrandedand re-released in2003Universe-branded packaging later in 2007, available from Dollar General, Big Lots andKB Toys,andagainin2010Transformers-branded packaging in 2011, this time available from Dollar General and Big Bad Toy Store.
- This figure was lateralsomade available without redeco as part of the "Leader for the Ages" two-pack released under thelive-action movie line(see below) and saw several redecos forUniverse( "Special Edition", below),Welcome to Transformers 2010( "Sons of Cybertron", below) andUnited(below).
- Optimus Prime(20th Anniversary DVD Edition, 2006)
- Accessories:Ion blaster, Autobot Matrix of Leader, gun mode Megatron, Megatron's scope, stock and silencer, energon-axe, display stand
- Produced to coincide with the 20th anniversary ofThe Transformers: The Movieand its release on DVD bySony,this edition of Prime is a redeco of his20th Anniversaryfigure. It replaces the original's metallic paint with flatter colors and does away with any and all vacuum-metalized plastic, as well as altering several other small details across the body, like the color of the lights on his feet and chest.
- Prime comes with all the accessories of his previous release, although his ever-changing ion blaster is now somewhat confusingly cast in blue plastic. He features one major additional accessory: an electronic display base sculpted with the image of the Matrix and the Autobot insignia. Pressing the insignia's crest triggers a series of electronic soundbytes, mostly quotes from the movie recited not by original actorPeter Cullen,but by Hasbro's in-house actor,Ron Hayden:"Autobots, transform and roll out!", "I want you to make a special run to Autobot City," "Megatron must be stopped!", "All we need is a little energon, and a lot of luck," and two samples of the classictransformation sound effect,one ascending, one descending.
- The display stand itself was later redecorated as a mail-in prize for Takara Tomy's "Welcome to Transformers 2010"promotion, was intended to be used withRodimus Convoyfrom "Masterpiece",and was also redecorated in the" final production "run of the Masterpiece Optimus Prime toys and as an Optimus Prime voiced stand for the Second Prize in theArms Up Campaign.
Masterpiecemold:Convoy (MP-1) | ||
| ||
Hironori Kobayashi& |
- Pepsi Optimus Prime(Autobot, 2007)
- Accessories:Left & right fists, ion blaster, trailer
- Inspired by the1985 promotional versionof Optimus Prime that featured Pepsi stickers on his trailer, this outlandish incarnation of Prime is a slightly altered version of Takara's 2005Pepsi Convoyfigure (which represented a different character to Prime). The figure was only sold byHasbro Toy Shopat various conventions, and given away as a promotional prize by Pepsi, via theirMountain Dewbrand.
- A redeco of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime cab robot sporting an egregious number of Pepsi-themed paint masks and details, Pepsi Prime's differences from Pepsi Convoy are minimal: he features the shortened smokestacks previously seen on theCommemorative Seriesrelease of the mold, the blue pattern on his decals are different (matching the American Pepsi can/bottle look at the time rather than the one used in Japan), and also has a different layout for the Pepsi logo on his left shoulder. Like Pepsi Convoy, he comes with an entirely new trailer unit, specially designed to carry either a single 500ml (16.9 oz) sizesoft drinkbottle, three 350ml cans, or 12 bottle caps (bottle cap figurines being a common and popular collectible item in Japan). In a first for the Prime mold, the figure's fists store in holes on the underside of the trailer while he is in vehicle mode. His ion blaster (which also stores under the trailer) is the first Hasbro reissue to feature the original, thick-barrel sculpt, which was reinstated to the mold by theTransformers Collectionrelease of Prime a few years prior.
Sports Label
- Convoy featuring Nike Free 7.0(2007)
- ID number:01
- Accessories:Ion blaster
- Known designers:Hironori Kobayashi(TakaraTomy)
- Surely one of the strangest examples of licensedTransformersproducts,Sports LabelConvoy transforms into ashoe.Something of ashellformer,this baffling incarnation of Prime is colored primarily white and red in his alt mode of a realistic-looking (if notably undersized) Nike Free 7.0 sneaker, complete with gratuitously long real fabric shoelaces. Inrobot mode,he is made instantly recognizable by his incorporation of some additional blue and silver in predictable areas, and a traditionally Prime-styled head. Less traditionally, and somewhat perversely, Prime's feet are sculpted in the likeness of his own sneaker mode, making it seem like he's wearing himself!
- His gun splits into two halves and stores inside hiskibblein shoe mode; in an undocumented feature, it has two handle pegs on opposite sides, so that it can be held either at its far end or halfway along its length. The gun halves can also be plugged together in two different ways.
- This figure was, in fact, theonlymold in theSports Labelline. It was redecoed into the "Marine Free" version of Prime himself (see below), and given a new head to createSports LabelMegatron
- Convoy featuring Nike Free 7.0 Marine Version
- ID number:01
- Accessories:Ion blaster
- A redeco of the firstSports LabelConvoy, this figure transforms into a white, navy, and grey sneaker. Promotional images for the figure depicted its robot mode as white and aqua-blue, but the finished product was visibly darker, produced in shades of off-white and dark teal. In either coloration, it sure as hecklookslike it should beUltra Magnus,but for whatever reason... it ain't.
- Convoy(2007)
- ID number:01
- Accessories:Laser Blaster, 2 fists (left & right), trailer/Combat Deck, Roller (grey), 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- A new series of reissues means a new release of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime figure, and Takara'sEncoreseries proved no different. This edition of the figure featured no extra accessories, but it did include the original, thick-barrelled version of Prime's rifle, as reinstated to the mold by theTransformers Collectionversion of the toy a few years prior. Both his blue and red plastics are lighter than normal, though not to the extent of Hasbro's subsequent 25th Anniversary release.
- Notably, this edition addresses the small but persistent issue of the Autobot insignias on Prime's shoulders: Ever since 1984, applying the stickers evenly had been a challenge due to small bumps the figure's shoulders are textured with. Like thePepsi Convoyfigure released two years prior,EncoreConvoy replaces the stickers withtampographs.
Music Label
- Convoy —playing iPod speaker—(2007)
- Accessories:Trailer/iPod dock, 2 fists (left and right), ion blaster
- Hot on the heels of their licensing deals with Pepsi and Nike, TakaraTomy got themselves a slice of Apple™ pie and released Convoy —playingiPodspeaker— as part of their small, musically-themedMusic Labelline. This version of Prime is an all-white redeco of the original Generation 1 cab robot, which (much like the "Marine Version" of Prime from theSports Labelline) makes it seem like he ought to be Ultra Magnus. The figure is actually even derived from the retool of the mold created for the original Ultra Magnus figure, as distinguished by the elongated hubcap pegs on the front wheels. Like Pepsi Prime before it, the figure's fists now store in peg holes on the under side of its trailer. The toy lacks any of the original Prime's stickers (even the silver stripe on his chest is now apaint operation) and includes the original thick-barrelled version of Prime's blaster. The toy features a brand new headsculpt based on the20th AnniversaryPrime figure, given additional poseability not previously seen on the figure by being mounted on aball joint.
- This, of course, is all secondary to the main draw of the figure: it pulls an all-white trailer, which transforms into a working iPod speaker dock by rotating a substantial wedge of its full length 90 degrees. The dock features three working buttons; power, volume up and volume down, as well as an Autobot sigil indicator light. Included is a wall-plugging (Japanese) A/C adaptor with a long lead that plugs into the reverse of the trailer. Although American importers shouldn't have too much trouble, those living in parts of the world using higher strength A/C current outlets should be warned NOT to simply plug the A/C adaptor in with only a socket adapter, as this will overload the device and fry it completely. Buying the appropriate kind of universal A/C adaptor with advice from an electronics specialty shop is recommended.
- Optimus Prime —speakers for iPod—(2008)
- Accessories:Trailer/iPod dock, 2 fists (left and right), ion blaster
- Designated "Optimus Prime" rather than the traditional Japanese "Convoy", this figure is a redeco of the previousMusic LabelConvoy figure into the character's traditional red, blue and silver color scheme. Unlike previous re-issues of the mold, iPod Optimus Prime's sports a paint application similar to KissPlayers Convoy, having its ABS/PVC parts painted over with a thin layer of his iconic red, white (silver if you will) and blue motif paint applications (with the exception of his iPod docking trailer). This includes his trailer, though the effect is somewhat marred by the large, visible gap on one side. When reconfigured into dock mode, the interior surfaces surrounding the speakers are decorated with black-on-silver techno-patterns as well as three "Optimus Prime" logos. The recessed space also features a stylised, almostFrank Milleresque,high-contrast portrait of Prime's face, although this is largely covered when an iPod is inserted. The figure comes in identical packaging to the originalMusic LabelConvoy, save for the addition of a sticker illustrating the different color of its contents.
- EXILE x TRANSFORMERS —speakers for iPod—(2008)
- Accessories:Trailer/iPod dock, 2 fists (left and right), ion blaster
- Exclusive toLDH Shop,this redeco of theMusic LabelConvoy toy is utterly ridiculous and was created as a promotion for the Japanese pop bandEXILE.While Convoy himself has EXILE written on his right forearm, his trailer sports the "Love Dream Happiness" tagline of LDH Inc.[1],as well as the "EXILE Perfect Year 2008" logo of the "EXILE Perfect Year 2008 Ultimate Best Box" boxset, which was released some months after he was.
- Leader for the Ages(Wal*Mart exclusive two-pack, 2007)
- Accessories:Laser rifle
- This Wal*Mart-exclusivetwo-pack pairs the deluxe-sizeClassicsOptimus Prime figure withlive-action movieline'sFast Action BattlersPower Hook Optimus Primetoy. Both toys are identical to their original releases, and together represent the Optimus Primes of the oldest and newest generations (at the time) ofTransformers,respectively. The movie Prime is designated "2007 Optimus Prime", while theClassicsfigure is dubbed "1984 Optimus Prime" (referring not, of course, to the toy, which was produced in 2006, but to the character).
- Diablock Convoy(2007)
- ID number:01(Mecha Builder Vol.03)We have the technology. We canrebuild him.Except, uh.. for hisface.
- Accessories:Ion blaster
- ID number:01(Mecha Builder Vol.03)
- Rounding out a bumper year of Japanese-exclusiveGeneration 1 Optimus Primes, the Takara-licensed Kawada brandDiablockConvoy is a fully transformable Lego-style block building figure similar in premise to the earlier AmericanBuilt to Rule!sets. TheDiablockfigure, however, easily outstrips theBuilt to Rule!sets by both being an accurate representation of the toy on which it is based, and being able to transform between modeswithouthaving to be partially disassembled and put back together first.
- Forming a roughly 11-inch figure when fully assembled,DiablockConvoy is highly articulated, save for his head, which is only able to move up and down. Said head is also by far the most stylised aspect of the figure, with no real attempt to approximate Prime's face or mouthplate, instead featuring only a reversed block that gives the odd impression of a cycloptic eye. It is possibly intended to actually represent his forehead grill, as a yellow block inside his head construction remains barely-visible through a slit in his face, possibly intended to represent the classic toy's yellow eyes.
- The figure'stransformation schemeis based on the original G1 figure, the only differences being that the fists are not removed but become the headlights, and instead of flipping backwards inside the chest,DiablockConvoy's noggin flips forwards with the aid of opening chest windows. A "laser rifle" in the shape of his ion cannon can be built from black bricks, and stickers bearing the Autobotfaction symbolcan be placed on his shoulders, although this is not recommended as it is designed to permanently stick to multiple tiles which dislodge easily and may damage the sticker.
Henkei! Henkei!
- Convoy(March 13,2008)
- ID number:C-01
- Accessories:Smokestacks/Prime Gun, wind vane/ion blaster
- Henkei! Henkei! TransformersConvoy is a redeco ofClassicsVoyager Class Optimus Prime. He features a significantly altered colour scheme, generally to make the toy more closely resemble his appearance in the Generation 1 cartoon and the original toyline. His truck mode features less silver paint striping, but compensates with avacuum-metalizedgrill/fender area. Inrobot modeall of his previously grey plastic is replaced with red plastic, with a majority of it being painted silver, chromed, or painted gunmetal gray. He features a different shade of red, blue, and clear blue plastic than the Classics version. SinceHenkei!toys do not feature a heat-sensitive rubsign,HenkeiConvoy has two Autobot sigils tampographed onto his shoulders.
- Convoy Clear Version(June 19,2008)
- Accessories:Smokestacks/Prime Gun, wind vane/ion blaster
- This redeco ofHenkeiConvoy is cast almost entirely in translucent colored plastic. Also known by the nickname "Crystal Convoy" among fans, it was first released as an exclusive for the Japanese convention Tokyo Toy Fair 2008, limited to 1000 pieces at the event, but was later made available throughe-HOBBY.It was sold in a monochrome-blue version ofHenkeiConvoy's regular packaging.
- Convoy(2008)
- Accessories:Smokestacks/Prime Gun, wind vane/ion blaster
- Chromedentirely in gold like many otherLucky Draw figuresbefore it, this version of Prime was available only through aTV Magazinemail-in promotion held in December 2008, and was limited to only five units, making it one of the rarest officially available Transformers toys in the world.
- Unfortunately, this toy has become the target of severalknockoffsaimed at gullible collectors. Most of the fake ones can be told apart from the real deal by various details not matching up. The real one is cast in gold plastic, painted over in gold chrome and sports small red Autobotlogoson both shoulders.
- Convoy(
2008)- Accessories:Smokestacks/Prime Gun, wind vane/ion blaster
- A (technically)unreleased"black" redecoofHenkeiVoyager-sized Convoy using the same plastic layout and paint mask but replacing red and blue with black, silver with gray, leaving the previously vacuum-metalized grill/fender area unpainted, changing the blue tint for the windows to red and changing all silver and yellow paint operations to blue. The red Autobot insignias would have remained unchanged.[9]
- The figure would have come in a monochrome version of the standardHenkei! Henkei!Convoy's packaging, still named "Convoy" but now labeled as part of theGentei! Genteirange of exclusives.[10]Reportedly, this figure was intended as a Wonderfest exclusive, but was canceled because, according tooTakaraTomydesignerShogo Hasui,it was too similar toUniverseNemesis Prime.Knockoffswere later made available, so buyers beware!
- A minor redeco (replacing the Autobot insignias with Decepticon insignias, adding silver paint to the grill/fender area and changing the blue paint operations to teal)was eventually releasedas aTokyo Toy Show 2012exclusive, now marketed as part of theUnitedline.
- Optimus Prime(2008)
- Series:G1
- Accessories:Laser Blaster, 2 fists (left & right), trailer/Combat Deck, Roller, 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump, sound effects module, comic, DVD
- Known designers:Marcelo Matere(packaging artist)
- Sold at the rather exorbitant price of $75, this re-release of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime toy is actually one of the most visually different from the other "straight" reissues of the mold, despite Hasbro's assurance that this is the toy you had as a kid. Positivelyanemicin comparison with the original toy, this Prime's red parts are visibly paler than usual, while his blue parts are much lighter (although the version released at Canadian retail reportedly sports a deeper shade of red again). This shade of blue extends to both Roller (a lighter blue than his traditional dark shade, yet darker than the lightest the figure has been in its history) and the internal workings of his Combat Deck, which is itself a much flatter shade of light grey, compared to its normal dark, swirled metallic silver color. In addition, the toy features the now-customary shortened smokestacks, and the elongated missiles seen on theCommemorative Seriesrelease, while the Autobot insignias on his shoulders are no longer stickers, but rather tampographs, like on Takara'sEncorerelease. While all reissues of the Prime mold since 2003 have used the original thick-barreled mold for his ion blaster, this version includes the slender sculpt instead.
- As a 25th anniversary set, Prime includes several new pack-in bonuses: a reprint of thefirst issueof the originalMarvelcomic book,a DVD containing all three parts of theanimated seriespilot"More than Meets the Eye",and three desktop wallpapers, and a battery-powered Autobot symbol that plays transforming sound effects, part of the first version of theTransformerstheme song,and three voice clips performed by Peter Cullen: "I am Optimus Prime!", "Autobot, transform and roll out!" and "Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost." There are some reports that the Autobot symbol could be worn out or damaged during the time of purchase.
- Outside the United States, this set was available in a thinner rectangular box. It contained all the original accessories from the American release, but not the DVD. An English-only version of this packaging format was available in Asia and Australia (initially only available at Myer stores, but later also at Toys "R" Us, Kmart and Target, eventually at drastically reduced prices), while a bilingual English/French packaging variant was available in Canada, still including—though not advertised on the packaging—the (English only) comic book.
Deluxe Class
- Optimus Prime(Deluxe Class: Special Edition, 2008)
- ID Number:SE-01
- Accessories:Laser rifle
- Known designers:Marcelo Matere(packaging artist)
- "Special Edition" Optimus Prime is a redeco of theClassicsmulti-pack toy, featuring some minor paint detail changes, bluer translucent plastic, darker and cooler gray plastic, and darker metallic flake red and blue plastic, with his (previously black-only) rifle body most notably now being cast in both blueandblack plastic. He came in special "book box" style packaging with black-and-white boxart, and was only available at retail in Australian and Asian markets. North American customers could later buy him viaHasbro Toy Shop.
Titanium Series

- Optimus Prime(6 "Cybertron Heroes, 2009)
- Accessories:Ion blaster, display stand
- ATarget-exclusiveredecoof War Within Optimus Prime inlive-action film-inspired colors. The bio on the back of the packaging only fills up half of the allotted space, as if thewriterwas tired of describing Optimus Primes.
- Convoy [Ultimate Metal Silver](February 26,2009)
- ID number:A-01
- Known designers:Hironori Kobayashi(TakaraTomy),Hirofumi Ichikawa(concept artist)
- AlternityConvoy transforms into a 1:32 scale 2007 Nissan GT-R, featuring die-cast metal parts, an opening hood, trunk and doors, as well as an interior, complete with his feet and thighs being sculpted to form the back seats. This complex figure stands at 6.5 "tall, and is armed with a pair of blasters on each arm. In the hyper-dimensional world of the oft-confusingAlternityfiction, this figure specifically represents theOptimus Primeofuniversal streamPrimax 903.0 Beta.
- The mold suffers from aminor design oversight,wherein the rear Nissan badge collides with his left leg strut when the left foot is hinged over and pegged into a clear plastic socket during transformation, with the results being that the connection is slightly crooked, isn't very secure, and sometimes pops off, and that the crooked pegging often causes the socket to crack.
- AlternityConvoy was simultaneously available in both this silver coloration, and a deco based on his traditional appearance termed "Vibrant Red" (see below). The figure was later redecoed to create "Convoy [Super Black]"(representing not Optimus Prime, butUniverseNemesis Prime),AlternityUltra Magnus,andAlternityDai Atlas.It was retooled intoTransformers GTGT-R Prime,GT-R Saber,GT-R MegatronandGT-R Maximus.
Alternitymold:Convoy | ||
- Convoy [Vibrant Red](February 26, 2009)
- ID number:A-01
- "Vibrant Red"AlternityConvoy is a redeco of the "Ultimate Metal Silver" figure in the much more traditional red and blue Prime color scheme, representing the Optimus Prime of universal streamPrimax 109.0 Beta.The figure was available simultaneously with the Ultimate Metal Silver version, sharing the same packaging and pack-in materials, save for the color of the illustration on the front of the box, and a sticker that identified the figure within.
Alternitymold:Convoy | ||
- Sons of Cybertron(Multi-pack, 2010)
- Accessories:Machine gun turret/rifle
- Released as part ofTakaraTomy'sWelcome to Transformers 2010campaign, the "Sons of Cybertron" set includes a redeco of the 2006Classics"Ultimate Battle" pack Deluxe classOptimus Prime,cast mostly in translucent plastic (his shoulders remain opaquePolyoxymethylene (POM)).
- He comes packaged with a similarly translucentRodimus.
- The set is a counterpart to TakaraTomy's simultaneously-availableTransformers AnimatedSons of Cybertron set, which also features translucent versions of that line's DeluxeOptimus PrimeandRodimusfigures. It was intended as an exclusive for the Japanese Chara Hobby 2010 festival, but was also initially offered as a raffle prize at the 2010 "Autobot Alliance" event in the Philippines.,[11]and was later available for purchase atCybertron Con 2010inShanghai.
- Optimus Prime(Legends Class, 2011)
- Known designers:Joe Kyde(Hasbro)
- Released in the first wave of the2010Transformersline'sReveal the Shieldsubline'sLegends Classtoys, Optimus Prime is based on his original Generation 1 appearance, with a transformation scheme reminiscent of past figures such as theRobotmastersand theClassics Deluxe Classfigures. He features afake grillfor his robot mode, and his large legs result in a fairly thick and compact truck bed. Hisrubsignis located on the left side of the truck/his left elbow.
- This figure was redecoed and retooled intoGenerationsMotorbreathandTransformers(2014)Ultra Magnus.
Transformersmold:Optimus Prime (Legends Class) | ||
- Optimus Prime(Deluxe Class, 2011)
- Accessories:Sword
- Known designers:Hisao Nishimoto(TakaraTomy)
- Part of the sixth wave ofTransformersDeluxes (the second and final wave ofReveal the Shield), this Optimus Prime is a Deluxe Class mold based on the originalGeneration 2Laser Optimus Prime toy (see above). Transforming into an International 8200 truck, he has some influences from thelive-action movie Optimus Prime,including the more defined flames on his hood, athleticrobot modeproportions and a more aggressive-looking translucent orange sword that can be held with both hands for maximum extreme chopitude. Optimus Prime features extensive use of translucent plastic in his arms, head and upper torso for alight-pipingeffect. Optimus also has a (non-detachable) matrix gimmick in robot mode that is formed by a relief pattern on the inside of the cab's side windows and is visible through the windshield/chest in robot mode. Like the Legends toy, he's part ofReveal the Shieldand features arubsign,this time on the roof. He is alsoveryarticulated and poseable, even featuring ankles and wrists that are bothball-jointedandhinged.
- The original Hasbrostock photosdepict him as having redpaint operationson his kneecaps and the sunken ridges around his blue abs that the final product lacks. The photos on the cardback show him with a red Autobot symbol on his truck door and blue plastic instead of grey for the piece just in front of his rear tires. The back photo also depicts his side windows as being the same translucent orange as the front ones, when they are, in reality, a garish solid orange.
- Multiple reports suggest that the toy suffers from adesign flaw,inferior plastic quality, or both: due to his hands having peg-holes that are a bit too small to accommodate5 mm posts,they have a tendency to show stress marks on the inside after pegging his sword handle (or most other pegs) inside. Stress marks also tend to appear near his tiny hinged wrists. Fortunately, there have been no reports of the hands actuallybreakingon either location thus far.
- This toy was redecoed intoTimelines/Shattered GlassOptimus PrimeandTimelinesScourge,and was retooled intoTimelines/Shattered GlassUltra Magnus.
Transformers(2010)mold:Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class) | ||
- Masterpiece Optimus Prime(Masterpiece, 2012 / 2014)
- Accessories:Ion cannon,Matrix of Leadership,Energon axe,trailer/Battle Station/Maintenance Dock,Autobot Roller,Spike Witwicky figurine
- Known designers:Andrew Franks(deco artist)
- The HasbroToys "R" Us-exclusive release ofMP-10 Convoyfeatures brighter blue plastic and paint, brighter unpainted non-metallic red plastic, painted yellow lights above the front truck windshields, painted light blue eyes, and lacks silver paint for the trailer's interior. Roller is now blue.
- In the Philippines, this was only available as a Toys "R" Us "Limited Edition" figure in the Trinoma mall from August 23–26, with customers having to sign up to reserve their figure. It was limited to 48 units total, and was limited to one per customer.
- Hasbro Asia re-released this in 2014. It came with an exclusive addition—theKey to Vector Sigma.In 2017 it wasbasically reissuedunderGenerationsco-branding.
- Stock photos show his vehicle mode mistransformed.
Masterpiecemold:Convoy (MP-10) | ||
| ||
Shogo Hasui |
- Optimus Prime(Legends Class, 2012)
- Accessories:Sword (running change variant only)
- TheReveal the ShieldLegends Class Optimus Prime sculpt, in the deco from the firstChronicleEZ Collection wave (see below) was released as a "dollar store" exclusive (available at stores such as Dollar General and Big Lots) in generic 2010Transformerspackaging packaging alongsideStarscream,BumblebeeandMegatron.
- The initial release saw the copyright year removed, while a laterrunning change variantfeatured the new tooling originally used forGenerationsLegends ClassMotorbreath,with not only the retooled hands and a hole on the back of his head/top of hisvehicle modecompatible with3 mm posts,but also Motorbreath's sword accessory.
Transformersmold:Optimus Prime (Legends Class) | ||
- Optimus Prime Cybertron Mode(December 25,2010)
- ID number:UN-01
- Accessories:"Assault rifle"
- The first toy in TakaraTomy'sUnitedtoyline is aredecoof theWar for CybertronDeluxe ClassOptimus Prime,transforming into a Cybertronic "armored truck". He now sports a metallic red paint job, with brighter pink paint applications and cooler grey parts, and features several additional paint details to those present on the Hasbro figure in the form of black chest windows and pink lines on his face mask. His rifle transforms as well, folding and plugging into the roof of the vehicle mode. The rifle can also peg into his forearms, and, in its compact configuration, can attach to his shoulders via peg holes on the backs of his front tires or stored behind his back inrobot mode.
- This mold was also used to makeUnitedDarkside Optimus Prime.
- Optimus Prime(December 25, 2010)
- ID number:UN-06
- Accessories:Laser rifle
- The second Optimus Prime toy in TakaraTomy'sUnitedtoyline is another redeco of theClassicsmulti-pack Deluxe-sized toy (the first release in Japan), this time featuring an extensive metallic red paint job on the majority of the red plastic, and he features metallic sheen on the unpaintable red plastic and his blue plastic is now brighter. While the paint masks are identical to the Special Edition release,UnitedOptimus Prime features additional paint operations on the hip, the stomach grille, the fold-up waist panels, the lower chest piece (at least in the front), and the forehead.
- Although the stock photo (pictured from the right) shows both of his biceps painted silver with his Autobot insignia tampographed on the left shoulder, the final product omits the paint operation (due to being molded with unpaintable plastic) and the insignia is placed on his left forearm, just like hisClassicsfigure.
- The thirdUnitedOptimus Prime toy is a redeco and slight retool of theDeluxe Class figurefrom Hasbro's 2010Transformerstoyline, itself an homage to Prime'sGeneration 2"Laser" form.The toy features translucent blue plastic as opposed to Hasbro's orange, red paint is used on the biceps instead of blue paint, extra red paint applications on the knees like the original's sticker detail, and more broken-up red apps on the shoulders. Silver detailing was added to the cab mode on the grill, the bumper, and near the doors. The blue plastic in cab mode is now black plastic to make the figure more accurate to theGeneration 2original. The gray plastic is changed from the Hasbro version to more closely match the2006 reissue of Laser Optimus Prime.Black paint was applied to the cab mode to mimic the fade from red to black on the original Laser Optimus, but still includes a flame deco like the Hasbro version, only in a different design. It lacks the roof-mounted rubsign of the Hasbro version, instead including Autobot insignias on the cab doors. (Disappointingly, they are Generation 1 insignias, rather thanGeneration 2ones!) Additionally, a retool was made to the peg on the inside of his right shoulder, to make it shorter and wider than the Hasbro version, allowing it to move freely without hitting the torso, unlike the Hasbro release.
Transformers(2010)mold:Optimus Prime (Deluxe Class) | ||
- Black Optimus Prime(June 16,2012)
- Accessories:Smokestacks/blaster, wind vane/cannon
- Availableexclusivelyat theTokyo Toy Show2012 (along withPrimeShining Optimus Prime), Black Optimus Prime is a very minor redeco of the previously unreleasedGentei! Gentei!black version ofHenkei! Henkei!Convoy,itself a redeco of theClassicsVoyager Class toy.As such, Black Optimus Prime is mostly cast in black plastic, with some gray parts, translucent red windows and teal paint operations.
- The only differences with the unreleased version, aside from the packaging, are that silver paint has been added to the previously unpainted grill/fender area, the blue paint operations have been changed to teal, and the red Autobot insignias have been replaced by purple Decepticon ones. Prime'sbioapparently explains that he took on this new color scheme in order to infiltrate the Decepticon ranks, in response to recent attacks by some new Decepticon forces pretending to be Autobots.
Classicsmold:Optimus Prime | ||
- G1 & Movie Sōshireikan Set(multi-pack, 2011)
- ID number:CH01
- Accessories:Laser rifle,trailer
- This reissue of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime figure comes in a two-pack with the Deluxe-ClassDark of the MoonOptimus Prime figure.Prime himself is almost identical to theEncorerelease, save for his trailer hitch which was retooled to allow a peg to be inserted within it while still being able to be inserted into the trailer itself (making it compatible with his G1 trailer and the new trailer included). Like the Encore release, he features lighter colors and tampographed shoulder symbols (which vary slightly from the Encore release).
- His original trailer is not included with the set; instead, he comes witha new deluxe-scaled trailer,not available with any other figure, based on the one towed by Prime inDark of the Moon.The trailer is compatible with both figures, and sports5 mm post-holes that will hold (among many other things) G1 Prime's laser rifle and theMechTechweapon Movie Prime is armed with.
- Oddly, for their officialpromotional photography,Takara took an existing photo of Optimus Prime's robot mode that was at least a decade old, having previously been used as a very early (and inaccurate) illustration for Hasbro's then upcomingCommemorative Seriesreissue of the figure.
- Convoy(EZ Collection, 2011)
- Aveeeryslightrepaintof the2010 Reveal the ShieldLegends figure, the firstChroniclePrime replaces that figure's rubsign with a tiny tampographed Autobot symbol on his left bicep. He was one of eight figures available in the first wave of "EZ Collection" blindpacked figures.
Transformersmold:Optimus Prime (Legends Class) | ||

- Convoy(EZ Collection, 2011)
- TheReveal the ShieldLegends Prime mold was redecoed again for the second EZ Collection wave. This version of the figure replaces the blue on the head with black, and the blue paint on the legs is stripped off, revealing the black plastic underneath. and like the Megatron redeco in the same wave, features aGeneration 2Autobot symbol instead of a Generation 1 insignia.
Transformersmold:Optimus Prime (Legends Class) | ||
- Matrix Optimus Prime(2011)
- Pieces:10
- Accessories:Optimus rifle
- Intended to beexclusivetoBotCon 2011,this redeco of the regular Optimus Prime Kreon has an open chest showing theMatrix of Leadershipwithin. He comes with a G1 inspired gun and a black brick display stand.
- We say "intended", because in actuality, the thing appears to have been produced in such huge quantities that it's wound up being made available inloadsof other places—it was handed out atSan Diego Comic-Con2011, offered as a free giveaway with any order that included Transformers toys onHasbro Toy Shop), as a free gift on the cover of theAwesome Autobots Activity Book,and came as a free gift attached to, of all things, issue #240 of theUKchildren's comic,Doctor WhoAdventures(but not the UK'sTransformers comic,you'll note!).
- A supposed factory error even caused this version (minus display stand) to be included in the larger Optimus Prime kit (see below). This problem has (presumably) been fixed, but it was awesome while it lasted.
- Optimus Prime(2011)
- Set number:30689
- Pieces:542
- Kreons:Optimus Prime, Bluestreak, Skywarp, two Stunt Drivers
- Accessories:Optimus rifle, weapons sprue (sniper rifle, pistol, submachinegun, handcuffs, radio, ammo box), large tool sprue (shovel, hammer, electric drill, clamp), small tool sprue (socket wrench, screwdriver, wrench, hatchet), 2 traffic cones
- Naturally, Optimus Prime got the biggest of the sets in the first year ofKre-O.The set can be built into a large long-nose tractor-trailer rig with a removable "sleeper" cab that hides a computer station, and a trailer that can carry the set's two motorcycles or open up to carry larger car builds. The robot mode build includes a huge Optimus, based largely on thelive-action movie Optimus,though with a head based almost directly on theClassicsVoyager Optimus.He is armed with a distressingly plain brick that fires pressure-launched missiles (aka his smokestacks). Most of the leftover parts in robot mode become a "headquarters" which is mostly just a random assemblage of mismatched-color panels and a pair of barricades. Both main builds leave numerous parts unused if you go expressly by the instructions, but hey, it's a building kit, surely you can findsomeplaceto apply most of them.
- The set comes with a bevy ofKreons,including Optimus Prime (this one based heavily on Generation 1 Optimus),Bluestreak,Skywarp,and a pair of humanStunt Drivers.A packaging error resulted in some releases of this set to come with the promotional "Matrix chest" Optimus (see above) rather than the normal version pictured here.
- Speaking of errors, the instruction manuals (he has two) both have errors in their parts listings, showing numerous pieces in the wrong colors or not making it clear that some parts are, well, clear. Making things more confusing, not all of these miscolors are reflected in the step-by-step instructions, while a couple new ones are added there.
- Optimus Prime(2011)
- Set number:31143
- Pieces:90
- The smaller of the two Optimus Prime kits in year one, this version is based more on theoriginal Optimus Prime.The small cabover-style tractor-trailer truck build is solid, unable to seat any Kreons inside. The robot mode is heavily restricted in its articulation, with no knees, and only single-direction-swivel elbows and shoulders.
- This is one of the fewKre-O Transformerssets to not come with any Kreons whatsoever, the other being the similarly-sizedBumblebeekit.
- Optimus Prime(Custom Kreon, 2013)
- Set number:A6085
- Pieces:41
- Accessories:Rack, large rifle, ray pistol, robot sword, wing-backpack, rocket-backpack
- Part of the first assortment of "Custom Kreons", this version of Optimus Prime comes with a buildable parts rack on which to hang/store his many many extra pieces. Histampographsare much more heavily-detailed than the original Kreons, based on theoriginal Optimus Prime toy.His "normal" helmet (and small sword) arechromed,plus he comes with an extra clear-plastic helmet, torso and legs. He also has a pair of extra arms (originally from theKre-O Battleshipaliens), plus a buildable large rifle, a buildable wing-pack, and a ray pistol (originally anAndorianblaster fromKre-O Star Trek).
- Orion Pax(2014)
- Pieces:10
- Accessories:Optimus rifle, transparent block, brick display stand
- Available only with theTransformers: Kre-O Character Encyclopedia,Orion Pax is a Kreon version of Orion Pax from "War Dawn".He uses theIronhidehelmet and the original Optimus Prime Kreon's gun. The transparent block which he can hold has "KREO" written on it inAutobot text.
- Elite Optimus Prime(2014)
- Pieces:43
- Acessories:Optimus rifle
- A polybag with buildable Optimus Prime with larger hands and legs on a Kreon sized torso, much like the Galvatron in the Factory Battle set. His helmet is completely unpainted.
- This figure was a freebie given away at Canadian Toys "R" Us stores during a build-a-figure event, and also available at the "Transformers Exhibition" event in Taipei, Taiwan fromJune 27toJuly 6.
- Kreon Class of 1984(Kreon figure set, 2014)
- Set number:B0090
- Voted:Most Likely To Succeed
- Accessories:Optimus rifle
- This version of Optimus, part of theKreon Class of 1984,lays heavy on the toy-based tampographs (though they are completely different from the other iterations), and like the others in the set, has a more animation-model-inspired face deco, what with having a nose and all.
- He was only available in a pack of 30 Kreons dubbed "Class of 1984". This set was made for sale atSan Diego Comic-Con2014. Remaining stock was to be sold atHasbro Toy Shoponline after the convention, but as the set sold out at the show, that never happened.
- Total Commander Optimus Prime (Convoy)(Gacha capsule Kreon, 2014)
- Accessories:Ray pistol
- In late 2014, twelve Kreons were sold throughTakaraTomy's "TakaraTomy A.R.T.S"Gachacapsule-toy machines in Japan. Thankfully for the rest of the world, these Kreons are all basically identical to previously-released ones in the Hasbro lines. The Gacha release of Optimus Prime is basically the baseCustom Kreon Optimususing his clear-plastic helmet and carrying the small ray pistol, lacking his leg-wheels, smokestacks and backpack (and of course all those other parts and accessories).
- Brick Box(2016)
- Set Number:B2963
- Pieces:82
- Accessories:Optimus Rifle
- Released in the third wave of "Brick Box" sets, and found only at Dollar General stores, this version of Optimus Prime uses the new 2015 style of Kreon hips and torso, with a hollow hip-peg and a central post inside the torso for increased grip... which also makes the torso incompatible with about four years' worth of Kreons. Nice. His face and torso tampographs are new.
- The set comes with two bags of Kre-O parts, one coming from the first-year Sideswipe set (mostly all the small bits and the now-useless neck joint), the other "new" with some basic bricks and plates. The set has no instructions, as it's just a box of bricks to make whatever with.
Battle Changers

- Optimus Prime(Battle Changers, 2015)
- Set Number:B0715
- Pieces:89
- Accessories:Optimus rifle
- Known designers:Evan Brooks(Hasbro)[12]
- Part of the first wave of "Battle Changers", this version of Optimus Prime is aseverelybuilt-up Kreon that transforms from truck into a robot and back without removing any parts! However, the sheer chunkiness of his limbs hanging off a Kreon torso make for awkward positioning and questionable balljoint grip strength.
- Like the rest of the Battle Changers, he was available in selected Asian countries in December 2014. These sets only appeared in the US through closeout chains like Ross and TJ Maxx in 2015.
- Optimus Prime VS Megatron(Battle Changers 2-pack, 2015)
- Set Number:B1506
- Pieces:198
- Accessories:Optimus rifle, trailer
- Known designers:Evan Brooks(Hasbro)[12]
- This version of Battle Changers Optimus was only available in a two pack set withBattle Changer Megatron.He islargelythe same construction as as the single release, but has numerous small differences. He uses a new "double harness" piece on his torso instead of using two harnesses, leaving more space for his head to grip the neck-post, and his chest/windshield parts are each a single clipped "flag" part rather than the multi-part assembly of the single-pack. And of course there's the additional trailer, which doesn't have any official robot mode rebuild, and only loosely "connects" to the truck-mode Optimus by being lightly hooked to a single short bar on the back of Optimus's right leg.
- This set, like the one above, was only available in the US through closeout chains like Ross and TJ Maxx in 2015.
Mini-Con Combiners
- Optimus Prime(Mini-Con Combiners, unreleased)
- "Mini-Con Combiner" ' Optimus comes with one standard Kreon and fourCityville-syle mini-Kreons of the same character, each one a different incarnation from various franchises. With some extra parts, the mini-Kreons become limbs to make a larger combiner-bot.
- The main torso-bot is based on Generation 1 Optimus's original body. Two of his limbs are based onArmadaOptimus Prime;one "normal" (Inferno helmet), one pre-Earth-body (Knock Out helmet). Another is based onlive-action Optimus(Soundwave helmet), and the remaining one (Ironhide helmet)... actually looks to be based on the Optimus-like-but-not-OptimusMicromasterOverload!The heck?
- First shown at New York Toy Fair 2015,the Mini-Con Combiners were apparently cancelled without fanfare... a decision that must have come late in the day, as they went on to star in their own promotional animation, "Stuck in a Tree",released about eight months after the trade show.
EZ Collection Gum
- Released as acandy toy,EZ Collection GumConvoy is another redeco ofGenerationsLegends ClassMotorbreath,featuring the retooled parts for accessories he does not come with. He is decoed once again in hisGeneration 2-ish color scheme with the black legs and Generation 2 Autobot symbol, but this time he is cast out of "metallic" (aka "slightly glittery/glossy" ) plastics, and is absolutelycoatedin metallic red paint for most of his cab section. His head is now painted metallic dark blue rather than the prior deco's black.
- As per the toyline's name, he comes with a yellow candy-shelled piece of lemony-flavored gum.
Transformersmold:Optimus Prime (Legends Class) | ||
Bot Shots
- Optimus Prime(2012)
- Series:1
- Number:B003
- Known designers:Hisao Nishimoto(TakaraTomy)
- Fist strength:410
- Blaster strength:850
- Sword strength:370
- Part of the first wave ofBot ShotsSeries 1 single-packs, Optimus Prime is a teeny little long-nosed semi truck with "trailer", with a spring-loadedautomatic transformationto robot mode triggered when his front bumper is pressed. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. His truck mode and robot body are influenced by thelive-action Optimus Prime,while his head is taken from theoriginal.His blue paint is light and sparkly-metallic, his red paint is dull matte, and his optics are yellow.
- This toy was given away free to attendees of Hasbro's "Collector-Fan Media Day "2012,slightly altered by a "Toy Fair 2012" sticker applied to the cardback.
- This mold was alsoredecoedto makeNemesis Prime.He shares parts withSuper Bot MegatronandMotorbreath.
- Optimus Prime Launcher(Launcher, 2012)
- Series:1
- Number:BL001
- Fist strength:920
- Blaster strength:450
- Sword strength:280
- Part of the first wave ofBot ShotsSeries 1 launchers, thisrepaintof Optimus Prime comes with a large trailer that pops open to form a battle station with a spring-loaded launching platform. He appears to have the same plastic colors as the single release, and the same set ofpaint operations,but his paint is done in different shades, having glossy dark blue paint and glossy bright red paint. The black part of his launcher is sculpted to look vaguely like the repair done that is part of Generation 1 Optimus Prime's repair bay.
- Battle for the Matrix(Multi-pack, 2012)
- Series:1
- Number:UB001
- Fist strength:835
- Blaster strength:505
- Sword strength:275
- This minorredecoof the Optimus Prime Launcher features grey wheels, blue optics, and added red paint on its upper arms, while the launcher has grey plastic in place of black, smaller Autobot symbols on its sides, and gold paint on its interior instead of silver. Thestock photographyon thepackagingdepicts Optimus with a blue stripe on his built-in "trailer", which was omitted in the final product.
- The set also comes withMegatron with his launcher,Decepticon Brawl,Bumblebee,and a cardboard token representing theMatrix.
- Optimus Prime(2012)
- Series:1
- Number:Super Bot 004
- Fist strength:330
- Blaster strength:315
- Sword strength:995
- Part of the fourth wave ofBot ShotsSeries 1 single-packs, Super Bot Optimus Prime is a redeco of his toy in translucent blue plastic. As a Super Bot, he waspacked one per case,and has higher, more lopsided stats than normal Bot Shots. He has a really,reallygood Sword stat.
- Optimus Prime Launcher(Launcher, 2013)
- Series:2
- Number:BL001
- Accessories:Launcher, 4Energon Cubetargets
- Fist strength:820
- Blaster strength:405
- Sword strength:390
- Part of the first wave ofBot ShotsSeries 2 launchers, this Optimus Prime transforms into a very boxyGeneration 1-styled truck with trailer. As a Spin Shot, one manually winds up his upper body beforehand when transforming him into vehicle mode, where striking the front of the vehicle will cause him to burst open and spin while auto-transforming. He comes with a launcher used to propel him to great speeds, as well as four cube targets for him to knock over.
- Polar Assault Team(Multi-pack, 2013)
- Series:2
- Number:T001
- Fist strength:370
- Blaster strength:945
- Sword strength:310
- Part of the first wave ofBot ShotsSeries 2 five-packs, this redeco of the original Optimus Prime toy is cast in translucent blue plastic, with his cab painted white. Despite possessing translucent plastic and more lopsided stats than a regular Bot Shot, he is apparently not labeled as a Super Bot. This version of Optimus comes with similarly-themed with new redecos ofBumblebee,Mirage,Ironhide,andJetfire.
- Dragon Track(Playset, 2013)
- Series:2
- Number:UB001
- Accessories:Launcher
- Fist strength:565
- Blaster strength:325
- Sword strength:725
- Available only with theBot ShotsDragon Trackset, this version of Optimus Prime changes from a robot form resemblingGeneration 1Optimus Prime, into a truck with a rocket exhaust molded into the back of its trailer. As a Flip Shot, he, er, flips up when auto-transforming. He comes with a launcher that can be connected to the track, as well asFlip Shot Megatron and his launcher.
- Trailer (Optimus Prime)(2012)
- ID number:B03
- BeCool"Trailer" is practically identical to theBot Shots"Battle for the Matrix" Optimus Prime toy with the blue eyes and red arms, the only difference being that the game stats stickers in his chest spinner have been replaced with pictures of his vehicle mode, two people holding hands and the letters "Zzz..."
- TakaraTomy'sstock photographyof Trailer, including the pictures used on the box, uses the originalBot ShotsOptimus toy with the yellow eyes as a base.
- Garbage Truck (Clean Optimus)(2013)
- ID number:B12
- "Garbage Truck" is a redeco of the same Optimus Prime toy in blue and white, a common coloration for Japanese garbage trucks, that ends up bearing a coincidental resemblance to theBot ShotsPolar Assault Team Optimus. His stickers now picture his truck mode being loaded with garbage, his truck mode driving around, and the word "cleaning" in both English and Japanese.
- The B12 ID number was previously used forSpecial Sports Car,a limited toy which was only on shelves for three months before being replaced by Garbage Truck.
- Trailer and Trailer Base (Optimus Prime)(2013)
- ID number:BS02
- This Trailer is identical to the originalBeCoolTrailer other than the stickers, and now comes with the trailer/launcher accessory fromBot Shotsredecoed in blue with red stripes. While the vehicle mode sticker in his chest remains, the hand-holding and sleeping ones have been replaced by pictures of the launcher: one in base mode and one in trailer mode. He also comes with a sticker sheet for decorating the Trailer Base.
- Transformers GT"GT-R Prime" is a heavy retool ofAlternityConvoy,transforming into a 1:32 replica of the Motul Autech GT-R race car used by theNismoteam in theSuper GTracing championship series. He retains the flip-out blasters of theAlternitytoy and can also wield his new Impact Wrench Gun accessory (also called the "Optimus Rifle" on theTransformers GTwebsite), a weapon based on the impact wrenches used in car repairs. Like allGTtoys, Prime also comes with aGT Sister,poseable human figures themed afterrace queens,his partner being a lady named Misaki.
- GT-R Prime's packaging points out that he can be fitted intoMasterpieceOptimus Prime's trailer to replicate the way actual race cars are transported.
- This mold was also used, with different heads and accessories, to make the otherTransformers GTtoys:GT-R Saber,GT-R Megatron,andGT-R Maximus.
Alternitymold:Convoy | ||
FJ Cruiser × Transformers
- FJ Optimus Prime(2013)
- Accessories:spare tire/axe
- Part of a cross-promotion betweenToyotaand TakaraTomy, the deluxe-sized FJ Optimus Prime transforms into anFJ Cruiser,with his axe weapon becoming the vehicle's spare tire. The vehicle mode's body panels come packaged on the sprue, and can then be clipped onto the core figure. The mass retail release of FJ Optimus includes yellow and white panels, while the red variant was available when purchasing an FJ Cruiser at Japanese Toyota dealerships. As is typical of TakaraTomy exclusives, these variants came in grayscale packaging.
- Optimus Prime(Elite Class, 2013)
- Known designers:Andrew Scribner(deco artist)
- Optimus Prime transforms into a truck-like vehicle. This version is a retool to the Ultimate Class two-pack listed below, as his head design is slightly different. Additionally this version features transparent plastic for his body armor amongst other plastic changes. He includes a blue version of one of the Ultimate Class version's guns, specifically the one recycled from Wheeljack.
- As with allConstruct-Bots,Optimus Prime's rubber ball joints on the shoulder and feet can harden over time, which makes it difficult to pose smoothly.
- Optimus Prime vs Megatron(Ultimate Class, 2013)
- Known designers:Andrew Scribner(deco artist),Emiliano Santalucia(concept artist)
- Optimus Prime transforms into a truck-like vehicle, packed alongside his eternal nemesisMegatron.This version has opaque colors and a more traditional Optimus color scheme. He includes a projectile weapon along with a variety of melee weapons, as well as a swathe of extra parts for additional configurations.
- Optimus' sword was later redecoed/reused forSilverboltand one ofTimelinesOilmaster's weapons.
Hero Mashers
- Optimus Prime(Battle Upgrade, 2014)
- Pieces:18
- Accessories:Missile-launching rifle, missile, energy axe, cannon, left & right rocket pods, "Ultra Magnus" right forearm & fist
- Part of the first wave of "Battle Upgrade"Hero Masherstoys, Optimus is a non-transforming action figure with ratchet-joints, about six inches tall. He has multiple peg-holes all over that can be used to mount anyHero Mashersaccessory. As a first-wave figure, he has extra ankle articulation that is not present in later waves (a cut that was made to allHero Masherslines, not just theTransformers-branded ones).
- He is designed with a removable head, forearms, thighs, and lower legs, all of which use the same clip-peg/hole joint. This means his pieces can be swapped around in any order, as well as swapped with any otherHero Mashersfigure... which includes figures fromMarvel Comics,Star Wars,andJurassic World,meaning you can make some pretty freaky combinations.
- While he is the same size as a standard Hero Masher, his largerprice pointis made up for with a lot more parts and gimmicks. Both of his hands are removable, which allows for accessories to be placed in his wrist sockets, notably his iconic "energy axe". His rifle is a spring-loaded missile launcher. He also comes withUltra Magnus's right arm, which is aredecoofHero MashersBulkhead's, only molded to remove that toy's missile-launching gimmick.

- Electronic Optimus Prime(Electronic Action, 2014)
- Pieces:22
- Accessories:Missile launching cannon, missile, sword, shield, bladed shield, electronic left forearm, bladed left fist, torso armor, left & right winged "launchers", left & right armor boots
- Part of the first (and only) wave of larger electronicHero Mashers Transformerstoys, the base Optimus Prime figure in this set isalmostidentical to the above "Battle Upgrade" toy; this version has a closed right fist that can hold accessories rather than the Battle Upgrade version's finger-pointy one.
- However, this set comes with a completely different (and much larger) pile of accessories to turn Optimus (or any otherHero Mashersfigure) into a hulking armored warrior. He comes with an extra left forearm with an electronic light, used to light up clear-plastic accessories when they're plugged into his wrist socket. Several of these accessories take inspiration from thelive-action Optimus's gear, notably a veryAge of Extinction-esque shield.
- Oddly, the big stompy boots accessories are designed in a way that Optimus is really far back in them, leaving a huge gap between his shins and the boots' "knee" guards. Presumably this is to accommodate otherHero Masherstoys with much larger footprints.
EZ Collection(2013)
- Optimus Prime(EZ Collection,April 27,2013)
- ID number:EG01
- ThisEZ CollectionOptimus Prime isyetanother release of theReveal the Shieldredeco with the Motorbreath retooling, but this time he features light blue paint applications in place of the original dark blue. Like the rest of his brethren on the same line, Optimus features a movie version of the Autobot insignia.
Transformersmold:Optimus Prime (Legends Class) | ||
- Optimus Prime(July 17,2014)
- A special editionBearbrickreleased in celebration of theTransformers30th anniversary, Optimus Prime transforms from a Bearbrick painted up like himself to a bear-eared robot. He has no accessories, but holes in hisrobot modehands can accommodate other toys' weapons.
- This mold, with a different head sculpt, was also used for the simultaneously released BearbrickMegatron,and also redecoed intoNemesis PrimeandAge of ExtinctionOptimus Prime.It was further retooled into BearbrickBumblebeeandStarscream.
Transformers(campaign item)
- Convoy [Anniversary Clear Ver.](EZ Collection, 2014)
- Aredecoof theReveal the ShieldLegends ClassOptimus Primetoy with theGenerationsMotorbreathretooling(for accessories he does not come with), Convoy is cast in red and black clear plastic. He has been retooled to include a magnet in his right foot, allowing him to interact withLost AgeBattle Command Optimus PrimeandAge of ExtinctionStomp & Chomp Grimlock.
- Convoy was available at a variety of 2014 events, including onMay 3at a "Kids Walk" event atFuji Speedway,in special packaging onMay 16at the "Transformers Celebration 2014" midnight event at the Sunshine CityToys "R" Usstore inIkebukuro,onJune 15at Tokyo Toy Show 2014, at the Aeon Mall inKasukabeonJuly 19,and at the "Transformers Expo" event inYokohamaonAugust 9;at the Expo's preview night, attendees could also acquire a sticker sheet designed to turn the toy into Nemesis Prime. Convoy was also available as one of three preorder bonuses forCloudRoadbuster.
- This toy wasrepurposedasNemesis Prime/Yokohama Convoy.
Transformersmold:Optimus Prime (Legends Class) | ||
Legend Commander Collection
- Convoy (Jodai)(2014)
- ID number:LC-01
- Accessories:Ion Blaster, Energon Axe
- Part of theLegend Commander Collectionsold atTransformers Expo,"Convoy (Jodai)" —jodai( sơ đại ) meaning "first generation" —is a redeco ofRobotmastersG1 Convoy. While most of the paint masks are identical to the original mold, other changes include replacing the translucent parts into clear blue plastic, and the panel-lining on the grill is stripped off. Unlike the first toy, he does not include a pair of swappable 3 mm fists, his missile launcher, or his Calamity Defenser weapon.
- Remaining stock was sold throughTakaraTomy Mall.
Optimus Prime Pen
- Transformers Optimus Prime Pen(2014)
- Accessories:Ion blaster, cap/barrel
- Released in Japan bySentinelas part of the 30th anniversary, Optimus Prime Pen is a well-articulated robot that folds into the shape of a rather chunky, but functional ballpoint pen. The tip of the pen is formed from his ion blaster, with the barrel acting as a cap.
- This mold was also used to makeBlack Convoy PenandUltra Magnus Pen.
- Optimus Prime(Legion Class, 2014/2015/2017)
- Another release of theReveal the ShieldLegends Class sculpt, the deco for its initial release isalmostidentical to theTransformersrelease from 2012, having silver chest-windows instead of light-metallic-blue, plus a large "CE" mark and number on the backs of its legs, declaring the toy meets European product safety requirements. The tooling is identical to the 2012 release's running change variant, with the retooled hands and a hole on the back of his head/top compatible withCyberverse3 mmpegs.
- Bizarrely, thepackage artis lifted directly from theGenerationsLegends Class Optimus Prime/Autobot Roller two-pack's packaging, whereas thestock photosdepicted on the back of the packaging are taken fromReveal the ShieldOptimus Prime's packaging and only slightly altered, advertising a "Reveal the Shield"rubsigngimmickthe toy doesn't actually have. Meanwhile, Hasbro's official stock photos provided to online retailers (including an in-packaging photo) depict the toy with the sword that came with the running change variant of the sculpt's 2012 release, even though the actual toy doesn't include the sword.
- Legion Class Optimus Prime has been found at Family Dollar and Dollar General stores in the United States. A latervariantrepleaced the red Autobot insignia with a black version. This later version was also released at general retail in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and Russia. In Singapore it was released together withBumblebeeandStarscreamas part of the promotion forAge of Extinctionin selected cinemas.
- This figure was made available again, without any changes, in 2015, this time in new packaging resembling the then-concurrent packaging design for theGenerationsline, but replacing the name "Generations" with "Authentic Transformers". It was also given a new Hasbro product code number and UPC barcode, thereby technically making it a separate product. In 2017, it was re-releasedagain,this time in a minor variant of the 2014 version's packaging (including the original product code number and barcode) that now lacked the reference to the non-existing "Reveal the Shield" gimmick.
- LikeBumblebeeandStarscream,the Black Insignia variant of the toy ended up being dumped to some hobby shop dealers in Asia., and even returned to discount stores like Five Below and 99 Cents Only in the US in 2020.
Transformersmold:Optimus Prime (Legends Class) | ||
Nanoblock Motion Choro-Q

- Convoy(December 11,2014)
- Produced as a collaboration between toylinesNanoblockandChoro-Q,this Optimus Prime is a building block toy providing pieces to build both Optimus Prime's super deformed robot mode and, separately, his truck mode (or something else, if you want). His truck mode is built on a genericChoro-Qchassis outfitted with an electric motor and can be remote-controlled using a smartphone app. While the chassis is physically generic, its firmware identifies it as belonging to the Convoy kit, and the smartphone app's controls adopt a blue and red theme to match, complete with Autobot logo on the steering wheel hub.
- Optimus Prime(January 24,2015)
- ID number:QT-09
- Q-TransformersOptimus Prime is a tinysuper deformedtoy based on theAlternityConvoydesign, transforming into a Nissan GT-R R35, though his legs retain the traditional blue truck bed motif. The English name on the packaging refers to him as just "Optimus". He comes with a code for unlocking "GTR Optimus Prime" as a playable character in theQ-Transformers: Mystery of Convoy Returnsgame.
- Optimus Prime was retooled intoQ-TransformersSoundwave.
- Convoy(April 25,2015 /January 30,2016)
- ID numbers:QT-19,QTF-04
- Q-TransformersConvoy is based on his traditional design, transforming into a flat-nose truck with an integrated, non-removable trailer. He comes with a code for unlocking Generation 1 Optimus Prime, under the name "Convoy", inMystery of Convoy Returns.This toy was re-released with a new ID number as part of the secondQ-Transformersseries.
- Convoy was redecoed intoQ-TransformersBlack Convoyand retooled intoUltra Magnus.
- Optimus Prime(2015)
- ID number:QT-M
- QT-M Optimus Prime is a redeco of the GT-R Optimus Prime mold in the colors of the Transformers-sponsoredNissan GT-Rused by the Team Mach racing team (a vehicle previously used as the base for the non-toy characterMach Five Racing Prime). LikeTransformers GT'sSafety Prime,this toy was a collaboration with theSuper GTracing series and was given away free to young children who attended TakaraTomy-sponsored "Kids' Walk" events held by Super GT in the fall season of 2015.
Optimus Prime featuring Original PlayStation
- Optimus Prime featuring Original PlayStation(02/2015)
- Accessories:Controller/ blasters, memory card,Everybody's Golfdisc, Playstation Club Vol. 1 disc
- Released alongside aSega Mega Drive version of Megatronand outside of any other toyline, "Optimus Prime featuring Original PlayStation" transforms from robot to a scaled-down non-functionalSonyPlayStationvideo game console. He features an opening disc compartment as well as two small thin plastic game discs (Everybody's Golf,and Playstation Club Pre-Play Vol. 1) which can store inside his disc compartment. Also included is a memory card that can slot into its dedicated port, as well as a corded controller that splits in half and attaches to his lower arms. The controller's four shoulder buttons flip out intoverytiny blasters.
- General Optimus Prime(BotCon 2015 two-pack)
- Accessories:Launcher, missile, missile pod, pistol, rifle, cannon/rifle stock, cannon/rifle scope
- Available in theTimelines"Generation 2" 2-pack alongsideSgt. HoundatBotCon 2015,General Optimus Prime is a redeco ofGenerationsVoyager ClassRoadbusterbased on the cancelledGeneration 2General Optimus Prime toy.He transforms into an off-road vehicle and comes with numerous weapons, all of which peg via 5 mm post onto his vehicle rear/legs, shoulders, upper & lower arms, and hands: a spring-loaded, missile-firing launcher, a pistol, a rifle, and two small cannons that respectively form the scope and stock of the rifle. All of his weapons can combine to form an unwieldy superweapon. The flaws from the original mold are likely to be retained from this release.
- This mold also served as the basis of the non-toyBeast Wars: Uprisingincarnations ofGuiledartandKiller Punch.
Unite Warriors
- Convoy Grand Prime(giftset,February 27,2016)
- ID number:UW-05
- Accessories:Weapons, 4 Gun/Fist/Foots
- Takara's iteration ofCombiner WarsOptimus Maximus is sold in a gift set including all five Autobots (minus the Rodimus mold). This version of Convoy has numerous changes in deco to better match his look in the Generation 1 cartoon. LikeUnite WarriorsMenasor,the set also features some minor improvements to the original sculpts, such as improved hip-ratchets for Convoy for increased stability. He also had the slightly modified pegs that Legends Class Rodimus (or Blackjack, Runabout, and Runamuck) can securely attach to, which was previously used for Battle Core Optimus Prime. The tampographed Autobot insignia on the roof/flip-out head joint is now re-positioned to his side truck panels.
- Compared to theCombiner Warsreleaseof the mold, Convoy features additional paint operations on the thighs, truck bumpers, the details on the inner legs, the gestalt chest halves (which are now painted over due to being molded in grey plastic), and the gestalt torso's lower section. The stomach's deco is also minimized, and the silver paint operations on the lower legs are now replaced with gunmetal while the mute metallic blue is now shiny metallic. When it comes to unpaintable plastic; his knee joints and feet are blue while the majority of the shoulder joints are now red. In addition, his gestalt skirt flap is now molded in the same grey color, and the leg panels and thighs are now molded in black, with the latter being painted in silver with some yellow details. As the thighs are painted, care must be taken while transforming him in both modes, as they're somewhat prone to paint scraping. To minimize the damage, the two rear halves must be opened first to transform the legs.
- Despite the ratchet fix, however, Convoy is also the weakest link of the gestalt combination, due to several design failures attributed to his torso mode. The square holes and tabs used to secure the arms together when in torso mode are too weak to remain locked in place (though a very small number of copies can secure the arm well), and are prone to falling out of position should an attached arm be moved. The torso mode's skirt plate is also attached to the stomach rather than the pelvis, rendering the waist swivel nearly worthless due to the skirt obstructing articulation.
Combiner Warsmold:Optimus Prime | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Xiaomi / Transformers
- Optimus Prime Power Bank(2017)
- AccessoriesShield/Power Bank Shell, wings, sword, USB cord
- Available as aHasCon 2017exclusive, Optimus Prime transforms from robot into a functional power bank that supports 6500 mAh of battery power. The figure is the second collaborative effort betweenHasbroand Chinese consumer electronics companyXiaomi,though this figure is the first one to have actual electronic functions of any kind. As a throwback to theGeneration 2'sLaser Rodgimmick, the USB cord can also plug on his sword to light-up, so long as Optimus is charged up.
au x Transformers
- INFOBAR Optimus Prime (NISHIKIGOI)(2017)
- Accessories:Mini flip-phone, display stand, swappable display cards
- Known designers:Yūya Ōnishi(TakaraTomy)
- Released in conjunction with Japanese cellphone maker au,[13]au × TransformersINFOBAR Optimus Prime celebrates 15 years since the 2002 au Design Project that resulted in the INFOBAR cellphone, as well as the 10th anniversary of thelive-action films.He transforms into a (non-functional) scaled-down replica of the 2002 au INFOBAR, and in lieu of cellphone functions, the figure can be paired via Bluetooth with a smartphone, such as an iPhone, to act as a notification alarm in either robot or INFOBAR mode. The screen is also non-functional, but pre-printed cards are included which can be slid into the screen to show an Autobot logo, Decepticon logo, a mockup of a cellphone home screen, or a technical "Transformers INFOBAR" design. He features articulated hands for grasping the included tiny flip-phone accessory (which can flip open) that is stored in the bottom of the cell phone mode. The figure also includes a display stand.
- The project was crowd-funded through Japanese crowd-funding site Makuake.[14]For 5,400 yen, contributors received an INFOBAR Optimus Prime, or for 16,200 yen, received INFOBAR Optimus Prime, INFOBAR Megatron and INFOBAR Bumblebee, the only way to obtain the last two items. The project received one million yen in the first 24 hours, ultimately topping out at over 32 million yen.
- This figure was redecoed into INFOBAR Optimus Prime (ANNIN) (below) and slightly retooled with new heads and redecoed intoINFOBAR Megatron (BUILDING)andINFOBAR Bumblebee (ICHIMATSU).

- INFOBAR Optimus Prime (ANNIN)(2017)
- Accessories:Mini flip-phone, display stand, swappable display cards
- Known designers:Yūya Ōnishi(TakaraTomy)
- INFOBAR Optimus Prime (ANNIN) is a redeco of INFOBAR Optimus Prime (NISHIKIGOI), transforming into a recreation of the ANNIN edition of the INFOBAR cellphone. All-white in cellphone mode, he sports additional blue and red detailing in robot mode. Surprisingly, this white repaint of Optimus is not based on Ultra Magnus, but rather hismovie incarnation.Like the other figures in this line, he is not a working cellphone but can be paired via Bluetooth with a smartphone, such as an iPhone, to act as a notification alarm in either robot or INFOBAR mode. The screen is non-functional, but pre-printed cards are included which can be slid into the screen to show an Autobot logo, Decepticon logo, a mockup of a cellphone home screen, or a technical "Transformers INFOBAR" design. The figure also includes a display stand.
- This figure was also retooled intoINFOBAR Megatron (BUILDING)andINFOBAR Bumblebee (ICHIMATSU).

- Autobot Optimus Prime(Bravo, 2017)
- Known designers:Emiliano Santalucia(concept artist)
- Released in the first wave of theAuthenticstoyline, "Autobot Optimus Prime" is roughly the size of a 2015Robots in DisguiseBattle Packtoy. He changes from anevergreen-inspired robot into a more G1-based truck in just four steps. His instructions are incorrect; for truck mode, his legs must be folded in before the arms, otherwise the locking tabs on the arms will get in the way. Due to his transformation, he ends up with no elbows and a fake chest. He also has problems standing up due to hollow legs.
- Autobot Optimus Prime(Alpha, 2017)
- Standing at the height of a Voyager figure, "Autobot Optimus Prime" is nearly identical to his smaller counterpart. He retains the four-step transformation while gaining the (sideways) elbows that the little guy lacks. Like his wavemateGrimlock,Optimus comes with kibble detached in-package.
- Optimus Prime(Titan Changer, 2019)
- This Optimus Prime scales with the rest of the Titan Hero/Guardian/Changer figures, utilizing a different transformation scheme compared to his previousAuthenticsfigures. Due to the said transformation scheme, and unusual for an Optimus Prime toy; his shoulders end up sticking out from the cab's rear.
- Optimus Prime(Mini Bot Racers, 2022)
- AuthenticsMini Bot Racers Optimus Prime is apackage refreshof theRescue Bots AcademyMini Bot Racers Optimus Prime toy.He features no changes from his original release.
- He comes packaged with similarly unchanged rerelases of Mini Bot RacersBumblebeeandHoist,along with new charactersArceeandTrailbreaker.
- Optimus Prime(Battle Call, 2023)
- Accessories:Sword, Shield
- The 2020CyberverseBattle Call Officer Class Optimus Primefigure was reissued underAuthenticsbranding with no changes apart from the packaging.
- Optimus Prime(Bravo, 2024)
- Part of the seventh wave ofAuthenticsBravo figures, Optimus Prime features simplified engineering and changes into a truck in 6 steps. This figure shares a similar transformation scheme with most of the truck-basedRescue Botsfigures. He features no useful articulation. Bizarrely, his calves are mostly unpaintedexceptfor his vents which are painted blue, in an apparent inversion of the usual color scheme.
- Optimus Prime & Orion Pax(Evolution Pack, 2017)

- TheTransformers Tribute"Optimus Prime & Orion Pax" two-pack includes an Orion Pax figure redecoed fromTitans ReturnSergeant Kup,with a retooledTitan Masterface based on theThrilling 30Orion Pax toy.
- While its release in the live-action film–focusedTributeline technically makes this a toy ofa different Optimus Prime,it has been included here for infomational purposes.
Street Fighter II × Transformers
- Convoy [Ryu] vs Megatron [Vega](Two-pack,2018)
- Release date:May 26,2018
- Accessories:sword, double-barreled rifle, Headmaster
- Available as part of the exclusiveStreet Fighter II × Transformerstoyline, "Convoy" is a redeco ofTitans ReturnVoyager ClassOptimus PrimeinRyu's traditional colors, fleshtones and all. His vehicle modes are both adorned with the "fūrinkazan"kanji from Ryu's belt: Phong lâm núi lửa (" as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and immovable as the mountain "). He transforms from robot to tanker truck to plane and back. Both vehicle modes have" cockpit "areas to seat anyTitan Master(or compatible) figure. Like allTitans ReturnVoyager class figures, he has built-in mechanisms to "bulk up" his noggin. In his case, these are spring-loaded pylons. The smaller Headmaster's robot mode is also painted to resemble Ryu.
- Convoy was only available in a two-pack withMegatron[Vega]. This set was available for pre-order onTakaraTomy MallfromNovember 22to27,2017, with orders fulfilled in late May 2018. A pre-order goal was also set: if at least 3000 units were pre-ordered, the set would also come with clear display stands for both toys.
- This two-pack was later brought to the West in 2022 as part of theTransformers Collaborativeline, released as aTargetandHasbro Pulseexclusive in the United States. These releases are functionally identical to the Takara versions; the Hasbro versions have new manufacturing tampographs, but are otherwise the same. They even have all of the Takara packaginginsidethe new Hasbro outer packaging!
Titans Returnmold:Diac | ||
Golden Lagoon
- Convoy(July 29,2018)
- Hasbro ID number:GL-01
- Accessories:Ion blaster, energon axe, Matrix of Leadership
- Golden LagoonConvoy is a gold and gold chrome redeco of MP-10 in homage of theoriginal cartoonepisode of the same name.He does not include the trailer, Roller or Spike, but retains his energon axe, ion blaster, and Matrix of Leadership.
- Part of TakaraTomy's 35th anniversary celebration, he was initially released at SummerWonder Festival2018, then later throughCybertron Satellitestores across Japan andTakaraTomy MallonSeptember 9,2018. Along with the rest of theGolden Lagoontoys, he was later rereleased throughHasbro Pulsein January 2021.
- This toy was used to representGold Primus Convoyin theGenerations Selectscomic.
Masterpiecemold:Convoy (MP-10) | ||
| ||
Shogo Hasui |
G-Shock × Transformers
- Master Optimus Prime(December 8,2018)
- Accessories:2Star Drive Cannon,Chrono Matrix
- Known designers:Kōjin Ōno(TakaraTomy) andHirofumi Ichikawa(Robot parts and accessory)
- Released to celebrate the 35th anniversary ofTransformersand G-Shock, Master Optimus Prime transforms into a "Pedestal Prime Mode" that can hold the included Chrono Matrix accessory or a G-Shock watch. In particular, it is able to hold G-Shock DW-5600 series and DW-6900 series watches. The included Star Drive Cannons can be held in the hands in robot mode, or attached to its Pedestal Prime Mode.
- This mold was retooled to makeMaster Nemesis Prime.
- Master Optimus Prime Resonant Mode [With G-Shock](December 8, 2018)
- Accessories:2 Star Drive Cannon, Chrono Matrix
- Essentially the same release as above, but includes a compatible DW-6900TF-4 watch.
Vintage G1

- Optimus Prime(2019)
- Accessories:2 laser blasters, 2 fists (left & right)
- Sold at aGenerationsLeader-price point,Vintage G1Optimus Prime is aWalmart-exclusive reissue of theGeneration 1 toywithout the trailer. It includes the two versions of his blaster rifle that had not been packaged together since theNew Year Special release,and his smokestacks are now restored to their long, untrimmed glory not seen in the U.S. since theGeneration 2toy.The silver stripes on his chest and arms are now painted, replacing the factory-applied stickers. In addition, this release comes with a new sticker sheet that features more symmetrical designs.
- Like allVintage G1figures, Optimus Prime wasexclusivetoWalmartin the United States and Canada and general release in Asia, notably Toys "R" Us.
35th Anniversary
- Convoy & Optimus Prime Set(2-pack, 2019)
- Released as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive, Convoy is basically a TakaraTomy release of theVintage G1toy above, complete with an additional laser blaster. It does not however come with the modified sticker sheet from theVintage G1release.
- Convoy was only sold as a set with (but packaged separately from)Optimus Prime.
Crossover Collection
- My Little Prime(2020)
- Part of a series featuring crossovers betweenMy Little Ponyand other properties includingGhostbusters,Power Rangers,andDungeons & Dragons,My Little Prime is a pony representation ofOptimus Primeusing a mold inspired by Generation 1 of the equine property. He has an Autobotinsigniaas his cutie mark. The figure has no articulation aside from a ball-jointed tail.
Transformers Fan Book
- Released as one of the freebies (along with a stealth-colored Bumblebee) forTransformers Fan Book 2021,this Optimus Prime is yet another redeco of theReveal the ShieldLegends Class mold.Deco changes include the silver paint being stripped from the smokestacks, while the rest of the body parts, such as the lower waist and the upper thighs/tanks, are painted in black instead. This release uses the Motorbreath retooling.
Transformersmold:Optimus Prime (Legends Class) | ||
- Transformers Fan Book 2023comes with the "Optimus Prime Red Clear ver." toy, redecoed from theKingdomCore Classmold.with the deco once again based on theGeneration 2-inspired colors used for theChronicleEZ Collection figure.
- His transformation shares engineering with theThrilling 30Legends figure, but with sculpted detailing directly based on theEarthrisemold, down to details like thevestigial knee flapsfrom theSiegemold. The included Ion Blaster features a 3 mm handle under a 5 mm post, dedicated to the C.O.M.B.A.T. System. He is also fairly articulated for a figure this small, having head rotation and tilting, torso rotation (which actually looks a bit unnatural), ab crunch, butterfly joints at the shoulders, and ball joints in shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees.
- As a redeco of the Core Class mold, Optimus Prime (Red Clear Version) can hitch the trailer (with the trailer hitch/shield panel on) from the Hasbro Pulse exclusive Optimus Prime & Bumblebee 2-pack.
Robosen Collector's Edition

- Optimus Prime Auto-Converting Robot(2021)
- Accessories:carrying case, laser rifle, energy axe, non-removable exhaust pipes, wall charger, micro USB to USB 2.0 cable
- Robosen's Optimus Prime is a highly interactive, programmable transforming robot. With over 5,000 pieces, 60 microchips, 27 servo motors, 6 high-intensityLEDs,80 different sound effects including voice clips from Peter Cullen, a dedicated iOS/Android bluetooth app interface, and a pricetag of $750 USD, it blurs the line between "toy" and "high-end showroom electronics." Users can choose between multiple ways to control its robotic movements: including pre-programmed voice commands, pre-programmed app controls, or user-created movement scripts. In truck mode, it can drive as directed or honk its horn. In itsMP-10 Convoy-influenced 19 "-tall robot mode, it can execute a long list of included scripted actions featuring voice and sound effects, plus an infinite variety of user-programmed poses and user-scripted movement sequences. It has distinct attack movements and sounds to be used with its weapons, and has flip-out wrist communicators featuring sticker images of Megatron andBumblebee.
- The main power source is an internal rechargeable lithium ionbattery.The truck's front bumper flips down to expose the charging port and the separate micro USB interface port. A replaceable CR 1220 3V battery powers the "laser rifle's" LED; it's not really a laser, but it's bright. The instructions say don't look straight at it.
- In voice command mode, the spoken user command for conversion between truck and robot modes is officially supposed to be "convert,"but secretly the toy will respond the same if you say" transform. "It also responds to more than 30 other simple words and phrases which trigger other animations and basic functions: such as:" turn left "to turn left," move right "to step to the right, or" hero "to strike a superheroic ground-punching pose. 6 months after launch, the Robosen software developers were still releasing new movement animations and firmware updates via channels that can be found in the official app, with no announced end date for their continuing improvements.
- 27 servo motors might sound like a lot, but compared to contemporary 1st-party figures costing hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds!) of dollars less, this item does lack some some pretty standard joints: such as neck rotation, wrist rotation, and the type of leg rotation that would have allowed the feet to point in different directions.
- Although this Optimus Prime does mostly transform on its own, there are some additional manual adjustments required to make each mode look the way it's advertised. In robot mode, one red panel can be removed from the back of the head, and the gas tanks can be moved into a lower position on the legs. If the gas tanks are not lowered, they can protrude enough to obstruct animation. For vehicle mode, the removable red panel should be reattached, gas tanks moved back so they don't cover the wheels, and the side-view mirrors can be flipped out.
- In truck mode, especially via app control, Optimus is a fully functional remote control vehicle that can move forward, backward, and turn. Its steering does not happen the way real trucks do when they tilt the axles of the front wheels within their wheel wells; Instead, Optimus turns by throwing both legs simultaneously to one side or the other, which gives the appearance that the entire cab is pivoting around a central axis.
- In robot mode, Optimus' default idle behavior is not to stand perfectly still. Instead, he will slowly "breathe" with a subtle inhaling/exhaling motion like a human would have after aerobic exercise. From there, he will occasionally shift into other statuesque poses.
- When asked to turn right or left in robot mode, Optimus is not able to perform that action in two or three normal steps with ankle and hip rotation like a human would. He lacks any leg joints that rotate around a vertical axis, so for him to rotate his body to the right, he must perform a startling stutter shuffle move. He pushes one foot out slightly forward, the other foot slightly backward, and maintains that orientation while rapidly sliding his legs together and apart more than once per second until the asymmetrical rapid sliding friction of his feet against the floor eventually scoots him into facing a different direction. This movement can wear out the paint on his inner soles pretty fast, even on smoother surfaces.
- None of the toy's motorized joints are capable of supporting substantial weight without electricity. This means that when powered off, the robot cannot stand upright without external support. If the toy is in robot mode and senses its batteries are getting low, then to prevent a damaging fall, it will automatically shift into a droopy squatting pose that it can safely sustain while powered off. The average operating time from a full battery charge is approximately 40 minutes. The charging port is not accessible while the robot is standing up. Plugging in the charger while the toy is powered on might endanger fragile components.
- Yes, the above means that this toy in effect cannot be displayed in robot mode when not in active use. It can't really be displayed in the proper truck mode either, as the robot legs need battery power to stay rigidly locked into truck configuration and will droop when turned off. It is rather clearly intended to remain in its protective carrying case most of the time.
- Aside from the laser rifle, none of the LED lights in the eyes, headlights, or tail lights can be deactivated while the toy is powered on. In robot mode, the brake lights shine brightly from the backs of the feet, and the headlights shine from within the forearms. Some of the pre-programmed actions exploit this deliberately, by having Optimus brandish his bright headlights as flip-out weapons. The laser rifle's LED turns on and off with its own physical switch.
- Many of the pre-loaded animations assume Optimus is holding his gun in his right hand and/or that he is holding his axe in his left hand. The toy has no sensors to detect whether those accessories are in place, and the app does not consistently label which animations use accessories. It also does not label the many animations that might damage the toy if attempted while accessories are attached, but
transformingconverting him or punching the ground would be a bad idea. So don't activate any animations while the accessories are attached unless you're sure you know what will happen.
- In addition to action/fighting/greetings animations, there are also many silly animations available from the official download page, including: Air Guitar with the G1 cartoon theme song, air drumming, a gyrating silent "Christmas" dance, doing push-ups then getting exhausted and passing out, and theDab.
- The app-controlled motion programming interface is extremely complex. The position of each joint at each step in an animation can be dictated either with numerical parameters, or by sensing the positions of the joints on the toy during programming. Many poses can be strung together to form long action sequences. The app uses long gamified sequences of tutorials to teach programming techniques and unlock more sound clips for use in more animations. Despite that available complexity though, there are some actions used by official animations that cannot be performed in customized sequences: such as a head nod, a full mode conversion, or vehicle driving commands.
- Given this piece's fragility, complexity, and high cost, it is appropriate that it is packaged in a heavy duty foam-padded carrying case, complete with clasps and a handle. But the case can't protect from paint wear issues that arise quickly via actual use. Prime's knuckles and feet will instantly get severe scrape marks if he transforms on a rough surface like concrete, but even smooth unvarnished wood can wear the gloss off the paint before long. Even soft carpeting might not be safe, as some users report toppling issues due to alackof traction.
- The sound effect for Prime's gun is of a distinctly "realistic" machine gun, and Hasbro has stated this effect may be changed.[15]
- Accurate 3-D images of this Robosen toy appear throughout its app interface, but the app also decorates prominent buttons with drawings ofEvergreenOptimus. The app and manual also contain many mistakes in spelling, grammar, typography, labeling transposition, etc.
- This item was revealed onHasbro Pulsein April 2021, and began shipping to purchasers in October 2021. The TakaraTomy release of the figure is unchanged, though the dialogue is swapped from English to Japanese withTesshō Gendareprising his role.
- Amassive(and similarly pricy)auto-converting trailerwithRollerwas later released to pair with this Optimus, as well the poweredRobosen AI Basewhich allows for prolonged display in robot mode.
- Flagship Optimus Prime(2022)
- Accessories:carrying case, laser rifle, energy axe, non-removable exhaust pipes, wall charger, micro USB to USB 2.0 cable
- One year after the release of the original Robosen Optimus Prime, the figure was re-labeled as "Flagship Optimus Prime" and rereleased with no changes.... except the price tag, now $999.
- Elite Optimus Prime(2022)
- Accessories:carrying case, laser rifle, energy axe, non-removable exhaust pipes, wall charger, micro USB to USB 2.0 cable
- "Elite Optimus Prime" is a downsized version of the original (and now "Flagship" ) Robosen Optimus Prime, standing a mere 16 "instead of 19" and costing $699. The different proportions result in a few noticeable but minor visual changes, such as the fuel tanks on his legs being a different shape and elevation compared to the original toy. The folding side mirrors and flip-out wrist communicators have been omitted. It retains all the accessories and programmable functions as the original. It is also compatible with theRobosen AI Base.
Classic Heroes Team
- Optimus Prime(All Star Rescan,2022)
- Known designers:Marcelo Matere(packaging artist)
- A redeco of theRescue BotsOptimus Prime Racing Trailer setminus the trailer,Classic Heroes TeamOptimus Prime converts from robot mode to truck mode in a single step and features a slightly different deco from the original release, including blue windows instead of black, yellow highlights in place of the light blue and greens, new silver and black paint applications on the legs, and a new Autobot insignia over the chest area.
- This toy was also released in aRescue Bots Academypackaging with theClassic Heroes Teambranding as a subline, arguably making it intoanother incarnation of the character.

- Optimus Prime(June 1,2022)
- Set Number:10302
- Pieces:1,508
- Accessories:"Ion blaster","Energon axe","Energon cube","Autobot Matrix of Leadership",jetpack,display plaque, optional waist panel, brick separator
- The first ever collaboration betweenHasbroand one of its main competitors,LEGO,10302 Optimus Prime is a fully brick-built model of the Autobot leader standing 13.5 inches tall, released under LEGO'sIconssubtheme. Unlike (most of) Hasbro'sKre-Osets that preceded it, thisLEGOOptimus Prime set is fully transformable from robot to truck mode without having to disassemble any parts.
- A tall, top-heavy model, stability concerns mean he is not as articulated as a normal action figure, notably lacking bending knees. He includes an optional waist piece for fans to either display him with the Generation 1 toy-accurate truck bumper or the cartoon-accurate yellow block-shaped detail. He also includes a (then) brand-new piece for hismouthplate(named theSlope, Curved 33 2 x 2 Double / Invertedon BrickLink, with the item number being #1762), which has since gone on to be used in plenty of other Lego sets.
- Prime comes with a plethora of brick-built accessories. He includes his ion blaster, his "Energon axe" (which can plug into either wrist once you remove the fist), a pink "Energon cube", the "Autobot Matrix of Leadership" (which can be stored inside his chest), and a jetpack based on the one he borrowed fromSideswipein "More than Meets the Eye, Part 3"(which can be attached to his back). Aside from the Matrix, only the ion blaster has dedicated storage when Prime is in truck mode, fitting between his legs to form the truck's trailer hitch; according to a small trivia blurb in the instructions, this is because the ion blaster was the only accessory in the set that was also included with the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime toy. Of course, this is LEGO we're talkin' about, so if you want, you can store the rest of the stuff on him anywhere you see some exposed studs!
- To round things out, anUltimate Collector's Series-styled display plaque featuring Optimus Prime's name (in both English and Ancient Autobot), function, motto, andTech Specsis included.
- Optimus Prime'sinstruction bookletcontains a short segment written by none other than LEGO Senior DesignerJoe Kyde,which showcases the history of theTransformersbrand and the character of Optimus Prime. Unfortunately, said instructions also contain an assembly error: the stickered details on Prime's thighs are applied upside down compared to the Generation 1character model.This error is also present on thestock photographyon the packaging. Fortunately, the panels can be removed easily and reinstalled in the correct orientation for a more accurate robot mode. The aforementioned blurb also contains an amusing compromise—giving up on any attempt to reconcile Optimus's famous catchphrase and the need to protect Hasbro'sTransformerstrademark,it renders the iconic command as"Autobots,convertand roll out! "
- Optimus Prime|Optimus Prime Truck(2025)
- Set Number:40803
- Pieces:237
- Released as part of LEGO'sBrickHeadztheme ofsuper deformedcharacters (a line launched by the Danish brand in 2016 as a competitor of sorts toFunko Pops), this set includes two builds of Optimus Prime, one in his robot mode and another in his vehicle mode, both of which can be built and displayed separately. Like the rest of theBrickHeadztoyline, he features no stickers, with all of his details being printed onto the pieces instead, which comes in rather handy for Lego MOC designers who might want to reuse the many little windows and insignia included in this set.
- Optimus has no accessories and, as customary withBrickHeadztoys, no articulation to speak of, but is very proficient at just standing cutely! Unlike Lego's previous Prime, this model features a color scheme that is closer to the cartoon design rather than the toy. The sides of his head feature a pair of 2x2 round tiles with Autobot insignia, something that did not appear on said cartoon design but, again, certainly helps with MOCs.
- A common gag across BrickHeadz toys is the inclusion of pink bricks within the structure of their heads, suggesting the characters' brains. Prime and his wave-mateBumblebee,however; actually have transparent pink bricks inside their heads, representing Energon cubes instead!
Anti-Gravity Pedestal Tenseg Base
- Optimus Prime Set
- Release Date:June 30, 2022
- Accessories:Blaster, "Tenseg Base"
- This uniquely brandedAnti-Gravity Pedestal Tenseg Baserelease of Optimus Prime is a redeco ofKingdomUltra Magnus's inner robot. Optimus Prime comes with a silver "Tenseg Base" which he can attach to, simulating a "floating" pose. Optimus Prime retainsSiege/KingdomUltra Magnus's blaster accessory, colored in a darker metallic gray in a possible attempt to emulate Prime's usualion blaster.
- Unusually for TakaraTomy, the vehicle mode stock photos are slightly mistransformed - the upper body isn't slid all the way forward, which makes the truck grille appear misaligned. Also, the Hasbro Pulse listing of the figure labels it as a "Masterpiece"figure, likely because the figure's box comes sheathed in aMasterpiecebranded sleeve.
- Sold separately are two alternately colored bases; one inheroic Autobot redand the other inEVILDecepticon purple.Initially due for release in March 2022, Prime and the bases were eventually released on June 30.
- In a happy accident of cross-compatibility, Tenseg Base Optimus Prime can be equipped with the armor and alternate head included withShattered Glass CollectionUltra Magnusto replicate thered cab variantofDiaclonePowered Convoy released inGiG's short-livedTrasformer[sic]toyline, minus Super Buggy.
Siegemold:Ultra Magnus | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
- Optimus Prime R5(2023)
- Accessories: Camera Cap/Shield, small camera accessory, Matrix of Leadership
- Known designers:Kōjin Ōno(TakaraTomy) andHirofumi Ichikawa(Robot parts and accessory)
- Canon/TransformersOptimus Prime is a roughly Leader Class-sized figure that transforms into a fully licensed CanonEOS R5digital camera. The toy is 80% the size of the genuine article and features a removable lens attachment, though it must be reattached to him before he can transform to robot mode since it forms his head and arms. The lens cap is removable and is used as a shield in robot mode. His includedMatrix of Leadershipcan be pegged onto his lens, just behind the front element. He also comes with a small version of his own camera mode.
- Both his Matrix and small camera accessory can be pegged into his palms. His hands feature a range of movement, with the thumb and index finger being articulated and the remaining fingers joined together.
- This mold was also used to make the concurrently releasedTakaraTomy MallexclusiveDecepticon Refraktor R5,and retooled intoNemesis Prime R5.
Lunar Cruiser Prime
- Lunar Cruiser Prime(ルナクルーザープライム, 2024)
- Release date:February2024(Campfire), March 2024 (general release)
- Accessories:Solar panel/shield, antenna
- Known designers:Yūya Ōnishi[16]andIttoku Kuwazu[17](TakaraTomy)
- Produced in collaboration with Japanese space agencyJAXAandToyota,Lunar Cruiser Prime is a roughly Voyager-sized figure that transforms into the as-of-2023 current version of Toyota's "Lunar Cruiser" concept for an enclosed lunar rover, in part to promote TakaraTomy's own unmanned "SORA-Q" rover, which successfully deployed on theMoonin January 2024 (after some delays). The large solar panel can tab onto the tube on the left side of the vehicle, or be folded in half and tucked away inside the vehicle's back end. The round roof-mounted antenna is on an adjustable armature.
- In robot mode, Prime can hold the solar panel like a shield. Both the shield and radar dish can attach to the adjustable "smokestack" -like assemblies on each of his shoulders, leaving his hands free. AMatrix of Leadershipcan also be spotted molded into the drivers' compartment.
- The figure was made available one month ahead of its general release on Japanese crowdfunding site Campfire in four tiers:
- A version identical to the general release.
- A package including a modularMasterpiecestyle stand.
- A package with a thank you message on the TakaraTomy website, available to 40 people.
- A package with a personal thank you message fromTesshō Genda,the iconic original Japanese voice of Optimus Prime available to 10 people.
- The campaign opened at 10 AM onJune 8,2023 and ran through midnight onJuly 17.Within the first 24 hours it blew past 300% of its initial 1 million JPY (approx. $7200 USD) goal. This toy was also available throughHasbro Pulse,due to ship onJune 302024... but other US-based outlets began shipping them in early March of 2024.
Missing Link
- Convoy(2024)
- ID Number:C-01
- Accessories: Laser Rifle, Energy Axe,Matrix,Container/Combat Deck,Roller,4 Missiles, Fuel Pump, Nozzle and Hose
- Known designers:Hironori Kobayashi(TakaraTomy),[18]Yuki Ohshima(concept artist),Shin Ueda(packaging artist)[19]
- Released to celebrate the 40th anniversary ofThe Transformersbrand,Missing LinkConvoy's appearance is a direct recreation of the originalThe Transformerstoy—but with the benefit of forty years of advances in toy engineering. It retains almost all of the original toy'sgimmicks,and adds a bunch more.
- Although superficially identical to the vintage figure, its engineering has received a total overhaul to add a load of new points ofarticulation.Compared to the original, the toy boastsratchetedelbows and knees, hinged knuckles, wrist curls, ankle tilts, a deeper forward bend for the feet, double-jointed outward shoulder motion, universal joints at the hips (with the wheels now folding out on skirts to accommodate outward leg motion), along with a neckswivel,a limited waist swivel and even an ab crunch! Unusually, the toy'sinstructionsspecifically demonstrate how to make use of all these new points of articulation. Where the original toy famously haddetachable,easy-to-lose fists, this isn't the case with this modern update; the new, slightly smaller fists tuck neatly behind the grille (as with many other modern takes on this basic transformation scheme), revealing a pair of headlights — instead of holes — in the process. To facilitate the vast improvements to the lower body articulation and to help support the legs in truck mode, the toy foregoes one of the most iconic steps in the original transformation — where swinging the truck bed down causes it to separate into the legs — instead mounting the hips on individualslide jointsthat must be carefully wiggled apart past a bracket in the middle first. These intricate plastic components are surrounded by heavy die-cast parts, and the thigh swivels in particular are extraordinarily tight, which makes posing the legs feelprecariousto say the least! We would advise maintaining a firm grip on the red sliding brackets and die-cast hips, as close to the joint being moved as possible, to prevent any excessive leverage being applied.
- All of the original accessories are included with this revamped release, plus some extras. TheCombat Deck's launching mechanism has been nixed, in favor of allowing the repair drone to detach from the trailer and roll around on its own wheels.Roller(colored silver, not blue) has a new hinge to allow the port for theion blasterto rotate out of sight, being replaced with a painted red light detail (harkening back to its appearance in "More than Meets the Eye, Part 2"). Roller's wheels and the toy's missiles are packed still attached to theirspruejust like in the old days, complete with an extravagant spare set of missiles. The fuel pump, hose and nozzle are included basically unchanged as three separate parts but are in fact new tooling. In addition to these classic parts, the toy also comes with brand new accessoriesinspired by the character's animation appearances:a chrome-goldMatrix of Leadership(which fits in his chest, like the similar accessory included with the older "Special Specification"release), and a transparentenergon-axewhich clasps shut over either hand. The ion blaster now features two5 mm poststo allow him to grip it normally, or even hold it with both hands thanks to his new articulation, and features a revamped sculpt based on the vintage accessory's earlier "thick" barrel variant (which informed the gun's animated depiction). A special chrome-silver mounting piece for the Matrix sits behind the truck windows, but can be removed to reveal the classic seats for smallerDiaclonefigures.
- The toy has the classic Autobotrubsign,rubber tires(with the classic real-world "Desert Dog Formula"brand),die-castparts, and features all the samevacuum metallizedsurfaces as the vintage toy. The details of the originalstickers(on the arms, knees, and toes) have been fully molded into the plastic and picked out with paint—but the toyalsocomes with a direct recreation of the original sticker sheet anyway. The toy also comes with a marketing insert, a collector'scard(with, oddly enough, a small hole punched through the top), and aTech Specdecoder for reading the graph printed on the back of thepackagingalongside the classic back-of-the-box mural. Everything is neatly presented using a polystyrene tray. For this release, the illustrator of the toy's original Japanesepackage art,Shin Ueda(credited in English right on the new box!), was commissioned to produce a brand-new piece based on the iconic transformation-into-midair-leap pose fromThe Transformers: The Movie.Ironically, though the toy is finally capable of reproducing theoriginalboxart pose, the engineering of its waist rotation means thenewpose is impossible!
- Since the trailers are nearly identical in shape, the sound effect module from theGeneration 2Optimus Prime toyis compatible with the trailer of this release, though the module can't connect to Convoy's robot mode back.
- Although entirely aTakaraTomyinitiative, theMissing Linktoys were made available directly to Western fans viaHasbro Pulse,sold under the name Optimus Prime. The toy kept its longer smokestacks and fully-functional firing missiles, which Hasbro had shortenedfor safety reasonsin prior releases.
- In addition to the anime edition Convoy below, this toy was also redecoed to makeMissing LinkSentinel Prime.

- Convoy (Anime Edition)(2024)
- ID Number:C-02
- Accessories: Laser Rifle, Energy Axe, Matrix
- Known designers:Hironori Kobayashi(TakaraTomy),[18]Yuki Ohshima(concept artist),Shin Ueda(packaging artist)[19]
- A more affordable release of theMissing LinkConvoy toy was sold without the trailer. This version of the toy goes forshow-accuracy,omitting the various paint applications intended to replicatestickerdetailing, painting the toy's eyes blue instead of yellow, swapping the blue plastic for a slightly brighter shade, and picking out anAutobotinsigniain fine white outlines solely on the left shoulder. Unlike Hasbro's contemporaneousTransformers Retroreissues, which similarly aim to use clever deco work to bring the original G1 toys closer to their animation depictions, this release keeps the chrome, instead of using a dull silver plastic.
- The toy still comes with its ion blaster (with a gunmetal paint application on its vent), energon-axe, and Matrix (now painted in animation-accurate metallic orange and silver); the Matrix housing is left as bare black plastic. A smaller sticker sheet is also included forcustomizingoptions—much like the one for the full release, but omitting all the trailer stickers. Three small yellow stickers are provided to replicate the waist/bumper details from the cartoon character model. The paperwork included is similar to the full release.
- Optimus Prime & Soundwave(2024)
- Accessories:Axe, blaster, Matrix of Leadership
- ReactivateOptimus Prime transforms from a robot into a post-apocalyptic armoured truck, based on his appearance in the cancelledTransformers: Reactivatevideo game. Optimus was only available withSoundwave.He comes with the usual Optimus accessories; an ion blaster, an energon axe that can fit over either fist, and a removable Matrix of Leadership (a repaint of the Matrix included withEarthriseOptimus Prime).
- Optimus suffers from adesign flaw- the handle on his ion blaster is far too short, resulting in an extremely loose grip. His torso can sometimes be tough to tab in properly because of tolerance issues, resulting in a conspicuous gap between his chest and abdomen; leaving the folded truck roof parts on his back untabbed will allow the rest of the torso to fit correctly while not affecting the toy's general articulation and functionality.
Hot Wheels

- Optimus Prime(2024)
- A very surprising addition to this page,Hot WheelsOptimus Prime representsHasbrolicensing one of its direct rival toy companies,Mattel,to sell a "proper" transforming Transformers action figure. Available exclusively through the Mattel Creations direct-to-consumer website (essentially their version ofHasbro Pulse), this is a diminutive recreation of the cab/robot portion of the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime at the traditionalHot Wheelsscale of 1:64 in truck mode, and standing 3.5 "tall in robot mode. Prime is constructed fromdie-cast metalcovered with glossy paint,[21]and features bespokerubber tires.The figure comes in an elaborate box, partially based on the original toy's packaging design, that can be oriented to display it in either truck cab or robot mode.
- The order page for the figure went live on May 21, 2024, and it sold out in less than 30 minutes.[22]
Dramatic Capture Series
- Autobot Headquarters(Multi-pack, 2024)
- Release date:November 30,2024
- Accessories:Rifle, "Matrix of Leadership"
- Known designers:Hisashi Yuki(TakaraTomy)
- Released as part of TakaraTomy'sDramatic Capture Seriesmulti-pack line, this Optimus Prime (called so on the packaging, not by his original Japanese-market name "Convoy" ) is a redeco of hisWar for Cybertron: Earthrisemold (sans the Trailer/Combat Deck) in cartoon-accurate colors, with white hips/thighs, a gray-painted face, a white-outline Autobot symbol on only his left shoulder, andmuchless color detail on his legs. Even theunpaintable plasticareas in his calves, inner hips, and biceps now match the surrounding body colors to further line up with the animation model. For unknown reasons, this figure uses the wheels originally made for Earthrise Optimus' Trailer on the back of the cab.
- He was only available in the "Autobot Headquarters" set along withJazzandMainframe,the second set released in the series.
Earthrisemold:Optimus Prime (Leader Class) | ||
Trailer/Combat Deck:
Transformers Retro
- Optimus Prime(2024)
- Accessories:"Laser Blaster", left & right fists, trailer/ "Combat Deck", "Roller", 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump
- Known designers:Evan Brooks(Hasbro)[12]
- Revealed atSan Diego Comic-Con2024,Transformers RetroOptimus Prime is yet another reissue of the original Optimus Prime toy, though it's now done in cartoon accurate colors, with a white pelvis and thighs. The truck cab has the long smokestacks, though thetoy photographson the box depict short smokestacks.
- For the first timesince the 2008Universetoy mentioned above,this reissue also includes the trailer. This trailer has been noticeably modified from all prior releases in that the artillery drone no longer has triggers for the missile launchers.
- As with the rest of the line, Optimus is exclusive to Walmart.
Transformers × Zoids × Diaclone
- Shield-D-Prime(シールドディープライム, 2025)
- Release date:2025
- Accessories:drone, bike
- Announced as the flagship release in TakaraTomy'sCollaborative-adjacent licensed crossover lineSynergenex,"Shield-D-Prime" combinesT-SPARK's three pillar brands ofTransformers,Zoids,andDiaclone.This exotic variant of Optimus Prime turns into a 1/60 scale iteration ofZoidsmascotShield Liger,and includes a working cockpit for the includedDiaclone"dianaut"pilot. Accessories include a removable flying drone type thing formed from Optimus's back and tail and an adorable teeny tiny motorcycle for the dianaut.
Transformers × Godzilla

- Optimus Prime Type MFS-3 Kiryu(オプティマスプライム Type3 thức cơ long, 2025)
- Part ofT-SPARK'sSynergenexline of collector-targeted crossover toys, "Optimus Prime Type MFS-3 Kiryu" is a redeco ofLegacyLaser Optimus Primeinspired by "Kiryu",the version ofGodzillafoeMechagodzillaseen in the filmsGodzilla Against MechagodzillaandGodzilla: Tokyo S.O.S..This casts nearly all of Optimus's robot mode parts in metallic gray, the sword and axe in bright yellow (inspired by Kiryu's yellow eyes and firepower), the truck cab and blaster in dark blue (with white cybernetic spots on the hood), and the trailer in olive green. The windows on Prime's chest are now opaque, with the right "pec" now displaying a "Godzilla Transformers" logo and the left Kiryu's designation of "MFS-3". Laser Prime's distinctive shoulder tower launchers resemble Kiryu's blue backpack weapons unit, and blaster evokes one of the mechanical kaiju's arm-mounted railguns.
- Optimus Prime Type MFS-3 Kiryu was unveiled as part of theSynergenexline's reveal onAugust 25,2024.
Transformers × Monster Hunter

- Rathalos Prime(2025)
- "Rathalos Prime" is a heavy retool ofKingdomAirazorinspired byRathalos(known as Liolaeus in Japan, hence the figure's Japanese name), the dragon-like poster monster of Capcom'sMonster Hunterfranchise, commemorating that series' 20th anniversary. He transforms from a Rathalos itself into a robot mode designed to resemble a hunter geared up in a full set of Rathalos Armor.
- Prime wields a "Flame Hatchet Energy Axe"(specifically based on theAxelion Blade), a sword-and-shield combo that, after building up enough energy, can be combined together into a large axe. This is achieved in toy form by splitting the shield open and having the sword slot into it. He also comes with a "Firedrake Matrix" (or Collaboration Matrix according to Hasbro) bearing the insignia of aRathalos Ruby.
- Rathalos Prime was initially teased as part of the Synergenex line's reveal on 2024 August 25, and was eventually revealed proper on 2024September 26inCapcom'sOnline ProgramduringTokyo Game Show.
Kingdommold:Airazor | ||
Version 1 (Raptor):
Version 2 (Pteranodon):
- Silver Rathalos Prime(2025)
- TakaraTomy name:Silver Liolaeus Prime(シルバーリオレウスプライム)
- Release date:2025September 27
- Accessories:"Hellfire Hatchet Energy Axe" sword, "Hellfire Hatchet Energy Axe" shield, "Silver Firedrake Matrix" /silver Collaboration Matrix
- "Silver Liolaeus Prime" is a silver repaint of the above Rathalos Prime figure, has he transforms into aSilver Rathalos.Much of him is molded in white with more silver paint, the blue paint on him is much darker with purple eyes in both modes.
- His "Hellfire Hatchet Energy Axe" is based on theHellsire Blade,with the sword having a pink to blue gradient.
Transformers × Macross 7
- Basara Prime(バサラプライム, 2025)
- Release date:2025
- Accessories:
Bump of Chicken
- Convoy(2024)
- Release date:2024December 7
- Accessories:Matrix, blaster
- Known designers:Chama(deco)
- Released as the second collaboration between theTransformersfranchise and the rock groupBump of Chicken,Convoy is a redeco ofEarthriseOptimus Primetoy, minus thetrailer.The toy's limbs are colored based on each band member'sinstruments,including Motoo Fujiwara's yellow guitar for the head, Hiroaki Masukawa's orange guitar for the left arm, Chama's blue bass guitar for the right arm, and Hideo Masu's green drums as the legs. The ion blaster is painted in silver, while the Matrix is cast in transparent blue. Like the contemporaryDramatic Capture Seriesuse of this mold, the wheels on the back of the truck cab are lifted from the trailer instead of using the original set. The figure featured briefly inStudio Trigger'sTransformers 40th Anniversary Special Movie,which was set to the band's song "Mayday".
- Nucleon Quest Super Convoy(2025)
- ID number:MPG-16
- Release date:2025November 29
- Accessories:Container,Powermaster,angry replacement head, boarding figure, 2 Convoy Superconductor Rifles, 2 Super Convoy Superconductor Rifles, 2 Particle Beam Cannons, 2 shootingeffect parts,2 cartoon version shoulder parts, stand adapter
- MPGNucleon Quest Super Convoy is ablack redecoofSuper Ginraibased after the Japanese exclusiveSuper Convoy.
- He was first revealed at theT-SPARKZONE 2025 exhibition in mid-January.
- Optimus Prime(Deluxe Figure, 2025)
- Accessories:Left arm/Energon Axe, 2 Pistols, Ark arm and leg armors, missile pods for leg armor, Booster binder
- MixMashersOptimus Prime is a 5-inch non-transforming action figure modeled after his evergreen design. Like the previously-released figure from theHero Mashersline, he features 10 detachable base body parts, all of which use the same clip-peg/hole joint. Optimus also comes with his signature Energon Axe that can only be mounted onto his left arm due to the forearm panel, a pair of 2 purple-colored pistols, 2 different pairs for Ark-based arm and leg armors, and something like a booster binder with a Decepticon insignia.
- Optimus Prime
- SwapticonsOptimus Prime is a small, rectangular figure that transforms into one half of a truck, using a mechanism with the head, he can be combined with the packed inUltra Magnus,though it's compatible with every other figure in the line for a multitude of combinations.
Before he became Optimus Prime
- The first prototype for Battle Convoy, theDiacloneoriginator of Optimus Prime, was vastly different from the final version, complete with an entirely different transformation and a car carrying trailer. The head lacked the faceplate.
- A later prototype/mock-up was much closer to the final product but still has some noticeable differences, such as a head with much larger antennae, longer smokestacks and a front grille section that includes the rectangular section that would sport the "Freightliner" logo on the real-life truck (on the final toy, the rectangular section is part of the hinged upper section that includes the windows). It would have also been possible to attach theion blasterto either of his shoulders.[23]
- The toy that would ultimately end up as the original Optimus Prime toy was originally released in August1983as No.17 Battle Convoy from Takara's Diaclone Car Robo toyline in Japan. In1984,Joustrareleased their own version (still withDiaclonesticker on the trailer) as part of their Diaclone line in Europe, either simply calledTruck(according to the pack-in catalog) orDiaclone(in the pack-in comic). It's possible thatGiGalso released a version calledCamion Convoyas part of theirTrasformerline in Italy, but to this day no packaged sample has surfaced.
The many releases of Optimus Prime
Over the years, theoriginal Optimus Primehas been repackaged and reissued multiple times:
- In the US and Canada, limited edition promotional versions were available sporting Pepsi stickers; the Canadian version has large Pepsi stickers that cover the entire trailer, while the US version only has small Pepsi stickers that partially obscure the lines running across the trailer;
- In addition to the standard Japanese 01 Convoy release, Takara also released the toy as part of theVSX Convoy vs. Megatrontwo-pack in1985;
- Takara released a variant sporting clear blue windows and as part of the "Good Bye Convoy"set (packaged withAlert/Red AlertandLigier/Mirage) in1986;
- Hasbro's subsidiaryMilton Bradley(MB) released the toy in Europe in late 1985, following a slight delay due to licensing issues;[24]there are no less thanthreevariants of MB-packaged Optimus Prime, one of them manufactured by Takara and sporting blue feet, the other two manufactured byJoustraas part of a deal with Hasbro/MB, one of them with blue and the other one with red feet;[1]
- After Hasbro's European division had changed the packaging from "MB" to "Hasbro", the toy continued to be available in 1986, including more of the Joustra-manufactured red and blue feeted versions, which were apparently also available in the UK in English-only packaging;[1]
- GiGreleased the toy asCommanderas part of theirTransformersline in Italy in 1985, including an all-plastic variant in 1986;
- IGAreleased their version in Mexico in 1985; unsold stock was later imported to a plethora of European countries, including the UK, with Optimus Prime having the yellow paint scraped off his eyes and then having them painted over in red;
- Hasbro reissued the "Original Autobot Leader" toy as part of their EuropeanClassicsline of reissues in1991;
- Hasbro released aredecoed version with additional accessoriesas part of theirGeneration 2linein1993;
- Takara reissued the original toy in its original 1985 Japanese packaging in2000,with an all-black recolor being available from assorted Japanese conventions and another variant with gold instead of silver parts, stickers, and paint as alucky drawprize;
- Takara reissued the toy again asNew Year Specialversion in January 2002, sporting clear blue windows (similar to Good Bye Convoy) and featuring additional accessories such as a Matrix necklace and ashow accuraterecolor of the Action Master Optimus Prime figure;
- Hasbro reissued the toy in the US and the UK as part of theirGeneration One Commemorative Seriesline of reissues in2002,sporting shortened down smokestacksfor safety reasons;
- Takara reissued the toy once again in2003,as part of theirThe Transformers Collectionline of reissues, numbered 00 and featuring additional accessories such as an energon axe;
- Takara released a recolored version featuring a new trailer in December2005,calledPepsi Convoy.
- Hasbro released their own version of Pepsi Convoy, named "Pepsi Optimus Prime",as aHasbro Toy Shopexclusive in2007,featuring the familiarsafety-shortened smokestacks of the Commemorative Series reissue.
- In August 2007 TakaraTomy yet again did a rerelease similar to the 2000 Convoy rerelease, this time as part of the "Transformers Encore"line. This version has a new rifle with a longer handle so Optimus can finally hold it straight.
- TakaraTomy released"Convoy iPod Docking Bay with Speakers"in September 2007. It is an iPod speaker/dock in the shape of a truck, featuring an all-white version of Convoy with a new head sculpt reminiscent of Masterpiece Convoy as the cab, and a trailer housing a pair of speakers and a docking point for an iPod.
- In March2008,TakaraTomy released a G1-colored version of the iPod Convoy set.
- Hasbro released the25th Anniversarygift set edition detailed above in 2008, as part of the 2008Universeline, once again withshortened smokestacks.
- TakaraTomy released another reissue based on theEncoreversion as part of theirChronicleline in 2011, lacking the original Generation 1 trailer. Instead, theChronicleversion was available in a two-pack withDark of the MoonDeluxe ClassOptimus Primeand a new trailer that could be used by both Optimuses, thanks to a retooled trailer hitch on the Generation 1 Optimus Prime figure.
- In 2012, Hasbro reissued Optimus Prime again for their Asian markets, this time mi xing the 25th Anniversary version of the toy itself with the olderCommemorative Seriespackaging.[25]
- In 2019, Optimus was rereleased once again, this time without his trailer and with his original long smokestacks (something he hasn't had in America since Generation 2), in Hasbro's Vintage G1 line of reissues exclusive to Walmart stores in US and Canada.
Powermaster Optimus Prime design history
PowermasterOptimus Prime, being the grand toy rebirth of Optimus Prime post-movie, apparently received a lot of thought during the design process. Prime went through an inordinate number of design changes from concept to final with at least three very major revisions:
- The earliest version, as shown in the first patent application for the toy, was to have the Prime cab be a triplechanger, turning from truck cab to jet or robot.[26]The nosecone of the jet and robot legs were released by the Powermaster lock in the same fashion as the legs in the final version. Optimus would have had winged arms in non-superrobot mode.The super robot mode's head was also integrated into the trailer's hitch... and lacked a faceplate.
- The second known version[27]ditched the triplechanging gimmick on the cab and simplified things a good bit. This Powermaster Prime has several distinct characteristics only seen in the second design, such as the wider "block head" and two faux smokestacks on top of either shoulder as opposed to one. Also, in a rather odd twist, this design features a black head and fists for both super and regular modes rather than the traditional blue. It also had yellow eyes in either mode a la the original Optimus Prime.
- The third version[28]would quite possibly have been the most gimmick loaded Transformer in the history of the line, simultaneously being a Powermaster,Headmaster,andTriple Changer.The Headmaster also would have been a Triple Changer, turning into a sort of armored four-wheeled rover (Roller II?) and robot as well as a rather silly looking Optimus Prime head with four vertically aligned wheels jutting off the sides. It seems that when the extra Headmaster gimmick was scrapped, the super mode head remained separate rather than being reintegrated into the trailer hitch such as on the earliest design. Notably, the body of this design is extremely close to the final design.
- A fourth version is shown in the 1987-88 Transformers product catalog that has several minor differences from both Powermaster Prime andGod Ginrai,such as having God Ginrai's sliding fists but in red, a completely different trailer hitch assembly partially based on the third design, an offset Autobot symbol in base mode, extended feet also based on third design, far more detailed super mode outer leg panels, completely different front bumper, and the first instance of single faux shoulder smokestacks rather than two. It is still unknown as to why Powermaster Prime has completely different arms from God Ginrai or all earlier concept versions.
Powermaster Prime's animation model as used in the commercials and as a character guide for the Marvel comics is a composite of the second and third designs. The body of the model is actually a straight tracing of the concept lineart for the third version (including its different rifles and twin faux shoulder stacks), with a slightly simplified drawing of the second version's head drawn on top.
Miscellaneous Primes
- The preproduction version of Action Master Optimus Prime (featured in catalogs and on hisPower Plans) used a darker blue closer to the 1984 toy and had upper legs painted grey. Amusingly, the mold also originally had longer smokestacks that were presumably trimmed down for safety or breakage issues, which would become something of a running theme with Optimus Prime toys.
- TheReturn of Convoypack-in catalogs show Star Convoy as originally having silver paint on his vehicle mode and robot thighs, mirroring the similarly-colored parts of the original Optimus Prime design. However, the Star Convoy released at retail instead used bare white plastic, possibly as a cost-saving measure (asTransformerswas rapidly losing popularity in Japan at the time). When Takara reissued the toy years later, it restored the originally-intended silver of the prototype.
- Return of Convoycatalogs reveal the planning process behind Star Convoy's evolution from gimmick-rich illustration to prototype before reaching final production.
- The pose used forGeneration 2Hero Optimus Prime'spackage artis rather blatantly swiped fromGeneration 1PowermasterOptimus Prime's package art.
- On a similar note,Machine WarsOptimus Prime's package art is merely edited fromGeneration 2Laser Optimus Prime's card art, keeping it mostly intact save for the removal of shoulder kibble and the addition of a non-windowed chestplate.
- The Masterpiece Optimus Prime toy was featured in aprint adforNokia6820phones in December 2004.[29]He is posed bent over to look at the phone and scratching his head. Pleasantly,mostof the pose pictured is perfectly possible with an un-kitbashed,un-Photoshopped version of the toy. (The real toy can't bend forward at the waist like that, alas.)
- ClassicsOptimus Primewas initially intended to be Deluxe-sized. An alleged list of the tentativeClassicsline-up[30]included a Deluxe-sized Optimus Prime without a trailer and a versionwitha trailer at the Voyagerprice point;however, it appears the decision was eventually made to upscale Optimus to Voyager size instead.[31]Don Figueroa'scontrol drawingsfor the Deluxe version were leaked before theClassicsline was even released at retail.[32]A gray modelprototypewas later shown as part of an interview withTakaraTomy's staff inTransformers Generations 2009 vol. 1.[33]It's unclear whether the trailer ever made it past the early planning stage before the size of the figure was changed.
- ↑"The Three MB Optimus Primes"at 20th Century Toy Collector
- ↑Or "Ver. Black Camo," inTransformers Generations 2012.
- ↑Japanese listing on the BAPE website. The accompanying English text reads "01 CONVOY BAPE VERSION RED CAMO".
- ↑Encore Star Convoy sticker issue
- ↑ToyFare Magazine Best Toys Ever
- ↑Steve-o's OTFCC 2004 notes
- ↑Good Design Long Life Award: Transformers Masterpiece
- ↑Interview on the 40th Anniversary of theTransformersbrandwithKōjin ŌnoinTransformers Generations 2024,translated at Soundwaves Oblivion
- ↑Gallery of the unreleasedGentei! Genteiblack Convoy at TFormers.
- ↑The unreleasedGentei! Gentei!black Convoy in packagingat TFW2005.
- ↑TFW2005 reports on the Philippines Autobot Alliance/Cybertron Con event. June 18, 2010
- ↑ Brookson the Triple Takeover podcast, from their YouTube channel
- ↑TakaraTomy au x Transformers Project press release
- ↑Transformers x au Transforming Phones Launch Crowdfunding Campaign at TFW2005
- ↑Review of Robosen Optimus Primementioning the sound effect choice
- ↑"Designer's Voice Vol.1"development update at the Lunar Cruiser Prime Campfire campaign
- ↑"Designer's Voice Vol.2"development update at the Lunar Cruiser Prime Campfire campaign
- ↑18.018.1InterviewwithHironori Kobayashion theMissing Linktoyline forTransformers Generations 2024,translated at Soundwaves Oblivion
- ↑19.019.1Article on Missing Link Convoy inFigure Kingissue 308 (September 2023), p109
- ↑Manson Cheung on Instagram "Oh yeah, you may have heard…I made a thing. Hot Wheels Transformers Optimus Prime" May 14, 2024
- ↑John Lambert on Instagram "Spectraflame, heavy, and rad." May 17, 2024
- ↑Manson Cheung on Instagram "Update: Sold out in 27 minutes." May 21, 2024
- ↑Diaclone catalog scansat 1501bc.
- ↑"The Jetfire vs Optimus Prime mixup"at 20th Century Toy Collector
- ↑"Bad news RE: new Commemorative Prime"at Cybertron.ca.
- ↑Patent #JP63-132686
- ↑Transformers Generations,p22, p106
- ↑Transformers Generations,p106
- ↑"20th Anniversary Optimus Prime Featured in Nokia Ad"
- ↑Rumorabout theClassicslineup that turned out to be spot on aside from VoyagerSoundwaveand Deluxe Optimus Prime.
- ↑"Cybertron Crosswise Redeco and Transformers Classics Info"(viaJoe Kyde's proxy "SAGE2764" )
- ↑LeakedClassicsDeluxe Optimus Prime control drawings:Vehicle mode,robot mode
- ↑Translated TakaraTomy Henkei/Classics staff interview
- Unreleased toys
- Articles in need of images
- Upcoming toy releases
- Action Masters
- Alternators Autobots
- Alternity Autobots
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- Bump of Chicken
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- Contest prizes
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- Dramatic Capture Series
- E-HOBBY exclusives
- Encore
- Generation 1 toy Autobots
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- Generation 2 Go-Bots
- GT characters
- Henkei! Henkei! Autobots
- Kiss Players Autobots
- Machine Wars Autobots
- Mail order exclusives
- Masterpiece
- Missing Link
- Music Label
- Powermasters
- Q-Transformers characters
- Return of Convoy Autobots
- Robotmasters Autobots
- SDCC exclusives
- TakaraTomy Mall exclusives
- Timelines characters
- Titanium Series
- Toys "R" Us exclusives
- Toys "R" Us Japan exclusives
- Transformers with three modes
- Unite Warriors Autobots
- United Autobots
- Universe (2008)