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Order of the Witwiccans

From Transformers Wiki

Burton's dark secret is that there is no Order of the Witwiccans; he's just really good with Photoshop.

TheOrder of the Witwiccansare a group ofhumanswho know of the presence ofTransformersonEarth,who work to keep their secret, and who work to aid them in assisting humanity. The last member of this order was the former SirEdmund Burton.

Known members:


The Last Knightfilm

The roots of the Order of the Witwiccans can be traced back to484after theGuardian Knightshad saved England from an invasion by theSaxons.Pledging their brotherhood to the human knights ofCamelot,the two species agreed to work together to protect the innocent. When the "wizard"Merlindied however, the Knights entombed him withintheir shipand kept watch over him to protect hisstaff.The humans above decided that it was best to conceal any knowledge of theTransformersfrom the rest of their species. The organization would considerably grow in scope, recruiting many famous individuals throughout history, while also coming into contact withSector Seven.

By the 2020s, however, all that remained of the Order was SirEdmund Burton.After summoningCade YeagerandViviane Wemblyto him, he explained his organization's history to them and how only they two could saveEarthfrom being destroyed byCybertron.Sir Edmund later went to speak with thePrime Minister of the United Kingdomand used the organization's influence to have the man rally theBritish Armed ForcestoStonehenge.When they arrived,Megatron's group managed to defeat the military with the warlord himself killing Sir Edmund. Before his death, however, Sir Edmund had inductedSeymour Simmonsinto the Order, ensuring its survival.The Last Knight


  • The group's name nods to the widespread presence of theWitwickyfamily throughout the history ofTransformersmedia, along with theWiccanreligion.
  • Sir Edmund claiming that he is the lastsurvivingmember of the Order implies that not only hasSam Witwickydied offscreen, but alsoStephen Hawking(who was alive at the time of the film's release).
  • The Witwiccans' 1901 lineup was apparently made up of clones, as nearly everyone on the left side of Burton's photo is mirrored on the right side.
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