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Other Voices, Part 2

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Beast Wars: Transformersep26
Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformersep26
Other Voices 2 Optimus pod.jpg
Here we go again...
"Other Voices" Part 2
Season 1
No. in season 26
Airdate April 1,1997
Written by Larry DiTillio
Directed by Ezekiel Norton
Animation studio Mainframe Entertainment
Continuity Beast Wars continuity
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As the alien machine begins destroying the planet's energon, Optimus devises a desperate plan to destroy the device.



Beautiful things never turn out good.

Out on patrol,CheetorandTigatronstare in awe at "the light at the end of the world", asthe alien machinecontinues powering up in space.Optimus Primalmakes contact and orders them to return to base.Rattrapis pessimistic about their chances of survival, but Primal assures him thatRhinoxwill find a way for them to survive.

Thealien bungalowfinishes transferring power to the moon, and in a flash,the aliensdepart: "Termination sequence engaged. Return toNexus Zero."

Megatronand thePredaconsobserve this fromtheir base.Confronted with a machine intended to destroy them, Megatron activates a special program and scans theMaximal base,locating the spiders andInfernowithin.

Tarantulasis nearly finished converting a storedstasis podinto his escape ship.Blackarachniaobserves that it's a little cramped for two... but, weapon drawn, she has no intention of sharing the ride. Inferno arrives just then, blasts her, and sets Tarantulas on fire, knocking him out. Back at the Predacon base, Megatron detects the aborted flow of data to the stasis pod ship and reacts with fury.

A girl that can handle a gun, awesome!

Inferno starts to examine Tarantulas's work, but is attacked by Blackarachnia, who eludes him with a display of gymnastics before blasting him with his own gun. Picking up Tarantulas's cyber-link goggles, she forms a link with the unconscious Tarantulas to obtain the data needed to finish the pod ship—but finds that staring into the abyss of the spider's mind means that it also stares back...

The Maximals arrive at base, alarmed to find the shields down. Inside, they find Rhinox andDinobotcyber-webbed to the ceiling. Optimus Primal sends Rattrap andAirazorto bring in their unwelcome visitors.

Megatron observes the data flow resuming, just as the altered moon opens fire on the planet with a broad, blinding power ray. Optimus Primal charges the Maximal base's shields as the external temperature begins climbing and deduces that the aliens intend to ignite theenergondeposits. Megatron notes that this will obliterate the entire planet, an incredibly ruthless strategy that he rather admires. He assures his panicked troops that Tarantulas will save them, albeit inadvertently.

Stasis pod or coffin? At episode's end no one's sure.

Blackarachnia finishes the pod ship, only to be discovered and held at gunpoint by Rattrap and Airazor. With Rhinox still out of commission, Optimus Primal is beginning to despair, when Rattrap summons him to the stasis hold. Primal is impressed by the ship and immediately orders Blackarachnia to change the command codes to respond to him. He intends to fly the ship up to thePlanet Busterand detonate thetranswarp cellto destroy it. With little alternative, Blackarachnia complies.

Worst in-flight movie ever.

Soon all is ready, and Optimus Primal has poignant parting words with his worried crew - at which point Blackarachnia comments on the Maximals' sentimentality and is knocked out by Airazor for it - before sealing the ship and launching it. Megatron scans the launch and notes with delight that Primal is flying the vessel. Primal soon reaches the Planet Buster, starts the ignition sequence, and gives the order to blow the hatch seals. But the hatch is sealed and locked! Megatron appears on his comm screen to gloat that he'd come up with exactly the same plan—only in his version of events, the ship's pilot goes "up with the ship". As the timer counts down to zero, the Maximals frantically wait for Optimus Primal to make his escape. Primal pounds on the sealed hatch, to no avail. As the Maximals wonder what is going on, Blackarachnia tells them it's too late... in Tarantulas's voice.

The transwarp cell explodes, and high above the planet, the Planet Buster is annihilated... along with the pod ship and Optimus Primal.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Sufferin' circuits. What could it be?"
"The light at the end of the world."

CheetorandTigatron,watching the Planet Buster power up

"What is it?"
"Well, I'd say it was theinstrument of our destruction.Impressive, yesss... "

ScorponokandMegatronupon seeing the Planet Buster's true form.

Megatron:Brilliant! They're causing a chain reaction which will rip this planet to atoms and destroy all traces of them—simply to deal with us! Such sheer ruthlessness. Such disregard for sentient life!...I rather like these aliens.
Terrorsaur:Like them?! They're trying todestroyus!
Waspinator:Waszzpinator not want to be destroyed! Waszzpinator hasplans!
Scorponok:Megatron will save us!
Megatron:I think not. I've reservedthattask for Tarantulas.

—The Predacons react to the Planet Buster.

Blackarachnia:We—I did it!
Airazor:Hoorayfor you.
[Blackarachnia finds herself held at gunpoint.]
Blackarachnia:Did you know we have a truce?

"Just like a coffin."

Optimus PrimalandBlackarachnia

"Oh, you Optimusesdolove to sacrifice yourselves, don't you? Well, fortunately, this time your foolishness will destroy youandyour Maximals. The Beast Wars areover,Optimus.Youlose."

Megatronrubs his victory in.


Optimus Primal's last words before he kicks the bucket.


Script timeline

  • First draft: 11th November 1996
  • Second draft: 5th December 1996
  • Finalised: 12th December 1996
  • As Air: 2nd April 1997

Animation and technical errors

  • In the first scene at the Predacon base, as the camera zooms over to Megatron after Terrorsaur says "What do we do?", the middle toe on Megatron's left foot is pointing upward.
  • When Blackarachnia grabs Inferno's gun, she clips into Inferno for a split second.
  • During Airazor and Rattrap's search for Blackarachnia, Airazor's gun floats in her hand when they jump into a hallway, and then gets "stuck" in her armpit as they walk towards the camera. Meawhile, her hands are posed grasping at nothing.
  • When Blackarachnia asks Tigatron and Cheetor to unhand her, her mouth isn't animated.
  • As Optimus Primal lies back into the stasis pod, his shoulder pads are much smaller than they usually are. This was done to avoid clipping with the sides of the cramped stasis pod model. It is an odd animation choice, however, given that simply folding his shoulder pads down is a normal part of his transformation, in much the same way he actuallydoesdo with his feet to allow the pod's canopy to close.
  • When Megatron gloats to Optimus at the end of the episode, his hands seem to be switched, with his right arm ending in a normal hand instead of hisbeast modehead. (It's easiest to see when Megatron is laughing triumphantly at the end of his speech.)

Continuity errors

  • When Blackarachnia and Tarantulas attacked Dinobot in the previous episode, they caused him to fall through the glass of the elevator on the right hand side of theAxalon's command center (from Dinobot's perspective). In this episode, the smashed elevator glass has been switched to the other elevator on the other side of the room.
  • The piece of cyber-webbing Airazor steps on when she exits the elevator was not present during the close up of Rattrap as he complained about the missing Rhinox and Dinobot.
  • Optimus asks Rattrap for a 30 nano-click timer on the self-destruct charge, but it's a 60 nano-click countdown when he activates it. Perhaps Rattrap felt his estimate wasn't generous enough.

Continuity notes

  • Tigatron volunteers to pilot the stasis pod ship, citing that he "owes this world." This likely refers to his decision to destroy theVok's self-propelled-completely-peaceful-heavily-armed-floating-island-paradise-of-death in "The Trigger, Part 2".

Transformers references

Real-world references

  • Tigatron describes the Planet Buster's death ray as "the light at the end of the world", which might be a reference to thealbumof the same name.


  • At the script stage, this episode had the subtitle "Termination Day".
  • Regular Tarantulas actorAlec Willowswas evidently indisposed during the recording of this episode; while all of Tarantulas's screams and laughs are his, as well as the character's final line ( "Too late! Goodbye Optimus!" ) all of Tarantulas's other dialogue is provided byScott McNeil,doing his best Willows impression.
  • Inferno's got the moves in this episode! During his fight with Blackarachnia he pulls off all sorts of kung fu moves and even does a little Jet Li roundhouse kick. This still surprisingly doesn't keep her from blowing his head off though.
  • This episode is the first of two where Inferno refers to Megatron by name rather than as "Royalty" or "my queen."
  • A planned but never-produced Generation 1 cameo was planned for "Other Voices" Part 2. The intent was for Megatron to gloat to Primal while the latter was trapped in the stasis pod—by projecting an image of the Autobot leader, Optimus Prime, on Primal's viewscreen as Primal raced for the false moon and met his demise.[1]
eject monke
  • When you see the little parts of Primal flying towards the camera near the end of the episode, you can see Optimus's head fly at the screen very quickly with a distressed look on his face.
  • InMadman Entertainment'sBeast Wars Season 1DVD set, on a commentary track for this episode with fan consultantBen Yeeand story editorLarry DiTillio,fellow story editorBob Forwardpopped in to explain the significance of the slang term "slag".He explained that he looked up on refineries as he figured that robots would be made of steel, and one of the waste byproducts of creating steel was an unusable detritus called slag, which he thought would be an appropriate swear word for robots to use.
  • Tarantulas is aware that Optimus will be unable to eject far before the Maximals (or Blackarachnia) find out, hinting that he was aware of Megatron's machinations.
  • Just as the pod enters the Planet Buster, you can actually hear the sound of Optimus' arm-cannon firing, and glass shattering. It appears that he attempted to blast his way out, but was too late to actually escape.
  • The overall plot of this episode (and, to a lesser extent, theprevious episode), has several similarities to "Web World Wars", the season 2 finale ofReBoot(perhaps not coincidental, as both shows were produced by Mainframe):
    • Both episodes feature the heroes and villains working against a common foe (The Vok inBeast Wars,The Web inReBoot) who intends to destroy them all with a powerful weapon (The Planet Buster inBeast Wars,a giant Web portal inReBoot).
    • Both episodes involve the characters developing a plan to eliminate said foe's weapon (destroying the Planet Buster inBeast Wars,closing the portal to The Web inReBoot).
    • At the end of both episodes, the main villain betrays the heroes, shooting their leader into the enemy weapon right before its destruction (inBeast Wars:Megatron traps Optimus Primal in the stasis pod-ship as it detonates in the Planet Buster; inReBoot:Megabyte traps Bob in a missile, firing it into the Web portal before using the Hardware to seal it).

Foreign localization


  • Title:"Les Voix d'Autre Monde - 2epartie"(" The Voices from Another World - Part 2 ")

  • Title:Les Voix 2(Canada, "The Voices 2" )


  • Title:"Andere Stimmen, Teil 2"(" Other Voices, Part 2 ")
  • Original airdate:26 September1998
  • Megatron's line "I rather like these aliens." is translated slightly differently here ( "I'm beginning to like these aliens." ) than in the preview from last episode ( "I somehow like these aliens." ).
  • After reprogramming the stasis pod, instead of the original "We...Idid it! ", Blackarachnia says the somewhat nonsensical" We... Got it! "
  • Blackarachnia's line "You'll blow yourself to atoms." is strangely mangled. She responds to Primal's plan about creating a Transwarp explosion with "We should take that chance.", seemingly approving of the idea. Primal then tries to convince her to agree to his plan, which she seemingly already did.
  • Blackarachnia's "Unhand me, pussycats. I've got work to do." line is completely missing. In the dub's defense, her mouth isn't animated in the shot in question.
  • Either an error or a strange dubbing choice, but when Tarantulas takes over Blackarachnia's mind and speaks through her, she says "Have a nice trip, my Optimus." in her own voice.
  • Megatron tells Primal "You gorillas do love to sacrifice yourselves." instead of "You Optimuses..."
  • A voice-over at the end poses the question "Is this really the end?" This was the final episode of the show released in Germany.


  • Title:"L'arrivo - Parte 2"(" The Arrival - Part Two ")


  • Title:"Heiwa o Mamoru Tame ni..."( bình thản を thủ るために・・・," To Protect the Peace... ")
  • Original airdate:25 March1998
    • For some inexplicable reason, beginning in this episode, Megatron now addressesNaviko-chanby screeching her name in a very high-pitched voice.Every single time.
    • While taunting Primal in the capsule, Megatron does not reference the previous sacrifices ofOptimus Prime.This is actually the second time the Japanese dub deliberately eliminated a reference to Generation 1. Waspinator's brief identity crisis asShrapnelwas removed from the dialogue in "Dark Designs".
    • As is expected, the ominous "The End?" text was replaced with the Japanese "To be continued?" (つづく?,Tsudzuku?).
    • Various characters introduce themselves in the end credits, and there is no preview for the next episode (The season 2 and 3 episodes were not released there yet).


  • Title:"Outras Vozes Parte 2"(" Other Voices Part 2 ")


  • Title:Otras Voces Segunda Parte( "Other Voices Second Part" )


  • Title:Mòrì Jiànglín( tận thế buông xuống, "The Doomsday Comes" )

Home video releases

All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.

Japan1998 —Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers— To Protect the Peace... (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only.
United Kingdom2001 —Beast Wars: Transformers— The Beginning: Vol. 4 (Universal)


Japan1998 —Beast Wars: Transformers— Predacon Edition (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio.


Japan2000 —Beast Wars: Transformers— DVD Box (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio.
United States of America2003 —Beast Wars: Transformers— The Complete First Season (Rhinomation)
United States of America2011 —Beast Wars: Transformers— Season 1 (Shout! Factory)
United States of America2011 —Beast Wars: Transformers— The Complete Series (Shout! Factory)
Canada2005 —Beast Wars— Classic Episodes: Volume 4 — The Predacons Advance! (Alliance Atlantis) — English and French audio.
Canada2005 —Beast Wars— The Complete First Season (Alliance Atlantis) — English and French audio.
Australia2006 —Beast Wars: Transformers— Season 1 (Madman Entertainment)
Australia2009 —The Transformers: Beast Wars— Complete Collection (Madman Entertainment)


  1. Bob Forward interview on
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