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Over-Run (G1)

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The name or term "Over-Run" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeOver-Run (disambiguation).
Over-Run is aAutobotAction Masterfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Apocalypse Now! M*A*S*H! Whirlybirds!

A fiercely individual perfectionist, domineering and arrogant (even downright tyrannical),Over-Runacts like the air war with theDecepticonsis his own personal responsibility, and he'll yell angry instructions or abuse at anyone of any rank he sees as getting in the way of his winning it. Needless to say, this makes him pretty unpopular with the other airborne Autobots. If he wasn't a very effective warrior in an arena where they are traditionally outmatched, it's unlikely Over-Run would be anywhere but in the brig by now. Heisdedicated to the Autobot cause, though; he just sees beating the Decepticons as far more important than rudeness and the feelings of his inferior comrades. He'll apologize after the war ends. Maybe.

He rules the skies in hisAttack Copter.



2005 IDW continuity

SpotlightArcee Autobotsfighting.jpg

Over-Run was one of several Autobots under the command ofFortress Maximuson theGarrus-9penal colony. He and the other soldiers failed to stop a Decepticon attack force from liberating the facility'snewest inmates.Spotlight: Arcee

Wings Universe

Over-Run TheComingStorm2.jpg

Believing himself to be the best at everything he did, Over-Run was taken aback when he was rejected upon first applying to theElite Guard.Two subsequent attempts later, Over-Run was inducted into its ranks under the command ofMetalhawk.He was then quick to volunteer for the Guard's aerial upgrade initiative, any fears of the program's risky nature being drowned out by his need to outshine his fellow Autobots.Over-Run's profile in Club magazine #32

During one of the Elite Guard's battles, his squad found themselves facing a horde ofVirulent Clonesalong withThunder Clash's squad. AfterIronfistriled up the Clones by trying to blow them sky-high, only to find out they alreadyweresky-high, Metalhawk called to Over-Run to provide them with some aerial support.

Landsharkhoped to see the two "upgrades" show off their new flying abilities, but Over-Run instead gave "Sharkie" a demonstration of his personal remotely-controlled helicopter. The helicopter blasted the Clones into bits with a barrage of firepower, then Over-Run landed it and gave it an inspection while the two squads relaxed.

Soon afterwards, his squad was ordered to ferry Thunder Clash's squad toSpace Port Bravo.Over-Run was nice enough to load Landshark his helicopter for the next mission, but put his foot down on letting him pilot theHawk's Claw...until Landshark talked him into it anyway.

After bidding their goodbyes at the spaceport, Over-Run wondered out loud where they'd end up next. WhenDioncommented that he was eager to beat up some Decepticons, Over-Run asked if Dion had ever seen a Decepticon up close before, and was puzzled by Dion stalking off angrily in response.

A jaunt to Elite Guard HQ later, Metalhawk's squad soon found out that their next assignment was somehow going to involveMagnum'snewest special ops group.The Coming Storm: Part 2

Over-Run was dismayed to learn their new mission was essentially a baby-sitting gig. Some "historians" had somehow failed to notice there was a war on, and were engaged in a purely scientific archaeological dig inMedian.They apparently needed extra help unearthing their finds, and Magnum was assigning the Elite Guard to the job in the hopes of smoothing over relations with the Autobot Civilian Council. As thrilling as it all sounded, Over-Run was more bemused than ever when he learned the entire research team were... girls! Well,Female Autobots,asDioncorrected him, but still...robots with a predilection towards organic gender roles? Preposterous!

Events became a little more interesting once the Elite Guard teams arrived at Median, and learned the real reason they were requested was because the dig site was under threat of Decepticon attack. Theorizing amongst themselves why the Decepticons would be interested in such an out of the way place, the CombaticonSwindledelighted in the idea that ancient weapons might be buried there. Over-Run was quick to shoot down the enterprising munitions expert's dreams of corralling the finds for himself.

As the Autobots prepared Median's fortifications for attack byRage'sStormtroopers,Over-Run was forced to deal with Swindle since his regular attack drone was still having Virulent Clone goo being cleaned out of it. After Swindle bartered with Over-Run for the drone, he was tooling it up when he discovered a prize of alien technology inside. Over-Run claimed it as his own, mostly just to annoy the little Combaticon. He basically shrugged it off when Swindle took off with the device "for safe keeping", as the battle was about to begin.

Broken into two groups, Over-Run and Metalhawk's group confronted the second wave of Decepticons, the Stormtroopers following behind their "hitter",Roadgrabber.The Elite Guard were unprepared forHydradread's pump-action stasis chemical rifles, though, and Metalhawk was taken out of the fight quickly. Over-Run tried to menace the Stormtroopers into surrendering with his motorized blades and attack drone, but Rage's cronies just drove around him and penetrated deeper into the city. Over-Run took command and had his men hold their position in order to stop the Decepticons from fleeing, but the massive twinsTerror-TreadandCement-Headintervened, scattering the Elite Guard long enough for the Stormtroopers to escape. Almost as an afterthought, one of the twins also stepped on Over-Run's drone as they retreated, crushing it to bits.

Sharp looking Over-Run, but does he transform?

Over-Run was distraught at the loss of his drone (inappropriately so, considering the death of the historianGlyphduring the raid), but it was a blessing in disguise. The drone's signal beacon still functioned, and the Elite Guard tracked the Stormtroopers by it back to their mobile base, theMetrotitan.The Autobots managed to infiltrate the base and fought through Rage's defenses. There were some tense moments, but ultimately the mission was successful. Magnum was so impressed with their performance, he asked the Strike Team and Combaticons to continue working together on a regular basis.Flames of Yesterday

Several weeks later, Over-Run's team and the Combaticons successfully eliminated a Decepticon faction leader known asShadowcaster.As the Combaticons remained in the field, Over-Run returned to Elite Guard headquarters with Metalhawk and his comrades, but the Combaticons were soon captured.The Coming Storm: Part 3

In a few panels, Over-Run's about to become a real chopper-face.

Fearing the Strike Team's emotional ties to the Special Ops Team might compromise them in the field, Magnum had Over-Run's group deployed on less-sensitive missions, away from the search parties seeking word on the Combaticons.A Team EffortOut in the Badlands, the Strike Team were chasing vague leads of Decepticon activity when an all-points alert was sent out by Sentinel Major at home base, calling them home. By the time they arrived, Sentinel and the crew appeared to be on the verge of wrapping things up. The most distressing things was that the Decepticon raid on Elite Guard headquarters was apparently led by none other than the Combaticons, who had switched sides to align themselves with Deathsaurus. Their defeat was not what it appeared to be, however, and the Combaticons combined into their new form,Bruticus.The Coming Storm: Part 5

Metalhawk led his team to the battle where Over-Run shouted a warning asCrosscutwas thrown through the roof. The Elite Guard were being decimated by the brute, and soon the Strike Team were virtually the only 'bots left standing. Ironfist rammed Bruticus, knocking him down, but the giant reached for him. Over-Run used his copter drone to distract Bruticus and allow Ironfist to escape. Bruticus then grabbed the drone out of the air, and threw it at Over-Run, crushing him beneath his own helicopter.The Coming Storm: Part 6

Regeneration One

Over-Run was one of the Autobots reprogrammed byScorponok'sGene Keyon Cybertron.Blurridentified the cause of the chaos when he sawPerceptorusing the Gene Key on Over-Run.Natural Selection, Part Three

Commercial appearances

Overshadowed bya Mini-Con.

Over-Run stood with various other Autobots asOptimus Primeproposed that they becomeAction Masters.Action Master commercial

Later, aboard hisAttack Copter,he battledStarscreamonCybertron.Action Master vehicles commercial


The Transformers

REAL effective windscreen, there
  • Attack Copter with Over-Run(Action Master Action Blaster Vehicle, 1990)
  • Accessories:Attack Copter vehicle, "laser cannon",left & right side cannons, 2" magnetic missiles ", engine cover, rotor
  • Known designers:Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
Released in the seventh and final year ofThe Transformersin the US, Over-Run is a non-transforming 3¾-inch action figure of a robot with hints of a helicopteralternate mode,notably the canopy and rotor shaft details on his torso. His construction is broadly similar to that used by theG.I. Joefigures of the time, having a swivel neck, shoulders and knees, plus ball-jointed hips attached via a steel rod internally secured by a rubber "o-ring". His hands have standard 3 mm holes which allow him to hold any other accessory in the Action Master line, plus his feet have holes in the bottom to secure him to larger vehicles. On top of that, the hole in his back is compatible with5 mm posts.
He came packed in with hisAttack Coptervehicle; he can use the Copter's "laser cannon" as a hand-held weapon, and its engine cover as a shield. (He can also hold the missiles by the pegs at the thruster-ends as clubs, if you really wanna.)


  • While the Attack Copter'sweaponsare generically labelled in theinstructions,Over-Run'spackagingbiospecifies that the two side cannons are in factconcussion cannons,although—presumably due to a typo—the laser cannon is described as a rotary photon pulsebutton.Over-Run'sDreamwaveMore than Meets the Eyeprofile would update this to the more sensiblerotary photon cannon.
  • Over-Run'sWings Universeincarnation was originally intended to be arepurposingofEnergonQuickstrike,with a fictitious combat mask to help sell the look. At some point in development he ended up just being given the head and colours of his original design.[1]He also still has his Action Master vehicle.
  • Of all the original characters introduced in the Action Masters line, Over-Run was the first Autobot shown transforming in later stories. Before then, only Decepticons (WingsBanzai-TronandSlicer,andRobots in DisguiseAxer) had been given alternate forms.

Foreign names

  • French:Zélé(Canada, "Zealous" )
  • Italian:Proton


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