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Overhaul (Cybertron)

From Transformers Wiki

This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. SeeOverhaul (G1),Leobreaker (G1).
Overhaul is anAutobotfrom theCybertronportion of theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
Let's lionize, guys!

Overhaulis an elder Autobot warrior, having fought alongsideOptimus Primeduring theUnicron Battlesand thePowerlinx Battles,and likely before that, as well. He is gruff and oftentimes confrontational, but exceptionally loyal to the Autobot cause. He says he prefers to work alone, but knows deep down the value of friendship and teamwork.

AsLeobreaker,his gung-ho attitude is heavily amplified, but he's no longer so independent-minded. He's become fast friends withSnarlof theJungle Planet,and has even gained his ownpersonal Mini-Con attendants.He's even taken a shine toEarthteam sports like baseball, possibly as a replacement for war. This new focus on teamwork does have its downside; he harbors a little bit of resentment that his "Savage Claw Mode" combination with Optimus might not be as strong as the "Sonic Wing Mode" the Autobot leader can form withWing Saber.

He is thecousinof theDecepticonBrushguard.



Cartoon continuity


Voice actor:Paul Dobson(Overhaul, English),Dave Ward(Leobreaker, English),Hisao Egawa(Japanese),Claes Ljungmark(Swedish),Ferenc Borbiczki(first Hungarian dub),Róbert Bolla(second Hungarian dub),Sami Kuronen(Finnish, Overhaul),Veeti Kallio(Finnish, Leobreaker),Achim Schülke(German),José María Carrero(Castilian Spanish),Héctor Indriago(Latin-American Spanish),Guillaume Orsat(French),Adam Bauman(Polish),Yunsang Kwak(Korean)
Who thought "Jackshot" was a good idea? No, seriously. Who?

Overhaul was one of the most bull-headed members of the Autobots. During a skirmish with theDecepticons,he charged into battle without backup and was pinned under a massive boulder. When he came to,Optimus Primewas personally defending Overhaul's position, apologising to him for not coming sooner. This taught Overhaul to value friendship and camaraderie.Honor

Soon afterwards, theUnicron Singularitythreatened to destroyCybertron,so Overhaul accompanied Optimus Prime's unit toEarthin search of theCyber Planet Keysthat would restore the Allspark ofPrimus,at least according to the time-travellingVector Prime.En route, Vector Prime explained to the Autobots that the black hole would, if left unchecked, not only swallow up Cybertron but the entire universe. He then doubled back to retrieve his cosmic map, previously stolen by Megatron. Optimus insisted that Hot Shot, Jetfire, and Overhaul accompany the elder Cybertronian on this dangerous task. Overhaul's team came upon Megatron and Starscream inside an asteroid belt. While Jetfire and Vector Prime dealt with Starscream, Overhaul and Hot Shot tackled Megatron. Unfortunately, the Decepticons proved to be simply too powerful, and the Autobots were unable to prevent them from escaping once more. Rendezvousing with Optimus on Earth, Overhaul met the humansCoby,Bud,andLori.FallenInferno

During the construction of their new base on Earth, Overhaul alone completed the application of the stealth coating that prevented their base from being detected byMegatronandStarscreamas they approached the Earth once more.HavenIn a later battle, Overhaul backed up Optimus against the Decepticons. The evil robots revealed that they had tracked down the first of the Cyber Planet Keys before being forced away.HiddenWhen the Autobots decided to focus on tracking down theOmega Lock,Overhaul preferred to rush out and search for it rather than wait for more information on its location. He andRed Alertarrived late to chase away Starscream andThundercrackerfrom a museum in Mexico, where the Autobots found their first lead to their quarry: the coordinates of the Speed Planet, Velocitron.Landmine

It's a stealth beam. Get your minds out of the gutter.

The Autobots next investigated an ancient druid site in their search for the Omega Lock. Overhaul stood idle while Landmine dug for the artifact, eventually hitting another dead end. The Decepticons continued to pester them during their search, though Overhaul found himself unable to fight back against the airborne villains. He asked Optimus and Vector Prime to bring the Decepticons closer to the ground so he could assist in taking them down, only for Starscream to see through the ruse. Still, the Decepticons had flown down low enough before catching on that Overhaul was able to hit them with aCyber Key-assisted blast.SpaceWhen Lori alerted the Autobots to a beacon depicting the Omega Lock's "Atlantis Pattern"emanating from some nearby woods, Overhaul and the rest of the team rushed out to investigate. Upon approach, they found the signal to be none other than another Decepticon trap. Overhaul sped ahead to the light source but was spun out by Thundercracker aiming blinding beam at him. Optimus then took over, only for the Decepticons to retreat when they learned humans were approaching the location. The Autobots followed suit to continue keeping their presence a secret from the locals.SpeedDuring an earthquake, Overhaul was part of Optimus Prime's team tasked with saving the residents ofRockvillewithout exposing the Autobots' true nature. He teamed up with Landmine and was able to clear some rubble, allowing several humans to evacuate safely to City Hall.Collapse

Another mission to find the Omega Lock ended in failure. As soon as Overhaul returned to headquarters, more information was unearthed, pointing to theSahara Desertas a possible location for Atlantis's remains. Overhaul wound up sitting this mission out.Time

Together with Coby, Overhaul helped an Autobot excavator who had gotten himself stuck while climbing up a hill. In thanks, the excavator suggested he could help in the search for the Omega Lock. A network of volunteers was organized, andone of themsoon happened upon the Atlantis pattern inscribed upon a stone in a nearby desert. On her way to tell Optimus's team about her find, this civilian was attacked by Thundercracker. Overhaul was dispatched to help save her from the Decepticon. The inscription in question detailed the location of the next Cyber Planet Key: TheJungle Planet.Overhaul andLandminewere selected to scout out this strange, prehistoric world. Unfortunately, due to further interference fromThundercracker,Overhaul was left stranded there by himself. After realizing he had no chance for contact with Earth, he decided to set off and explore. He didn't get far, as a fissure opened up and caused him to fall in.SearchHe awoke later to findBackstoppeering down at him. After a quick meeting and small confrontation withSnarl,he learned that Megatron had already forged an alliance with the planet's leader,Scourge,in his plot to get the planet'sCyber Planet Key.Deep

I'm sure not inKansasanymore

Against the others' advice, Overhaul confrontedScourgeand demanded the Cyber Planet Key.RaceThe bout did not end in Overhaul's favor, and Snarl had to step in to prevent the Autobot from being roasted alive by Scourge's fire-breath attacks, blowing his cover in Scourge's ranks. Later, at a volcano, Overhaul tempered himself to withstand extreme heat by wading into lava. After that, he returned to Scourge's temple for a rematch. Scourge at first refused to waste his time against a "weakling," but after Overhaul made short work of bothUndermineandBrimstone,was left with no other choice. Scourge attacked once again with his fire breath. Overhaul shrugged off the attack until Megatron arrived and threw Snarl into Overhaul. Scourge used the opportunity to pounce upon the unconscious traitor, but Overhaul jumped in to shield his ally with his own body. Managing to tap into the power of the local Cyber Planet Key, Overhaul was reborn as "Leobreaker." In his new form, he quickly snatched up Snarl and retreated.Detour

I'm brushin' up on lookin' down, I'm workin' on my ROAR!

WhenOptimus PrimeandVector Primearrived fromVelocitron,Leobreaker saved them from a giant plant monster. After Leobreaker and his allies explained how Overhaul had undergone his transformation, Scourge turned up and pitted the off-world Autobots and Decepticons against each other. Optimus ordered Leo Breaker not to attack, but tensions escalated when Scourge revealed was going to execute Snarl for his "treachery." Leobreaker leaped in to rescue his friend, and was met by Megatron in battle. Megatron carried him into the upper atmosphere and slammed Leobreaker under his feet. Although he seemed defeated, Leobreaker was able to call upon the power of the Cyber Planet Key once more. After recovering, he combined with Optimus Prime into their "Cyber Claw mode." In this form, they blasted Megatron, forcing the Decepticons to retreat.Savage

Leobreaker was approached by Sideways, who lured the Autobots into another confrontation with the Decepticons by claiming a friend of his was in trouble. During this staged confrontation, Leobreaker noticed Sideways spying on the action and pinned him down, demanding an explanation. Though he did not believe Sideways's claims that he was an Autobot secret agent working undercover, he was still ordered to let the trickster go, as Optimus had more pressing concerns to attend to.SandLeobreaker took a break from Jungle Planet and accompanied Optimus Prime toVelocitronin order to protect thePlanet Cup.They again combined in order to fight Megatron. Using Cyber Key Power, they attacked with enough force to caused Megatron to lose the Planet Cup from his grasp.ChampionUpon his return to Jungle Planet, he encountered the Decepticons and once again combined with Optimus Prime to defeatRansackandCrumplezone.Ice

Guardians of the Earth - united, we ROAR!

Leobreaker combined again with Optimus Prime to finally confront Scourge, only for the Autobot leader to try to end the encounter peacefully. Losing his patience, Leobreaker forcefully separated himself from Optimus to face Scourge on his own. Though he struck the first blow, he was unable to best his formidable opponent. With Leobreaker knocked to the ground, Megatron stepped in to finish him off, though Scourge denied him the opportunity; Leobreaker had fought with honor, and earned his respect. Storming off, Leobreaker returned to the volcano where he had previously trained to sulk. Snarl joined him to talk him out of his rut, and shared his history with Scourge. Reflecting on his past as Overhaul, Leobreaker realized that Optimus Prime had always been looking out for him, and the two reconciled.Honor

Leobreaker accompanied Optimus Prime for his next showdown with Scourge. He was caught byThundercrackerin a net, but was eventually freed byVector Prime.When Lori was in danger from Scourge, he stepped in front to protect her. Optimus Prime eventually called on his aid in battle, and they combined again into Savage Claw mode. Scourge's attack separated them, but they combined again using Leobreaker as the other arm. They immediately used Cyber Key Power and punched Scourge out, giving him a black eye.Primal

After the Autobots received the Cyber Planet Key from Scourge, the Autobots hid it from the Decepticons in a box. Then duplicate boxes were given to all the other Autobots to confuse the Decepticons. When the Decepticons attacked, Leobreaker took cover and yelled at his airborne attackers to come down and fight. The Autobots scattered, with Leobreaker and Snarl staying out of the jungle cover to attract more Decepticons their way. They fell into a sinkhole dug byMudflapand began getting a beating, but eventually the Autobots launched Mudflap into the water. Leobreaker believed that he was in fact the actual holder of the Cyber Planet Key and decided to head into the jungle. He encountered Megatron, but ran off rather than risk the key in a fight. Optimus Prime showed up and they combined, but were beaten by Starscream. Megatron held the key until Optimus Prime opened a space bridge, bringing reinforcements. The Autobots provided a crippling blow to Megatron, winning back the key.Trust

Leobreaker was selected by Snarl to enter in the Cyber Planet Key to the Omega Lock After combining the two, he and the rest of the Autobots were contacted byPrimusvia the Mini-Cons. Afterward they headed to the north pole and dove deep into a hole they found there. He was buried alive by StarscreamTrapand then freed by JetfireInvasion.

Leobreaker ran wires to connect the base with the human telephone grid to connect with and keep the refugee Autobots calm. He later travelled away from Earth via the space bridge. When Starscream was injured while attacking the Autobots, Leobreaker attacked, breaking off Starscream's sword. But he was still eventually knocked away. To defeat Starscream, he combined with Optimus Prime. They ran into Starscream's missile to protect the kids.Retreat

Leobreaker was around when the Autobots met Colonel Franklin. He fought Scourge when the Decepticons invaded Earth, but was defeated along with Snarl.RevelationLeobreaker combined with Optimus Prime so he could battle his way toward Megatron. They were delayed by Scourge.CriticalLeobreaker continued to battle Megatron and his forces. He prevented Thundercracker from attacking the Cybertron Defense Team. Once at the volcanic island, he helped fight Crumplezone with Override. He followed Scourge toward Starscream.Assault

Leobreaker entered the volcano with Optimus Prime and Vector Prime. He encounteredSidewaysand combined with Optimus to battle him. They distracted Sideways enough for Scourge to pounce. Scourge attacked Vector Prime as well until the Autobots attacked him. They blocked Megatron's way until the volcano erupted, forcing them out. They attacked Starscream to cut off his energon flow.StarscreamLeobreaker was split apart by Starscream when he was "smacked so hard". Later he headed out with Evac and Override to take the Omega Lock to Cybertron.United

Leobreaker was stopped with Override and Evac by the space bridge being damaged. Megatron attacked, trapping him until the Omega Lock revealed a path for them. They jumped and fell onto Cybertron. When Optimus Prime combined with Wing Saber, he expressed that it couldn't be better than Savage Claw mode, but still cheered on Optimus until Megatron attacked him instead, taking the Omega Lock. Optimus won it back and Leobreaker was present when Optimus presented it, causing the apparent demise of Cybertron. He was angry at first, but then helped lead part of the team off of Cybertron to the moon to watch the transformation ofPrimus.CybertronHe hoped Primus wouldn't be angry at him standing on him with dirty feet. He teamed up with Landmine and Jetfire to send Thunderblast flying off into space. Balance

Leobreaker attempted to take Megatron down and lunged at him. In doing so the fog surrounding Megatron disappeared to reveal the Decepticon leader reborn. The fog surrounded Leobreaker to create a dark clone known asNemesis Breaker.They engage in combat, but Megatron stops the fight to combine into Dark Claw Mode.DarknessWhile battling Megatron in Savage Claw mode, him and Optimus found they were evenly matched to Megatron with his new Dark Claw Modes, so they fall back for a bit.Escape

I don't know whether I feel worse for him or the wall.

When the need to get vaccinated for the travel toGigantioncame up, Leobreaker was apprehensive.WarpUpon landing on Gigantion, he and the other Autobots split into a group when he noticed paved roads that had to have been constructed. When the Autobots reached a giant rock blocking their path, he was the first to attack.GiantAfterward, he helped unload equipment from the ship for the Autobots to use the Omega Lock. While searching for data on the location of the Cyber Planet Key, he was one of the first severely beaten byGalvatron.Fury

Leobreaker watched as Coby showed off his new Scrapmetal suit, then was placed in search team two with Snarl and Jetfire.CityHe ran through the underground until Jetfire stopped them in front of a chasm. He decided to go down, proclaiming that cats always land on their feet. When they landed they were immediately ambushed byThundercracker.Leobreaker and Scourge kept moving while Jetfire stayed to fight the Decepticon.Ambush

Tonight on pay-per-view!

Leobreaker talked to Snarl about the connection that Snarl felt with the damage Jungle Planet was taking from the black hole. He wondered why he couldn't feel the connection, but Snarl assured him that it was a good thing. He later encountered Scourge and was glad to finally take him on 1-on-1. Inbeast modehe latched onto Scourge but was tossed aside. Their battle took them further across the undercity of Gigantion. He emerged from the dust damaged, but intact. However, he wasn't about to let Scourge leave the fight. After Scourge took down Snarl, Leobraker lunged at him. He was caught and fried with Scourge's twin fire breathing heads. Quickly, he and Snarl charged at Scourge. After a large explosion, Scourge emerged alone, with both Leobreaker and Snarl nowhere to be found...Challenge...until they were found unconscious byCobyand his team.Scourge

After he recovered, Leobreaker joined the rest of the Autobots when they found Gigantion's Cyber Planet Key.OptimusHe watchedVector Primeinsert the final Cyber Planet Key into theOmega Lock.When Galvatron arrived, Leobreaker was defeated with the rest of the Autobots, and the Omega Lock was stolen.ShowdownHe later returned from Gigantion with the rest of the Autobots.GuardianUpon returning, Leobreaker watched as Jungle Planet was hit hard by the black hole, then pulled into a space bridge. Later he helped evacuate the inhabitants there while the magnetic bridge was losing power.HomecomingWhile the supersizedThundercrackertaunted Optimus Prime, Leobreaker attacked him from behind.End

"Be you angels?"
"Nay, we are but men!"

Leobreaker helped build the rockets to kick Jungle Planet back into orbit. He returned again when the rocket was damaged to help repair it. When Scourge went to stop the falling rocket, Leobreaker followed to keep it up and manually adjust the planet's trajectory. After the planet was saved, he joined the rest of the Autobots to assist Optimus Prime against Galvatron.UnfinishedLeobreaker was present at the firstIntergalactic Peace Conference.To win leadership of Beast Planet, Leobreaker donned acapeand fought against Scourge. After trading blows, he was defeated by Scourge, who remained in his leadership position. Afterward, he was shocked to see Scourge turn over a new leaf, saying they should fight less. He later said goodbye to Scourge to leave for space as part of Optimus Prime's team. Later he confronted the Enigma ticInitial T.Beginning

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Regeneration One

Gas skunk blackarachnia jetstorm leobreaker starscream war to end all wars.jpg

InZero Space,as theDark Matrixcreature torturedCircuit Smasherwith visions of hisdead father,cracks began to appear in the membrane of infinite worlds. Through one, Leobreaker could be seen alongsideJetstorm,Gas Skunk,Blackarachnia,andStarscream.The War to End All Wars, Part 5

Galaxy Forcecomic

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This character article is astuband is missing information on theirfictional appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Deep Sea Discovery! Vector PrimeThe Temple of Hell! OverhaulGalaxy Force Mission.7Galaxy Force Mission.8Galaxy Force Mission.9

Ask Vector Prime

At some point, Leobreaker convincedVector Primeto try somered energon,but it did not agree with Vector Prime.Ask Vector Prime, 25/6/2015



My arms really suck.
  • Overhaul(Scout Class, 2005)
  • Takara name:Jackshot
  • Takara ID number:GC-05
  • Takara release date:December 28,2004
  • Accessories:Missile, Cybertron Autobot Cyber Key (Takara), Jungle Planet Cyber Key (Hasbro)
  • Cyber Key Code:s9d7
  • Known designers:Eric Siebenaler(Hasbro),Kōjin Ōno(TakaraTomy)
Overhaul transforms into an off-road vehicle similar to a Humvee. Plugging aCyber Keyinto hisrobot modeback launches his chest-mounted missile (you can do this in car mode too, but the missile is blocked). Care must be taken when transforming him back and forth, as the door hinges are disturbingly tight and may lead to stress marks or the door snapping off altogether.
He was first released in the first wave ofTakaraGalaxy Forceproduct as "Jackshot". This release comes with a silver-borderedCybertron-style Autobot Cyber Key (there are rumors that a later release of the Japanese version was changed to a Jungle key, but this has not been confirmed). This version also has green paint applications on his feet, which make them visually blend into his vehicle mode better.
He was later released in the first wave ofHasbro'sCybertronScout-class toys, now coming with a silver Jungle Planet style Key, with aKey Codeprinted on the back. This version's feet are wholly unpainted black plastic, which doesn't look too great in vehicle mode.
This mold wasredecoedand slightlyretooled(removing the Autobot insignia on his right shoulder) to makeBrushguardand thelive-action-movie-verseWarpath,which doubles asShattered GlassCrosshairs.

Another $13 and my arms still suck.
  • Leobreaker(Voyager Class, 2005)
The massively upgraded version of Overhaul transforms into a mechanical lion (though in Japan he's called a liger) with electronic sound effects activated by pressing a green button on his beast-mode forehead. Each forelimb/arm has a Cyber-Key-released spring-loaded claw, and his tail becomes a blade-whip for robot mode. He can also transform into "Savage Claw Mode", becoming a massive clawed arm that can attach to the Super-classCybertronOptimus PrimeandMegatrontoys, usable on either side of their torsos.
"Ligerjack" was first released in the eighth wave ofGalaxy Force,with a metallic gold mane. He was later released in the second wave ofCybertronVoyager-class toys as "Leobreaker", with a brown mane and a lighter shade of metallic green paint.
Ligerjack was part of two differentpromotional giveawaysin late April. Buying him atJUSCOstores netted you the free all-whiteHellflame MicronBulge... a version of the character releasedbeforethe normal-colors version. Meanwhile, buying him atToys "R" Usnetted youPlatinum Factor,part of thePlatinum Micronteam meant to compliment Ligerjack... even though he completely lacks anyPowerlinxports so he can't combine with them in any way. Whoopsiedoodle.
This mold is also used to makeNemesis Breaker,and wasretooledto makeUniverseLeo Prime,andBotCon 2009Razorclaw.

  • Leobreaker( "Bonus Value" pack, 2005)
  • Accessory:Tail-blade, Jungle Planet Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code:vg08
Leobreaker was also released with theCybertronMini-ConsThunderblastandSky Lynxin a new plastic bubble attached to the top of the normal Leobreaker packaging. This set wasexclusivetoTargetstores in the US, and sold at the same cost as a normal Voyager toy. All of the toys are the same as their individual releases.

My arms are fine!
  • Leobreaker(Legends of Cybertron, 2005)
Released in the second wave of the then-new "Legends of Cybertron"size class, Leobreaker is a small, super-simplified version of the Leobreaker toy. It retains the flip-out claws (though no longer spring-loaded, of course), but has no other gimmickry of note. No, it cannot combine with theLegendsversion ofOptimus Prime.
This mold is also used to makeClassicsLeo PrimeandUniverseRazorclaw.



  • Overhaul(Starter Set, 2006)
Eh, with a gun like this, who needs arms?
ID number: TF19
Faction: Autobot
Class: Leader
Special: Sacrifice - 14/26 (54%)
Point Cost: 30
Base Speed: 4
Attack Type: Shooter (Energy Blast)

Available only in the Transformers series 1 Starter Set,AttacktixOverhaul is very similar in stats and attacks toExcellion.Unlike Excellion, Overhaul can use his sacrifice power to return to play by taking the play of any Autobot figure, not just Trooper figures.
Overhaul's 360 degree shoulder articulation (in addition to his waist and head) arguably gives this little figure more satisfying poseability than his larger brother. Okay, keep your shirt on. We saidarguably.


Alternate names

  • Originally, Overhaul was going to be calledTrailbreaker,[1]in reference to theGeneration 1character of the same name,including several proposed designs for the head sculpt that would have featured a structure reminiscent of Trailbreaker's characteristic radio-jamming broadcaster on the top of his head. However, thetrademarkcould not be secured for this, resulting in a name change and an entirely different head sculpt.[2]
  • This also explains the upgraded form's name, as the original naming idea was to go from "Trailbreaker" to "Leobreaker". When they couldn't get "Trailbreaker", it seems Hasbro considered naming Overhaul's lion formOvercast,as that name is listed as Leobreaker's American name in theGalaxy Force Phase Ignitionguidebook, as well as appearing in an error-ridden earlyCollectors' Clubannouncement of American names for theCybertroncharacters (which contained spellings such as "Thundercraacker" and "Cloker", and attributed the name "Leo Breaker" toLive Convoy,thus prompting fans to suspect a name swap rather than a name replacement in the wrong row).[3]However, they ultimately kept the name Leobreaker and even joked that "Leohaul" would "sound kinda funny".[2]
  • Averyearly working name for Leobreaker was apparently "Power Up Lion".This name was used in an early solicitation for theLegends of Cybertrontoy (which, ironically, doesn't combine with Optimus Prime).[4]Obviously, this was just a description rather than an actually intendedname.
  • Leobreaker's Japanese name isLigerjack,while his function isJūshin( thú thần, "Beast God" ), resulting in a fairly blatant nod toJūshin Liger,a popular late '80s franchise, whose toyline was also manufactured byTakara.The flipping wrist claws in this form are also a direct reference to Jūshin Liger's powered up form.


  • Overhaul's color scheme is based onGeneration 1Brawn.Although the two share some character traits, that was not the main reason for the color choice: After the "Trailbreaker" idea fell flat due to trademark reasons, he was originally intended to sport Generation 1Outback's colors. Ultimately that deco was also abandoned, and the colors of Outback'smold-mate Brawn were chosen instead.
  • Leobreaker's orange/gold coloring, his Japanese voice actor, and the combination sequence with Optimus Prime is an homage to Goldymarg fromThe King of Braves GaoGaiGar.The attack Leobreaker and Optimus perform appears similar to the Shining Finger fromG Gundamwhich had”Darkness Finger”as well.

Savage Claw Mode

Look, ma, a hand!
  • The original plans for Leobreaker involved a more coherent Savage Claw Mode arm design, complete with fingers and thumbs. The fingers folded into the rather large spaces above the robot mode knees, while the thumbs were originally riveted into the place where the large round protrusions are on the knee sides. In addition, Leobreaker'sCyber Keygimmick seems to have originally been much more complex, with the key slotting into the shoulder rather than the forearm, and causing two-pronged claws to deploy from the forearmandshoulder. Traces of that gimmick version are still present in the final, including a divot where the Cyber Key slot was and places for the shoulder claws to rest. The aborted gimmick also explains the odd, articulation-limiting construction of his arms. A variety of factors resulted in the simplified form, including rising petroleum prices.
  • The television CGI model of Leobreaker used during the combiner sequence animation, as well as the representation of the combined arm mode is based upon a modified version of one of the original prototypes of Leobreaker, who, as mentioned above, had a much more complex and believable 'arm mode'.
  • Leobreaker's arm mode can also attach toArmadaTidal Wave.


Oh, no, man.Wolverinehas three blades, man. That's only two. That's X-23!
  • For whatever reason, Overhaul's design already features elongated beast-like canines even before his reformatting into Leobreaker.
  • One of the early prototypes (depicted above) also featured a faux-SUV chest for Leobreaker, probably to link him more closely to his first body. Like the previously-listed changes, this was likely removed to lower the production cost — or possibly it was discarded for other reasons.
  • Though Leobreaker possesses three claws on each of his arms, there are only two on hisCybertronpackage art (as well as his merged state with Optimus Prime in the cartoon). This implies it was based off either the early prototype or control art instead of the final toy.
  • While Leobreaker cannot wield guns and accessories that use a standard peg without a handle fromWing Saber,he can holdOptimus Prime's gun,Metroplex's axe, as well as manyAlternatorsweapons.
  • Both of this character's bodies feature three claws extending from each wrist. This makes himWolverine.

Foreign names


  • Japanese:Jackshot(ジャックショットJakkushotto)
  • Hungarian:Generál( "Overhaul" ),Generálozó( "Overhauler", only used in "Optimus Prime vs. Megatron: The Ultimate Battle" )
  • Korean:Jackshot(잭샷Jaegsyas)
  • Romanian:Mecanicul(Overhaul)


  • Japanese:Ligerjack(ライガージャックRaigājakku)
  • Hungarian:Vastigris(1stCybertrondub, "Iron-tiger" ),Oroszlántörő(The Ultimate Battle,"Lion-breaker" ),Vasmacska(2ndCybertrondub, the name has a double meaning: "Anchor" and "Iron-cat" )
  • Indonesian:Raiga Jack
  • Korean:Mega Liger(메가 라이거Mega Raigeo)
  • Mandarin:Jié Shī( tiệp sư, "Fast Lion" )
  • Polish:Megalion
  • Russian:Megalev(Мегалев, "Megalion" )


  1. "A mysterious document. Thần bí の công văn." —Monzo, Twitter, 2019/04/27
  2. 2.02.1Cyber Key Code contentfor Overhaul
  3. Unicron reporting on Collectors ClubCybertronname list
  4. Early Big Bad Toy Store solicitation for Legends Of Cybertron waves 1 and 2
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