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Powerglide (G1)

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The name or term "Powerglide" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seePowerglide (disambiguation).
Powerglide is anAutobotMini Vehiclefrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
He's sick of getting the bronze medal in the Ego Olympics. Sunstreaker and Tracks never let him live it down.

Powerglide,unlike most Autobots, can fly under his own power, and it goes straight to his pointy head. Give him any excuse and awaa-aa-aay he goes, dashing off into the stratosphere at 500 mph—but not in a straight line. No, Powerglide is an aerial acrobat, able to perform stunts other Transformer planes would never dream of. Barrel rolls, tail stands, death spirals, screaming 3200-mph powerdives: none of these are too tough for this Autobot barnstormer, and if he has an audience, be they friendly or enemy, he is guaranteed to put on the air show of their lives.

Yet this seeming frivolity has saved his life countless times in combat. Powerglide is lightly armed with smallconcussion bombsand a nose-mounted thermal beam, and the former is practically useless in the air. Furthermore, his speed and power, impressive as they are, are vastly outclassed by mostaerial Decepticons.Like the flying aces of World War I, Powerglide resorts to dogfighting maneuvers, using his flying skills to confuse and evade the enemy. This tactic works very well.

In fact, Powerglide's skill only aggravates his greatest weakness. He is good, and he knows it, and he misses no chance to show it. If this means he will seek out ever tougher foes to prove his mettle—then he'll do that, even if it kills him. Some day, it might.[1]

Sometimes he is a member of theAerialbots.

And awaa-aa-aay we go!Powerglide, pretty much all the time,"The Girl Who Loved Powerglide"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon

Voice actor:Michael Chain(English),Hirotaka Suzuoki(Japanese),Kenyū Horiuchi(Japanese, "A Prime Problem" ),Masashi Ebara(Japanese,2010),Yang Wenyuan(Chinese),Giorgio Locuratolo(Italian),Carlos Nieto(Latin-American Spanish, first voice),Javier Pontón(Latin-American Spanish, second voice),Peter Musäus(German, "The Girl Who Loved Powerglide" ),Bernd Simon(German, "Hoist Goes Hollywood" ),Reinhard Brock(German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5" ),Hans-Rainer Müller(German, "Ghost in the Machine" ),Crock Krumbiegel(German, most of theGeneration 2dub),Christoph Jablonka(German, Generation 2 dub of "The Revenge of Bruticus" ),Georges Atlas(European French),François Leccia(European French, "Blaster Blues", "The Golden Lagoon" & "Starscream's Brigade" ), Unknown (European French, "Dinobot Island, Part 1" & "The Master Builders" ),Jacques Ferrière(European French, "A Prime Problem" ),Mário Jorge Andrade(Portuguese),Waldir Fiori(Portuguese, "The Revenge of Bruticus" ),Paulo Flores(Portuguese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5" )
Where did I come from?! Where did YOU come from?! Yeah, what do you say to that?! "

Powerglide was a brash barnstormer with a penchant for spouting gung-ho sayings like "And awaaa-aaa-aay we go!". He literally appeared out ofnowhereto saveSpike Witwickywhen the boy had been thrown overboardMegatron's spaceship, after the latter's plan to use a clone ofOptimus Primeto destroy the Autobots failed.A Prime Problem

Bumblebeeand Powerglide were sent on a reconnaissance mission to investigate some strange energy readings out at sea. Inside the temporal anomaly, they discovered aprehistoric islandinhabited bydinosaurs.Powerglide had to save Bumblebee from an aggressive pterodactyl, then attempted to repair Bumblebee's damagedjet pack,before abandoning it and flying Bumblebee off the island. Later, after it was decided that theDinobotsshould be relocated to the island, Powerglide led the large brutes and Spike to the island. After Spike unwittingly got himself into several dangerous situations, Powerglide flew him back home.Dinobot Island, Part 1

MasterBuilders Powerglide jet mode.jpg

Called on to findGrappleandHoist,Powerglide soon located the pair working on theirSolar Power Towerwith theConstructicons.He reported back to Optimus and later took part in the battle to destroy the tower, attackingDevastatorand dogfighting withRamjet.The Master BuildersThough he was damaged during an unsuccessful attempt to prevent the Decepticons retrieving theHeart of Cybertron,Powerglide volunteered to carryPerceptor's miniaturised team and drop them off on Megatron's body. To his surprise, he found the Decepticons in a state of inebriation due to over-energizing. He dropped off his cargo and made a clean getaway, despite Megatron taking a shot at him.Microbots

Little known fact: Powerglide was the first Headmaster.

All of the Autobots were exiled from Earth after being framed by the Decepticons.Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1They ended up being set on a collision course with theSun,but at the last minute, were able to return to Earth and kick Decepticon tailpipe.Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2After a disastrous battle at an airport, Powerglide helpedIronhideand Grapple reconstruct a building, only for it to be demolished by Grapple's inaccurate placing of the roof. Ironhide and Powerglide had a laugh at their friend's expense, but it soon turned out that the problem was more serious than a minor glitch—the Autobots were suffering byCybertoniumdepletion. Powerglide's symptoms included his head falling off.Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1

When Megatron's latest plan blocked radio transmissions all over Earth, Powerglide, Spike andCarlyhelped Optimus guide commercial aircraft safely to the ground. They were attacked byStarscreamandThundercracker,leaving Prime incapacitated and Powerglide in danger of crashing. Spike used a sparerocket packto stabilise Powerglide's flight, and the Autobot was able to pick up Optimus and carry him back to base. There, Carly made emergency repairs, and they tookOmega Supremeto theMoon,where they watched Optimus and Megatron fight.Blaster Blues

GoldenLagoon Powerglide seashore.jpg

Powerglide was part of a group of Autobots taking a walk along a beach when they were attacked by Decepticons. As the battle raged on,Thrustfound a pool ofElectrumand, once coated with the stuff, became impervious to the Autobot weapons. WhileSeasprayand Perceptor were captured, Powerglide and the others escaped. Powerglide was part of the retaliatory mission; however, the rest of the Decepticons had already coated themselves in Electrum, rendering anything the Autobots could do ineffective. Damaged, Powerglide washed up on the shore in time to spy the Decepticons utilising the pool of Electrum, enabling him to fly back to base and warn the Autobots.The Golden Lagoon

The Autobots set up a sting operation inNew York Cityto apprehend car thieves, of which Powerglide was a part. He andCosmoschased Starscream into a shopping mall, but the two Autobots were unable to prevent him from getting away.Make TracksCosmos suggested Powerglide lead an assault on the Constructicons, who were working on an asteroid, but, to Powerglide's disappointment, Prime went to talk to Omega Supreme instead. Powerglide later helped defendSan Franciscofrom analien creatureunleashed from the asteroid.The Secret of Omega SupremeDuring a coup byAstrotrainandBlitzwing,Powerglide spied on what the triple changers were up to and was able to rescue Spike when the city was flooded.Triple Takeover

Their 4 million year reunion. And yes, he cheats on her the very next episode.

After Megatron demanded Optimus Prime's surrender in exchange forElita One,Powerglide was among the Autobots who followed him toCybertron.Once there, he was disbelieving of Starscream's claim that Optimus Prime had been destroyed. During their vengeful attack on the Decepticons, Powerglide met up with his old friendMoonracer.The Search for Alpha Trion

"Don't worry, I won't hug her too hard."

Soon after hooking up with Moonracer, he saved the fleshling femaleAstoria Carlton-Ritzfrom being kidnapped by Ramjet, Thrust andDirge.He was assigned to escort her back to Autobot HQ, but they were again attacked by the coneheads, who injured Powerglide and snatched Astoria. After receiving some repairs fromRatchet,Powerglide set off for the DecepticonSky Platformto rescue Astoria. Caught in the platform's security field, Powerglide was helped by Astoria herself, who destroyed an energy tower. Unfortunately the damage left the platform plummeting out of control, but Powerglide was able to rig it to crash into theDecepticon base.

Afterwards, it seemed as though Powerglide had developed feelings for Astoria, much to the amusement of the other Autobots. The only lasting result was a series of flashing lights under his chestplate in the form of a stylized heart. What purpose this served (other than being disturbing) is not immediately clear.The Girl Who Loved Powerglide

"Hey, human, when I'm in jet mode, you fit in my head."

After thoroughly embarrassing himself by accidentally destroying several sets and props in an attempt to show off, Powerglide was amongseveralegotisticalAutobotswho demanded to be given a role in a movie thatHoistwas starring in. Initially, his "role" amounted to crashing into a STORE while in jet mode (supposedly to stop "the crooks" ). Soon afterwards, Powerglide and the other would-be-actor Autobots asked Hoist to talk to thedirectorto get them some "real" acting roles. After reworking the movie intoAttack of the Alien Robots,the director had the Autobots given cheesy alien face masks. Powerglide remarked that the role was "the pits", and that he would rather do the stunt crashes. In a later scene, Powerglide demonstrated his rather wooden acting "skills". Guess he was better suited for stunts.Hoist Goes Hollywood

Powerglide was one of the Autobots who volunteered to rescue Perceptor from the Decepticons.Cosmic RustHe took part in the defence of headquarters against another attack by the Decepticons, only to be puzzled when Megatron almost immediately called a retreat. After some investigation, it turned out Starscream had stolen somepersonality componentsto create theCombaticons.Powerglide set out to find the rebel Decepticons, and soon found them fighting Megatron's forces at theAmalgamated Water and Power PlantStarscream's BrigadeDuring a massive attack on a human city by the Insecticons, Powerglide dropped Spike and Perceptor off in the battle zone, so the pair could warn the Autobot leader about strange signals coming from Cybertron.The Revenge of Bruticus

Powerglide and the rest of the Minibots tried to repel the Decepticons'new mobile assault base—and failed. When the colossal 'con took several direct hits and seemed to be falling apart, Powerglide cheerfully reported that they had destroyed it—then in his shock, just happened tonarrate aloudthat it had a reptilian mode too.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

GhostinMachine Powerglide and Bumblebee.jpg

Powerglide appeared to have been destroyed during a disastrous Autobot attack on theQuintessonsled by a resurrected, reprogrammed Optimus Prime.Dark AwakeningHowever, he was later among the Autobots who attempted to stopScourgeand Starscream'sghostfrom stealingMetroplex'seyes,so he must have gotten better. Unfortunately, a blind Metroplex accidentally shot him down, but Warpath saved him.Ghost in the Machine

The above appearance in "Dark Awakening" is likely a result of a careless animation team using the animation model of Powerglide to represent an Autobot spaceship rather than Powerglide himself, as the footage of "his" destruction is used twice during the battle sequence.

The Transformerspublic service announcements

When three boys dismissed a girl who wanted to join them in skateboarding around a park, Powerglide flew down from above and admonished them for their sexist assumptions about the girl's skateboarding ability. He then urged her to show what she could do, as she demonstrated her impressive skills to the boys' amazement. Powerglide once again reminded them not to pass premature judgment on others.Don't Jump To Conclusions

TV Magazinecomic continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformerscomic
Powerglide minibot combiner.jpg

Arriving in Tokyo,Japan,Powerglide intervened onRavage's attack onBumblebeeand the Autobots' human friend,Kenji.Instead of shooting the Decepticon from the air, Powerglide zoomed in close and decked Ravage with a partially transformed hand. PG then grabbed Kenji and flew off, leaving Bumblebee alone to faceSoundwaveand his cassettes. For some reason.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #2Later, Powerglide was also present when Optimus Prime was showing Kenji around the Autobots' base in Japan.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #4

While surveying the desert, Powerglide came across theCombaticonshunting down an innocentdog.He interfered with their mission, but took heavy firepower shielding the animal with his own body. Seriously injured, Powerglide transformed in a desperate attempt to keep the dog alive just a little longer inside his cockpit. Surprisingly, the puppy managed to operate his control console and keep Powerglide moving long enough for aMinibotpatrol to respond to his SOS. It seemed that Megatron had incorporated powerful energy inside the puppy as a plot to conquer Earth. In order to avoid being used by the Decepticons, the puppy sacrificed himself to channel massive amounts ofScramble Powerinto Powerglide.United as one,Powerglide and the Minibots used Scramble Power to deliver a mighty blow againstBruticus,defeating the Combaticons.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #8

The Story of Super Robot Lifeformscomic

Powerglide was stationed at Autobot City in 2010. He welcomed a group of children visiting the Autobot base as they were being shown around by Ultra Magnus.The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #3

Full Throttle Scramble Power!

Powerglide accompanied the massive Autobot reinforcements called in to counter Megatron's nefariousOmega Wave Cannon.Full Throttle Scramble Power!

The Battle of the Star Gate

Powerglide was led to Japan by Optimus Prime, along with a small team of other Autobots, to stop the Decepticons' latest Energon-gathering scheme. Optimus ordered him to pursue Astrotrain to prevent the Decepticons from escaping with their loot. In the end, a duplicate Starscream appeared and took off with the Energon cache along with his other self.Activation

Powerglide was amongst the Autobots who once more confronted Megatron and his Decepticons at theTriggerin Earth orbit. When Starscream combined himself with theTriggerto create a powerful new body for himself, Powerglide had to contend with the volley of asteroids thrown towards both Autobots and Decepticons from Starscream's star gate. He was then almost sucked into a portal to a black hole when Starscream neared defeat, but was instead sent plummeting down to Earth when Optimus and Megatron worked together to defeat Starscream.The Battle of the Star Gate

Wings Universe

Wings Universeis based on theGeneration 1 cartoon,but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Powerglide was present at the first "meeting" ofOptimus PrimeandUltra Magnus.Battle Lines, Part 6

Marvel Comics continuity

MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Events from theUK-onlycomic stories are in italics.
We bet you are. Don't be crude, Powerglide.

Powerglide was a member ofPerceptor'sresistance cellonCybertronduring the reign ofStraxus.Like most of his comrades, he found more inspiration inBlaster's bravado than the calculated caution of Perceptor. When their untrustworthy scout,Scroungewent missing, Powerglide and his peers fell in line with Blaster's plan to find and rescue him, overruling Perceptor. After much searching, all but Blaster had given up on Scrounge, but Powerglide had stayed to secretly shadow Blaster, allowing the air-capable Autobot to deliver him to safety out of thesmelting pool(regrettably leaving Scrounge behind). This act gave Perceptor's small group of Autobots the first good news they had heard in eons, for Scrounge had handed them evidence thatOptimus Primelived.The Smelting Pool!

Cybertronic altmode: paper airplane

Further reconnaissance by Blaster and Powerglide revealed startling news—the Decepticons were building aspace bridge!As this would spell certain doom for both Cybertron andEarth,a desperate raid on Straxus'sDarkmountfortress was launched. This attack was mostly successful, as it leveled Darkmount and ended in Straxus's destruction, but Powerglide and the rest of his Autobot comrades had to retreat to Earth over the Space Bridge as it self-destructed. Here they were greeted immediately by a group of humans.The Bridge to Nowhere!Though Megatron and his troops spotted the Autobots upon their materialization on Earth, the Decepticons were distracted by a more pressing mission at the time, and left without attacking the new arrivals.Command Performances!However, the humans belonged to the anti-robot attack team,RAAT.While Powerglide and the other Autobots, unfamiliar with how things worked on Earth, tried to talk to their vehicles, RAAT deployed "electric snow" missiles to disorient the Transformers. Powerglide's group was then too dazed to fight back, and were captured with the help ofCircuit Breaker.Heavy Traffic!Powerglide and his fellows were disassembled, with their heads getting mounted on the wall of RAAT's headquarters.Aerialbots over America!The Autobots were only given a chance at freedom after Circuit Breaker was forced to elicit their aid to defeat theBattlechargers.Powerglide and the other Autobots' components were combined to form ajury-rigged robotthat Circuit Breaker used to stop the duo while they were defacing the status of liberty. AfterRunaboutandRunamuckwere sent packing, Powerglide and the Autobots were allowed to go free.Decepticon Graffiti!

FollowingSkidsback to theArk,Powerglide and the others got lost after their guide spontaneously vanished intolimbo.Even worse was the reason for the disappearance—Galvatronhad returned to the present. Unlike most of his fellows, Powerglide actually managed to get a good shot in before Galvatron knocked the circuits out of him.Fallen AngelAfter Galvatron was forced into retreat by the vagrantDinobots,Perceptor's team finally managed to reach the Ark, where they learned of Optimus Prime's apparent demise at the hands of thePredacons.Powerglide attended Prime's funeral and assimilated into Earth's depleted Autobot forces, though it was soon revealed that Prime's death was a ruse.Resurrection!

"Is this the line for the mutiny?"

When Optimus Prime died(for real)after a digital battle withMegatron,Powerglide observed with the other Autobots asRatchetfailed to successfully repair their fallen leader. After attending Prime's(real)funeral, a criminal known as theMechanicturned the Ark's new security systems on the mourning Autobots, with devastating results. Though Powerglide was counted among the wounded due to this incident, Ratchet was able to best the intruder and vowed to fix all of the Autobots post-haste afterwards.Funeral for a Friend!Powerglide was at the receiving end of massive firepower once more whenTrypticonattacked the Ark. Had it not been for theDinobots'timely intervention, the behemoth would have likely reduced all of the Autobots' forces to scrap.King of the Hill!Grimlock,Prime's successor in leadership, turned out to be a self-interested tyrant, but he did help get the Ark repaired and off of Earth, a large process that Powerglide contributed to by feedingEnergon cubesto their newGeothermal Generator.Child's PlayNevertheless, Powerglide was among the Autobots who begged Blaster to overthrow him, but the mutiny didn't pan out, as the Dinobots were able to get Blaster to surrender to them after they endangered some of hishuman allies.Spacehikers!Later, Blaster and Grimlock battled for supremacy on Earth'sMoon,as Powerglide and the other Autobots cheered Blaster on.Totaled!

Some time after Optimus Prime's return, Powerglide was among several Autobots who responded toBuster Witwicky's distress call near the Decepticons'arctic base.However, this was a trap, and Powerglide was shot down in battle by some Decepticon aerial aces, includingSlugslingerand the ever-frighteningBuzzsaw.Dark StarHe was identified as deactivated several weeks later.Yesterday's Heroes!

Regeneration One

Regeneration Onecontinues from theMarvel US series,and does not include theUK storiesor any subsequently published stories.
The Autobots came to regret watching the new G.I. Joe movies.

Following the final battle with the Decepticons, theWarworldand theBlitz Engines,Powerglide discoveredBludgeon's body on the surface of Cybertron and hurried over to notify the freshly mintedRodimus Prime.When they realised that the Decepticon leader was still alive Prime had Powerglide notify a medic, leaving the Minibot to marvel withKupat their leader's new-found maturity.The War to End All Wars, Part 1Later, Powerglide took part in the assault againstJhiaxus's forces at theHub Network,as part of the crew ofLancer OnealongsideScattershot,BladesandGrooveunder the command ofWheeljack.Although they successfully carried out their mission, Jhiaxus was prepared for them and the Autobots' attack fell to pieces shortly afterwards.The War to End All Wars, Part 3

Big Lookerstorybooks

Powerglide did a reconnaissance flight over Decepticon headquarters before the Autobots stormed the base to get the cerebro-shelledGrappleback.Insecticon Attack!

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or moremultipath adventures.Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Dinobots Strike Back

In one micro-continuity-nexus in which four of theDinobotswere taken over byBombshell'scerebro-shells,Powerglide was part of the Autobot attack force if Optimus Prime chose to attack immediately. He dropped a small concussion bomb nearSnarl,bringing the Stegosaurus to his knees. This promptedSlagto spew a jet of fire at Powerglide, which he managed to dodge.

In an alternate ending, Powerglide was part of a full-scale land, air, and sea assault on the Decepticons' secret base inMount Lomas.With a little backup fromTracks,he apparently took down all of Megatron's warrior jets with his thermal beam, giving the ground force the cover they needed to storm the base and torch the superfuel lab.Dinobots Strike Back



While the rest of the Autobots were discussing how nice the recent lull in Decepticon activity was, the fidgety Powerglide longed for the evil robots to surface once more, so that he'd get a chance to "teach them a thing or two."

In one possible sequence of events, Powerglide got his wish when Beachcomber returned to Autobot base from his day off, having discovered a secret Decepticon fortress. Powerglide, Beachcomber and Windcharger were sent out to investigate whatever ploy the Decepticons were hatching. Once the three Autobots arrived at the cliff face that concealed the Decepticons' base, the three of them debated on which course of action they should take. Powerglide advocated for walking in through the front door.

If the three Autobots decided to walk through the main entrance, Windcharger was promptly crushed by the fortress's doors, which then let loose a swarm of Decepticons. Rumble was tricked into causing an earthquake, which brough down the Decepticons and their fortress in one fell swoop. Beahcomber and Powerglie then retrieved the damaged Windcharger.

If the trio decided instead to look for an alternate entrance into the Decepticon fortress, they discovered a narrow passageway hidden behind bushes and scrubs. Beachcomber's squad went into the passage and emerged in storage room. Leading out of the storage room was a passage not unlike the one from which they had just emerged, and a brightly lit corridor. Powerglide opted to investigate the brightly lit corridor.

In one possible sequence of events where Powerglide investigated the base on his own, he was captured by the Decepticons and reprogrammed to lead them to the Autobots’ headquarters. The Autobots, unprepared for a surprise attack were felled one by one.

If Beachcomber decided to explore the brightly lit corridor with Powerglide, the pair soon found the entire fortress to be eerily silent, until they heard Megatron expositing his plan to Soundwave. Beachcomber and Powerglide learned that the Decepticons planned to use a Destruction Beam to create a fault line near Center City, which would in turn be exploited by Rumble's earthquake-inducing abilities to destroy the entire area. With this knowledge, Powerglide and Beachcomber raced out of the fortress, meeting up with Windcharger en route, and returned to Autobot headquarters. The Autobots then decided to split up in two groups, one to attack the Decepticons’ fortress, the other to stop Rumble in Center city. Powerglide was assigned to the secondary team.

If the secondary team was tasked with attacking the Decepticons’ fortress, they were able to stealthily infiltrate the base and discover the Decepticon's lab. In one possible version of the events that followed, the Autobots were then able to redirect the Destruction Beam back to its source, destroying the Decepticons and their base.

In another version of these events, Megatron called his troops to him so they could all partake in Cosmos's dismemberment. Before the Decepticons were able to begin, Cosmos spotted the secondary team hiding nearby. Surrounding the Decepticons, the secondary team engaged their enemies. Though the Autobots defeated the Decepticons, they were unable to interfere with the Destruction beam. The beam reached its target, and Center City was destroyed. Though the Autobots were able to gain control of the Decepticon fortress and destroy the lab, they were not able to wipe out all of the evil robots, and enjoyed a pyrrhic victory at best.

Alternatively, if Beachcomber decided to have Windcharger, Powerglide and himself each investigate a different area of the Decepticons’ fortress, Beachcomber would get himself captured, leading to his teammate's capture. Powerglide was ordered executed by Buzzsaw while the Decepticons carried on with their evil deeds.Earthquake

Desert Flight


Powerglide was part of a group of the Autobots’ best scouts, led by Optimus on a fuel-finding mission. When the convoy came to a sudden halt, Powerglide's engines stalled an he nearly crashed before the Autobots’ newest adventure had even begun. Thankfully, Windcharger used his magnetic powers to halt Powerglide's decent. Back at a safe altitude, Powerglide offered to go check out the distant explosion that had caused the Autobots to suddenly halt in the first place. Optimus declined Powerglide's offer, opting to send Cosmos to investigate instead.

If Cosmos radioed his findings to Optimus immediately, Optimus's convoy moved in to investigate a nearby Decepticon base. As they approached it, the Autobots noted a nearby human settlement before their earthbound forces began floating in mid-air. Evidently, the phenomenon was caused by a Decepticon anti-gravity weapon.

If Optimus ordered his troops to come to the humans’ aid, they found themselves taking part in a struggle in futility, as the entire town was near-weightless, meaning they couldn't put the humans anywhere where they wouldn't float away once more. Then, the Autobots heard Decepticons approaching. Helpless in their current position, the Autobots were quickly eradicated by the Decepticons.

If Optimus ordered his troops to attack the Decepticon base, they soon reached an area free of the anti-gravity beam's influence. Flying ahead of the group, Powerglide was on the receiving end of Thrust's surprise attack. Undeterred, Powerglide charged Thrust, ready for a game of chicken. Having psyched out his opponent, Powerglide was able to quickly finish him off, before circling back and downing Ramjet. Losing their advantage quickly, the Decepticons retreated. But with the battle over, the Autobots noticed a small human boy at their feet. The Autobots then headed for the Decepticon base, with their stowaway. Megatron delivered an ultimatum; if the Autobots did not surrender Optimus Prime to the Decepticons immediately, he would use his gravity beam to have the nearby humans float off into space.

If the Autobots decided to continue with their initial plan to simply attack the Decepticon base, a decision Powerglide was all too happy to support, their advance was halted by a force field. Megatron then fired his beam in all directions, causing a ripple effect that sent everything not fastened down to the Earth's surface to float helplessly out into space.

Alternatively, the Autobots could concoct a plan where Optimus would pretend to allow himself to be taken prisoner, per Buddy's suggestion. In actuality, most of the Autobots were hidden away inside Optimus's trailer. Powerglide and Cosmos were themselves waiting outside the base for Windcharger to disable the forcefield from within.

In the event that Windcharger successfully turned the forcefield off, Powerglide burst into the base, guns ablaze, and foiled a sneak attack Megatron was about to perform upon Optimus. He then evaded an attack from both Ravage and Frenzy, causing the two Decepticons to crash into one another.

In the event that Buddy tampered with the gravity gun in the ensuing battle, the Autobots would emerge victorious.

In the event that Buddy instead entered a space-time anomaly created throughout the course of the battle, the Autobots would lose their fight against the Decepticons, and Powerglide wound up either injured or dead.

In a completely different possible sequence of events, wherein Cosmos had taken off to explore the Decepticon base on his own, The Autobot convoy were surprised to see two Cosmoses flying back towards them some time later. Both Cosmoses declared themselves to be the real one, and urged Optimus to destroy the other.

If Optimus destroyed the wrong Cosmos, the duplicate obliterated Smokescreen and the rest of the Autobots with theproton bombit housed within its body.

If Optimus destroyed the duplicate Cosmos, the real one would inform the Autobots of the Decepticons’ schemes, and the convoy would roll out to take on their adversaries. They were soon met by a squad of flying Decepticons, but were at a strict disadvantage against their adversaries as their vehicle modes possessed no weapons. The Autobots nonetheless managed to fight their way to the Decepticons’ base, one way or another, and defeated the Decepticons by using their own gravity weapon against them.Desert Flight

Decepticon Poison

DecepticonPoison PowerglideFrenzy.jpg

As the Autobots were refuelling, they were interrupted by Red Alert, who warned the others that he had spotted nearby. All Autobots who had taken their fill of their newest batch of fuel found themselves unable to Transform, and correctly deduced that the Decepticons had poisoned their fuel supply. In a possible sequence of events wherein Optimus returned from the Decepticons’ lab with the antidote to the poison, the Autobot leader informed his troops of the Decepticons’ next plot. The evil robots were planning poison a nearby water reservoir in order to turn humans into mindless slaves. If Optimus decided to end his troops to the water reservoir to prevent this attack, Powerglide was amongst the group of Autobots that found the reservoir swarmed by Decepticons upon their arrival.

Seeing an opportunity to show off his aerial skills, Powerglide took off, announcing that he would lead the Decepticons on a wild goose chase. Optimus protested, ordering Powerglide to stay with the group.

If Powerglide continued despite Optimus's orders, he effortlessly dodged enemy fire only to mess things up when he downed Frenzy with acluster bomb,causing the barrels of poison the Decepticon was carrying to explode into the water reservoir.

If Powerglide did as he was told, he and the other Autobots attempted to lure the Decepticons away from the reservoir and into some nearby woods, where they would have some cover against the Decepticons.Decepticon Poison

Autobot Alert!


Powerglide was in Metroplex city when an Autobot Alert sounded.

In one possible scenario, Powerglide was selected alongside Mirage, Swoop, Jazz and Prowl, to join Ultra Magnus on an orbital mission to both rescue Cosmos and halt a Decepticon plot to take over Earth's broadcast satellites.After donning special space gear for solar protection, the team took off and headed towards Cosmos's last coordinates. Arriving in orbit, Powerglide was the first to spot Cosmos drifting in the blackness of space. But looming nearby was also Cyclonus, Galvatron's ship. Powerglide and Mirage retrieved the Autobot saucer with the help of magnetic cables. Ultra Magnus ordered his troops to train all of their weapons on Cyclonus for a full-frontal assault. Doubting the wisdom of this plan, Powerglide pulled Swoop aside and suggested that they instead attempt a sneak attack on Cyclonus.

If the Autobots went along with Ultra Magnus's plan, Powerglide and the rest of the Autobots were horrorstruck when Galvatron himself emerged from Cyclonus, followed by an army of multiwing jet fighters. Ppwerglide and the others were left drifting helplessly into space as the Decepticons tore their shuttle apart.

If Swoop and Powerglide went ahead with their own plan, Powerglide worked on distracting Cyclonus with his fancy maneuvers while Swoop moved in position to use his superior firepower. With all of Cyclonus's attention trained onto Powerglide, Swoop was successful in destroying the Decepticons’ transmission apparatus, bringing their plot to an end.

In a completely different possible scenario, wherein Ultra Magnus agreed to prioritize theft of the coded message, Powerglide was part of the captive audience that listened to Kup divulge information about an ancient Autobot formula. Powerglide took off towards the Autobots’ desert research centre along with a number of other Autobots. Once there, they learned from Springer that the Cybertite sphere containing the formula was discovered by humans during the 16th century. If the Decepticons had decoded Springer's message, they would be searching off the coast of California, where the ship containing the sphere had sunk. If they hadn't decoded the message, the Decepticons would still be digging in the nearby crater.

If Ultra Magnus decided to assume that the Decepticons had already decrypted the message, he ordered his forces to split up to more efficiently address the situation. Powerglide was sent ahead to scout out the California coast. Arriving ahead of the land-bound Autobots, Powerglide was able to quickly spot the sunken ship which held the cybertite sphere, and signalled the other Autobots about his find. The Autobots then needed to decide whether they would raise the ship themselves, or try and ambush the Decepticons after they had done so.Autobot Alert!

The Invisibility Factor

"Ultra Magnus, who stacked all that box art in the doorway?"

In one possible scenario, the Decepticons gained control of anInvisibility Device.When the invisible Decepticons attacked Metroplex city, Powerglide and the rest of the Autobots were reduced to scrap metal, unable to fight the unseen enemy.

In another scenario, where the Autobots gave up searching for a ship with invisibility capabilities, Powerglide and the rest of the Autobots within Metroplex were caught by surprise by a fleet of identical ships swooping down upon them. The Autobots were all destroyed as Galvatron gloated of his victory.

In yet another possible scenario, Powerglide participated in a battle against the Decepticons when the evil robots attacked Metroplex while using Invisibility Devices. Thanks to the Invisibility Device's inventor,Sarah Sanders,the Autobots were in possession of anInvisibility Scramblerto counteract the Decepticons’ Invisibility Device. Anticipating the Decepticons’ attack, the Autobots successfully defeated the evil robots when they came.The Invisibility Factor

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

The paper-airplaneness of his Dreamwave Cybertronic altmode is unknown.

Powerglide was operational during the early days of the war, and was seen inIaconshortly afterSentinel Prime's demise. After Optimus had ordered an Autobot exodus from Cybertron, Powerglide helped load up some crates in preparation for their departure.The War Within #2When the Decepticons attackedIacon,Powerglide was advised bySkidsmid-battle, who told him to targetBlast Off's lateral fuel line to deliver maximum damage to his opponent.The War Within #3

In the modern era, Powerglide was a member of one of the later-formed Autobot resistance cells on Cybertron, in communication withSmokescreenandTracksalong with several otherMinibots.Countdown to ExtinctionHe participated in the final insurrection which threwShockwaveand his Decepticons out of power on Cybertron. Afterwards, he was assigned toBumblebee's command and traveled to Earth on a supply run aboard the starshipOrion.While en route, theOrionreceived an emergency transmission from theArk:the Earthbound Autobots were under attack from the Decepticons!Night of the Combaticons

Bumblebee needs a smaller command chair.

TheOrion' simple supply mission ended with heavy combat against the amazingly-powerful clone,Sunstorm,who overloaded theOrionwith energy, causing it to crash. TheOrion's crew walked away from their rough landing unharmed however, and Sunstorm left in pursuit ofStarscream.Powerglide and his team set about repairing their ship, and accomplished the task in a few hours. The Autobots were getting ready for some well-earned rest when Starscream returned, now accompanied byJetfire.Black SunshineRecognizing the greater threat that Sunstorm posed, the Autobots agreed to ally themselves withStarscreamin order to deal with him. Powerglide might have raised a complaint to being assigned to guard their new "partner", but Starscream betrayed them and deactivated Powerglide's unit so fast, it's hard to be sure he even had a chance to speak up.The Omega Effect

Ratchetpresumably got him back online in time to help with the construction ofAutobot City.The Route of All Evil

The Beast Within

Powerglide participated in a savage battle against the Decepticons, though he did not fare too well, and got blasted out of the sky by Astrotrain early during the conflict.The Beast Within

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance:Transformers vol. 1#26
I was on theLost Light?

Powerglide was among the Autobots poised to fight againstGalvatron's army onCybertron.Led bySilverbolt,he and the other Autobot fliers attackedKimia Facilityand fought with the manySweepsdefending it.Numbers

Once the battle was won and the war was over, Powerglide joined the crew of theLost Lightto participate in the search for theKnights of Cybertron.Hangers OnThe Chaos of Warm ThingsHe spent some time inSwerve's bar where he was confused bySkidsandChromedome's drunken antics.Life After the Big BangWhenOverlordwas unleashed within the ship, Powerglide joined the rest of the crew in trying to defeat him.Under Cold Blue StarsAfter Swerve's bar was trashed byLegislatorsand Swerve was considering closing down, Powerglide and several other Autobots cheered him up and helped him rebuild.No Guns, No Swords, No Briefcases


Powerglide left the crew of theLost LightafterDark Cybertron,and would later volunteer to act as a member ofSuperionin an effort to provideStarscreamwith acombinerto defend againstDevastator.The World of Tomorrow

He was present when Wheeljack received theEnigma of CombinationfromScoop.Alpha Bravoand Powerglide were both exposed to the energies of the artifact, granting them the power to combine with the other Aerialbots as part of the new Superion; in Powerglide's case, he gained the ability to transform into Superion's gun.First Contact

As part of Starscream's political maneuvers, Powerglide and the new Aerialbots were deployed toCaminusto stop Menasor. Superion was able to dispatch the Stunticon combiner, blasting him using gun-mode Powerglide.The Sum and Its PartsFollowing a clash with Devastator, Superion was briefly reduced to his components, although Starscream thought otherwise and forcibly reintegrated the Aerialbots back into Superion.Mistakes and Mayhem

Much to Optimus Prime's concern, Superion hadn't separated since the fight with Devastator;Prowlcommented that for all intents and purposes Superionwasthe new default form for the Aerialbots.You, Me, and the Universe

EdgeOfTheEarth AerialbotsAttacked.jpg

As Superion joined Optimus Prime's Autobots on Earth, he disassembled into his individual Aerialbot components from time to time. Powerglide and the Aerialbots performed a "bombing" run in the arid desert, releasing payloads that caused dramatic botanical growth where they fell, providing food to support the local humans. Powerglide and the Aerialbots then fled the air resistance they faced, reluctantly holding to Prime's orders to not engage any human counter-strikes.Edge of the Earth

During a conflict withGalvatron,however, the ancient Decepticon manipulated the power of the Enigma of Combination through the Onyx Interface's source code, creating new combiners under his control and disrupting existing ones. As a natural-born combiner, uncreated by the Enigma, Superion had some immunity. He copied and isolated the Onyx code into his own core-processor then dismantled himself, neutralizing the Onyx code so long as the Aerialbots remained separated.As Above...So BelowPowerglide and the other discombobulated Aerialbots were recovered from the site of the ocean battleWhite Lightand returned to the newly establishedAutobot Cityto recover.White Heat

Powerglide and the Aerialbots returned to Cybertron and took to the skies whenOnyx Primedescended on their homeworld aboardNemesis.Another MineDuring the battle withUnicron,he combined with his fellow Aerialbots into Superion to help defeat the planet-eater for good.Ceremony


Voice actor:Takanori Yagi(Japanese)

Red Jet( xích の ジェット cơAka no Jettoki) was a smug and self-assured flyer.The Self-Introduction ChapterNevertheless, he managed to get lost in a forest, only to findYellow Sports Car... who was also lost. Together, they agreed to find their way out. The observingTrailerwondered why Red Jet didn't just fly out.The Story of the Lost Plane!

Red Jet was later part of the audience forQuiz! BeCool,The Story of Quiz! BeCooland witness to the filming of a movie interrupted by the fire brigade thinking it was a real emergency.The Story of the Fire Brigade Dispatch!


Powerglide was a supersonic daredevil and aerial acrobatic ace, but also a huge attention-seeking showoff—he didn't see the point of pulling off his amazing stunts unless he had an audience. His dream was to appear on his favorite show,KREONS Have Talent!.Transformers: Kre-O Character Encyclopedia

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Powerglide was stationed withinMetroplexwhen bothTrypticonand a mind-controlledFortress Maximusattacked the Autobot city. He bore witness toImhotep Rodimusseizing leadership from Grimlock in the middle of the siege.Everybody Hates Metroplex

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance:Transformers#25(mentioned);#32(full)

A former member ofStrika's Heavies,Powerglide threw his lot in with the Autobots during the Decepticon uprising and was sent to rouse his former comradeWarpathfrom stasis.Prime

Alternate future

In the future ruled byExarchon,Powerglide was one of the last resistors alongsideBumblebee,Swift,andBlackjack.Energon had run dry, forcing them to forfeit their alt modes to stay charged purely onnucleon.They discovered the temporally-displacedJumpstream,but Powerglide was killed byTriggerhappyas Exarchon's loyalists descended on them.Test Flight II

Transformers vs. The Terminator

By the year2029,the Decepticons had wiped out the Autobots and devastated the planet Earth, with Powerglide having died from a crash landing, his shattered wreckage half-buried beneath a collapsedLos Angelesfreeway near other Cybertronian bodies.Enemy of My Enemy Part One

Commercial appearances


Bot Shots Battle Game!


Powerglide participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself!Bot Shots Battle Game!

Transformers Legends

Part of a small task force led by Hound, Powerglide took part in a kerfuffle against the Decepticons andWhirl.The outcome of the fight was unclear.By Land, Sea, or Air

Powerglide was injured, and hadGrapple,Hoist,andHuffercome to his aid. The trio were delayed when they became friendly with the Constructicons, but after the sudden but inevitable betrayal, the three Autobots took him to safety.The Master BuildersPowerglide fought against the combined Decepticon and Quintesson forces when they attacked Cybertron.Five Faces of Darkness: Part 3

Transformers: Battle Tactics

He has aKre-Ocannon and he's not afraid to use it!

Powerglide participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Common character that could be recruited by collecting 24 units of Cybermetal.Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Earth Wars


To say Powerglide delights in his aerial prowess is a huge understatement. He loves showing off his dazzling airborne virtuosity, and isn't above a bit of gratuitous grandstanding. He's equally happy performing for friend or foe, as long as he gets the requisite appreciation. But deep down, Powerglide's bravado covers up for his lack of speed in aerial mode, and low strength in robot mode.Powerglide bio

When Silverbolt and the other Aerialbots came to earth, Powerglide combined with the others and formed the gun that Superion holds. He helped in destroying many Decepticon Headquarters.Combiner Wars Campaign

  • Class:Aerial
  • Lowest Star Rating:1 star
  • Weapons:Powerglide uses a flamethrower to burn defenses.
  • Ability: Bombing Run:Drops 12 grenades in a line causing high damage to targets!
    • Cost:4 ability points +1 for reuses.

Powerglide at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Powerglide was a substitute Aerialbot, who sometimes served as Superion's gun.The Enigma of Combination


The Transformers

Kids went nuts for this level of articulation in 1985.
  • Powerglide(Mini-Vehicle,1985)
Released in the second year ofHasbro'sThe Transformersline,Mini VehiclePowerglide transforms into anA-10 Thunderbolt IIground-attack jet (better known by its nickname "Warthog" ), deformed to keep proportion with the previous year's "penny-racer" styled Mini Cars. He is notable for being one of the earliest Autobots with an aerialalternate mode.Due to his transformation, Powerglide has morerobot modearticulation than any other Mini Vehicle. His head can turn, his shoulders have what amounts to universal joints, and his elbows bend.
There are some very minor variants of this toy, involving the company stamping on the back of his mono-leg: he can have "© Takara 1984 Japan", "© Takara Co. LTD 1984 Japan", or the latter with "© Hasbro 1984" added above the Takara info.
In theTakaraline, Powerglide was not part of the initial 1985 "pre-movie" series (despite being in the pre-movie cartoon), but premiered in 1986's post-movieTransformers 2010line. Like all of the smaller toys sold by Takara at the time, he was packaged in a small box and came with a collector's card inside, rather than on a bubble card.
A variant of Powerglide was made byEl Grecoand released only inGreeceunder his localized name of "Keravnόs", now bearing a lighter and more saturated shade of red. As with other El Greco Mini-Vehicles, his faction sticker is missing and his other sticker is slightly different.
This mold was also used to makeBad Boy.

The Transformers Collection

The first Transformers toy that can stand with his arms akimbo. Appropriate!
  • Minibot Team(Multi-pack,2004)
  • ID number:12
In January of 2004, Powerglide was reissued in aTransformers Collectionsix-pack withBumble,Adams,Gears,Drag,andWarpath.
The only notable difference between this release and the original is the addition of a factory-applied Autobotinsigniasticker to the top of his chest, similar to the original box art depiction.
This entire set was redecoed to make the "G1 GoBots"set: Powerglide was used to makeBad Boy.


Someone's been eating their Wheaties.(Hasbro version pictured)
(TakaraTomy version pictured)
  • Powerglide(Ultra Class,2008)
Although now upsized to an Ultra Class toy with electronics,UniversePowerglide still transforms into a jet resembling an A-10. In order to preserve some semblance of realism in hisaltmode,however, he is mostly off-white in color, with red trim. His noggin, at least, is still entirely red, and even has an off-center cannon barrel sculpted into it in homage to his original toy, even though here, his headdoesn'tbecome the nosecone.
In vehicle mode, pressing the prominent orange button on the jet's fuselage triggers three electronic sound effects (an engine ignition, a swooping noise and a barrage of machine-gun fire that persists for as long as you hold down the button, the same ones are used for UniverseSilverbolt), accompanied by red LEDs in the turbines and cockpit. During transformation to robot mode, the classic transformation sound effect is triggered as the torso is moved into place; it plays in reverse as he is transformed back to vehicle mode. In robot mode, pressing the orange button triggers the machine-gun sound effect only, with newly-exposed lights illuminating Powerglide's eyes as well as those seen in jet mode.
In robot mode, Powerglide features a wide range of articulation, and can wield in his hand the thermal missile launcher which mounts under his jet mode nosecone. In what can only be described as one of the most hilarious homages inTransformershistory, Powerglide's chestplate can flip up torevealthe raisedimageofa heart.
Rather unfortunately, his small feet and top-heaviness make him difficult to pose and stand up.
Hisinstructionsomit a useful step: pulling the lower legs down to expose the knees and increase his height.
The JapaneseTakaraTomyversion of Powerglide was released in AmericanUniversepackaging as aUSA Editiontoy. He is redecoed in mostly red with white detailing, essentially reversing most of the colour layouts, to better match his appearance in the originalThe Transformerscartoon. He retains the sametampographedunit-markings as the Hasbro version.
This mold was also used to makeUniverseStormcloud.

Moreshow-accuratethan theTakaraversion!
  • Powerglide(Ultra Class,2009)
  • Series:Generation 1 Series
  • Accessories:Chaingun/missile launcher, "thermal beam" missile
  • Known designers:Andrew Scribner(deco artist)
The second version ofUniversePowerglide is aWalmart-exclusivered redeco similar to TakaraTomy's Japanese release of this sculpt, but with some significant differences in color layout. In an effort to make the toy moreaccurate to the cartoon,the arms are cast in light gray plastic, unlike the all-red arms on the Japanese version.
His tailfins sport tampographed "NA W4Y W3 60" markings, which reads "And away we go!"

Bot Shots

Bot Shots Powerglide.jpg
  • Powerglide(2012)
  • Series:1
  • Number:B013
    • Fist strength:700
    • Blaster strength:770
    • Sword strength:150
Part of the fourth wave ofBot ShotsSeries 1 single-packs, Powerglide is a teeny little jet with a spring-loaded automatic transformation to robot mode triggered when his nosecone is pressed. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. His head is similar toDark of the MoonPowerglide.
This mold wasredecoedintoSkydiveandAir Raid,and its chest and head pieces were used forBeCoolJinbu.

BotShots 3pack Powerglide.jpg
  • Skyquake / Jetfire / Powerglide(Multi-pack, 2012)
  • Series:1
  • Number:BP008
    • Fist strength:740
    • Blaster strength:345
    • Sword strength:525
Part of the second wave ofBot ShotsSeries 1 three-packs, this is a redeco of Powerglide in a brighter shade of red, with silverpaint details,a brighter blue for the canopy, and a darker blue for the eyes. He comes in a three-pack withSkyquakeandJetfire.


BotShots BeCool RedJetPowerglide.jpg
  • Red Jet (Powerglide)(2012)
  • ID number:B05
BeCool"Red Jet" is practically identical to the multi-pack version ofBot ShotsPowerglide, the only difference being that his stickers don't depict power levels but instead drawings of his vehicle mode, a travel bag and an airline pilot's hat.


Kre-O-Toy Powerglide.jpg
  • Powerglide(Kreon Micro-Changer, 2013)
  • Collection:2
  • Bag number:***** 73
  • Accessories:Logo brick, 2 clip-on rifles
  • Known designers:Ed Masiello(Hasbro)
As part of the second wave ofblindpackedKre-OMicro-Changers,Powerglide is aKreonwho can be rebuilt into an airplane. He reusesMirage's helmet andStarscream's arm guns.
This Collection was still in circulation at "dollar" stores and drug stores up through 2015. They eventually lost the individual-identifying bag codes, but other changes were hidden inside the bag. The 2015 releases replaced the 2x4 logo stand-brick with a new 3x4 logo plate. The Kreon was also given the slightretoolingto the arm seen in the 2014 Kreons, making the "cuff" parts more sharp-cornered and better adapted to being used as studs. Some of the add-on pieces may also be slightly off-color, possibly due to a change in factories in mid-production.

  • Kreon Class of '85(Kreon figure set, 2015)
  • Set numberB5152
  • Voted:Will Do Anything on a Dare
  • Accessories:Small pistol
Kreon Class of '85Powerglide has his deco much more heavily based on theoriginal Powerglide toy,plus his helmet is now the pointy jet-nosecone type. Like the rest of the set, he uses the almost-totally-retooled2015 style of Kreon body.
This box set of thirty Kreons was aSan Diego Comic-Con2015exclusive,with leftovers being sold onHasbro Toy Shoponline after the show.

  • Powerglide(Kreon Micro-Changer, 2016)
  • Collection:2
  • Accessories:Logo plate, 2 clip-on rifles
In 2016, Collection 2 was re-released in a whole new production run for Dollar General stores in the US as part of a large collection of re-releasedKre-Osets. But where most of these releases are nigh-identical to the originals, the re-released Micro-Changer blind-bags use the almost-entirely-retooled 2015 Kreon, with slightly-differently-hued plastics than the originals. (It is possible for some of the add-on pieces to be in the older hues.) Powerglide's head has changed from light gray plastic to a metallic silver, and his light graytampographshave similarly gone shiny silver.
Sadly, this release has no individual-identification code on the bag, requiring you to use the feel-through-the-bag method or just buy blind and hope.

Combiner Wars

CW-toy Powerglide.jpg
  • Autobot Powerglide(Legends Class,2015)
Released in the first wave ofCombiner WarsLegends Class figures, Powerglide is aTriple Changer-Targetmaster,transforming into (what else?) a jet resembling an A-10 Thunderbolt II and some kind of "super gun" with rocket launchers on the sides. The back of his box shows him being held byDeluxe Class Skydive,but since he's very big to be handled by a Deluxe figure, it should be used bySuperion(as suggested in his instructions), either of its own or stuck on the top of Silverbolt/Superion's own gun to make a bigger weapon.
Unfortunately, Powerglide's weight places a great deal of strain on Superion's (and every other combiner's) arms, making him virtually impossible to be held in a firing pose without drawing the arm or entire figure down. Because of the ball-in-socket joints in his hips and knees and the small size of the tabs that hold his legs together in jet and gun modes, his legs are extremely prone to fle xing and separating in those modes. Lastly, Powerglide's ankles cannot fully unfold due to mold obstruction, which causes him to look as if he's always bending his knees forward.
Powerglide includes a collector card featuring art from the "By Land, Sea, or Air"episode ofTransformers Legends.
This mold was redecoed intoAdventurePowerglide,and retooled intoViperandAdventureDogfight.

Now comes in more Grey instead of Red
  • Superion(Collection Pack, 2016)
This version ofCombiner WarsPowerglide sports a new, made-upGeneration 2-like deco (basically his two main colors swapped, similar to theGeneration 2version ofSideswipe)... minus thevac-metal chrome,of course. Justimaginethe silver is chromed. He does have a hugeGeneration 2Autobot symbol in wicked-awesome bright orange and yellow though!
He was only available as part of aGeneration 2-themedSuperiongiftset,officially dubbed a "Collection Pack", along withSilverbolt,Air Raid,Firefly,Quickslinger,andSkydive.The set was (at least in theory) a "shared exclusive" between various online retailers (such asHasbro Toy Shop,Amazon,BigBadToyStore,and Entertainment Earth) and the online storefronts of major "big box" retailers (such asToys "R" Us,Walmart,Target,andKmart). It was still available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets, though.


Transformers Gum

Kabaya DX Fort Max Sky Base.JPG
Part of the first wave of theTransformers Gum DXseries, the Sky Base is a snap-together model kit of a battle station with a turret, runway, and some kind of antenna – though in reality, it’sFortress Maximus’s right arm and leg pegged together, and the antenna is theMaster Sword.Also included is a small,partsformingfigure of Powerglide, accurate to his original toy. The kit must be assembled from unpainted blue, gray, red, and white sprues, a spring, and customer-applied stickers to provide all of the non-molded details. It also comes with something that could charitably be called chewing gum.
The Sky Base has its own action feature: the small box at the far end of the runway is a springloaded launcher, and with a press of a button, Powerglide can be deployed along the runway. This kit can combine with theCommand Baseand theLauncher Baseto create a fully transformableFortress Maximus,with the Sky Base providing the Master Sword for use as an accessory.

G.I. Joe and the Transformers

Look! It's that guy! That flies that plane!
  • Scarlet vs Zartan & Autobot Powerglide vs Soundwave(Box set, 2016)
    • Accessories:two engine covers, two additional battle damaged panels, six PL-MK48 wave-sensorcluster bombs,two cluster bomb racks, two LORADS constant scan ion-seeking missiles, two OE-119 electro-optical renegade missiles, four AEA-56 quick-thrust short-range missiles
Exclusive to theHasbro Toy Shopbooth atSan Diego Comic-Con2016 and the Hasbro Toy Shop website, "Autobot Powerglide" is a redeco of theCobraRattlervehicle first released inG.I. Joeback in 1984. As with manyJoevehicles, he is partially disassembled in box; the two covers on top of the engines and two panels on the fuselage are designed to be removable, revealing mechanical detailing underneath. Two replacement fuselage panels with sculpted battle damage are included, to simulate the plane having been shot to pieces. A total of fourteen missiles and bombs are included, with seven pegging underneath each wing. Also included is a sheet of decals for additional details, and a profile card featuring Powerglide'sCombiner Warscard artwork.
Powerglide can seat two figures: one in his opening cockpit, and another in the rotating gunner seat midway down his fuselage. As a VTOL aircraft, Powerglide's wings feature a rotational joint at the engine. He also features a spinning Gatling gun in the nose cone, and fold-out landing gear.
The set also includes a redeco of an equally non-transforming CobraHISS tankcolored asSoundwaveand figures ofG.I. JoecharactersScarlettandZartan.


"We need an adult!"
"I am an adult."
  • In the episode "Dinobot Island, Part 1"Bumblebee tells Powerglide about the different types of dinosaurs, implying he wasn't on Earth when the Dinobots were constructed or just wasn't paying attention. Note that when and how most of the 1985 characters came to be on Earth was never explained in the cartoon.
  • Powerglide has the honor of being the only Generation 1 character whose alternate mode was based on a specific make of a real life vehicle (airborne or ground-based) to have multiple new toys which all retain the same alternate mode (artistic license for the sake of circumventing licensing issues nonwithstanding), even extending to analternate universe counterpart!This can also be considered a testament to theA-10 Thunderbolt II,which has been in service since 1976, despite repeated attempts at shutting down the A-10 program as a cost-cutting measure.
  • The most progressive alteration to Powerglide's alternate mode thus far is the vehicle from the 2016G.I. Joe and the Transformersset... which is a redecoed Cobra Rattler, itself a modified A-10 Thunderbolt II.
  • Despite this, the original cartoon often interprets his alternate mode as a large civilian plane with a cargo hatch and a cockpit large enough to hold two seats.
  • Powerglide makes an appearance in one of the five Transformerspublic service announcements,speaking out against gender discrimination.
  • 3200 miles per hour is Mach 4.16, MUCH faster than ANY modern combat jet, let alone a real A-10 Thunderbolt II... not that jet-based alt modes are known for realism.
  • Michael Chain based Powerglide's voice on the legendaryJackie Gleason,most specifically his performance as Ralph Kramden fromThe Honeymooners,the source of his recurring catchphrase. If that doesn't mean anything to you, then the sitcom character was also the inspiration for Fred Flintstone fromThe Flintstones.
  • Powerglide was intended to have a leading role in IDW'sMore than Meets the Eyeuntil he briefly appeared in "Chaos",making a" trapped underground for millions of years "story unworkable for him, and his place in the narrative was given to Tailgate instead.
Classics2006 Legends Fireflight.JPG

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Powerglide(パワーグライドPawāguraido)
  • French:Survolo(Canada)
  • Greek:Keravnόs(Κεραυνός, "Thunderbolt" )
  • Hungarian:Motorszárny( "Motorwing" )
  • Italian:Jumbo
  • Mandarin:Tòng-lì Huá-Hsiáng(Taiwan, động lực lướt đi, "Power Glide" ),Huáxiángjī(China, tàu lượn, "Glider" )
  • Portuguese:Planador(Portugal comics),Planador(Brazil comics)
  • Russian:Vetrorez(Ветрорез, "Windcut" )



  1. Generation 1 Powerglide toy bio and Marvel profile inThe Transformers Universe#2
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