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Primon is anAutobotfrom theGeneration 1continuity family.
That's a beard you'll have. In the future past.

Primon,theAlpha Prime,is one of the oldest known bearers of theMatrix.He may predatePrimasometimes.



The Transformerscartoon

Voice actor:Michael Bell(English),Osamu Saka(Japanese),Serge Bourrier(European French),Garcia Neto(Brazilian Portuguese)

Primon was the earliest documented bearer of theMatrix of Leadership.He was succeeded as Matrix-bearer byPrima.WhenRodimus Primevoyaged into the Matrix in 2005, Primon was the first guide the Autobot leader encountered. Primon related to him the story of theTransformers' creation by the Quintessons, and how they were endowed with sentience.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

3H comics

Primon was seen twice in a swirl of visions experienced by the Covenant at the coming of theChronarchitect—once as part of a long lineage ofPrimes,and again having the Matrix torn from his chest by theLiege Maximo.The Matrix eventually found its way to Prima.Covenant

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Alpha Prime was the first known Matrix-bearer and was succeeded byGuardian Prime.More Than Meets The Eye #8

Ask Vector Prime

Primon was known as the Alpha Prime and predatedCybertronaccording to legend.Vector Primewas unsure if Primon and theCovenantwere a template for theThirteen,a version of the Thirteen, or just a legend for the Thirteen to believe in.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/31 and 2015/06/10

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

As one of the spirits of former Autobot leaders who resided in theMatrix,Primon hauntedMegatronafter he stole the artifact, warning the Decepticon that if he sought to control Cybertron, he would have to deal with its ghosts.Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12Ghostly images of Primon and other leaders appeared in the sky whenOptimus Primetook back the Matrix.The War Never Ends


  • "Primon" was first named in the 1999BotConprose story, "Covenant",which identified him as the bearer of the Matrix prior toPrima.This conflicted with the only pre-existing list of Matrix-bearers known at the time, fromissue #65of the Marvel comic book (written bySimon Furman,the same author who wrote "Covenant" ), which identified Prima as the first Transformer to carry the talisman. When questioned, Furman offered up "The Matrix forgot?" as an excuse.[1]
  • "Alpha Prime" was first named in a new list of Matrix-bearers provided inDreamwave Productions'More than Mets the Eye#8.By coincidence or design, the name would also later be floated byAaron Archerfor a new character in theTransformers: Cybertronseries, who evolved to becomeVector Prime.
  • The robot ghost from "Five Faces of Darkness" was never named in the cartoon, having been referred to only as "Ancient Robot"in the episode's dialogue script. In 2010,The AllSpark Almanac IIretroactively consolidated all three of these characters into one, identifying the "Ancient Robot" as "Primon, the Alpha Prime."
    • According toRecordicons#9,Vector Prime "always lies about Five Faces of Darkness". If true, this would mean that the guy in the image isn't necessarily Primon or the Alpha Prime; we're keeping this page as-is because there's no objective evidence either way, and Primon is more convenient as a page title than "Ancient Robot".
  • The symbol stamped on cartoon Primon's forehead is a "prototype" version of the Autobotinsignia.It would later be released as a sticker withOvercharge,and later still was treated as anin-story symbolof otherPrimes.It is identified as belonging to the "Ancients"inWorld of the Transformers.


  1. "Umm... pass. The Matrix forgot?" —Simon Furman, ASM, 2002/10/30(archive link)

"Five Faces of Darkness"spirit guides
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