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Proton bomb

From Transformers Wiki

Proton bombsareTransformerweapons most commonly used by theDecepticons.



MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Ravagecarried two low-radiation 1 megaton proton bombs, which he could fire with a range of three miles, or set in place with a timer.Ravage'sUniverseprofile

Find Your Fate Junior

Desert Flight

In one possible scenario, the Decepticons built areplica Cosmoswith a powerful proton bomb concealed within his body. The bomb was powerful enough to destroyOptimus Primeand his whole squadron ofAutobots.Desert Flight

Decepticon Poison

Ravage(with a fighter jetalternate mode) was armed with proton bombs and tried to shoot downPowerglidewith them.Decepticon Poison

Project Brain Drain

In one possible scenario,Jazzwas hit in the legs by a proton bomb while trying to defend somehumansat a concert from the Decepticons. Despite his injury, he continued fighting and the Autobots were successful in driving away the Decepticons, thanks in no small part to Jazz and the others exhausting their forces.Project Brain Drain

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Ravage was armed with two proton bombs with a yield of 1 megaton that could be fired over 3 miles or set with a timer.Ravage'sMore than Meets the Eyeprofile

Wings Universe

Squadron XsurvivorsFerakandTornadoescapedTorax Primeaboard a modified escape pod, refitting it with warp thrusters, proton bombs, and a smallfusion cannon.The pod, however, was no match for the firepower of an AutobotVanguard classfighter.Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur



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