Prowl (G1)/toys
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Prowlhas many toys! All of them are pricks.
The Transformers
- Takara ID number:09
- Accessories:"acid pellet gun",left & right missile launchers, 3" wire-guidedincendiary missiles"
- Known designers:Kōjin Ōno(TakaraTomy)
- Originally aDiaclone"Police Car Fairlady Z", Prowl was one of the original assortment ofTransformersAutobot Carsreleased in 1984. He transforms into aDatsun 280ZX Turbosports car (known in Japan as a "Fairlady Z" ) decorated in Japanese police car livery, though with "Highway Patrol Police" markings in English (which had already been present on the originalDiacloneversion). In robot mode, he is armed with a silver-chromed hand-heldacid pellet gun,and two shoulder-mounted missile launchers. The spring-loaded firing mechanism for these launchers was disabled by Hasbro, but remained intact on theTakararelease of the figure.
- The original TakaraDiaclonerelease of the figure featured a red "R" inside the yellow police star, as well as the word "Diaclone", as part of the factory-applied police badge stickers that decorated the car hood and doors, as well on the stickers for the robot's shoulders that were part of the included sticker sheet. While all releases andvariantsofTransformersProwl omit the red "R", a very early production run of the "pre-rub" US release of Prowl still retained the "Diaclone" marking on the hood (but not on the doors or the shoulders!). This was eventually amended by arunning changethat dropped the "Diaclone" markings. The Chinese 1989 release, which was produced around the same time as the European "Classic Heroes" version (see below), again featured the "Diaclone" markings, this time not only on the hood but also on the doors. In 1985, a heat-activatedrubsignwas added to the front of Prowl's hood.
- In Europe, Prowl was released in 1985, in packaging branded not with the regular "Hasbro" logo, but rather that of newly-acquired Hasbro subsidiaryMilton Bradley.This "MB" version of Prowl was in reality literally a repackaged andrebrandedDiaclonefigure originally intended to be released by European Takara licenseeJoustra.Unlike the aforementioned early USTransformersversion, the JoustraDiaclonefigure already lacked both the red "R" and the "Diaclone" markings on the factory-applied stickers for the car hood and doors.[1]Meanwhile, the Joustra version's sticker sheet, whichdidstill feature those markings for the robot shoulders, was replaced with the standard HasbroTransformersversion for the MB release.[2]
- Also in 1985, theMexicanrelease by Hasbro licenseeIGAfeatured an even more more startling variation: this release of the figure rendered his helmet, arms, and boots black, plus his English "POLICE" decals became a Spanish "POLICIA". There was also a widely available running changevariant(or just factory error) that left out the black paint on his car hood.[3][3]
- Prowl's toy has beenreissuedas part of theClassic Heroesline in 1990,The Transformers Collectionin 2002, and theCommemorative Seriesin 2003. See below for individual entries on these releases.
- This mold was retooled to create the simultaneously-releasedBluestreak,and again forSmokescreen.
The Transformersmold:Bluestreak/Prowl | ||
Version 1 (Bluestreak):
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- Turbo Cycle with Prowl(Action Blaster Vehicle,1990)
- Accessories:Turbo Cycle, small cannon, 2 missiles, left & right engine intakes, shield/gas tank cover
- Known designers:Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Released in the seventh and final wave of the original line (well, final in the US, at least),Action MasterProwl is a non-transforming action figure whose appearance is styled after his cartoon model, with a few toy-based liberties taken. His construction is broadly similar to that used by theG.I. Joefigures of the time, having a swivel neck, shoulders and knees, plus ball-jointed hips attached via a steel rod internally secured by a rubber "o-ring". His hands have standard 3 mm holes which allow him to hold any other accessory in the Action Master line, plus his feet have holes in the bottom to secure him to larger vehicles. On top of that, the hole in his back is compatible with 5 mm posts.
- As part of the "Action Blasters Vehicles" assortment, Prowl came packaged with theTurbo Cycle,which transforms from motorcycle to a gun emplacement. An undocumented feature of the Turbo Cycle is that the lower front cowling assembly can be pegged into the screw hole on Prowl's back, allowing him to somewhat mimic the original Prowl figure's door-wing appearance.
- Prowl(Classic Heroes, 1990)
- Accessories:"Acid pellet gun", left & right missile launchers, 3 "wire-guided incendiary missiles"
- The original Prowl toy was first reissued in Europe alongside several other early Transformers, as part of the "Classic Heroes"range. He is not entirely identical to the original, however: the paint operations for his forehead crest are now flat red, compared to the glossy red featured on all previous releases of the figure.
- Additionally, forreasons unknown,theClassicsrelease of Prowl features the "Diaclone"markings on the factory-applied police badge stickers for his car hood and doors again, but not on the stickers for his robot shoulders, which were part of the included sticker sheet.[4]
The Transformersmold:Bluestreak/Prowl | ||
Version 1 (Bluestreak):
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Beast Wars
- Magna Boss(Ultra Class three-pack,1997)
- Accessories:Tail
- Known designers:Takio Ejima(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
The lion Prowl toy represents both the original Autobot and alatter-day Maximal.
- Beast WarsProwl transforms from a lion into a robot, with his cat-butt turning into a "cyber tail claw" weapon. He is able to combine withIronhideandSilverbolt,his package buddies, intoMagna Boss.Prowl transforms into Magna Boss 's head.
- This mold was used to makeLio Junior.
- The Magna Boss toy included no information about its three components beyond their names. The character was established byIDWto be Generation 1 Prowl in2007'sBeast Wars Sourcebook.By contrast in2021,theEarth Warsmobile game opted to depict lion Prowl as a separate individual from police car Prowl.
Machine Wars
- Prowl(Basic Class, 1997)
- Accessories:2-part rifle
- Known designers:Takio Ejima(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Sharing a mold withMachine WarsMirage,Prowl transforms into a Penske PC-18 Indycar, and converts to robot mode with a spring-loaded, one-step transformation. His rifle-halves store in his legs in car mode. He —and the entireMachine Warsline— was available only atKB Toysstores.
- Prowl's usual function is "strategist", but, in this first non-police car form he is described as "chief of security". The "BOYC" sticker is likely a nod to Hasbro employeeJohn Boyce.[5]
- This toy isgang-moldedwith the other three Basic molds in the line. Specifically, his shoulders and spine share plastic withMegatron's inner robot parts, his head shares plastic withThundercracker's jet parts, his seat shares plastic withHubcap's truck parts, plus he shares the pearlescent-gray optics plastic with, well, everyone.
- This mold wasrepurposedas aclone of Prowland asdrone clones of Prowl.A redeco of the rifle mold (both pieces) was also included in theCyberverseBumblebeevsMegatrontwo-pack.
Generation 2mold:Lightspeed | ||
See also:
The Transformers Collection
- Prowl(July 20,2002)
- ID number:2
- Accessories:"acid pellet gun", left & right missile launchers, 3 "wire-guided incendiary missiles"
- Takara's first reissue of Prowl was the second installment in theirTransformers Collectionline of reissues, and was mostly identical to the original figure, save for a few small differences: the text on his hip stickers is changed to "2002 08" from the original's "2800 ZP", his rubsign is relocated from its original obtrusive spot at the front of his hood to just below his windshield (winding up on the back of his head in robot mode), and like theClassic Heroesversion, his forehead crest is painted. As with the previous Takara release of the figure, his missile launchers are functional.
The Transformersmold:Bluestreak/Prowl | ||
Version 1 (Bluestreak):
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Commemorative Series
- Prowl(2003/2006)
- Accessories:"acid pellet gun", left & right missile launchers, 3 "wire-guided incendiary missiles"
- In 2003, Hasbro released their own reissue of the original Prowl toy as part of theirToys "R" UsexclusiveCommemorative Series IVthat was available in the United States, Canada, and Australia. This version of Prowl featured all the modifications made to the original toy for Takara'sTransformers Collection,and a few more besides. Like his mold-mate Bluestreak, released in the previous wave, Prowl's gun and missiles are cast in unchromed black plastic, and his missile launchers are once again disabled, in lieu of enlarging the missiles to the disproportionate length requiredfor safety reasons(as was done for several other Commemorative figures). Where his original toy's launchers merely had their springs removed, leaving their trigger mechanisms intact to hold the missiles in place, this figure actually recasts the launchers as solid pieces with no triggers, into which the missiles are simply popped.
- In 2006, three years after the US release and long after theCommemorative Serieshad been discontinued by Toys "R" Us in America, Prowl and several other figures were released as Toys "R" Us exclusives in the United Kingdom. Unlike previous UK releases ofCommemorative Seriesfigures, the packaging for this batch was no longermultilingual,but in English only. Despite this, the packaging wasnotidentical to the previous US version; it lacked the "Commemorative Series", "classic re-issue", and "choking hazard" safety warning labels and alltrademark™ and ® markings, and moved the "Ages 5+" recommendation to a new position.
The Transformersmold:Bluestreak/Prowl | ||
Version 1 (Bluestreak):
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Smallest Transforming Transformers
- Prowl(2003)
- ID number:GTF-09
- Released in Wave 2 ofSmallest Transforming Transformers,this Prowl is the smallest possible transforming toy based upon the original Prowl toy. He faithfully reproduces the transformation sequence for the most part, but due to parts-cost limitations, he has little articulation, his legs cannot separate and his wheels do not roll.
- This mold was also used to make theSmallest Transforming Transformersversion ofBluestreak.
- Prowl(Alternator,2005/2006)
- Alternator ID number:16
- Binaltech ID number:BT-15
- Accessories:Engine/gun, traffic direction baton aka "Blight Stick"
- Known designers:Steve Bono(Hasbro),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist),Marcelo Matere(packaging artist, rerelease)
- AlternatorsProwl transforms into a fully-licensed 1:24-scaleAcura RSXwith police lights, opening doors, hood and trunk. His engine becomes a (non-firing) gun, while a clear-plastic nightstick is hidden under his car mode rear section. He was among the last of the "red box" Alternators, but was included in new "white box" assortments in 2006. The "white box" version of Prowl has additional Acura logos on the rear of the car that the "red box" version did not have.
- For his standard JapaneseBinaltechrelease, Prowl got a different vehicle mode deco based on a real Japanese police car (theHasbroversion's deco being based more on the originalGeneration 1 toy), a different spoiler mold, "Type R" rims compared to theAlternatorsversion's "Type S" rims, right-side steering, a Japanese police cherry blossom emblem instead of an Acura logo, and gray plastic instead of stony-blue. He was also labeled as a "Honda Integra Type-R" on the packaging, the model's make in Japan.
- Multiple reports suggest that at least theBinaltechversion suffers from adesign flaw:The wing mirrors are simplygluedonto the doors for whatever reason, and the glue is not particularly strong. Trying to open a door by pulling on the mirror could likely result in the mirror snapping off.
- AtOTFCC 2004,Hasbro stated that there was no ProwlAlternatorstoy in the works, but some other emergency vehicle (which got a chorus of boos). Considering the development schedule ofTransformerstoys, this was most likely referring to the fact that the Acura RSX sculpt was originally intended to beRed Alert,with a different head sculpt. Eventually, however, it was decided to release the toy as Prowl instead, even though the Subaru Impreza sculpt's robot mode had more resemblance to Generation 1 Prowl and the Acura RSX sculpt's robot mode had more resemblance to Generation 1 Red Alert.Control drawingsof the figure with the originally intended Red Alert head sculpt can be found in the JapaneseTransformers Collection 2007book, among other places.
Alternatorsmold:Prowl | ||
- Prowl Vivid Blue Pearl Edition(Binaltech, 2005)
- ID number:BT-15
- Accessories:Engine/gun, traffic direction baton
- LikeMeister,Prowl got two differentBinaltechdecos released in equal numbers. The second version, known as Vivid Blue Pearl Prowl, is a civilian version with no police lights, a mostly blue interior, a Honda logo (instead of the cherry blossom emblem) on the grill, and a solid blue car shell. His robot mode parts remained mostly the same color, however.
- This mold (the Japanese blue Prowlvariant,combined with parts from American police Prowl) was used to makeAlternatorsAutobot Camshaft.This toy was alsorepurposedasProwl 2.
Alternatorsmold:Prowl | ||
- Prowl Satellite Patrol Edition(Binaltech "USA Edition", 2005?)
- Accessories:Engine/gun, traffic direction baton
- TheHasbroversion of Prowl, using the Hasbro red box packaging, was supposed to have been released in Japan as an exclusive "USA Edition"to a satellite TV provider named Takarand. The only notable difference from the Hasbro version was the" Satellite Patrol "(spelled" satillite "in official preview photos) markings on his doors. It is unknown if this toy was ever actually released, however, as Takara changed owners around the same time. The toy is also notable for containing the only pack-in story neither written byHirofumi Ichikawanor connected to the widerBinaltechstoryline.
Alternatorsmold:Prowl | ||
- Prowl(Autobot Spy Changer, 2005)
- Accessories:Rifle
- A redeco of theRobots in DisguiseSpy ChangerProwl 2mold,UniverseProwl transforms into a modified Chevrolet Caprice police car with through-axle construction for super-speedy rolling on smooth surfaces. His gun hides as his car mode's tailpipe.
- Originally only available as aKB Toysexclusivein packaging with no sub-line markings, his entire assortment was later repackaged under theUniversebanner and sold through "dollar store" chains like Family Dollar.
- This mold was also used to make theUniverseincarnation ofRobots in DisguiseProwl.It was originally intended for anunspecified characterinGeneration 2.
- Prowl(Deluxe Class,2008)
- Series:Classic Series
- Accessories:Gun
- Known designers:Bill Rawley,Hisashi Yuki(TakaraTomy),Marcelo Matere(packaging artist)
- UniverseProwl transforms into a modifiedNissan 350Zsimilarly to Prowl's appearance inIDW Publishing'sGeneration 1 comics.Like previous Generation 1 Prowl toys, his paint job is based upon that of a Japanese police car. Theprototypeand pre-production versions of Prowl featured a traditional American-style rectangular light bar, but the production toy features a swept-back modern light bar.
- Many buyers have reported that after repeated handling of the toy, the paint on the pieces of Prowl molded from translucent plastic (his doors, his roof, the sides of his hood and front bumper) quickly becomes sticky to the touch and begins to smear and rub off. Presumably, this owes something to the plastic and paint failing to bond properly, although what allowed the toy to leave factories with this flaw undetected is unknown. Sticky paint has not been reported oneveryProwl; there is some suggestion that temperature and humidity play a role in whether or not it occurs. It has been suggested that the problem only affects the first run of Prowl figures, but sticky figures have been purchased at retail when the line was launched in Europe just over a month after its American debut. Also, on a lot of the UK release toys, all the pieces that are molded white plastic have a very faint pink tinge.
- This mold was redecoed forTimelinesStreetstarand retooled to makeUniverseSilverstreakandSmokescreenandTimelinesRapido.The lightbar was also used forUniverseRatchetandGenerationsRed Alert.This toy also served as the model for the non-toyShattered Glassincarnation ofProwl.
Universe(2008)mold:Prowl | ||
Henkei! Henkei!
- Prowl(September 19,2008)
- ID number:C-08
- Accessories:Gun
- The JapaneseHenkei! Henkei!Prowl is a retool and redeco ofUniverseDeluxe Class Prowl, changing the swept-back American light bar with a more rounded Japanese lightbar, and having a more consistent coating of white paint. He also featuresvacuum-metallizedsilver parts such as his gun, Acid Blasters and his vehicle mode spoiler. Universe Prowl's orange Autobot symbol was changed to the more standard red for the Henkei release.
- Soon after his release, some customers have reported thatHenkeiProwl suffers from the same sticky paint problem that plagued manyUniverseProwls.
Universe(2008)mold:Prowl | ||
Titanium Series
- War Within Prowl(2008)
- Accessories:Display stand
- This version of Prowl transforms into aCybertronic hovercar,based on his design from theDreamwaveThe War Withincomics. Initially canceled due to the end of the Titanium Series line, Hasbro eventually released this figure as a Toys "R" Usexclusivein the fall of 2008.
- The vehicle mode as pictured on the packaging for this toy contains two transformation errors (compared to the instructions). His toes (sticking up at the rear of the vehicle) should be folded back, revealing small red and blue emergency lights. Also, the left and right sides of the vehicle should be slid outwards, turning them into nacelles rather than integral parts of the main body.
- Prowl(Legends Class,2011)
- Known designers:Joe Kyde(Hasbro)
- Released in the second (and final) wave of the2010Transformerstoyline'sReveal the ShieldLegends Classtoys, Prowl transforms into a police car resembling his2008 Universe toy,transforming into a modifiedNissan 350Z.He has a heat-sensitiverubsignon his hood/chest.
- TheReveal the ShieldLegends figures saw exceedingly limited release at large-scale retail chains in the US. Throughout 2011, they eventually started appearing in discount stores like Ross, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Tuesday Morning, with perhaps the largest and most consistent outlet being Five Below stores.
- This mold was also used to makeSafety Primeand, without the lightbar,ChronicleStreakandGenerationsBluestreak.The instruction line art on the back of Prowl's packaging gave a hint of this by showing a robot mode with no lightbar on the back.
- Prowl(EZ Collection, 2011)
- ChronicleProwl is a slight redeco of theTransformersLegends ClassProwl toy, without a rubsign. Like otherChronicleLegends toys, he is sold in a blindpacked box.
- Prowl(2011)
- Set number:30690
- Pieces:190
- Kreons:Prowl,SWAT Commander
- Accessories:Small pistol
- Kre-OProwl can be rebuilt from a robot to Generation 1 Prowl-inspired highway patrol police car that seats aKreon.He also comes with two Kreons: Prowl and a human SWAT Commander. Kreon Prowl oddly has black door-wings... maybe he'sMexican Prowl?
- This set was also available in aCostco-exclusive two-pack with theStarscreamkit, which was basically just the two packages shrinkwrapped together.
- Kreon Class of 1984(Kreon figure set,2014)
- Set number:B0090
- Voted:Best Logic Processors
- Accessories:Blaster
- This version of Prowl has much more extensively-detailed toy-basedtampographsthan his prior version. Oddly, his door-wings arestillblack.
- He was only available in aSan Diego Comic-Con2014exclusivepack of 30 Kreons dubbed the "Kreon Class of 1984".Remaining stock was to be sold atHasbro Toy Shoponline, only therewasno remaining stock after the show.
- Prowl's title (Best Logic Processors) is most likely swapped with Shockwave's (Best Optics). This is supported by their classic Generation 1 counterparts' bios—it is Prowl who can track and analyze the trajectory of 800 moving objects while Shockwave is the servant of logic.
- The Prowl kit was among many re-released as "dollar store" budget versions in 2015. Though the contents of the box are exactly the same as the original, with the full complement of 190 pieces, the large robot-mode build has beencompletelyexcised from the box-art and instructions, leaving you with 41 extra parts... which "explains" the on-box parts count of 149 pieces. You can still build the robot mode, it just isn't in the directions.
Bot Shots
- Sentinel Prime / Prowl / Bumblebee(2012)
- Series:1
- Number:BP003
- Fist strength:540
- Blaster strength:255
- Sword strength:835
- AredecoofBot ShotsBarricade,Prowl is a teeny little police car with a spring-loaded automatic transformation to robot mode triggered when his front bumper is pressed. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. He was only available in a three-pack withSentinel PrimeandBumblebee.
- This mold was also used to makeBot ShotsProtectobot Streetsmart.Prowl's main car body, arms and legs were also used to makeBumblebee,Lockdown,Mirage,andTopspin.
- Prowl(
2013)- Series:2
- Number:B013
- Fist strength:???
- Blaster strength:557
- Sword strength:???
- Part of the unreleased fourth wave ofBot ShotsSeries 2, Prowl is a Jump Shot that transforms into a heavily modified police car and carries a gun in the right hand.
- Patrol Car (Prowl)(2012)
- ID number:B01
- BeCool"Patrol Car" is a practically identical to theBot ShotsProwl toy, the only difference being that his power level stickers have been replaced with simple drawings of a lightbar, a traffic light and a rope.
EZ Collection Gum
- Prowl(Candy toy, 2012)
- ID number:3
- Release Date:July 302012
- Part of theEZ CollectionGumcandy toyseries made by TakaraTomy A.R.T.S., this Prowl is a redeco of theUniverseLegends Class mold, this time cast in pearlescent white plastics with metallic paint deco. This release also utilizes the retooled arms/side doors used for theGDO release of Bluestreak(though he lacks the accessory those were made to accommodate, and plus the running change omitting the side doors handles.
- As per the toyline's name, he comes with a yellow candy-shelled piece of lemony-flavored gum.
- Prowl(September 28,2013)
- ID number:MP-17
- Accessories:Semi-automatic Rifle, missile launcher ( only)
- Known designers:Shogo Hasui(TakaraTomy)
- MasterpieceProwl transforms into a licensed Nissan Fairlady 280Z-T. As with other figures in theMasterpieceline, he is intended to be an accurate representation of hiscartoon model,and even features an extensive glossy white and blackpaintscheme. Roughly as tall as aVoyager Classfigure, he is also inscalewithMP-10 Optimus Prime,and can fit insidePrime's trailerin vehicle mode. In contrast to previous larger entries in this line, Prowl lacksdie-castparts, and his tires are cast in hard, non-rubberized plastic. There are some issues concerning aligning the car's roof onto the body of the figure. In order to properly attach the back/roof top of the mold, the mid chest panel located in front of the torso must be tilted slightly forward and attached to the small indentation under the figure's "car hood". This will allow the back frame to straighten and get the two pegs on the windshield to lock into the two slots at the back of the car hood.
- For accessories, he comes with his rifle, which can be held with his hands, or can mount onto a peg-hole on the back of his light-bar via the separate peg on its jointed handle. He also comes with a pair of built-in shoulder cannons, based on Bluestreak's cartoon character model's cannons, that can be deployed in robot mode. Prowl'sinstructionseven feature a screencap from thecartoonthat depicts Prowl with the launchers; however, that is actually ananimation errorfromthe very first episodethat has Bluestreak (with his very distinctive head design) colored as Prowl.
- If purchased in Japan throughAmazon,one additionally gets a single non-firing toy-accurate missile launcher accessory, which can cover and replace either of his shoulder cannons, as well as tab onto the rear sides of his vehicle mode. If purchased in other Asian markets outside of Japan, acollector coinis included instead of or in addition to the launcher. The coin itself is star-shaped, and comes in a package shaped like a police badge.
- This mold was redecoed and retooled each time intoMP-18 StreakandMP-19 Smokescreen.Streak and Prowl were to be released simultaneously, but Prowl was pushed back one month and Streak two months to meet demand.
Masterpiecemold:Nissan Fairlady | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
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- Masterpiece Prowl(2014)
- 27 OF 30
- ID number:MP-04
- The Hasbro release of the figure, again available as aToys "R" Usexclusive.
- Prowl(September 29,2018)
- ID number:MP-17+
- Accessories:Semi-automatic Rifle, two missile launchers
- ATakaraTomy Mallexclusive re-release ofMasterpieceProwl in a color scheme much closer to the character’s on screen appearance, including off-white paint replacing the pure white seen on the original release, baby blue windows and headlights, a white rifle, and red lower headlights. His Autobot logo is bigger and uses the cartoon variant. He is missing the "Highway Patrol Police" lettering from the doors.
- He comes with two missile launchers that share a mold with the Amazon exclusive from the original release. If purchased from a seller supplied by Hasbro Asia, he includes a collector coin. Although sharing a similar "sheriff's badge" motif with the original release's coin, MP-17+'s is a new design, and comes mounted on a folding card resembling his hood/chest on the front, and his waist detail on the inside.
EZ Collection(2013)
- Prowl(EZ Collection,April 27,2013)
- ID number:EG03
- ThisEZ CollectionProwl is another slight redeco ofTransformers (2010)Legends Class mold, utilizing the deco from theChroniclerelease, but does not use the retooled arms/side doors from the GDO exclusive Bluestreak toy. Deco-wise, differences include is the blue windows being replaced with gunmetal, and theGeneration 1Autobot insignia is replaced with a movie-style livery.
- Prowl(December 26,2014)
- ID number:QT-06
- Q-TransformersProwl transforms fromsuper deformedNissan Fairlady 280Z-T police car to cute little robot. He comes with a code for unlocking Prowl as a playable character in theQ-Transformers: Mystery of Convoy Returnsgame.
- This mold was retooled intoQ-TransformersSmokescreen.
Combiner Wars
- Prowl(Deluxe Class,2015)
- Accessories:"acid core" blaster, dual "missile launcher" gun/fist/foot
- Part of the fourth wave ofCombiner WarsDeluxe class toys, Prowl is aretoolofProtectobot Streetwisesporting a new head. Being aCombiner Warsfigure, he is able to form either an arm or leg for anyCombiner Wars-style Voyager Class figure or into one ofLegendsGodbomber's legs but is, of course, was intended to combine to formOptimus Maximus.He is also officially associated withBetatronandMagna Boss.A sticker sheet was sold atBotCon 2016to enhance Prowl's resemblance to theoriginalBeast Warsfigure.Unlike Streetwise, the pegs on Prowl's legs seem to have signs of mold degradation, as the legs/vehicle rear had a small gap while they're attached together.
- Prowl comes packaged with the comic book "Onyx Interface Part Three: ONoffON".In Canada, Latin America, and Europe, he was available in different types ofmultilingual packagingincluding a character card featuring his comic book cover/package artinstead. He and the last three waves ofCombiner WarsDeluxe and Voyager figures later showed up at TJ Maxx in the U.S. at reduced prices with the collector card.
- As a part of the third and fourth wave promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for theProtectobotsandOptimus Maximuswas given out when purchasing any four Deluxe Class toys from those waves. As such, Prowl was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.[6]
- This mold was originally heavily retooled fromDead End,wasredecoedasSmokescreen,and was differently retooled asDust Up.
Combiner Warsmold:Dead End | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
Unite Warriors
- Convoy Grand Prime(giftset,February 27,2016)
- ID number:UW-05
- Accessories:Weapons, 4 Gun/Fist/Foots
- Released as part of the TakaraTomy Mall exclusiveConvoy Grand Primeset, Takara's iteration ofCombiner WarsOptimus Maximus is sold in a gift set including all five Autobots (minus theRodimusmold).
- Compared to theCombiner Warsrelease,Prowl has numerous changes in deco to better match his look in the Generation 1 cartoon: his white, grey, and black unpaintable parts are swapped, additional paint applications are featured on the feet, waist & flip-out chest, and his silver headlights are replaced with the same metallic blue from his windows. In addition, the shoulder badge from theGeneration 1 toyis also added on the hood.
- TheGenerations Selectscomiccast this Prowl as the left arm ofWhite Convoy Grand Prime.
Combiner Warsmold:Dead End | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
- Prowl(Alt-Modes, 2016)
- Series:1
- Collection:1
- Alt-ModesProwl is a super deformed toy whose body transforms into a car when the Autobot faction symbol on his head is flipped. He wasblind-boxedand available in the first case of the first series.
- This mold was redecoed intoAlt-ModesSmokescreenandBluestreak.
Cyber Series
- Prowl(Cyber Battalion,2017)
- Released in part of a second wave ofGenerations: Cyber SeriesCyber Battalion figures, Prowl is a roughly voyager-sized mold that changes from police car to robot and back in a few easy steps. He has a chunkier design and is intended for a younger audience, but despite that he has an excellent range of poseability. This figure was sold in the United States at Walgreens stores after being available in Latin American and Asian markets.
- This figure was retooled intoCyber SeriesSideswipe.
War for Cybertron: Siege
- Prowl(Deluxe Class,2019)
- Hasbro ID number:WFC-S23
- TakaraTomy ID number:SG-23
- TakaraTomy release date:May 31,2019
- Hidden message code:PRAXUS
- Accessories:Blaster, light bar (combine to form "W-45 Acid Pellet Strikeblaster" )
- Known designers:Michael DiTullo(vehicle mode concept)[7],AJ Piejko-Brown(packaging)
- Part of the second wave ofSiegeDeluxe Class figures, Prowl transforms from robot that is partially inspired by hisAlternatorstoyinto a Cybertronian police car. He includes a gun compatible with theC.O.M.B.A.T. System,as well as a detachable light bar. They can combine to form the "W-45 Acid Pellet Strikeblaster," as a blaster or an axe that he cannot actually hold like an axe. He also features multiple hardpoints to accommodate "Fire Blasts" from theBattle Mastersassortment, which can be used to simulate blaster fire or explosions. Unlike mostSiegefigures, Prowl is basically spotless, with no battle damage paint applications anywhere on his body. Prowl is also noticeably smaller than most Deluxe scale figures in both modes, only just barely bigger than the original Scout size class.
- His car doors read "Police" inAutobot script.
- This mold was redecoed intoSiegeBluestreak(trading the lightbar for some shoulder cannons), and retooled intoSiegeBarricade,Generations SelectsSmokescreen,andWar for Cybertron TrilogySparkless Bot.According to Smokescreen'sHasbro Pulsepage, Prowl is aPraxiencharacter to add to the "Praxus-native collection," along with the aforementioned Smokescreen and Barricade.[8]
War for Cybertron: Earthrise
- Autobot Alliance 2-Pack(Multi-pack,2020)
- Hasbro ID number:WFC-E31
- TakaraTomy ID number:ER EX-18
- TakaraTomy release date:February 20,2021
- Accessories:Blaster, lightbar
- Known designers:John Warden(Hasbro)
- Released in the Autobot Alliance two-pack withIronhidein theEarthrisetoyline, Prowl is a redeco ofBluestreak,which is itself a retool ofSmokescreenwith a new head and front grill. Exchanging Bluestreak's shoulder cannon accessories for a new lightbar, Prowl transforms into an Earth police car none too dissimilar from his original Datsun mode. His transformation scheme shares many similarities to hisSiegecounterpart but uses completely new parts. Prowl comes with a single blaster, and though he does not include this mold's shoulder cannon accessories, he can use the ones included with his moldmates.
- As a straight redeco of Bluestreak, Prowl's head lacks the characteristics of his divergentcharacter model.Enterprisingcustomizersshould be warned that the head of Prowl'sSiegetoy makes use of a differently-sized ball joint, resulting in a tight fit onEarthriseProwl's body. While swapping is feasible without modification depending on tolerances,EarthriseProwl's ball joint can be sanded down to provide an easier (and safer) fit; though, note that this process is irreversible. Two different variants of Prowl exist with slightly different knee joints, one of which adds a tiny tab of plastic to the inside of the kneecap and includes additional tabs behind the car hood to secure the car mode better. It was unknown if the TakaraTomy release would use one of the two variants.
- His shared map piece is the previously unknown Nebulon Station, next to a Dead Universe portal…
- This pack was exclusive toAmazonin the U.S. and Canada. Unfortunately, the demand for the characters, combined with low stock and the COVID-19 pandemic complicating shipping issues, caused the 2-pack to command high prices online.
Earthrisemold:Smokescreen | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Buzzworthy Bumblebee
- Ironhide / Prowl(Multi-pack,2023)
- Series:Studio Series
- Movie:The Transformers: The Movie
- ID number:86-20BB
- Accessories:Blaster rifle, 2 large 3-part Fire Blast effects, "Decepticon Shuttle Ambush" backdrop
- Known designers:Evan Brooks(Hasbro),Yūya Ōnishi(TakaraTomy)[9],Mario Carreiro,Christina MurphyandAmy Bence(packaging),[10]Marcelo Matere(backdrop artist)
- A redeco and retool of the aboveEarthriseProwl figure,Buzzworthy BumblebeeProwl is a morbid, albeit hilarious version of the character during his death inThe Transformers: The Movie(orange mouth smoke not included). In addition to a new, distressed headsculpt (one that correctly uses Prowl's head design unlike the original figure) and movie-accurate deco, his chest has been retooled to feature blown-off armor and a 3 mm peg to accommodate aFire Blast effect,to further emphasize that he's in the process of being shot. The windows and headlights on this figure are also opaque as opposed to the translucent ones on theEarthrisefigure.
- According toHasbrodesignerEvan Brooks,he initially pitched this set as a joke that essentially got way out of hand. He also notes they originally intended Prowl in particular to exhibit theaggressive depigmentationsymptoms he displayed in the film before theTakarateam talked them down from making a full-on corpse toy.Again.[9]
- He was available in a 2-pack with a similarly morbidIronhideretool, along with two purple recolors ofSiegeJetfire's Fire Blast effects.. Like the rest of theBuzzworthy Bumblebeeline, this figure was exclusive toTargetin the United States, withHasbro Pulsereceiving small quantities of the pack.
Siegeaccessory mold:Jetfire'sFire Blast effects | ||
Transformers Milk Caramel
- Prowl(1985)
- A soft rubber figurine—known in Japan as akeshigomu— of Prowl was released as part of the second wave ofKabaya'sTransformers Milk Caramelcandy toyrange. He came packaged with chocolate-covered caramel candies, and was available in red, blue, and yellow.
Transformers Choco
- Prowl(1985)
- A solid-color, snap-together model kit of Prowl was released by Kabaya as part of theirTransformers Chocoline of candy toys. It was available in various colors, and came with candy-coated chocolates.
Transformers Gum
- Prowl(2009)
- Released in the second wave of the revivedTransformers Gumseries in 2009, this transforming model kit of Prowl is made from black and white plastic, with a lot of stickers for detail. It's based on theHenkeiProwl toy.
- Cybertron Hero Collection 22(multi-pack, 1986)
- Prowl was among the many characters rendered byTakaraas part of their series of 1.5 "keshigomufigurines. Like all the Autobots in the series, Prowl was molded in soft red rubber, and featured a number sculpted into his back that was the sum total of hisTech Specs,for use in the various games that could be played with the figurines. Prowl was available as part of a 22-piece box set of Autobot figures, and later, in a peach coloration randomly packed as part of various other box sets.
- Prowl(1987)
- Decoy number:19
- The figurine was later brought over toHasbromarkets as part of theDecoypromotion, largely identical to the Japanese release except for the fact that the number on his back was replaced with a simple "checklist" number. Like all Autobot Decoys, Prowl was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the cardedThrottlebots,Aerialbots,Protectobots,andTechnobots.
Hard Hero
- Prowl(2002)
- A cold-cast porcelain bust labeled as number 3 inHard Hero's series ofTransformersbusts, Prowl is sculpted to be six inches tall, having a seven-inch wide "wingspan", and wielding his acid pellet gun in his left hand. 100 copies of this product were signed by sculptorJason Ray.
- Prowl(Booster,
2007)- Accessories:Missile
- Planned to be in part of the Series 2 wave ofAttacktix,Prowl is a Captain class unit with the special ability to stun an opposing player unit. His sculpt is based upon his Generation 1 cartoon model with some additional details. His weapon is ahugelyoversized version of his rifle, capable of firing a large silver projectile.
3D Battle-Card Game
- Prowl(2007)
- A 25-point "uncommon" character in the3D Battle-Card Game's "Energon Wars" expansion, Prowl "transforms" into a black and white police car that vaguely resembles a Nissan Z. He uses the same parts layout asMovieBarricade,Bumblebee,Swerve,andMirage.
Transformers - Mini Bust
- Prowl(Diamond Select, 2009)
- Released by Diamond Select Toys in 2009, Prowl was sculpted byMark WongofArt Asylumand was limited to 500 pieces. Prowl, along with his "brothers"BluestreakandSmokescreen,is exclusive to online retailerToyrocket.The bust features Prowl's acid pellet gun and twin missile launchers, and the missile launchers and car doors can be attached via magnets on either side of his head.
Robot Heroes
- Prowl & Laserbeak(Two-pack,
- Known designers:Bill Rawley(Hasbro),Alex Androski(deco artist),Marcelo Matere(concept artist)
- UniverseRobot HeroesProwl would have been a happy little non-transforming figure. The figure has the standard swiveling head and arms, and in a bizarre sculpting oddity, has a wheel well on one foot but not the other. He would have come in a two-pack withLaserbeak,but theUniverseportion of theRobot Heroesline was canceled before they saw retail release. Several unpackaged samples have made it into the hands of collectors, however.
Mighty Muggs
- Prowl(2010)
- Accessories:Gun
- Thissuper-deformed,non-transformable Prowl figure mostly uses the standardMighty Muggsbody template, and features same door-wings molds asJazz.He has swivel joints in his neck and arms, and comes with his trademark acid pellet gun. Prowl was originally meant to be released in the fourth wave of Mighty Muggs Transformers, but the Transformers section of the toyline was canceled before the wave was released. The toy was eventually made available as an exclusive atSan Diego Comic-Con 2010.
Tiny Titans
- Prowl(Tiny Titans, 2015)
- Series:1
- Number:9/12
- Part of the initial assortment ofTiny Titansblindpacks,this version of Prowl is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode, cast in dark grey plastic.
- He includes a collectible card that, interestingly, renders him in the2015Robots in Disguisestyling. The card includes a scan-badge for theRobots in Disguisemobile game,which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
The Loyal Subjects
The Loyal SubjectsProwl is a Wave 2 figure with standard articulation. He is mostly based on his animation model. For every 16 figures, there are 2 Prowls. This toy was also recolored intoBluestreakandSmokescreen.
- Prowl(Gamestop exclusive, 2014)
Transformers Trading Card Game
- Prowl, Military Strategist(2018)
- Wave 1
- Rarity:UT
- Card Number:T31/T40
- Stars:6
- Prowl, Military Strategist is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of theTransformers Trading Card Game.
- The artwork on the card is reused from theTransformers Legendsmobile card game, and is based on theTransformers: UniverseProwl toy.
- Prowl, Strategic Mastermind(2019)
- Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
- Rarity:UT
- Card Number:T35/T46
- Stars:7
- Prowl, Strategic Mastermind was released as part of theTransformers Trading Card GameWave 2: Rise of the Combiners. Like all other members ofcombinerteams released in the set, Prowl, Strategic Mastermind is a folding card, with the Bot and Alt modes being depicted when the card is folded in half, and a holofoil portion of the the combined mode depicted when unfolded. The reverse of Prowl, Strategic Mastermind depicts the lower right portion ofOptimus Maximus',of whom Prowl forms the right leg.
- The artwork for Alt Mode is reused from theTransformers Legendsmobile game, while the Bot Mode artwork uses theCombiner WarsProwl figure's packaging art.
- Prowl, Strategic Mastermind can be used to form Optimus Maximus, Ultimate Defender with the use of the Action cardSentinel Enigmawhile he and the other Wave 2 Sentinels are in Bot mode on the battlefield and/or KO area.
- Major Prowl, Infantry-Strategist(2019)
- Wave 3: War for Cybertron: Siege I
- Rarity:UT
- Card Number:T08/T48
- Stars:10
- Major Prowl, Infantry-Strategist is one of forty-eight double-sided character cards available in Wave 3 of theTransformers Trading Card Game,War for Cybertron: Siege I.
- The card's artwork is based on theSiegeProwl toy, with the Bot Mode artwork being reused from the toy's packaging art, and original artwork for Alt Mode, with line-art byDan Khannaand colors byKyxarie Peralta.
- Prowl(2022)
- Accessories:Acid pellet rifle
- Released in the fifth wave ofSuper7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch "retro" action figures,ReActionProwl is a non-converting 3 3/4-inch action figure based on his appearance in the original cartoon, with 5 points of articulation (swivel neck, shoulders, hips) and holes in his feet for use with some variety of stand.
- As with all releases in theReActiontoyline, Prowl comes packaged on a small cardback that emulates the nostalgic packaging style ofKenner'sStar Warsaction figures from the late 1970s to early '80s.
- Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set(
- In the plannedTransformers Chess SetbyEaglemoss,a relatively large and very well detailed statue of Prowl was slated to be one of the Pawn pieces on the Autobot side.
- A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched, but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021 and the whole thing was canceled.
Jada Toys
- Transformers Series 1 18-pack(4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
- Released byJada Toys,Nano MetalfigsProwl is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded holding his blaster. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
- He comes in an impressive multipack withseventeen other figurines.
- Transformers Series 3 18-pack(4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2023)
- Nano MetalfigsProwl was re-released with no noticeable changes inanotherimpressive multipack withseventeen other figurines.
Magic: The Gathering
- Prowl, Stoic Strategist / Prowl, Pursuit Vehicle(2022)
- ID number:001/015
- Set code:BOT
- Color identity:White
- Casting cost:{3}{W}(front),{2}{W}(back)
- Artist:Ken Christiansen
- "Prowl, Stoic Strategist" is part of the 2022Magic: The GatheringUniverses BeyondTransformerscard set, found in Set Booster and Collector Booster packs ofMagic'sThe Brothers' Warset. It can be reversed to become "Prowl, Pursuit Vehicle", representing Prowl in vehicle mode.
- A variant of this card was available solely in Collector Booster packs, depictingShattered GlassProwl.
Transformers Character Card
- Released as part of the seventh wave of thee-HOBBYexclusiveTransformers Character Cardseries, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Prowl and "Laserwave"in their respectiveAction Masterbodies along withcharacter profilesandtech specs.
- Prowl(Galaxy Version, 2023)
- Series:Galaxy Version 01 - Roll Out
- Exclusive Yearly Version(2024)
- This special edition box set included gold redecoes ofGalaxy VersionProwl as well asOptimus Prime,Ironhide,Long Haul,andStarscream.
- Prowl'sDiaclonepredecessor also came with additional, optional stickers that would identify him as being part of the police forces from existing Japanese cities, namely Tokyo, Sapporo, Sendai, Osaka, and Fukuoka. The originalTransformersinstruction booklet shows a visibleDiaclonelabel sheet, complete with these optional stickers, which did not make it to the final product.
- Before creatingCheetor,Hasbro initially conceived theBeast Warspanther character as Prowl, with a potential head retool asOptimus Prime.Elements of this plan ultimately manifested as the McDonald's toy characterPanther.[11][12]
- Also in earlyBeast Warsplanning, Hasbro conceptualizedMcDonald'stoys of vehicularAuto Rollers,including one of Prowl as a moon buggy[13]perhaps paralleling the unreleasedGeneration 2APC Auto Rollerultimately used in Japan forBeast Wars IIAutolauncher.
- Machine WarsProwl's card-art is actually an altered version of the art for theGeneration 2Laser RodJolt.
- TheBotCon 2013redeco ofClassicsMiragealmost becameMachine WarsProwl,but it ended up being replaced byMachine WarsMirage.[14]
- ↑"Joustra Diaclone Fairlady Police"at TF-1.
- ↑Milton BradleyTransformersProwlat the 20th Century Toy Collector blog.
- ↑3.03.1"Mexican Black Prowl"at TF-1.
- ↑"Oldies but Goldies"at the TFSource blog.
- ↑"@rds9674 @MSipher @tfwiki Probably short and/or corrupted from John Boyce, another Hasbro designer with Brian Wilk, who is noted on Hoist. At that time they would've been working on a lot of the store exclusive product." —Andrew Franks, Twitter, 2021/05/15
- ↑Protectobot and Optimus Maximus sticker promotion on TFW2005
- ↑"Squad goals. Some of my latest work for the Transformers War For Cybertron line. I'm so excited this will be an animated series on Netflix! Can't wait to see these guys in action. #cardesign #toydesign #conceptart #conceptdesign" —Michael DiTullo, Twitter, 2020/03/31(archive link)
- ↑"Smokescreen joins Barricade and Prowl (each sold separately, subject to availability) as the third Praxian character designed in his native Cybertronian form."
- ↑9.09.1June 20,2023'sHasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstreamon YouTube, withBen MacCrae,Mark Maher,Evan Brooks,andRich Pellegrino
- ↑Transformers PanelatHasbro Pulse Con 2024withBen MacCrae,Evan Brooks,Mark Maher,Marcelo Matere,andNate Purswell.
- ↑"Lastly the generically named" Panther' toy at one time had a familiar Transformers name: Prowl. "—@roboticplanettoys, Instagram, 2020/12/21
- ↑"The Beast Wars Creature Auto Rollers was an entire concept line that never made it off paper. Check out these cool illustrations of potential toys that would have completely changed the McDonald's Beast Wars Happy Meal promotion." —@roboticplanettoys, Instagram, 2020/12/21
- ↑"The last proposed Happy Meal Transformers were not the familiar Beast Wars animals, and would have included Prowl, Starscream, Hound and Rumble as Vehicle Auto Rollers, functionally similar to the Creature Auto Rollers." —@roboticplanettoys, Instagram, 2020/12/23
- ↑BotCon 2014 attendee report
- Unreleased toys
- Unreleased Attacktix
- Character stubs missing toys
- Toy stub
- 3D Battle-Cards
- Action Masters
- Alternators Autobots
- Amazon exclusives
- Attacktix
- Beast Wars Maximals
- Bot Shots Autobots
- Classics Autobots
- Combiner Wars Autobots
- Combiner Wars Maximals
- Combiners
- Decoys
- Generation 1 toy Autobots
- Henkei! Henkei! Autobots
- KB Toys exclusives
- Kre-O Autobots
- Kreons
- Machine Wars Autobots
- Masterpiece
- Q-Transformers characters
- Robot Heroes
- Spychangers
- Studio Series Autobots
- TakaraTomy Mall exclusives
- Target exclusives
- Transformers (2010) Autobots
- Transformers Character Card
- Unite Warriors Autobots
- Universe (2008)
- War for Cybertron: Earthrise Autobots
- War for Cybertron: Siege Autobots