Quintesson Cruiser
From Transformers Wiki
TheQuintesson Cruiseris thequintessentialQuintessonspacecraft, and it is often simply referred to as "the"Quintesson Ship.
The Quintesson Cruiser spins on its axis as it moves through space. Though its unique design means it's best served by a planetary starbase with a cradle capable of receiving it, the Quintesson Cruiser is capable of burrowing tail first into the ground and balancing with the aid of a landing stabilizers.
The most physically massive of theQuintesson spacecraft,the Quintesson Cruiser dwarfs the AutobotSky Lynx,and has a docking bay large enough to accommodate aQuintesson Warship.
The Quintesson Cruiser is equipped with energy cannon, a sophisticated broadcasting array and a camouflage unit that can engulf the ship in an innocent-looking cosmic dust cloud.
Careful though, or you'llput someone's eye out.
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The Transformerscartoon
Some 5000 years ago, a Quintesson Cruiser sealedZamojinbehind aquadrant lock.The Face of the Nijika
A Quintesson Cruiser was docked outside theSharkticonpool whenHot RodandKupwere tried. After theDinobotshad rescued them,Wheeliedirected them to the ship asking for a ride off the planet. The Autobots flew toJunkionsaving their fellows from death byJunkionbefore Hot Rod won the aliens over and they departed froCybertronto confrontUnicron.Upon arriving, Hot Rod rammed the cruiser through one of Unicron's optics, totaling the ship.The Transformers: The Movie
A year later, the Quintessons trackeda missing journalto Junkion. Given the Junkions' violent defense of the refuse that made up their world, the Quintessons opted for a more subtle means of retrieving their property. Using the ship's lights to brightly illuminate the ground and deploy a group of Sharkticons. Predictably they were found and the journal was buried again. The Quintessons then used the ship to reinforce Earth broadcasts with subliminal messages to make the Junkions xenophobic before disguising the ship as a cosmic dust cloud. When theAerialbotsarrived however,Superiondamaged the ship's weapons forcing a retreat thought not beforeCyclonusglimpsed the craft. Upon being towed back to Cybertron, Superion reported the ship to Rodimus Prime. The damage the combiner inflicted upon the ship had damaged the subliminal message transducer causing it to spread the xenophobic message across the galaxy. The Quintessons eventually returned to Junkion when all the warring races were fighting and sent a shuttle to retrieve the journal. A stray shot fromGalvatronhowever sent the journal hurtling through space, sending the ship chasing after it.The Big Broadcast of 2006
When the Autobots and Decepticons rediscovered the journal on a jungle world, the Quintessons travelled there viawarp gateabducting the Autobots. The Autobots escaped custody only for the Decepticons to steal the journal and escape the craft. The Quintessons stole the journal back and returned it to their ship where the Autobots stole it back. Once the people ofXetaxxisandLanarqbecame aware of the Quintesson manipulations they had endured, the ship attempted to destroy both planets viaOmega bombs.In an extremely impressive display of firepower however,Ultra Magnusand Rodimus Prime managed to destroy the ship in two shots.The Quintesson Journal
When Autobots and Decepticons threatened the safety of the quadrant lock over Zamojin, a Quintesson cruiser was sent to defend it. The crew opted to drag the Cybertronians within the lock but the transit damaged the ship's isolater key, leaving them trapped. The ship assumed orbit while the Sharkticons went to retrievePerceptorfor hisuniversal emulator.Cyclonus breached the ship and offered a temporary alliance which was agreed to. Cyclonus brought Perceptor to the ship where the isolater key was replaced and the cruiser leftQuadrant X.The Face of the Nijika
2005 IDW continuity
Under unknown circumstances,Pentius's ship crash-landed onJunkion.The landing left him trapped under debris, unable to escape until the exiledMegatronstumbled into the wreckage for shelter. After a brief conversation, Megatron freed Pentius from the craft to act as his guide and slave.Faces of Darkness
When rallying the scattered Decepticons, Megatron returned to Junkion and cowed the natives into submission, taking Pentius's ship so that the independentTrypticoncould act as a decoy.Primacy #2AfterMetroplexhad defeated Trypticon, Megatron rammed the ship through theTitan's torso, taking him out of the fight.Primacy #3
A familiar corkscrew-shaped starship was used byWheelieto escapeLV-117's destruction.Syndromica (2)After crashing the vessel onLV-118,he made it his home and had some of its parts stolen by the "Admiral".When asked how he ended up on the planet, Wheelie claimed to have stolen the ship.Out of the Silent Planet
A ship of this class was detected approachingEarthbyMetrotitan.Optimus Prime'sforces went to its protected landing site at the peak of theMatterhornwhere the ship landed by burrowing into the Earth, tearing the land asunder.To Walk Among the ChosenThis ship, however, was piloted by the nomadicJunkions,who were searching for materials to repair their destroyed home planet.A Lonely Pillar on the PlainWhenCosmos,Rumble,andFrenzycovertly investigated the gigantic craft, they found it inhabited bySharkticons.Behind My Bleeding Back
In the ensuing battle between the Transformers and Junkions, the Junkions used their massive ship to drill into Metrotitan's flight deck. The Titan retaliated by paritally transforming and tearing into the vessel.Future Glories LostThe craft's ruined hull was subsequently loaded onto a barge and towed toBikini Atollto be used as raw materials in the building ofLittle Cybertron.The Next Day, and the Next
War for Cybertron Trilogycartoon
The JudgeDeseeusowned a Quintesson Cruiser, docking it onChaarso thatDoubledealer'sMercenariescould bring theArkcrew to him. After a meeting in its halls, Doubledealer allowed the Autobots to escape after learning that the Deseeus would not be paying him andMegatronoffered him money to tail theArkto theAllSpark.Earthrise episode 2
Generations Selects
- Behold, Galvatron! Unicron Companion Pack(2022)
- In honor of the 35th anniversary ofThe Transformers: The Movie,a Quintesson Cruiser was included as part of the "Unicron Companion Pack" meant to serve as an extra accessory for the giganticHasLab Unicronfigure. The ship is made of painted rubbery plastic and could peg onto the small clear display stand that came with Unicron.
- The Unicron Companion Pack was included with asimilarly TFTM-centric versionofGalvatron.This set wasexclusivelyavailable throughHasbro Pulse.
- The Quintesson Cruiser is named inTransformers: The Arkin 2007. It is not clear if the term dates from 1986, but circumstances suggest not.
- The Quintesson Cruiser was used as the design for theAutobotship used byWheelie's family (which crashed onQuintessa) in "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson".
Foreign names
- Japanese:Quintessa ship(クインテッサ・シップKuintessa shippu)