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The Racer-Roni is a race car from theBotBotscontinuity.
Guaranteed to burn up the racetrack and the roof of your mouth

Go greased lightning! TheRacer-Roniwedges its way into pole position for theHunger Hubs!Get in its way and its crust-cannon will slap you silly with salty sardines.




At some point before his exile from the Hunger Hubs, Burgertron built the Racer-Roni and hid it in a restroom. When he saw that theRuckus Rallywas being held, he brought it out to theLost Bots,intending to enter and win the other squads' respect by winning the race, and held auditions to see who among the Lost Bots would make the best "launcher" to man the crust-cannon.Bonz-Eyeproved to be a flawless launcher, and much to Burgertron's chagrin,Kikmeeproved to be anamazingdriver... but Burgertron still insistedhedrive, after all it washiscar. During the race, they traded positions and insults with theSugar ShocksandGamer Geeks,but Burgertron skidded out on the fountain and dropped into last place... then had Kikmee "tag in" to take his place as driver. She quickly managed to catch up to theOutta ControllerandSugar Sonic Speedster,and took first place by a split second. Unfortunately, the trophy went to the Hunger Hubs, since Burgertron had forgotten to change its official squad registration. WhileSpud Muffinhappily took the trophy, he left the racer, and the Lost Bots decided to go on a joyride for pure fun.The Ruckus Rally

The Lost Bots then used the Racer-Roni to transport them around the mall during their short-lived and ill-fated stint as the "Crime Solvers".Crime and Bun-ishment

WhenDavethe security guard lost control of his rocket skates (he was pretending to be a robot to lure the BotBots out, just go with it), the Lost Bots used the Racer-Roni to catch up with him, forming a Bot pyramid that gotDimlithigh enough to cut the wires on Dave's suit, stopping his unintended rampage.Agent Smartlit



BotBots-toy RacerRoni.jpg
  • Racer-Roni(Vehicle pack, 2023)
  • Series:6
Part of the sixth Series ofBotBots,the Racer-Roni transforms from a slice of pepperoni pizza into a race car. Moving the larger pepperoni into rear-wheel-mode leaves two "drivers" spaces to place BotBots figures, with (nonfunctional) steering wheels and french-fry seat backs; the seatbacks fold forward for pizza mode, but do notneedto be, and in fact the wheel-pegs fit in a little better if you don't. The spaces left by the front pepperoni-wheels can also "seat" BotBots, but they're even less secure placements. The left side of the crust pops off to become a (non-firing) sardine cannon that can be mounted on a moving socket to alter its positioning. You could probably wedge a BotBot into that ditch next to the cannon if you wanna.
Though it is not shown in the instructions, the wheels can be pulled out a bit more to make them free-spinning in racecar mode.
This vehicle also comes with four BotBots figures:Dud Spud,and the set-exclusive figuresUlf the Orange,Veggietron,andGrease Drip.


  • The Racer-Roni's instruction sheet has a couple ofinterestingquirks: it calls the vehicle the "Race-A-Roni" (presumably an early name and reference to the "Rice-A-Roni"food product), plus it's marked as a" Series7"product.
  • The Racer-Roni, and its wave-mate theOutta Controller,are two of only threeBotBotstoy sets without anyblind-packedfigures in it.
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