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The name or term "Renegade" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeRenegade (disambiguation).
"...And so, we have our human ally namedrop over a hundred GoBots characters,ruining the wiki forever!"

A terrorist organization on the then-organic world ofGobotron,theRenegadesthwarted the peacekeeping efforts of theGuardians,the primary law enforcement on the planet. Under the machinations of theMaster Renegade,these insurgent cells eventually committed the act of sabotage that resulted in a meteor rendering Gobotron uninhabitable to organic life.

Long after the population had been converted into cyborg chassis calledGoBotsto protect their organic brains, and after the original conflict and organic origins of Gobotron had passed into myth, the GuardianCy-Killwould seek to rule Gobotron. Defecting from the Guardians to lead a reconstituted force of Renegades, war swept over the world once again.



Renegade Rhetoric

Cy-Kill claims in propaganda that the Master Renegade wanted to overthrow the nasty Guardians and it wasthemthat made the planet uninhabitable. This is a fib. What is the case is that the Master Renegade fled into hiding and the remaining, mechanical Renegades were constantly pushed back (and some like Gunnyr went literally underground, to the sub-levels of the planet!) However, after almost being killed mopping up Renegade strays, the Guardian Cy-Kill decidedhewanted to run the planet and formed a whole new Renegade army to ensure it would happen!

Though hearhimtell it and, while he uses violence, he's trying to overthrow a cloyingly moralistic oppressive regime.C.S. Lewiswould agree with him!Renegade Rhetoric (1)

Zerotried to create his own Renegade faction, recruiting from people dissenting with Cy-Kill, but his schemes were thwarted.Renegade Rhetoric, 2015/10/15

After multiple clashes, Cy-Kill was lost inAxiom Nexusand the Guardians pressed the advantage. As the Renegades fell on all fronts,Renegade Rhetoric (2)Cy-Kill began to form a whole new Renegade squad out of disgruntled Cybertronians and spread propaganda to the masses whenAxiom Nexus Newsfailed to do background checks. He finally escaped back to his universeRenegade Rhetoric (1)and the Renegades fought back once more, until theCombiner Warson Quartex shattered them.Renegade Rhetoric (2)

Cy-Kill claims he'll rename the Renegades "GoBot Liberation Army" once they've won and says that Renegades is a fine rebel name, not like Decepticons, what the hell's up with that?Renegade Rhetoric (1)


Years later ina divergent timeline,much to Cy-Kill's ire, the Renegades had to team up with the Guardians and humans to stop a greatCataclysmfrom the universe.A cross-factional teamwas sent into dimensional space to investigateWithered Hopeand later a second, even as Cy-Kill championed interdimensional evacuation or even outright invasion.Sunrise

Unknown to anyone else, Zero andBuggyManhad their own plan in mindHigh Noonand unknown to most, many the Monster Renegades had already evacuated toanother reality.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/14

Ask Vector Prime

Gong andSidewaysonce mucked around witha Gargent realityand aPrimaxreality, tuning the latter into a reality where the Renegades were first existing inplaceof the Decepticons in 2005, and then had always been alliedtothe Decepticons. It got weird.Echoes and Fragments


  • The Axiom Nexus crew are allGoBotstoys that never made it to the show. The "Mini-Cons" (who Cy-Kill says come from "Aurex something somethingI think ") are small Wendy'sexclusives,the "Decepticons" are large Super GoBots toys, and the Predacons who form Monsterous are a combiner pack.
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