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Ricochet (Headmasters)

From Transformers Wiki

This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. SeeRicochet (disambiguation),Stepper (disambiguation).
Ricochet is anAutobotfrom theHeadmastersportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
Jazzgets pimped.

The job ofRicochet,akaStepper(ステッパーSuteppā), is Rapid-Fire Attack, and he's well suited to it. He is the most accurate marksman the Autobots have and aTargetmasteras well, further augmenting his incredible skill. Unfortunately he's also quick-tempered and very easily provoked. This leads to him having a hard time maintaining friendly relations or even conversations with his teammates. In his favor, Ricochet has an uncommonly strong sense of justice (exactly twice as strong as the ordinary Autobot).

His Targetmaster partner isNebulon.



The Headmasterscomic

Here comes the hot Stepper(murderer)
I'm the lyrical gangster(murderer)

Ricochet accompaniedArtfire,Chromedome,andDaniel Witwickyin responding to a building fire. While the Autobots attempted to rescue people and put out the flames, theDecepticonTargetmasters attacked. However, the arrival ofFortress Maximus,who droppedfire-retardant foamon the buildings in starship mode, gave the two Autobot Targetmasters the chance they needed to combine with their gun-partners and send the Decepticons flying away uncontrollably.The Headmasters #7

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Transformers Collectionbio

OnCybertron,Ricochet often had marksmanship contests with his friendsFusionandBluestreak.

At some point after2011,Ricochet's metabolic functions were damaged in an incident. Nebulon, an engineer on the planetMaster,volunteered to help him by undergoing a unique form ofbinary bonding.While ostensibly becoming a Targetmaster, Nightstick's gun mode wasn't merely hand-held. He instead plugged into Ricochet'srobot modeback, serving as a life-support system.


In the late 1980s, Ricochet was among the Autobots who fought to protect theTransform Super Cogfrom being stolen by theDecepticons,but theBattlechargerswere able get past their defenses.Slugslinger's Ambition

Generations Selects Special Comic

During theSelectorrebellion of2050,Ricochet was present whenAngolmois Energyon the planet Earth went wild, erupting out of the ground.Abominus comic 1

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Apparently, this is how post-1985redecoesare made.

Ricochet was one of several clones created byShockwavein the same program that producedSunstorm.While in a tube, he was discovered by theBattlechargers,who released Sunstorm. The laboratory the clones were stored in was soon destroyed by Sunstorm.Night of the Combaticons

2005 IDW continuity

WhenNemesis Primebroke into theGarrus-9penitentiary, Ricochet was among theAutobotguards who tried to hold him back in vain.Spotlight: Doubledealer


"Ricochet, you're in charge, because the colorblind Decepticons might think you're Jazz, who's much cooler."

A devastatingnano-virusplagued the Earthbound Autobots, a plague that Headmasters or Targetmasters like Ricochet were mysteriously immune from.Perceptorcharged Ricochet with leading a team of unafflicted Autobots toNebulos,where the supreme scientistZellahad crafted an antidote. Ricochet worried aloud that their departure would leave Autobot City vulnerable, but Perceptor assured him that it would beproperly guarded.

As Ricochet's team arrived on Nebulos,Kupwarned him he was having a bad feeling about all this. And sure enough, Kup's intuitions were correct, as an army of Decepticons led byStraxusappeared via an inter-dimensional portal. The nano-virus was part of a larger plot to draw out the Headmasters and Targetmasters so that their Nebulan partners could be collected. As the Autobots concentrated their attacks on Straxus, Ricochet slipped through the battle to pick up Zella's antidote, blasting his way throughRumbleandFrenzyin the process. By the time he returned with a cart full of the stuff, his Autobots had defeated the Decepticons.

The antidote was successful, andOptimus Primepersonally thanked Ricochet for his brave efforts.The Fierce Fighting on Planet Nebulos

Beast Wars: Uprising

Stepper was one of the Autobots present on the disastrous campaign onNebulos.He was partners with the Targetmaster Nightstick, until Nightstick, along withFracas,defected to the Decepticons.A Brush With Infamy–Prologue

2019 IDW continuity

Tread&Circuits1 RicochetHotShotStunt.jpg

Ricochet was a member of theWreckers,a covert operations team disguised as a traveling stunt show. They were active among and between the Cybertronian colonies after theWar of the Threefold Spark.Ricochet and his partnerHot Shotwere the main talent in the act and they shared a competitive dynamic over which one was faster and better (both on and off camera). One of the Wreckers' broadcasts was interrupted by dissidents onVelocitroncalledMayhem,who objected to the position of First Senator being picked by the outcome of theSpeedia 500race, and promised to disrupt it. Wreckers leaderThunderclashbrought the stunt show to Velocitron after that and entered the team in the race as a show of support for Velocitron (and to get close to the action to stop Mayhem).Tread & Circuits Part 1

Before the race, the Wreckers did recon of the other competitors, suspicious that Mayhem may have an inside 'bot at the Speedia. Ricochet observed the reclusive bikerSideways,but was unable to get a read on him. Their recon was interrupted when the Wreckers' chroniclerCircuitspotted Mayhem in the city, but was sniped and critically injured.Minervatook to watching over Circuit as the other Wreckers gathered at the starting line and the Speedia 500 began.Tread & Circuits Part 2

Tread&Circuits3 HotShotDragStripRicochet.jpg

Thunderclash gave Ricochet and Hot Shot permission to go all out in the race. They found themselves neck-and-neck with the dirty trickster calledDrag Strip.Mayhem attacked the race course, causing an avalanche which Drag Strip negotiated around. Hot Shot gave Ricochet a boost over the rubble, but they were targeted by Mayhem'sThunderblastandSlugslingerfrom the air. Hot Shot took a hit, but the rest of the racers caught up, leading to an all-out melee. The remaining racers dragged themselves across the finish line, but even the arrival ofSecurity Operationsdidn't stop Mayhem from escaping.Tread & Circuits Part 3

Days later, the racers gathered at the Velocitronian Senate as the winner Knock Out was sworn in as the new First Senator. Mayhem made another strike at the ceremony, and Ricochet and Hot Shot got a rematch with Thunderblast and Slugslinger. They tag-teamed the terrorists and knocked them out, but Minerva ended up being arrested under suspicion of attacking the First Senator. With Minerva incarcerated and Circuit passing away from his injuries, the Wreckers questioned whether they should go on. Although their stunt show went on hiatus, Thunderclash tried to boost his troops' spirits by suggesting a recruitment drive for the future.Tread & Circuits Part 4


Angry Birds Transformers

Main article:Bubbles#As Ricochet

Ricochet appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by Bubbles.Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics

He shoots without Nightstick in vehicle mode!

Ricochet (G1) participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character available to 100 leagues in the "Disaster: Code Blue" event.Transformers: Battle Tactics


Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

Former holy grail.
  • Stepper(Targetmaster,1987)
  • ID number:C-109
  • Accessories:"Nebulon" Targetmaster partner, gun mount backpack
Aretoolandredecoof theoriginal Jazz toy,TargetmasterStepper transforms into a 1976 Porsche 935 race car. As aTargetmaster,he came with a smaller partner robot namedNebulon.In gun mode, Nebulon could peg into Stepper's retooled car mode spoiler, or could attach to a separate bracket that mounted over his robot mode shoulder. Stepper did not come with any of Jazz's accessories.
As a late addition to the JapaneseHeadmastersseries (he was a tail-ender release and was unlikely to have been on shelves for very long as stores would reset for the newSuper-God Masterforcetoyline) and one of the earliest Japanese-only Transformers, though Stepper was notparticularlyrare, he was perceived as such in the West. As such, for several years Stepper commanded top dollar on the secondary market... until the reissue (see below) pretty much iced that.
The Transformersmold:Jazz

Version 1 (Jazz):

  • Takara/TakaraTomy:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers06Meister
  • The Transformers Collection1Meister

Version 2 (Stepper):

  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform TransformersC-109Stepper
  • The Transformers Collection15Stepper

Kōjin Ōno

The Transformers Collection

Modern heavily discounted shelfwarmer.
  • ID number:15
  • Accessories:"Nebulon" Targetmaster partner, gun mount backpack, rifle, missile launcher backpack, 3 missiles
Stepper was reissued as part of Takara'sTransformers Collectionseries, and almost simultaneously by Hasbro in theirCommemorative Series(see below). This version of the figure featured a bolstered arsenal that now included golden-chromed versions of Jazz's weapons; additionally, Nebulon was retooled with a slender peg extension to allow Stepper to actually hold him in his hand.
The reissue also featured some small remolding, with the easily-broken plastic clasp that held Stepper's legs in being altered to a more sturdy pin and solid plastic holder combination. Also, themolddegradation that had plagued Jazz's head sculpt since the days of theGeneration 2toyline—which had reduced his face to a distorted grimace—was finally amended, restoring the figure's original appearance. This restored tooling was subsequently used for theTransformers Encorereissue of Jazz.
Unlike every otherGeneration 1 reissueup to that point, Stepper was initiated by Hasbro, to be released alongside theirCommemorative Seriesrelease (see below). Even the sticker sheet uses Hasbro'sTransformerslogo.
The Transformersmold:Jazz

Version 1 (Jazz):

  • Takara/TakaraTomy:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers06Meister
  • The Transformers Collection1Meister

Version 2 (Stepper):

  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform TransformersC-109Stepper
  • The Transformers Collection15Stepper

Kōjin Ōno

Commemorative Series

Former FORMER holy grail.
  • Ricochet with Nightstick(2004)
  • Accessories:"Nightstick" Targetmaster partner, gun mount backpack, rifle, missile launcher backpack, 3 missiles
Hasbroactually announced their reissue of Stepper prior toTakara,finally christening him with the new English name of "Ricochet" seventeen years after his creation. Released as part of the ninth and final wave ofToys "R" UsexclusiveCommemorative Seriesreissues, Ricochet shared all the modifications made to Takara's reissue, except that—as had previously been the case with Hasbro'sCommemorative Seriesreissue of Jazz—his rifle and missiles were un-chromed black plastic, and both the missiles and launcher were elongated to standardsafety-regulationlength in order to retail actual missile-launching functionality (the only "Autobot car" releases in the line to have working launchers).
Ricochet was initially listed as "Sunstreaker"in Canadian and Australian Toys" R "Us computers, leading to some confusion among fans. What's worse, the public Canadian Toys" R "Us website even illustrated their listing with a non-official photoof the Generation 1 Sunstreaker toy lifted straight off afan's website,complete with watermark!
Amusingly enough, after years of demand by the fandom, Ricochet didn't sell particularly well at all. He was eventually sent to the "closeout" chain Tuesday Morning, where he could be purchased for $8 (original TRU price: $35). Japan saw similar clearance sales on its version.
The Transformersmold:Jazz

Version 1 (Jazz):

  • Takara/TakaraTomy:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers06Meister
  • The Transformers Collection1Meister

Version 2 (Stepper):

  • Takara:Fight! Super Robot Lifeform TransformersC-109Stepper
  • The Transformers Collection15Stepper

Kōjin Ōno


Sadly, Ricochet's brilliant plan to score with ladies by becoming a lifeguard failed miserably.
  • Ricochet(Alternator,2006)
Part of theAlternatorsline's second, relaunched assortment, Ricochet is aredecoofAlternatorsSilverstreak,who was himself retooled intoSmokescreen(who in turn was released first for marketing reasons). Like Silverstreak, Ricochet's alternate mode is alicensedSubaru Impreza WRX featuring opening doors, hood and trunk and a detailed interior. The intercooler becomes a hand-held (non-firing) weapon.
Ricochet was among the firstAlternatorsfigures to feature a state-specificlicense plate;Ricochet is registered inNew Jersey.With his attitude, he'll fit right in.
Though early official Hasbrostock photos(including those printed on the underside of the packaging) depict Ricochet with a fully-gold face, the final product's nose is white for unknown reasons. Contrary to popular belief, it was not left unpainted, as his head is made out of black plastic.
This sculpt was also retooled to makeRed Alert.
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • Binaltech AsteriskBTA-01Alert


SWEET! Now where does the Targetmaster store?
  • Stepper(Deluxe mail-away,2011)
  • Release date:December 27,2011
  • Accessories:Blaster, left & right speakers, "Nebulon" Targetmaster
Available only as a mail-away exclusive offered throughTransformers Generations 2011 Volume 1,UnitedStepper is a redeco ofReveal the ShieldDeluxe ClassSpecial Ops Jazz,transforming into a "street rally" sports car that looks like his original Porsche front-end wearingPontiac Solsticeheadlights for a hat. Stepper has deployable speakers in both robot and vehicle mode, which can combine with his rifle via 3 mm clips to form a super rifle or be used on any otherclip-compatibleTransformerstoy.
He once again comes withNebulon,now (and naturally) a redeco ofUniverseNightstick.However, Stepper lacks any new tooling that allows his vehicle mode to use Nebulon's gun mode in any way.
Stepper and Nebulon are the onlyUnitedfigures to retain their original Japanese names rather than being sold under their Hasbro-market names.
This sculpt was also used to makeShattered GlassLongarmandStepper,and the mold's alternate head was used to makeTreadshot.It was also retooled to makeGenerationsWheelieandTimelinesKick-Over.
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Million Publishing:

Generations Selects

  • Ricochet(Deluxe Class,2019)
    • Series:Power of the Primes
    • Accessories:Blaster, Prime Armor/combiner hand, Prime Master gap filler/gun
    • Known designers:AJ Piejko-Brown(packaging)
    AGenerations Selectsaccompaniment toPower of the Primes,Ricochet is a redeco ofPower of the PrimesJazz(which reuses the wheels and combiner peg ofCombiner WarsDragstrip), transforming into a Le Mans-like racing carsubtly inspired by a Porsche 962.Curiously, Ricochet's engineering includes wrist swivels, but the panels molded underneath his forearms render them largely worthless. Ricochet can also form an arm or leg for anyCombiner Wars-style combiner (or become one ofLegendsGodbomber's legs).
    It is currently unknown if Ricochet suffers the same breakage problems with his translucent plastic as his mold-mate. So far, seems good.
    Ricochet comes with a "Prime Armor" accessory with a socket for aPrime Master,Titan Master,Enigma of Combination,orMatrix core,which can also transform into a hand for a combiner robot. He also comes with a piece that can fill the gap in the Prime Armor or be held as a gun. To connect the armor, the grill portion of Ricochet's chest has two indents that fit the tabs on the "thumbs" when inserted at a slight angle. This Prime Armor mold was also used forMoonracer,Novastar,andPunch-Counterpunch.


    Robot Heroes

    Finally, someone to redeco every Jazz into.
    • Ricochet & Predaking(Two-pack,2009)
    A redeco ofRobot HeroesAutobot Jazz,Ricochet is a smallsuper deformedfigurine with articulated shoulders. He was only available in a two-pack withPredaking.
    The United States release of this two-pack was canceled, but it was released in other markets such as Singapore, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Germany.


    A Hasbro licensee acknowledges his one true name.
    • Stepper(2020)
      • Accessories:Photon rifle
    Released as a special wave of black redecos forBlack Fridayfor Super7's line of multi-property 3.75 inch action figures,ReActionStepper is a non-converting action figure with 5 points of articulation and is a redeco ofJazzfrom the same series. He comes with a blaster which can only be held in his right hand. As with all releases in theReActiontoyline, Stepper comes packaged in a small cardback that emulates the nostalgic packaging style ofKennerStar Warsaction figures of the late 1970s.

    Transformers Character Card

    Transformers Character Card Artfire and Ricochet.jpg
    • Stepper & Artfire Set(June,2024)
      • ID number:89 & 90
    Released as part of the twelfth wave of thee-HOBBYexclusiveTransformers Character Cardseries, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Stepper (withNebulon) andArtfire(withNightstick) along withcharacter profilesandtech specs.


    • The "Stepper/Ricochet" name situation is a bit of a rare one inTransformers:while itwasvery common for toy characters to get name changes when making the jump from Takara to Hasbro markets and vice-versa up through the mid-2000s, there's usually not a lot of time between the character's creation and said jump, rarely more than a year in the majority of cases. In this one, the character was exclusively "Stepper" for nearlytwenty yearsbefore Hasbro brought him over as "Ricochet". (Nowadays, with both companies working so close together, characters making the cross-company jump typically keep their original name, or a close-enough-to-pass-legal version thereof.) As is TFWiki's policy, we use his English-market name throughout this article, though we do admit that it can sometimes feel a little... dishonest?...given how long he was just "Stepper". We no longer do the same forhis partnerdue to the unique complications with that matter.
    • Stepper and Artfire's Targetmaster partners' names were switched from theirEnglish-languagecounterparts.There has been some speculation among fans that "Stepper" and "Artfire" may have been switched as well, given that Artfire is the one with a ladder to step on and Stepper is the one with art of fire on him. This is fueled by the fact thatHot Shot,the Ricochet homage in the2001Robots in Disguisefranchise,was named Art Fire in Japan (albeit with a different pronunciation than the Targetmaster), not Stepper.
    • Hasbro designerAaron Archerpicked the name Ricochet, as the reissue meant that "the character wascoming back",and as he'd enjoyed the1991movieRicochet.[1]
    • Ricochet is one of the few Generation 1 characters to have more than oneShattered Glassdoppelgänger, receiving both "Ricochet"in2008and "Stepper"in2015.
    • Ricochet'sSelectstoy was "leaked" months prior to its announcement viaElita Infin1te's package art,with a black-colored Jazz visible as the right leg. Given that line artistRobby Mussostated he was instructed to draw specific toys,[2]it would seem that plans for Ricochet's release venue shifted around at Hasbro.

    Foreign names

    • Mandarin:Wǔzhě( vũ giả, "Dancer" )


    1. "We couldn't use the name Stepper for some reason. I named him Ricochet for no really good reason other than the character was coming back—you know, like,ricochet—and it was also a movie that I kind of enjoyed, a weird movie, at one time... so I just thought it was an interesting name. "—Aaron Archer, The Toy Armada, "" Toy Armada Friday Night LIVE - Armada Hot Shot and more! "", 2023/11/10
    2. https:// facebook /photo/?fbid=10157930304367266&set=a.10156303508002266Facebook post by Robby Musso, 4 October 2020
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