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Rubber Ducky

From Transformers Wiki

This article is about Megatron's little friend and co-conspirator originally fromBeast Wars.For the Beastformer, seeDuck Diver.
You make conquest lots of fun!

Megatronis awfully fond of theRubber Ducky;it is one of his closest allies and associates. Though it seems to lack any combat capabilities, Megatron often confers with it on unknown but presumably important matters.

It is cute and yellow and chubby.



Beast Warscartoon continuity

Beast Warscartoon

Sadly, does not change into a robot.

The Rubber Ducky was seen among Megatron's hoard of personal possessions, such asStarscream's head and a model airplane, guarding them perhaps. It was unable to stopBlackarachniafrom ransacking the cabinets, however; all it could do was squeak in protest as she cast it aside.Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)

WhenRampagediscovered that Megatron had used half of hisSparkto give life toDinobot II,he threatened to rip it from the new Predacon's chest, only to find that Dinobot II wasn't about to let that happen. The Rubber Ducky observed all this in silence from the comfort of Megatron's CR tank hot tub, apparently content that the Predacon commander had the situation under control.Feral Scream Part 1

Later, the Rubber Ducky was apparently changed into aTransmetal(or possibly even aTransmetal 2), perhaps as a result of Megatron's experiments with the technology. When Megatron decided to attack theMaximalbaseto disrupt an attempt to reprogram Blackarachnia, the Rubber Ducky emphasized the scheme with a resounding squeak.Crossing the Rubicon

Shortly after, the Predacons evacuated their base, seconds before Tigerhawk's arrival obliterated it. Perhaps hindered by its lack of a means of locomotion, the Rubber Ducky was not seen escaping with them, and likely became a casualty of theBeast Wars.Other Victories


Among many other souvenirs of theBeast Wars,a Rubber Ducky wound up inPackrat's collection of loot.Collections

2001Robots in Disguisecartoon

Now to fill the hole with water.

A being similar in appearance to the Rubber Ducky had been hibernating underground before being excavated bySky-Byte,who, uncaring of its fortitude, casually tossed it aside. Whether the same creature or a duplicate, it was still able to let out a defiant squeak. It seemed to be a lot bigger than you might expect for a rubber ducky (bigger than the bomb Sky-Byte found) but it may be about the right size for Megatron.Ultra Magnus


The Rubber Ducky was seen having a party aroundRansack's head with all his other Rubber Ducky buddies. Somehow he managed to revert to his non-Transmetal and/or Rubber form.Megatronwas probably quite pleased that he lived. Yessss.....Trust

Aligned cartoon continuity

Rescue Botscartoon

Little do they know, the duck intended to destroy Griffin Rock with the sinkhole. Little bastard.

Doc Greene'sRobo-Babycame with a Rubber Ducky. AfterChasefound it, it was handed to the Robo-Baby, who promptly threw it into the nearest sink. The Rubber Ducky was washed down the drain intoGriffin Rock's sewer system, where it blocked a sewer line, causing a rupture that created a sink hole under the bank. During the course of saving the bank and its customers,Graham Burnsfished the Rubber Ducky out of the pipe, rescuing it.Four Bots and a BabyBoulderkept it. Hopefully he cleaned the sewage off.The Other Doctor

A second Rubber Ducky belonging toJerrylater caused problems at theGriffin Rock Community Poolwhen it was accidentally knocked over and fell into the water. Jerry went to retrieve it, only to be encased in ice when the pool was inadvertently set to freeze over. The Rubber Ducky was left floating atop the broken ice after Jerry was pulled out, allowing it to make amends by body-checking theMorocco virusoff into the water, at which point the pool was set to freeze once again. While the Morocco virus was retrieved, the fate of the Rubber Ducky was not revealed.Back to Virtual Reality

Mayor Luskeyhad yet another Rubber Ducky in his pool with him while he watched the election returns. Luskey was so startled by the results that he did a spit take; Ducky was in the line of fire, eliciting a squeak of protest.Mayor May Not

Rescue Bots Academycartoon

WhenHot Shotfelt that his luck had deserted him,Cody Burnslet him borrow his lucky rubber duck,Luke.The rubber duck gave Hot Shot a new-found confidence that helped him carry out a tricky rescue with the other recruits, however when they returned to base, Cody revealed he'd pick-pocketed the duck before the recruits left and the confidence had been in Hot Shot all along.Wedgestill opted to take the rubber duck on their next mission.Lucky DuckyAssigned the task of trainingScraplets,Medixdiscovered that they responded to the sound of a rubber duck squeaking. He created theDucktaphoneand was successful in using it to direct the Scraplets to help in a rescue.How To Train Your Scraplet

Beast Wars: Uprising


Rubber Ducky sat in a CR bath inMegatron's mansion;Cryotekcaught a glimpse of it when he led a raid onDarksyderheadquarters. Rubber Ducky was later in the background as the Darksyders underwent theBeast Upgrade.Not All Megatrons

2021 IDWBeast Warscomic

Following theDarksyde's crash, Megatron's Rubber Ducky kept him company as the Predacon leader worked to decode theGolden Disk.WhenTerrorsaurentered, the Rubber Ducky took the brunt of its owner's anger at being disturbed.Savage Landing Part 2

When Megatron hit another wall in decoding the Golden Disk, he furiously shattered Rubber Ducky before the Maximals attacked. The bath toy stitched itself back together whenRattrapentered Megatron's chamber only to be tossed aside by the Maximal as he began looking for the Golden Disk, much to its ire.Maximals Strike Back, Part 2



BotCon2016toy RubberDucky.jpg
  • BotCon 2016 Megatron's Rubber Duckie(2016)
A human-scaled rubber ducky, this souvenir was first released at the Club Store atBotCon 2016,intended as an autograph item for fans to have signed byDavid Kaye,Beast WarsMegatron's voice actor. As it is an ordinary rubber ducky, it is not intended toscalewith any Megatron figure. However, shortly before BotCon began, it was discovered that the BotCon 2016Megatron souvenir figurecould hold the ducky in the palm of its Hand Mode, making for some degree of (admittedly coincidental) interactive playability between the two.
The rubber ducky was limited to 400 pieces. A second run was later produced after BotCon for sale on the Club's online store. The initial runvariantof the duck sported a burgundy "BotCon 2016" logo on its front, while the second run version changed this logo's color from burgundy to blue.

Transformers: Kindergarten Series

Megatron is inside me.
  • Megatron(2023)
A childlike nontransformable figurine of Megatron in a Rubber Ducky inner tube brushing hisTyrannosaurushead's teeth was available as part ofTransformers: Kindergarten Series,a crowdfundedblindpackagedtoyline available exclusively in China. Megatron's figure was the "Big Secret" of the line and was the most rare, and unlike the "Small Secret" chase figure which got an individualized box, Megatron's box was unremarkable. The figurine included a translucent plastic stand and a small chrome foil character card.


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