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Scrounge (SG)

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This article is about the drones employed by evil Autobots in "Shattered Glass". For the heroic Autobot scout from Generation 1, seeScrounge (G1).For a list of other meanings, seeScrounge (disambiguation).
Scrounges are evilAutobotdronesfrom the "Shattered Glass"continuity family.
"What is your major malfunction, Private Pyle?!"

When theAutobotsneed drones to do the dirty work, they bring in theScrounges.These silver drones possess a curved, smooth structure due to their "war wheel" alternate mode. They are programmed with slave drives to keep them loyal to their programmer. They would be harmless, save for the large cannons that make up their left arms.

Scrounges are powerful in numbers, and they are easily expendable. Their simple obedient personality makes them perfect whipping boys forBlaster,their current master.

This is my special arm, sir! There are many like it but this one is mine!A Scrounge in response to Blaster's screaming query,"Do Over"


Fun PublicationsShattered Glasscontinuity

To keep Blaster out of the way while the Autobots were preparing theArkfor launch, he was given a group of Scrounges to Boss around like a drill sergeant. Later when theArkwas engaged in battle with theNemesis,Blaster suggested sending out the Scrounges. This would have ended in the Scrounges' destruction, but Blaster didn't care, failing to see their usefulness.Goldbugdidn't think that was a good idea.Do Over

WhenRodimuscame up with a plan to holdEarthhostage for ransom by hijacking one of thehumans' military basesto gain control of the planet'sdestructive defense satellites,Blaster thought they could simply send in the Scrounges as their plan of attack. But Rodimus decided to go for a more standard infiltration attempt instead, and ordered Blaster to lead a diversion. Blaster headed up a squad of Autobots and Scrounges to attack the base from the outside, while Rodimus, other Autobots, and their human allies attacked the base from the inside by letting themselves get "arrested".

When theDecepticonsmade an assault to liberate the base, Blaster's squad of Scrounges attempted to keepHeatwavefrom reaching the satellite's controller system, butSoundwavepitched in and disabled them with the power of rock.Eye in the Sky

Months later,Side BurnandWheeljackwere busy building astellar spannerunder the orders of Goldbug. Wheeljack thought thePlait Expansemight deflect the Spanner dangerously off-course, so Goldbug initially suggested Side Burn as a test subject. Side Burn pointed out he would be needed in case of any repairs, and suggested they use a Scrounge instead. Goldbug relented at Side Burn's logic, though he also complained it would take hours to procure a Scrounge.

Fortunately for the Scrounges, however, an alternate "test subject"eventually presented himself instead...Blitzwing Bop

A number of Scrounges took part in an ambush which resulted in a number of Decepticons being captured. When the humanR.J. Blackrockattacked the Autobots usingCenturionpower armor, the Scrounges, along with the rest of the Autobots, fought back. By the time the retreat sounded, there were only five Scrounges left, and only two of those in good shape.Transhuman

Having knowledge of the mindless Scrounge drones,Straxuswas surprised to hear thatthe positive polarity ScroungewasBlaster's friend.Falling into Place


  • The Scrounge's statement about his special arm quotes theRifleman's Creed.
  • Scrounges are described as being physically identical to their singular positive-universe counterpart, but with a massive gun in place of their counterpart's "special arm". On a wallpaper rendered byTrent Troopfor the Collector's Club website, Scrounge is shown to be mostly silver, with "sickly" green eyes. The gun arm included both original model parts (the missile pods), and modified versions of other models Troop had created (including parts ofEnergonShockblast's gun arm, and the gun used by theMachine WarsSkywarp/Thundercrackermold repurposed as a scope).
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