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Seacon (BW)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Seacon" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeSeacon (disambiguation).
The Seacons are scurvy space pirates from theBeast Wars IIportion of theBeast Eracontinuity, they is!
We are the pirates who don't do anything
We just stay home, and lie around
And if you ask us, to do anything we'll just tell you
We don't do anything!

With the Jolly Roger hoisted high and the cannon fuses smoldering, theSpace Pirate Seacons( vũ trụ hải tặc シーコンズUchū Kaizoku Shīkonzu) sail the spaceways in a neverending search for plunder and power. These ferocious freebooters will gladly ally themselves with whomever proves most beneficial to their larcenous ends, be theyPredaconorMaximal.In reality, the Seacons typically end up double-crossingeverybody,leaving them with few friends and alotof enemies.

Their crew consists of:

  • Halfshell,the greedy-yet-generous leader.
  • Scylla,the lovesick squid of pristine beauty.
  • Coelagon,the eldest member and source of senile "wisdom".
  • Terrormander,the youthful slacker who's good in a fight but not for much else.
  • Sea Phantom,the tough guy who favours surprise attacks.

These scallywags can combine to formGod Neptune,a powerhouse who keeps their rivals at bay (when his limbs aren't deserting him, that is).

Lawbhammerwould've been the sixth member if he didn't walk the plank.



Beast Wars IIcartoon

BWII 19 Seacons.jpg

Completely 'armless
Not all present and correct

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Beast Wars IIcomic

Completely 'armless
Not all present and correct

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Beast Warstoy bios

Cybershark"honed his skills while bounty hunting a rogue band of Cybertronian space pirates."Transmetal 2 Cybershark toy bio

Generations Selects Special Comic

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Seacons comic 1Seacons comic 3Seacons comic 4Seacons comic 5Super Megatron comic 2God Neptune comic 1God Neptune comic 2Finale PreludeFinale


Beast Wars

I'm not fat, I'm big boned.
  • God Neptune(Multi-pack,1998)
    • ID number:D-21
    • Accessories:Sword, super robot head, shell-shield/chestplate, 2 foot-plates, left & right fists
Sold only as a boxed set of five toys, God Neptune is aredecoofmostof theGeneration 1Seaconteam, combiningHalfshell(torso),Coelagon,Skyulle,Sea Phantom,andTerrormander.Since the set uses theScramble City-style of construction, the body and limbs are interchangeable with similar-build combiner teams.
The set doesnotinclude a redeco ofNautilator,and almost all of the weapons and gun-mode stands for the individuals are also missing.
For unknown reasons, a great number of unboxed God Neptune sets—lacking all of their accessories, including combiner parts—ended up available on the secondary market. These went for considerably less than the "complete" releases, naturally.
This toy was laterrepurposedasClassicsGod Neptunein the comic arcBeast Wars Shattered Glass.

Generations Selects

Hereis your god now!
  • God Neptune(Multi-pack,October 31,2020)
    • Hasbro ID number:TT-GS10
    • Accessories:"Neptune Sword","Neptune Cannon ", 2 foot-plates, left & right fists
God Neptune is a redeco ofGenerations SelectsKing Poseidon(omittingLobclaw,of course). He is armed with a large trident-shaped "Neptune Sword" and a "Neptune Cannon," each formed by merging the weapons of the constituent Seacons. As a redeco, God Neptune shares King Poseidon's Targetmaster function, which went unadvertised due to having 5 components instead of 6.
The God Neptune 5-pack set was announced in May 2020 for an October 2020 release. It wasexclusivetoTakaraTomy MallandHasbro Pulse.


This two-page spread fromBeast Magazineis the only known publishing to use the Space Pirate Seacons'actualcharacter models.
  • Oddly, though they are referred to as such practically everywhere else, the term "Seacon" does not appear on the team's toy packaging.
  • The original depiction of the team in 1998 excluded theLobclaw/Nautilatormold. In2020,the digital characterLawbhammerwould be created to fill this gap.
  • At some point very early into production, the Space Pirate Seacons were going to use theSuper-God MasterforceSeaconmodels in theBeast Wars IIcartoon. Evidence of this was found in a collection of production materials that featured print-outs of theMasterforceSeacon models (including the unusedrobot modemodels), where theMasterforcenames were crossed out and replaced with the Space Pirate Seacons' names in red pen.[1]For reference, theactualSpace Pirate Seacon models used in the cartoon are supplied to the right.


  1. EarlyBeast Wars IISeacon model sheetsat "Transformers at the Moon"
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