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Silver Matrix

From Transformers Wiki

Alright hold onto your butts this one's a whole thing:

TheSilver Matrix(シルバーマトリクスShirubā Matorikusu) is the most powerful of the eight Matrices of thePrimus Vanguard.Borne by the Vanguard's eponymous leaderPrimus,it is possessed of the unique ability to absorb all seven of theStar Powersemanated byThe One,the fundamental energies of thePrecursor World.

Legend has it that if filled completely, the Silver Matrix grants the bearer the ability to recreate the entirety of reality in accordance with their will.

When combined with theion blasterof itsfuturebearerStar Convoy,it gains a more practical application as theVok-bustingBig Bang Cannon.



Precursor World

Let's call this Matrix A.
Matrix A +7 Lights

Primus's Silver Matrix

In thePrecursor World,the Silver Matrix was in the possession of Primus, appointed leader of thePrimus Vanguard.Along with the other seven Matrices that carried theSeven Lights,the full power of the Silver Matrix was used to rid the initial set of seven universes of theSpecters,shadows of the Matrices' light. This had the side effect of unifying the seven universes into one.

In this singular universe,Primacron,Primus's pet, came up with a plan to use his master's Matrix to recreate the universe; exploiting the Silver Matrix, he took some of its essence to create the divine power,Angolmois Energy.After the Vok attacked this world, Primus realized that multiple parties were hoping to destroy the universe and bring forth anew, future universe of crueltythat he foresaw with theBlack Matrix.Seeking to waylay Primacron's and theVok's plans, Primus engineered a complex plan that had him take the empty Silver Matrix from the next universe while keeping the current one on his person. He would eventually reveal this when his plan reached a climax, absorbing the seven Star Powers from his pawns and using the Silver Matrix to ignite the rebirth of the universe-Finale Prelude

-Only to be blown to smithereens byNeo Primus'scentral cannon! As Primus's armor shell was shattered revealing the true form of the diminutive energy being known as the Oracle within, the still-fully-charged Silver Matrix was sent flying.Finale

We'll call this one Matrix B.

Star Convoy's Silver Matrix

The Silver Matrix would seemingly be transformed into theZodiacin the events of theBig Bang,contained within theMatrix of Leadershipalongside the core energy form of its steward Primus. It was then dispersed asPrimacronused it to seed life throughout theG1 World.Finale

In2050,Dai Atlasgathered all of the fragments in one place, and there they coalesced into the worn-out Silver Matrix. Just as this occurred, the young Primus of the Precursor World burst in withhis retinueto take it for himself.Abominus comic 2

Matrix B +Blue Light

Returning to the Precursor World, Primus next pluckedOptimus PrimeandGalvatronfrom2011of the G1 World into orbit around theBlue Planet,gifted Optimus the older Silver Matrix and tasked him with defeating the Vok. Optimus absorbed the "power of stars" to upgrade himself into Star Convoy and made short work of the Vok'sNovaroidswarms by combining the Silver Matrix with his ion blaster to create the Big Bang Cannon.Star Convoy comicPrimus then directed him to collect Star Power in the Silver Matrix.Seacons comic 2Star Convoy was subsequently confronted byTurtlerand hisSeacons,who sought out to take the Silver Matrix,Seacons comic 3so thatKing Poseidoncould finally overcomeGod Ginrai.Seacons comic 5

An evolved Galvatron interrupted the fight asSuper Megatronby blowing away King Poseidon. Seeking the Silver Matrix for himself, Super Megatron fought till he decided to threaten someBeast People,forcing Star Convoy to give up the object; Super Megatron subsequently used its power to become Ultra Megatron.Super Megatron comic 1
Matrix B - Blue Light
The battle received further combatants asBlue Big Convoyas theBlue Orderappeared to support Optimus Prime. Blue parried hisα Matrixwith Ultra Megatron's Silver Matrix, allowing the latter to absorb the blue Star Power from the α Matrix, upgrading him further into Ultra Megatron Omega.Super Megatron comic 2

Taking the Silver Matrix with him to destroy the other Orders of the Primus Vanguard, Megatron Omega ran intoPurple Wicked Convoy,who proposed using their Matrices to take over the universe.God Neptune comic 1God Neptunearrived to take Megatron Omega's collected energies for himself, but theDecepticonwas able to defeat the combiner and start using the Silver Matrix to absorb the Matrices that his opponent had gathered, butHalfshellinterrupted and retook the five Star Powers he had previously, reforming God Neptune.God Neptune comic 2As Primus's plan reached his climax, he joined the battle between Megatron Omega and God Neptune, wresting the older Silver Matrix from Megatron Omega so that his present Silver Matrix could absorb its blue Star Power. Thus drained, the elder Silver Matrix was cast aside as Primus set about accruing the remaining Star Powers.Finale PreludeIt was briefly retrieved byPrimacronin his massiveNeo Primusrobot until his defeat byVolcanicusand theTerrorconsreverted the colossus into the Blue Planet.

Matrix A + Matrix B
Gold Megatron - Matrix A - Matrix B - 7 Lights -Golden Power- Dignity = Galvatron

The Final Battle

The Silver Matrix of the Precursor World was retrieved by Megatron Omega, now Gold Megatron, who tapped its power to create hisNew Primus Vanguard.Upon having the drained Silver Matrix of the G1 World returned to him from the Blue Planet's surface byBlue Megatron,Gold Megatron fused the two instances of the Silver Matrix to create the incomprehensibly powerfulGold Matrix.Upon his defeat byStar Convoyandhis own future self,the two Silver Matrixes decombined and were left behind when the Oracle returned the de-powered Optimus Prime and Galvatron to2011.Finale



Now solve for OP.
  • Star Convoy(September 28,2019)
    • Accessories:Star Trailer/evolution armor, ion-blaster (formed by two blasters), Silver Matrix
TheGenerations SelectsStar Convoyretool ofPower of the PrimesOptimus Prime included a compatible Silver Matrix, with the entire accessory dipped in chrome. This matrix doesnotsplit into two pieces nor contain aPrime Masterlike some of its Power of the Primes brethren. The Silver Matrix has a 5 mm post on the bottom and a 5mm hole on top, meant to allow the figure's two guns to combine with it into the "Big Bang Cannon." The post also makes it wieldable by figures with 5mm fist holes for "Matrix Hammer" attacks, as seen in theGenerations Selectscomic.While the core and frame aren't interchangeable the Silver Matrix can be put in the chests of otherPower of the Primesleader class figures.


  • The Oracle pledges to return his various pawns to their home times and places in the conclusion of theGenerations Selects finale.Presumably this includes returning the Silver Matrix of the G1 World, though it is not mentioned by name.
  • The Oracle is last seen as a comatose prisoner of theStraxusesinDarkmount,leaving the fate of his own Silver Matrix unknown.

See also

Primus Vanguard

Leader:Primus| Matrix:Silver Matrix| Headquarters:Ivory Towers| Fleet:Sentinel Armada| Related Group:Golden Age| Energy Sources:Star Power|Golden Power


Leader:Red Sentinel Prime
Matrix:Matrix Buster
Base:Red Planet


Leader:Yellow Splendid Convoy
Matrix:Matrix Gauntlet
Base:Yellow Planet


Leader:Green Tender Convoy|Megatron
Matrix:Creation Matrix
Base:Green Planet


Leader:Blue Brightes Convoy|Blue Big Convoy|Magna Convoy
Matrix:α Matrix|Matrix Sword
Base:Blue Planet


Leader:Purple Wicked Convoy
Matrix:Purple Matrix
Base:Purple Planet


Leader:Black Go Prime|Deadlock
Matrix:Black Legendisc
Base:Black Planet


Leader:White Gallant Convoy
Matrix:Matrix Saber
Base:White Planet

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