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From Transformers Wiki

Sonodar is sensor technology from thecartoon portionof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
See how his pinky sticks out? That means he's classy.

Sonodaris a type of sonic-based sensing technology used by theTransformers.Ironhidehas a built in sonodar sensor array built into his forearm which extends to reveal a dish-like emitter. The findings of the array appear in the windshield on his chest. With the sonodar, Ironhide was able to detect thedinosaurfossils buried in a cavern in the volcano surrounding theAutobot ship.The discovery of these fossils led to the creation of theDinobots.S.O.S. Dinobots


  • While thedialogue scriptspells it "sondar", the original script spelling is "sonodar" —which makes more sense, as "sono" is Latin for "sound".
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