Soundblaster (Cyberverse)
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The name or term "Soundblaster" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeSoundblaster (disambiguation). |
- Soundblaster is aMercenaryfrom theCyberversecontinuity family.
"Revenge is a dish best served loud" would make a good motto forSoundblaster.He holds very long grudges against people over very minor things.
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- Voice actor:Marc Thompson(English),Manuel Campuzano(Latin-American Spanish)
Millions of years ago, Soundblaster faced off against his rivalSoundwaveto see who would become the undisputed beat-bo xing champion of the Decepticons. In front of a cheering crowd atMaccadam's,the two squared off in a sonic duel—and only Soundwave was left standing.Megatronproclaimed him the winner, and a humiliated Soundblaster stalked away, abandoning his DecepticoninsigniaandCybertronaltogether.
Soundblaster found a new home amongTrypticon's Mercenaries, including his birdBuzzsaw.Now equipped with an awesometime blasterthat could paralyze entire planets, Soundblaster and his crew looted and destroyed one world after another, including the former home of theDinobots,killing their leaderTiny Arms.Once they had gained enough power, Soundblaster led an assault on Cybertron itself—freezing allAutobots,Decepticons, and even thenative wildlife.In the midst of his subsequent looting spree, Soundblaster located his old foe Soundwave, and un-froze his head so he would be able to hear Soundblaster's triumphant gloating. Soundblaster promised to take away the one thing Soundwave truly cared about—and then toreLaserbeakout of his old rival's chest compartment and put it within his own. Soundblaster then fixed Soundwave within aninfinite resonator—a device that refracts and amplifies all sound waves back into its unfortunate victims, tearing them apart. Soundblaster further taunted his helpless foe, sure of the success of his revenge plot—but thenVolcanicusinterfered, waging his own fight to restore Cybertron and in the process releasing Soundwave. Now freed, Soundwave attacked, only to be frozen again by Soundblaster. However, this angered Laserbeak, who escaped Soundblaster's chest with Buzzsaw in pursuit. Soundblaster tried to shoot the Decepticon bird, only to hit Buzzsaw by mistake.
Soundblaster's team lost the subsequent battle and was trapped by Volcanicus. When Trypticon entered the fray, Soundblaster started gloating again—but then a very stern Trypticon said that as project head for this particular freezing-and-looting effort, Soundblaster was responsible for its failure and was now fired. As Trypticon then slugged it out with Volcanicus, a mighty swipe of Trypticon's tail destroyed the mercenaries' prison but also ended up severing Soundblaster's legs, which were promptly vaporized by a stray blast. The rest of the Mercenaries retreated, with Soundblaster weakly clinging toNightbird's rear bumper. Though shocked that Trypticon himself was defeated, Soundblaster and crew took the opportunity to escape in their ship to plot for another day.The Immobilizers
- Like the otherCyberverseMercenaries, Soundblaster's model is a recolour of an existing character. In his case, that's Soundwave.
- Similar to Soundwave, he is never shown transforming into his alt-mode.
- CyberverseSoundblaster shares many traits with hiscounterpartin theWar for Cybertron Trilogycartoon, including being a separate individual from Soundwave, being a high-ranking Mercenary, and having Buzzsaw as his minion.