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Spector Halloween

From Transformers Wiki

BotBots - Spirit of Halloween - Specter Halloween.jpg

When the days grow darker andHalloweenapproaches,Spector Halloweenwill appear. This spooky store arrives like a phantom one night, spreading its eerie influence until it suddenly vanishes.

My only complaint is we are referring to them as "Halloween stores", when they should just be called "stores".

Frostferatulikes what he sees, "Spirit of Halloween"



BotBots - Spirit of Halloween - Specter Halloween full view.jpg

AfterDimlitcrashed into a storefront on the inaugural flight of "Kiddie Menu Airlines", he discovered to his horror the horrible visage of Spector Halloween. The otherLost Botsjoined him, withBurgertronattempting to allay their fears, until a terrifying voice called out, causing them to hide behind a nearby bench. While Burgertron tried to calm the other Lost Bots again by pointing out all the macabre merchandise was contained within the store, he transformed in terror as awerewolf security guardcame out of Spector Halloween. The Lost Bots fled, hoping the dark presence would be gone by the next day.

Unfortunately when they returned the next evening, Spector Halloween has spread its influence, assimilating the shops on either side of it to grow larger. After witnessing Dave enter Spector Halloween,Bonz-Eyeasked if they should do something to save him from the monstrous fate within the store. Once more Burgertron tried to calm their fears, only to hide in cheeseburger mode as a mummy security guard exited the shop. The other Lost Bots fainted in terror as another creature escaped Spector Halloween.

As the infection of Halloween stores throughout themallspread, the various squads held a meeting in thefood courtto try and figure out what to do. As the Lost Bots eavesdropped,Kikmeecame up with a plan based on her video game knowledge; If they could slay the Boss creature in Spector Halloween, all the Halloween stores should vanish. As the hooded figure called out once more "Nyahahahahahh! The end is near! A dreaded web we weave! The nightmare will never stooop!",she realized that the giant spider in the back of Spector Halloween is the Boss they must destroy.

Bright light! Bright light!

As the Lost Bots prepared to enter the darkened den of Spector Halloween, Dimlit refused to accompany them, staying outside. They wandered through the store, until Kickmee knocked over a stack of bodyless pumpkin heads. This attracted the attention of Dave, who had gotten his head stuck in an ill fitting monster mask. Calling out, the startled Lost Bots fled, accidentally getting tangled in a spider web. A mostly blind Dave continued to stumble about, bumping into various monstrous animations. Dimlit heard his friends cry out of terror and resolved to face his fears, entering the spooky store to save them. His bravery quickly dissolved at the holiday horror contained within, causing him to flee further into the store. In his panic, Dimlit tripped, his light switching on and fully blinding Dave. The sightless security guard stumbled back, knocking down the giant spider and falling on top of it. The Boss slain, Dimlit helped free the other the Lost Bots and they escaped Spector Halloween.

Returning the next night, Burgertron proudly let a group of Botbots know the Lost Bots had freed the mall from the clutches of the Halloween stores, leadingSpud Muffinto point out that they they were then responsible for a newfestive storeappearing in its place.Spirit of Halloween


  • Spector Halloween is a take on the Halloween storeSpirit Halloween.This chain is known for opening temporary locations in vacant strip mall locations in the months prior to Halloween.
  • "Spector Halloween", misspelling and all, is derived from the in-show cipher text.
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