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Star Power

From Transformers Wiki

Obamachuckled. "You mean the Chaos Emeralds?"

Star Power(スターパワーSutā Pawā), also referred to as the "power of stars"( tinh の lựchoshi no chikara), is made up of theSeven Lights( bảy つ の quangNanatsu no Hikari) emanating fromthe One.The guardians of those Lights are the leaders of thePrimus Vanguard,who carrycolored matricesthat contain these various energies.

The effects of Star Power vary by color. It has been observed to bust ghosts, grant newtoysforms, heal wounds, and even manipulate time.

If all Star Power were ever united in one vessel, the bearer could destroythe universe itselfand harness thelife forceof theworld to follow.



Precursor World

G One emanated the Seven Lights and seven universes, creating Star Power. Each of the colored Star Powers was pooled into its respective Matrix and entrusted to the leader of the colored Order of its universe.Finale Prelude

Blue Big Convoyfocused the energy of theα Matrixcoursing through his body to bust someSpectersreal good with the Blue Pèlerinage, a matrix-empowered blast from his cannon. He then used the power of the combined α Matrix andMatrix Swordto create a beacon to summon the rest of the Vanguard.Blue Big Convoy comic


Following his lead, the Vanguard pooled all seven Star Powers to obliterate all of the Specters at once, combining their multiverse into a single jumbled world in the process.

When a new threat known as theVokappeared,White Gallant Convoyused the power of theWhite Matrixto trace them to the future and Primus made use of theBlack Matrix'spower to peer into the future in an attempt to discern their motives.Finale Prelude

Primus's subsequent unleashing of theSilver Matrixof theG1 Worldto combat the Vok threat would precipitate a flurry of Star Power activity as the race to gather all Seven Lights began:

When Primus' plan reached its endgame, he entered the fray himself:

  • Primus combined Star Convoy's confiscated ion blaster with the properly charged Silver Matrix of the Precursor World to unleash the "true power" of the Big Bang Cannon on Megatron Omega.
  • Primus subsequently absorbed the Blue Star Power from Megatron's Silver Matrix into his own.
  • On Primus' orders, aLawbhammer-controlled God Neptune transferred the White, Red, Black, Yellow and Green Star Powers into the Neptune Sword.
  • Primus skeweredPurple Wicked Convoyand thePurple Matrixwith one strike of the thus empowered Neptune Sword.

At last possessing all Seven Lights, Primus utilized his Silver Matrix to activate all of them simultaneously once more and end the universe-Finale Prelude

-Only for the collected Star Power to display some measure of independent intellect, instead freezing Primus' body in place and forcing him to experience the fate awaiting him in the G1 World in full.

This left Primus wide open, andPrimacron'ssubsequent attack with his massiveNeo Primusmech sent the Silver Matrix flying into the open arms of Gold Megatron, who used the Seven Lights to create theNew Primus Vanguard.

Upon Gold Megatron and his false Vanguard's defeat, the Star Powers, now without vessels, were scattered throughout the Precursor World.Finale

Later and elsewhere, MC11, now going by Magna Convoy in the wake of the Primus Vanguard's fall, harnessed his innate Blue Star Power to reconstitute theMatrix Sword,heal himself, and obliterate Straxus with a massive blast.

TheBeast Soundwaveof theGolden Ageand amysterious companionobserved Magna Convoy and a motley collection of misfits throughout the Precursor World, noting that the Blue Star Power had at last found its heir and the others would soon follow.Cybertron Magna Convoy

And find their heirs they did as warriors new and old united in a next-generation Primus Vanguard!Finale

The Battlestars

When theZodiacwas inserted intoOptimus Prime's chest, the artifact's "power of stars" resurrected the hero as Star Convoy.The Battlestars part 5

Star Convoy lentGrandusa portion of his energy via a process known as "Transcharging", allowing the two to unlock theStar Base Attackcombined form.The Battlestars part 9


BothKenzanandGekisoumaruused the Black Legendisc to obtain special dark coating for their bodies that improved their stealth capabilities and heat resistance. It also greatly increased their combined forms' power.Kenzan Kuromusha ver. bioGekisoumaru Kurojishi ver. bioThe power of the Black Legendisc summonedHunter Nemesis Primethrough a time fault from another universe.Hunter Nemesis Prime


  • Vessels of Star Power appear unusually resilient for matrices, being frequently thrown around as melee weapons in and of themselves.

See also

Primus Vanguard

Leader:Primus| Matrix:Silver Matrix| Headquarters:Ivory Towers| Fleet:Sentinel Armada| Related Group:Golden Age| Energy Sources:Star Power|Golden Power


Leader:Red Sentinel Prime
Matrix:Matrix Buster
Base:Red Planet


Leader:Yellow Splendid Convoy
Matrix:Matrix Gauntlet
Base:Yellow Planet


Leader:Green Tender Convoy|Megatron
Matrix:Creation Matrix
Base:Green Planet


Leader:Blue Brightes Convoy|Blue Big Convoy|Magna Convoy
Matrix:α Matrix|Matrix Sword
Base:Blue Planet


Leader:Purple Wicked Convoy
Matrix:Purple Matrix
Base:Purple Planet


Leader:Black Go Prime|Deadlock
Matrix:Black Legendisc
Base:Black Planet


Leader:White Gallant Convoy
Matrix:Matrix Saber
Base:White Planet

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