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Star Trek

From Transformers Wiki

"Space. The final frontier..."
"Permission to speak, commander?"
"Permission granted."
"You're a dork!"

Star Trekis ahumantelevisionseries.

Star Trek,I've seen that one.Wheelieis momentarily enthusiastic, then disappointed,Transformers: Dark of the Moon



3H comics

Packratfelt like a "red shirt" inStar Trekafter recognizing that he was not a recurring character.Visitations


Bumblebeeused audio ofNyota Uhurasaying "Messages fromStarfleet,captain"after downsizing theAllSpark.Transformers

2005 IDW continuity

Verity Carlocompared her communication work to Uhura.Last Stand of the Wreckers #1

Dark of the Moonfilm

While rolling aroundSam's apartment, Wheelie was mildly interested to see an episode ofStar Trekplaying on television. At least, he was until he realized that he'd already seen the episode. It wasthe onewhereSpockgoes nuts.Dark of the Moon

Dark of the Moonnovel

When Wheelie realized that he had already seen the particular episode playing, he suggested a plotline he'd like to see: theEnterpriserevealed as aDecepticon,with the nacelles becoming cannons.Dark of the Moon

Age of Extinctionfilm

After being injured byOptimus Prime'sfusion shotgun,Lucas said that the resulting welt on his head made him look like aStar Trekcharacter.Age of Extinction

Star Trek vs. Transformers

SeeStar Trek vs. Transformers

In one universe, the characters depicted on the television series are real people who have had adventures with Cybertronians.


Boldly going...

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