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Stormtrooper (SW)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Stormtrooper" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeStormtrooper (disambiguation).

Stormtroopersare soldiers under command of theEmpire.They are clad in white armor, similar toAT-ATdrivers andRepublicclone troopers.At least three stormtroopers crew theDeath Star.



Star Wars Transformers

Da da da dun da da dun da da!
  • Darth Vader/Death Star(2007)
Three tiny stormtrooper mini-figures were included with thisDarth Vadertoy, and can be stored in compartments in both robot and vehicle modes. As they are in scale with all otherStar Wars Transformersmini-figures, the stormtroopers can also be used to pilot other vehicles from theStar Wars TransformersandCrossoverstoylines.

Star Wars/Transformers

The initial release of this Darth Vader toy comes with five stormtrooper mini-figures.


Foreign names

  • Japanese:Stormtrooper(ストームトルーパーSutōmutorūpā)

External links

That's no moon... Wookieepediahas content relating tothe stormtrooper.
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