From Transformers Wiki
One of the latest additions to theSolar System,Sunshadowis the broken remnants ofPrimus' star eating Sunshade.
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
Sunshadow was originally adyson spheregrown fromCybertronthatMegatroncommanded Primus to create so that the god could supercharge his creation abilities by consuming the Sun and better enforce Megatron's will across the galaxy.Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12
In the battle that followed, the sphere grew until it surrounded the totality of the star. Though the god was soon freed from Megatron's control, his hunger proved so voracious that he refused to listen toOptimus Prime's command to stop, continuing to feast on the Sun only to be violently punched back to his sense byAtlas,shattering the dyson sphere. In the aftermath, its shattered remains settled into a stable orbit that was later dubbed Sunshadow.The War Never Ends