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Supernova Lance

From Transformers Wiki

The SupernovaLanceis anAutobotMini-Con-formed weapon from theAligned continuity family.
Prime-toy SupernovaLance.jpg

TheSupernova Lance(スーパーノヴァランスSūpānova Ransu) is a weapon formed from theArms MicronsArcee Blade,Ratchet Spanner,andWheeljack Kunai.It is one of the manyCombo Weaponsin the Autobot arsenal.



  • Arcee Blade(Gacha Arms Micron, 2012)
    • Energon Crystal:SP Cure
  • Ratchet Spanner(Gacha Arms Micron, 2012)
    • Energon Crystal:AP Cure
  • Wheeljack Kunai(Gacha Arms Micron, 2012)
    • Energon Crystal:HP Cure
The Supernova Lance is formed with three individually-soldGachaArms Microns, the last three based on larger Autobot characters.Arcee Bladeforms the lower shaft,Ratchet Spannerforms the center (with the handle on his back for larger toys to hold the combination), andWheeljack Kunaiforms the spear-tip.
This combination can also be assembled with the "MX" clear-blue versions of the toys.


  • All of the information on the Supernova Lance, including its veryexistence,comes from the online "Arms Up Mission"game.
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