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Swashplate is anAutobot-alliedMini-Confrom theUnicron Trilogy continuity family(via the2010 Transformers toyline).
If he were a bear, Yogi would be smarter than him.

Swashplateis a well-rounded member of Mini-Con rank-and-file. Very well rounded.[1]



Ask Vector Prime

Vector Primewas familiar with one version of Swashplate fromAurex 503.01 Gamma.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/14



  • Swashplate(Mini-Con, 2010)
TransformersSwashplate is aredecoof theCybertronRecon Mini-Con TeammemberJolt,transforming into a bubble-domed helicopter of indeterminable, probably-made-up model. As a Mini-Con, he has a "Powerlinx"socket on the underside of each of his landing skids, allowing him to attach to larger toys with compatible Powerlinx plugs.
He was sold on an individual card, only available through discount stores like Family Dollar in the US.
This mold was also used to makeBit,Platinum Factor,andGuardian Sky.
Transformers: Cybertronmold:Jolt
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:
  • Kabaya:
  • Micron Galaxy1Hop


  • There was no indication what universe Swashplate was from on his packaging. The Facebook edition ofAsk Vector Primewould later declare him to be aUnicron Trilogycharacter.
  • All four of the Mini-Cons in this assortment come on red cards like theGenerationstoys, but lack the "Generations" on the logo, thus this wiki classifies them as "2010" product.
  • Swashplate's helicopter mode is hilariously mistransformed on the back of his card. His cockpit is upside-down while his legs, meant to be put on his roof, are left dragging behind him.
  • Swashplate's two fellow gang-molded Mini-Cons were released in the 2010Transformerstoyline asBrake-NeckandDrivetrain,though it would be odd to form a team of three as Drivetrain is a Decepticon.


  1. Swashplate's single-cardedTech Specs.
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