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Video of the appliancebots sequencehasactually been officially released-- it was a promotional clip on the film'sfacebook page.

Of course, even then we'd want clear screenshots fromthe original MP4,not grainy, artifacted Nth-generation YouTube snaps. -Derik11:43, 21 July 2009 (EDT)


A different list would be better

The list of named appliancebots seems a waste of space at this point since there's only, y'knowone.A better list would be one of Appliancebot models (with a note on the Toaster that he's (Ejector). Hmm how many were there... Toaster, Vacume, Blender... right? What else? --, 22 July 2009 (EDT)

Agreed. A list of Appliancebots would be better, which just distinguishes between officially named and not using quotes;

Etc. We use quotes to dostinguish descriptive non-names for other characters. -Derik13:25, 22 July 2009 (EDT)

Wasn't the garbage disposal in the movie too? -Mazenoise15:17, 22 July 2009 (EDT)

Hand Whisk

Am I the only one who saw a Hand whisk bot next to the blender? I knew it was a hand whisk cos the whisk part of it was part of its arm

Rewatching the film, you're only half-right: there is a bot with an arm like that, but it isn't a hand whisk. It's a stand mixer - the kind that has a whisk as an attachment, so its arm could have just as easily been a large beater. (and don't forget to sign your posts) --Buttbutt02:11, 11 August 2009 (EDT)


Did anyone else see a Sharkticon amongst them? You can see a mace tail when they're in the hallway. I'll see if I can get a picture.

Based on my recollection of the film, I think that was the garbage disposal. Freaky little sod, it grunted a lot after bursting out from under the sink. Speaking of which, that bot that was on top of the sink (the on in the foreground of the main article pic)...what does that turn into? And which one's the samurai dude (the one that went 'Hwa!' and kicked something over - he was near the fridge that the Aeronet thingamadoo that turned into a bug was on)?--Bobpiecheese04:40, 14 August 2009 (EDT)

Designer Pics

One of the RotF designers Paul Ozzimo has really nice design illustrations of Cappuccinobot and Garbage Disposal bot on his web page portfollio. Would it be appropriate to snag them for the wiki? (Also of note, he refers to them as the "Kitchen Bots" which I know is unnofficial, but is kinda interesting I think, as one of the RotF coloring books labels them as the "Kitchen Crew".) --ZacWilliam21:03, 12 September 2009 (EDT) when are the rest of the appliance bot pictures are going to be up?

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