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Talk:Ratchet (WFC)

From Transformers Wiki


Can we please either change his quote to "[BULKHEAD,] I NEEDED THAT!" or add it in the cartoon section? It's probably far more memorable (and maybe even more defining) that the current one.
-¡Usa El Queso!1:53 AM, 20 April 2011 A.D.

No. Quotes are meant to give an idea of the character, not to reference a recurring quote. --Detour01:56, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
Perhaps, then, it would be appropriate on Bulkhead's page? (Random thought)
-¡Usa El Queso!21:13, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
I was actually going to add it toNicole Dubuc's page as a piece of trivia, since it only occurs in her episodes. I've been waiting for her next episode to see if it pops up again though. --abates21:52, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
Has it? Because it's a really crappy "note", especially if he only used it twice. --Detour19:12, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
And if anything, it'd befarmore noteworthy to point out Bulkhead's tendency to break Ratchet's equipment than calling Ratchet's reaction "a catchphrase". --Detour19:13, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
As of "Out of His Head," I'd say it's definitely a catchphrase. Which is disheartening, because I liked it the first time, and every time he uses it I like it less. --ItsWalky19:34, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
Is that another Nicole Dubuc episode? --Detour19:41, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
No idea, but it's irrelevant as to whether it's considered a catchphrase or not. After three separate uses in three separate episodes, that ship has sailed. Mind, either way, it's a crappy-ass main quote. --ItsWalky20:05, 7 May 2011 (EDT)

Oh, yay, it's in the notes!
-¡Usa El Queso!7:00 PM, 29 April 2011 A.D.

Shouldn't it be noted he's based off of Animated Ratchet?

No, because he isn't. This Ratchet doesn't even take any visual cues fromAnimatedRatchet, much less act like him. His personality, like most of the characters inPrime,is almost entirely new. I'll grant that both Ratchets are often grumpy (and, it could be argued, old, butPrimedoesn't seem to imply that he's as old asAnimatedRatchet was), but their grumpiness is played in different ways and caused by different factors. Distaste for humans is a good example:AnimatedRatchet doesn't like humans because he's antisocial and would rather be back home on Cybertron by himself;PrimeRatchet simply finds humans annoying and a hassle, and would prefer to be as far away from them as possible. -¡Usa El Queso!02:46, 20 May 2011 (EDT)
This Ratchet doesn't even take any visual cues fromAnimatedRatchet,
Uh... he kinda does. Actually, a fair amount. He is most definitely Animated-Ratchet-inspired on several levels. --M Sipher12:52, 20 May 2011 (EDT)
So are we going to add a note on all Optimus Prime pages that they're based off ofG1Optimus? When I said "visual cues", what I meant was "near-identical aspects of the character model". I just flipped between the two character models a few times, and I don't really see anything. Yes, they're both primarily white ambulances and forsake the red cross in favor of the heart monitor, but that's as far as I see. It looks to me like they're simply two characters based upon all previous Ratchets - mainlyG1.I think people see him as more likeAnimatedbecause there's very little of Movie Ratchet in him.
-¡Usa El Queso!6:52 PM, 21 May 2011 A.D. (And we're all still here)
I have to agree with Queso, aside from the color scheme and the same carryovers from G1, I don't really see much inspiration from Animated in Prime Ratchet's design. --Detour21:27, 21 May 2011 (EDT)


Vehicle mode caption

Since it's right next to the trivia anyway, can we please insert the caption "He needed that!" or something very similar? -¡Usa El Queso!Complain here17:51, 9 August 2011 (EDT)

Deluxe "Revealers" Toy


Yes, we know. It's originally from BWTF. We're not going to steal those pictures. Thank you. --ItsWalky23:49, 4 February 2012 (EST)

Operation bumblebee part 2

In the end of operation bumblebee part 2 at the end of the episode ratchet said "thats not all i fixed." What did he mean by that? XDJacktransformerdude00:32, 21 March 2012 (EDT)

Talk:Operation Bumblebee, Part 2#Something Else--abates01:04, 21 March 2012 (EDT)

Tiếp cận chiến liên trảm

Trảm is almost always just translated as "slash". With "Liền" it is "Multi-Slash" or "Combo Slash". This mode should be something like "Close-combat Multi-slash Mode".KrytenKoro00:58, 2 November 2012 (EDT)

Not Dinobot homage?

Now come on. He has the head and weapon and everything.KrytenKoro11:35, 25 May 2013 (EDT)

"Similar to" does NOT automatically equal "homage". This fandom needs to stop treating every similarity as an "homage". That's not what the word means. He has a common "doctor monocle" deal going, and a spinny-gimmick. Whoopeeeeee. --M Sipher11:57, 25 May 2013 (EDT)
If it was just a "doctor monocle" and/or "spinny-gimmick", fine, but coupled withall the other distinct elementsof the face, as well as the chest and weapon? An homage doesn't need to be 99% spot-on to be considered one. In Ratchet's case, he's an homage not because of the "doctor monocle", but because the "doctor monocle" is combined with the horns, the teeth, the cheek "claws", the chest, and the weapon that Dinobot just happens to share. Unless the designers outright declare it's a humongous coincidence, saying it's not an homage because of minor detail differences is essentially nitpicking. (On the other hand, I find "black car with flames=Ricochethomage "and" green and orange =Roadbusterhomage "to bepatheticallyweak connections, and theHomagepage really needs an overhaul.) --Inkblot12:55, 25 May 2013 (EDT)
I have no stake in the Dinobot/Ratchet argument, but that toy is calledRoadbusterUltra Magnus.Mimi13:21, 25 May 2013 (EDT)
Okay, my bad, I was talking about "Beast Hunters" Bulkhead on the second one. Sorry, should have been more specific. --Inkblot13:27, 25 May 2013 (EDT)
As someone who has done a lot of work on the Homage article, I am interested in how you would improve it. Any article here is a work in progress and always open to change. --Khajidha13:32, 25 May 2013 (EDT)
It's mostly concerning the examples, and how "notable" they have to be. If Ratchet doesn't count, what about Brakedown GTS, or Hot Shot? CanDualor (DOTM),Rav (DOTM),andTriceradon (DOTM)be consideredDinobot (G1)homages in the same vein as Scavenger being a Constructicon homage? (Wait, why does Scavenger count? He shares the name with a G1 Constructicon...) --Inkblot13:57, 25 May 2013 (EDT)
Maybe "notable" isn't the word I was really looking for. The gallery section generally includes one example from each line with preference given to the less immediately obvious (like Darksteel's homage of Quickstrike). Just enough to get the point across that homages are found throughout TFs. If the reader is really interested in whether a particular character is an homage, he or she should check out that particular character's page. Sharing a name doesn't disqualify Scavenger (the list "focuses on" but is not solely about non name reuse homages), but it would be better to have an Armada example that didn't share a name with the character it homages. --Khajidha14:22, 25 May 2013 (EDT)
I think it's likely that Ratchet is, for some bizarre reason, intended to evoke Dinobot, but my visceral reaction to it is much like Siph's, because I've been trained to snap angrily at ANY suggestion that so-and-so is an homage to such-and-such, because this fandom sees intentional callbacks everywhere. (It doesn't help that we get so many actual legitimate callbacks to previous stuff.) In my opinion, we should use much less factual "this is an homage" language and much more "resembles" or "looks like", even in cases, like Ratchet, where it's hard to imagine it's not intentional. -LV14:33, 25 May 2013 (EDT)
I like this idea, although I'm wondering in what specific instances should the term "homage" be used, if at all. --Inkblot14:42, 25 May 2013 (EDT)
Well, guys like PCC Huffer, who Hasbro called a "heritage character". Guys who were unquestionably intended as new-continuity versions of old guys, like Energon Skyblast before he had to have his name changed from Skyfire. Guys who we have Hasbro's explicit word on, like Road Hugger being the inspiration for Movie 1 Jolt or Crush-Bull being the inspiration for Movie Grindcore. I think it's probably fair to consider Energon Barricade an homage to Onslaught. -LV14:57, 25 May 2013 (EDT)

Remove the Decepticon faction logo?

I vote that it gets removed. Ratchet didn't really switch sides so much as he worked with the Decepticons to save Cybertron. That's an "Enemy Mine", not an outright defection.Grandpa Blackbirdlegitimately changed sides because he wanted to serve the Autobots' ideals and cause. Ratchet never once indicated any sympathy with the Decepticons, no "I want to kill/rule humanity and Cybertron!" like Megatron or Starscream.Chopperface(talk) 18:02, 16 July 2014 (EDT)

Uh, it's not because of that, it's because of his Go! release where he was turned into a Decepticon according to the bio.Escargon(talk) 17:47, 16 July 2014 (EDT)
Ah, gotcha. Never mind, then. Thanks for clearing that up!Chopperface(talk) 18:02, 16 July 2014 (EDT)
You're welcome!Escargon(talk) 18:04, 16 July 2014 (EDT)
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