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Tantrum (G1)

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Specifics:The Transformerstoy variants
This article is about the Generation 1 character. For the Aligned character, seeTantrum (Prime).
Tantrum is aDecepticonPredaconfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.

Tantrum(akaTorox) is loads of fun. He's all violence and no patience. Give him a can ofKremzeekenergy drink with the tab pulled off, and he'll quickly devolve through frustration to crazed screaming to smashing the recalcitrant can to a splattered soup of oily drink and metal shavings. Such outbursts are common, and they usually end with a pile of smoking rubble, and Tantrum in the middle, with a happy, smiling face, the calmest and coolest of Decepticons, for a very short while, until next time the fit takes him.

The Decepticon command,in their infinite wisdom,have augmented thesword fighting,electrostatic-discharging, and fuel-carrying abilities of this walking Internet with acatalytic carbinerifle. This can be good for a lot of laughs when it converts the metal in a target to enjoyably dangerous isotopes forBlotto snack on andMixmasterto play with.

Tantrum and his fellowPredaconscan combine to formPredaking.

If I live to be a billion, I'll never understand why they call destruction "mindless." Destruction's all I think about!

—Tantrum, "The Gathering Darkness"



Marvel Comics continuity

MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Events from theUK-onlycomic stories are in italics.
Charging here!

AsMegatron's paranoia reached its peak,Soundwavesuggested that they enlist the help of the Predacons to flush outOptimus Prime,allowing Megatron to finally defeat him. However,Shockwavecalled them fromCybertron,and gave the Predacon leaderRazorclawsecret orders to turn on Megatron at a crucial moment. The Predacons successfully hunted down Optimus, and when Megatron arrived, as Shockwave ordered, they turned on him.Prey!Tantrum andHeadstrongtackled down Megatron together, allowingDivebombto swoop in and snatch away the Decepticon leader'sfusion cannon.With their target disarmed, the Predacons then fled the scene to allow Prime to finish off his adversary. After learning of Shockwave and the Predacons' betrayal, Megatron summoned aspace bridgeto Cybertron to escape, but Prime flung them both through the bridge before it had fully materialized....The Harder They Die!

Leaping there!

Fortunately for Tantrum and the other Predacons, Megatron lost his memory of this incident whenStraxusattempted to take over his body. The Predacons were coincidentally sent to Cybertron by Shockwave just as Optimus and Megatron were warped back to Earth, allowing the whole matter to be easily swept under the rug.Resurrection!Contacting Razorclaw on Cybertron, Shockwave hired the Predacons to kill Megatronagain, this timedisguised asAutobots.Although Tantrum and the others managed to damage theDecepticon leader,he was too strong for them so Razorclaw gave the order to unite into Predaking. Even in this combined form, Megatron humiliated and bested them.Gone but Not Forgotten!

Later, afterDivebombcomplained about being bored onEarth,the Predacons destroyed a humancircusfor kicks, where Divebomb was attacked by theDinobotSwoop.Tantrum and company took it in turns to beat up on Swoop until his Dinobot comrades showed up to rescue him, whereupon Tantrum began battlingSlag.Ultimately the fight ended in a no score draw when Swoop persuadedGrimlockto call off his attack.Grudge Match!


The Predacons fell under the command ofRatbatand with Grimlock's Autobots off Earth, they were pressed into service raiding liquid oxygen from a chemical storage facility nearHuntsville,Alabama.In response, thehumanorganisationTriple-Iapparently executed the captiveThrottlebots.Ratbat and the Predacons raided Triple-I'sOregonheadquarters to investigate the execution but when it was discovered that the Autobots'brain moduleshad been removed, Ratbat sent Tantrum and the other hunters to track their scent. First they tracked the Throttlebots toSparkplug Witwicky'sgarage,but when the mechanic refused to co-operate they tore the building down around him. They caught up with the Throttlebots (their brain modules ensconced inside toy cars) at a shopping mall and attempted to destroy the pint-sized Autobots, with Tantrum tearing through a bookshop in his pursuit. However, this was less than successful and all the Throttlebots escaped.Toy Soldiers!Still, Ratbat successfully capturedBuster Witwicky,and so ordered the Predacons to withdraw.The Desert Island of Space!

Tantrum next participated in a daring attack against the Autobots on the Earth'smoon.The Decepticons struck a devastating first blow, but were ultimately driven back whenBlasterand Grimlock, then squabbling over leadership of the Autobots, managed to momentarily put aside their differences and rallied the Autobot forces together.Totaled!

Relocated to theArctic,Tantrum was among the Decepticons who rushed to defend themselves from an apparently hostileshipbefore it was revealed that the ship also contained Decepticons. When negotiations between Ratbat andScorponokturned nasty, Tantrum and the Predacons prevented theHeadmasterfrom leaving, triggering an all-out battle between the two Decepticon forces. For his part, Tantrum was torn in half by Scorponok.Cold War!

Repaired by the time the Autobots showed up and attacked, Tantrum engaged the enemy briefly before a ceasefire was sounded.Starscreamhad tricked both factions into fighting one another while he pursued the near-unlimited power of theUnderbase,and posed the greatest threat to both Autobots and Decepticons alike. Their united forces were unable to prevent Starscream from taking into himself a portion of the Underbase's power however, and several squads were formed to counter Starscream as he attacked human cities. Tantrum found himself forming part of Grimlock and Scorponok's team inTokyo,but was easily dispatched by the super-powerfulSeekerwhen the Predacons and Decepticon Pretenders rushed him.Dark Star

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. SeeEarthforcefor details.

Tantrum was probably a member of Shockwave's faction on Earth, like his fellow Predacons, although this isn't entirely clear. When theEnclavebroke out into total carnage due to an Autobot trick, Tantrum was right in the thick of it, probably enjoying every moment of chaos.The Bad Guy's Ball!He later joinedSoundwaveand the Decepticons in attacking the Autobot Earthbase. Their goal was to kill some Autobots, while also distracting them asStarscreamlooted a humanoil tankerin theGulf of Mexico.Both goals proved fruitless, and the Decepticons were driven off.Divide and Conquer!

MarvelGeneration 2comic

I've got an idea for a film and it's a bloody good one! It's called... 'There's a Rhino Loose in the City!' "

Somehow resurrected after his demise at Starscream's hands, Tantrum fell underBludgeon's command and was transported aboard theWarworldto attack Earth in an attempt to draw out Optimus Prime. When Bludgeon was deposed by Megatron, the plan remained pretty much the same and Tantrum had enormous fun slaughtering humans and causing massive property damage.

Unfortunately for Tantrum the plan worked all too well, and Prime announced his presence by running full-tilt into him in truck mode, smashing the Predacon into scattered chunks. Some people can't take a joke.The Gathering Darkness

Regeneration One

Regeneration Onecontinues from theMarvel US series,and does not include theUK storiesor any subsequently published stories.

When Megatron awoke in1994and seized control of the Ark, Tantrum was one of the offline Decepticons "recruited" into his lobotomisedzombiearmy.Loose Ends, Part 4In2012he was part of the force that attacked the Autobots arriving from Cybertron but whenCircuit SmasherdisabledAuntieaboard the Ark, Megatron's control over the zombies was severed and they just... "bit the dust".Loose Ends, Part 5

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon

Voice actor:Philip L. Clarke(English),Yū Shimaka(Japanese),Imo Heite(German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5" ),Bernd Simon(German, "Chaos" ),Thomas Rau(German, "Call of the Primitives" ),Mário Monjardim(Brazilian Portuguese), Unknown (European French, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5" ),Francis Lax(European French, "Chaos" )

Tantrum was among the crowds of battered Decepticons on Thraal who cheered when Cyclonus announced the survival ofGalvatron.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1

Tantrum and the Predacons were first seen in action during an alliance between the Decepticons andQuintessons.They were sent toIoto stopBlurrandWheeliefrom recoveringMetroplex'stransformation cog,leaving the Autobot city helpless against the coming attack ofTrypticon.Tantrum charged Wheelie like the bull he resembles, but the nimble Autobot leapt out of the way and Tantrum crashed intoRampageinstead. The battle was kicked up a notch when the Predacons combined into Predaking and had their first fight withSky Lynx.Tantrum was sure they'd obliterate him, but after they got knocked into separate components again,Razorclawbegan to retreat and Tantrum was forced to flee as well.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5


On the planetDread,the Predacons were overseeing construction of a massive cannon which would allow Galvatron to destroy Cybertron with a huge blast ofdeath crystals.An Autobot strike team landed on the planet while the Preds were patrolling, and the Decepticons engaged the scouts,Kupand Blurr. While Razorclaw and Rampage kept Kup busy, Tantrum and Headstrong rammed Blurr into quick-mud, and watched him sink. He would've been obliterated, but Sky Lynx came looking for his Auto-buddies and pulled the motormouth free. The cocky Tantrum was sure they'd obliterate Sky Lynx, but his delusions of adequacy were quickly shattered as the Predacons were forced into a retreat.Chaos


During an attack onRodimus Primeon Cybertron, Tantrum and the Predacons became the unwilling subjects of a Quintesson reality-altering effect, where a dream machine was turningDaniel Witwicky's nightmares into tangible threats and screwing up the environment. After Razorclaw andSpringerwere hauled off by a flying dragon, Rodimus Prime suggested a cease fire so that the Autobots and Predacons could work together and find their friends. Tantrum made a counter-offer, and suggested he wouldn't obliterate the Autobots right that moment if they stayed out of his way. He did manage to blow up a giant plant with the electro-blasts from his horns, so maybe Tantrum didn't need help after all.Nightmare Planet

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Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1The Quintesson JournalCall of the PrimitivesThe Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Headmasterscartoon
Voice actor:Masaharu Satō(Japanese)
HM ep01 Wheelie beats Tantrum.jpg

Tantrum and the Predacons were part of Galvatron's strike force on Cybertron in 2011, seeking to wrest control ofVector Sigmafrom the Autobots. While invadingCybertron,Tantrum happened across an unguardedDaniel.Never one to pass up an opportunity to maul a small child, Tantrum immediately attacked. Unfortunately for him,Wheelieburst onto the scene, tackled him and beat him senseless.Wheelie.Four Warriors Come out of the Sky

Later, the Predacons traveled to Earth in order to stymie Hot Rod's attempt to locate theMatrix of Leadership.Tantrum's unit found the former Autobot leader in the Arctic, but were held off byBlaster,hisMini-Cassettes,andSuperion.The Mystery of Planet MasterTantrum and the Predacons were among the Decepticons Galvatron brought with him to the planetBeast,although they were absent during the Autobot attack that drove the Decepticons off.Rebellion on Planet Beast

When the Autobots created a new kind of metal on Cybertron calledCybertonuron,Galvatron wanted to claim it for himself. He sent Tantrum and the Predacons to Cybertron as an advance guard to pave the way for his forces. They mowed down Cybertron's standing guardians and began to wreak havoc on the planet.Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1Once the Autobots arrived from Earth, the Predacons were confronted byShoukiand theTrainbots.Their attempts to intimidate the Light-Speed Commander failed utterly, and a fight broke out. Tantrum ended up knocking himself unconscious colliding withRazorclawwhenGetsueiandSuikenlept away from his ferocious charge.Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2Tantrum and the Predacons assembled as Predaking to helpScourgeandCyclonussteal theSol 1satellite, but they were driven off byRaidenand the Headmasters.The Shadow Emperor, ScorponokNext, Tantrum and the Predacons helped Scorponok stage a crisis to keep the Autobots distracted, by setting off a volcano inPeru.On-scene to keep the Autobots from rescuing innocent villagers, Tantrum's group first clashed with the Trainbots before joining forces as Predaking and once again fighting Raiden and the Headmasters.The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts

As Scorponok began his plan to capture theplasma energyof Mars by blowing it up, Tantrum and the Predacons stood guard on Mars as theTerrorconsbegan planting the necessary bombs. When the Trainbots stumbled across the plot, the Predacons started up a firefight to dispose of the meddling Autobots. With Daniel Witwicky andWheeliemissing, the Trainbots tagged out with the Autobot Headmasters to go looking for them. Razorclaw gave the order and Predaking was formed. Unfortunately, even Predaking was no match forTranstectorpower, and he was felled by a quadruple jump kick by the Headmasters.Explosion on Mars!! Maximus Is in DangerRegrouping on Chaar, Tantrum and the Predacons bore witness to the unveiling on MegaZarak, Scorponok's new super weapon Transtector.Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears

Tantrum and the Predacons attended Scorponok's ceremony on themoon.They were scattered by the Autobot attack, but rallied around Galvatron's late arrival and drove off their heroic opponents.Return of the Immortal Emperor

As Scorponok abandoned Earth in favor of conqueringMaster,Tantrum was one of his many troops seen attacking the planet's fortifications.Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2)He also helped retrofit theZarak Shieldout of indestructibleG-Metalso that it could stand up to theMaster Sword.The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide

Zonecartoon, manga, and story pages

Seeking to create aDecepticon Zoneto counter theAutobot Zone,Decepticon EmperorViolengiguargathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Tantrum was among the selected, but only as a part of Predaking.Zone Part 1Transformers: ZoneEnter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

Generations Selects Special Comic

Decades after Predaking was destroyed fightingDai Atlas,the Quintessons used theirRecreatorto bring the Predacons back to life. Predaking fought the Dinobots onDinobot Island,but was outmatched when Grimlock used anEnergon Matrixto combine the Dinobots asVolcanicus.Tantrum and the Predacons were broken down into individuals after a blow from the Magma Blade, and fled the battle.Volcanicus comic 1

Wings Universe

Wings Universeis based on theGeneration 1 cartoon,but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Splitting off from the Decepticons in the wake of their peace accords with the Autobots, the Predacons formed their own faction, supplementing their forces with Transformers from stasis pods thatSky-Bytepilfered fromJhiaxus's laboratory.A Common Foe

The events of "Dawn of Future's Past"are also incorporated into theWings Universe.

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Predacons lost and found.jpg

Tantrum and the Predacons were only ever identified as long lost "warlords" who had apparently been exiled from Cybertron in the distant past. It was not made clear if they were particularly warlike Decepticons, or had been warriors who actually predated Megatron's rise to power. Whatever the case, they had ended up on the planetBeestand, by modern times, had descended into feralbeast modes,operating purely on animal instinct.Welcome to the Jungle

Megatron, who was similarly in exile at the time, challenged their leader Razorclaw and defeated him in battle. He then reprogrammed the Predacons to be loyal only to him, and gave them the combiner form of Predaking. Tantrum and the others then helped Megatron resume control over the Decepticons, first traveling to Cybertron to oust Shockwave from command of the Decepticons hiding in the planet's wastelands,Lost and Foundthen to Earth, where they similarly helped their leader retake control of Starscream's splinter army.The Route of All Evil

G.I.Joe vs. the Transformers

Decepticons art of war issue 4.jpg

Tantrum and his Predacon comrades attackedNautilatorwhen he dared to intrude on the Predacons' piece of theGladiator Zone,but Nautilator fetched his ownfriendsand formedPiranacon,prompting the Predacons to combine as well. Predaking eventually defeated Piranacon, but before he could delivered the killing blow, he was frozen in place bySerpent O.R.,who convinced Tantrum and the others to join his new Decepticon army.The Art of War #2

When a group of Autobots andG.I. Joescame hunting after Serpent O.R., Predaking stomped onBumblebeewith his Tantrum leg. During a Decepticon gathering later on, Divebomb got into a fight withHun-Grrrand tried to goad Tantrum into attacking theTerrorconby claiming Hun-Grrr called him "slow on the upload". Oddly enough,Headstrongwas the one to take offense to this. As Predaking, the Predacons then participated in an attack on an Autobot peace ceremony.The Art of War #3Tantrum was later seen among the Decepticon forces preparing to defend their base from a major Autobot/G.I. Joe assault.The Art of War #4

The Beast Within

During an all-out Decepticon offensive, Tantrum joined his fellow Predacons in a battle against the Dinobots. Then, when the Dinobots combined intoThe Beast,Tantrum joined his fellow Predacons into forming Predaking.The Beast Within

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance:Stormbringer#4
Megatron Origin 2 Tantrum.jpg

Before the war began,Kuphelped train the Predacons, refining them into an effective team of shock troopers.The Iron KlawIn the years leading up to the war, Tantrum and the other Predacons joinedMegatron's illegal gladiatorial deathmatches held in theForge.Megatron Origin #2He and the Predacons also became some of the first Decepticons, turning the fighting towards the public and launching an insurrection inKaonagainst theSenateunder Megatron's command.Megatron Origin #3

WhenScorponokusurped Megatron, the Predacons refused to serve him, and instead went on an interplanetary hunting trip that eventually left them stranded onCanis Torafter they'd killedalllife there. Starving, Tantrum and Headstrong watched Rampage and Razorclaw fight it out over who was to blame before all four decided to just eat a weakened Divebomb. Fortunately for Divebomb,Starscreamshowed up and let them know Megatron was back.Primacy #2Rejoining the Decepticon army, the Predacons participated in an assault onIacon,where they killedSlingerand battled theDynobots.Primacy #4

At one point during the subsequent war between the Autobots and Decepticons, the Predacons killed a squad of Autobots, leaving only one survivor inTracks.WhenJazzcame to evacuate him, they shot down his transport and attacked the two Autobots. Tantrum was taken out early in the fight that ensued.Spotlight: Jazz

After the first defeat ofThunderwingin a cataclysm during the war that followed, Tantrum and the other Predacons led the attack against the beleaguered Autobot positions soon after the Autobot morale-boosterBlasterwas taken out by hisassassin.Spotlight: Blaster

Surprisingly mellow for Tantrum.

In modern times, he served with the rest of the Predacons aboard theThanatos,and joined Headstrong in leading a ground envoy onto Cybertron's surface to help theWreckersbattle the resurrected Thunderwing. Their aid helped turn the tide, so Razorclaw didn't have to use the ship's starblitz torpedoes to obliterate the entire planet. That makes the Predacons heroes! (Say that again, though, and Tantrum will make sure you get obliterated.)Stormbringer #4

All My Sins remembered Prowl vs Tantrum.jpg

Several years later, the Predacons were among the many Decepticons stranded onEarthwith no source ofenergon.Hawk Among the SparrowsThey briefly experimented withcombinertechnology before abandoning the effort.The Iron KlawIn order to survive, Tantrum, Headstrong, Rampage, and Divebomb became hired guns forChina,protecting the nation's borders in exchange for precious energy. Led by Rampage, the Predacons intervened when a battle between the Autobots (allied withSkywatch) and theCombaticons(allied withNorth Korea) got too close for comfort.Hawk Among the Sparrows

While Tantrum and his teammates were initially willing to leave without a fight, they mistook a blast fromOnslaughtas an Autobot act of aggression, and responded in kind. The battle was a short one, though, as the Predacons soon learned that theRussianswere sending a nuke to take them all out of the picture. They wasted no time in leaving the area, and later abandoned their alliance with China afterThundercrackerblew up the nation's energon factories.All My Sins Remembered

Years later, Tantrum was one of the disenfranchised Decepticons of Cybertron who rose toGalvatron's banner of new conquests back on Earth. They stormed the spacebridge chamber and made their way to China (where Tantrum once served). In the three way war between the forces of Optimus, Galvatron, andthe Chinese.Tantrum was badly injured in the battle, but managed to survive.Once Upon a Time on Earth


A few months later, the marooned Predacons fell under the sway of the evilCount von Rani,who managed to brainwash the Predacons into mindless drones while improving on their prototypical combiner technology. WhenBaron Ironbloodvisited him to check on the progress of their plans, von Rani took the opportunity to show off his new weapons. Von Rani took the opportunity to deploy the team's new "Predaking" form whenKup,Action Man,Snake-Eyes,andG.B. Blackrockattacked their base. Though powerful, the combiner was undone after Snake-Eyes smashed the console responsible for keeping the Cybertronian combined and brainwashed. Tantrum was knocked unconscious by the separation, and abandoned after Razorclaw stormed off to settle a score with humankind.The Iron Klaw

Later, Tantrum and the other Predacons formed Predaking to defendVenicefromUnicron'sMaximallegions.Ceremony

Dawn of Future's Past

DawnofFuturesPast G1Predacons.jpg

After the end of theGreat War,the Predacons (or those of them surviving) founded the newPredacon faction.Years later, now in a reformatted technorganic body, Tantrum was once again plotting with his old teammates.Dawn of Future's Past

WriterPete Sinclairstated that the Tantrum in this story is a descendant of the original, but this was not made explicit in the material.

2006 IDWBeast Warscontinuity

A group of five symbols appeared on the walls of a room containing atranswarp shuntdevice on Cybertron. The five symbols seemed to represent a lion, a bird, a bull, a rhinoceros, and a tiger.The Gathering #2

Kre-Oonline manga

Kre-O JP comic 08 - Headlock.jpg

Torox and the Predacons were so cuddly and adorable inbeast mode,the Autobots could not bring themselves to fight back. The Predacons went from adorable to abominable when they formed Predaking, though, and the Autobots had a renewed fighting least until the Predacons split into beasts again.Behemoth Combination! But They're Cute? The Predacon Unit

Commercial appearances

Tantrum and the rest of the Predacons came to the aid of a trio ofSeekerswho found themselves unable to handle the Dinobots. The Predacons barreled overSludgebefore combining intoPredakingand pushing the advantage.Predacons commercial

Headlock was part of a massive battle between Kreons. After fighting for a bit as individuals, he and his teammates combined into Predaking. They then chased the Autobots off alongsideBruticus.KRE-O Transformers Micro Changers and Combiners Construction Sets commercial


Transformers Legends

When an Autobot team led byJazzlaunched a mission to deliver energon to a hidden Autobot base, Tantrum, Rampage, and Headstrong were only too happy to stop them.Road to Ruin

After an uneasy alliance with the Autobots, Tantrum and the other Predacons gave in to their base animal instincts, and decided to hunt down Autobots they considered weaklings. They were defeated by a group of Autobots led by Bumblebee.Call of the Primitives

Tantrum was caught up somehow in a Quintesson plot to kidnap several Autobots during theGalactic Games.Five Faces of Darkness: Part 1

Transformers: Earth Wars

If you can't bring down the charging bull-

Tantrum would rather crash right through a problem, then stamp all over it, rather than apply reason or logic. Get in his way, annoy him, or - if you're an Autobot - just exist, and his overheated rage is a sight to see. Steam literally puffs out of his nasal ducts before he charges. These chronic fits of anger may be down to a loose connection somewhere, but no way is Tantrum letting anyone mess with his head!Tantrum Bio.

Tantrum came to earth during the battle for the Codex key. He also particcipated in a battle where Mixmaster commented that the stuff they just stomped over wasn't just Energon.Combiner Wars Campaign

He is a key component of Razorclaw's task force.

  • Class:Warrior
  • Lowest Star Rating:1 star
  • Weapons:Tantrum uses his Electro-sword to attack targets.
  • Ability: Reflective Shield:Put on a shield that reflects 50% damage back to attackers for a few seconds and attracts defenses!
    • Cost:4 ability points + 2 for reuses.

Tantrum at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers: Forged to Fight

Then don't wave thered capeat it.

Transformers: Forged to Fight

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Tantrum was the most destructive member of the Predacons, an out-of-control berserker who annihilated anything in his path.Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook


The Transformers

Tantrum transforms into a robotic buffalo. He can form either leg of Predaking, but his nominal placement is as the right leg. His double-barrelled cannon can attach to his back in beast mode and doubles as Predaking's foot. As with the rest of the Predacons, the initial release of Tantrum haddie-castmetal parts which were later replaced by plastic.

  • Predaking(Gift set, 1986/2004)
    • ID number:D-78
    • Accessories:"Electro-sword", "catalytic carbine"
While they were only sold separately in the west, in Japan, all five Predacons were also made available as a very large gift-set. This set was reissued in 2004, using the die-cast construction of the initial releases.

Welcome to Transformers 2010

  • Predaking(Gift set,2010)
    • Accessories:"Electro-sword", "catalytic carbine"
As a part of theWelcome to Transformers 2010line, the original Predacon molds were reissued. Tantrum features significant differences from the prior versions; his red, gray, and black plastic is altered to a metal fleck equivalent color. Nearly all of his label stickers were redesigned, and he now features cartoon accurate golden optics instead of red. Also included are optional labels for Tantrum's optics to make them red in both modes.
This version of Tantrum features diecast metal parts.


KreO-Toy Headlock.jpg
  • Predaking(Micro-Changer Combiner,2013)
    • Set number:A2227
    • Pieces:79
Kre-O"Torox"[1](his Italian G1 name used fortrademarkreasons) comes as part of the PredakingMicro-Changercombiner set, and can be rebuilt from hisrobot modeinto a bull. He can also contribute his bricks to form Predaking.

Platinum Edition

Why am I holding Headstrong's sword?
  • Predaking(Gift set,2014)
    • 10 OF 30
    • Accessories:"Electro-sword", "catalytic carbine"
Platinum EditionTorox, part of thePredakingfive-pack, is similar to the 2010 release by Takara, complete with die-cast metal parts. New to this release is a goldredecoof theStar SaberofPrime: Beast HuntersVoyager ClassOptimus Prime.In addition to several pre-applied stickers, five sheets of labels from the 2010 release are also included. Finally, he has a designated number as part of theThrilling 30celebration.

Power of the Primes

He's still pulling hisTantrumfor not having his name back.
  • Predaking(Titan Class,2018)
    • TakaraTomy ID number:PP-31
    • TakaraTomy release date:September 29,2018
Power of the PrimesTorox is a Voyager-sized figure that transforms from bull to robot and back, with a giant cannon that forms Predaking's foot. Unlike most Combiner limbs, Torox and Headstrong also form the thighs and hips, which hang off their robot modes as kibble. Torox was only available as part of the Titan ClassPredakingfive-pack.


Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Torox, Fueler(2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity:UT
    • Card Number:T44/T46
    • Stars:5
Torox, Fueler was released as part of theTransformers Trading Card GameWave 2: Rise of the Combiners. Like all other members ofcombinerteams released in the set, Torox, Fueler is a folding card, with the Bot and Alt modes being depicted when the card is folded in half, and a holofoil portion of the combined mode depicted when unfolded. The reverse of Torox, Fueler depictsPredaking'sright leg, which is formed by Torox in the artwork.
The artwork for Bot and Alt Mode is reused from theTransformers Legendsmobile game.
Torox, Fueler can be used to form Predaking, Ferocious Hunter with the use of the Action cardPredacon Enigmawhile he and the other Wave 2 Predacons are in Bot mode on the battlefield or KO area.


  • Tantrum'salternate mode,a buffalo, is not a predator in nature, but herbivorous.
  • His box and instructions, as well as the Predacons'Secret Filesprofile, refer to his beast mode as a "buffalo", presumably an African or Asian variety. However, he is elsewhere often referred to as a bull, even in fiction (such as whenWheelie shouts "olé" when dodging him).

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Tantrum(タントラムTantoramu),Torox(トロックスTorokkusu)
  • French:Coléro(Canada)
  • Italian:Torox
  • Mandarin:Yěniú( trâu rừng, "Buffalo" )
  • Russian:Bujvol(Буйвол, "Buffalo" )


  1. TheKre-Oincarnation of Tantrum is mislabeled "Headlock" as a result of an apparent swap with Headstrong, who was named "Torox" on the packaging. As the name Torox was later correctly applied to Generation 1 Tantrum for hisPlatinum Editiontoy, this wiki opts to label "Headlock" and "Torox" as properly intended.
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