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Targetmaster Chapter Prologue

From Transformers Wiki

Transformers LegendsVol. 45
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"Targetmaster Chapter Prologue"
ターゲットマスター biên PROLOGUE
(Targetmaster Hen Prologue)
First published September 29,2017
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Additional art by Tasuku Tajima(Neo Akihabara City)[1]
Color Gufu Kandagawa(page 2-4)

The Targetmasters disappeared a long time ago, but what happened to them?



TheHeadmasterswere not the only warriors who fought in the battle near theblack holethat forced the Autobots and Decepticons to seek new bodies in theLegends World—theTargetmasterswere also present.

Pointblankleads his Autobot Targetmasters against their Decepticon counterparts led bySlugslinger,demanding they release the small Targetmasters that they've forced to become Decepticons. As the battle reaches its climax, the Autobot Targetmaster partners detach to recover the remainder ofScorponok's bombs only to be grabbed by the Decepticons. Slugslinger reveals that since the Targetmasters were bonded to their current partners by aplasma energyshockwave, their plan is to purposefully expose themselves to the black hole's explosion and bond with the Autobots' partners as well. Things don't go as planned, however, as the explosion instead shrinks their bodies and causes the Targetmaster partners to disappear. The Targetmasters go on to convert into Headmaster bodies like the other victims, but choose not to follow them to the Legends World, instead remaining intheir own universeto search for their partners.

In the current-day Legends World, the threeTitanshave been integrated intoAkihabaraand created whatRattrapdubs "Neo Akihabara City". The elected mayor of the new city isMegatron,who holds a speech about how he wishes to create an ideal world without conflict whereTransformers,humans,and beasts can live in peace, claiming he does not want to repeat the "arguments" he had with his old friend,Optimus Prime.Elsewhere,Scourgehas hisSweepsdig for anotherZodiaconly to uncover one of the lost Targetmasters,Blowpipe.Meanwhile,Hot RodandShaoshao Liarrive in the Legends World in search of the lost Targetmasters, the former having converted into a Headmaster body in order to be inconspicuous during their investigation. Problem is he can't actually afford atranstectorfor it, but he's confident things will work out somehow.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)



  1. "Hiện tại phát bán trung の トランスフォーマーレジェンズ LG43ダイナザウラー phong nhập truyện tranh の カラー đảm đương しました! あと trước ngày công khai されましたレジェンズWEBコミック45 lời nói の ネオあきはーばらーシティ の vẽ tranh も đảm đương させていただきました! WEBコミックは vô liêu xứng tin な の で thị phi đọc んでみて hạ さい~!"—tajima_0109, Twitter, 2017/10/06
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