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The End Of The Universe II

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Transformers: Cyberverseep 51
Cyberverse - EOTU 2 - Iaconus.jpg
"The End Of The Universe II"
Season 3
No. in season 15
Production company Allspark Animation
Airdate February 20,2020(UK)
April 26,2020 (USA)
Writer Zac Atkinson
Mae Catt
Gavin Hignight
Dan Salgarolo
Director Ehud Landsberg
Animation studio Boulder Media Studio
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With Optimus missing and Starscream taking the others captive, Windblade and Maccadam prepare their last resort.



Having escaped JudgeStarscream,Windbladeflies through the streets ofIacon,making her way toMaccadam's,where theSharkticonsare celebrating their victory.Maccadamreluctantly serves up drinks, telling his unwelcome patrons they had better drink up fast. When the Sharkticons ask why, Windblade enters.

The Sharkticons are amused at the sight, but Windblade just gestures for them to bring it. The shark-bots attack, and theCityspeakermops the floor with them, until only an impressedGnawis left standing. The Sharkticon leader vows to show theCamienfear, but Windblade responds she doesn't do fear. They fight, until Gnaw manages to land a hit with his spear, using the opportunity to jam one of Windblade's rotors. However, her other rotor is still working just fine, and she uses it to hurl Gnaw into the wall, where he is crushed by the bar jukebox.

The fight over, Windblade apologizes for the mess made, but Maccadam doesn't mind, even offering her a free drink for her efforts. When Windblade asks about the "no fighting" rule Maccadam's has always had, the bartender chortles that—in this case—he will make an exception. Their conversation turns serious as they get to why Windblade is here. She wants to wake upIaconusand much as the ancient bartender has tried putting it off, it's time for the last WarTitanto rise again. Maccadam cautions Windblade that Iaconus is swarming with enemies before placing an ancient warhammer on the bar, reassuring her she won't have to fight them alone.

Elsewhere, Judge Starscream is taking advantage of his captive audience to rant about their injuries against him.Kupinterrupts his story, assuring his audience that this went on for ages, while more important things were happening elsewhere.

Optimus PrimeandBumblebeetake stock of the bizarre universe they have wound up in and don't like it. Trying to get to the injuredWheeljack,their path is blocked by the universe shifting around them again, though Bumblebee finds he is now next to the portal. Advising him to stay put, Optimus tries to rescue Wheeljack, having been given a path that nearly leads right to him, save a gap. However, as Optimus tries to jump the distance, reality shifts again, and he falls to the ground. Undaunted, Optimus just remarks that recovering Wheeljack will take effort.

In the bowels of Iaconus, Windblade and Maccadam make short work of the Sharkticons andQuintessonProsecutors in their way, soon reaching theCityspeakerchamber. Maccadam tries warning Windblade of the danger of speaking to the Titan, and not just because of his immense power: when he and his fellow citizens put Iaconus to sleep, they made sure no Cityspeaker would ever wake him again by setting a psychic trap. Windblade asks how she can overcome the trap, but the bartender assures her she has everything she needs already with her. Not assured by his cryptic remarks, Windblade tries speaking with the Titan. Inside his mind, she finds Iaconus's memories fragmented. When she tries accessing a memory, she activates the psychic trap, which begins to overwhelm her, until she remembers Maccadam's words. Using herStormfall Sword,she slices her way free of the trap and urges Iaconus to speak with her. After a moment's silence, the Titan awakens.

Back in Iacon, Judge Starscream isstillranting at everyone, wanting to know where Optimus andMegatronhave gotten to.Arceetries bluffing, claiming they are elsewhere onCybertron.She is soon joined by everyone else, as they give their own version of events. Everyone except forClobber,who is a few pages behind. Losing his patience, Judge Starscream grabs Arcee and begins zapping her, demanding that he be told the truth he wants or else he will kill her. Arcee remains defiant, telling the oversizedSeekerhead she can take his worst. Just as Judge Starscream vows she shall, the ground begins to shake. Scanning the ground, Perceptor realizes it is not an earthquake. He is proven right as the ruins of Iacon City are pushed aside by Iaconus, who transforms into his towering robot mode and lets out a mighty roar.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Decepticons Others


"I always wanted to visit another universe. But not a weird one. I want my ups up, and my downs down, right? Well anyway, while Optimus was" busy "standing on his head,Windblade,she was taking care of business. "


"Impressive. You show courage. Now... let me show you fear."
"I don'tdofear. "

Gnawfails to intimidateWindblade.

"Maccadam... you know what I must do now."
"You have to wake up Iaconus. As much as I've tried to put it off, it is time for the last of the great War Titans to rise again. There are enemies from here all the way down to the Cityspeaker chamber... But you won't have to fight them on your own."

WindbladeleadsMaccadamto take up his weapon once more.

Starscream:How supremely delightful it is to be the Judge of each and every one of you! For millenia, Autobots and Decepticons alike have committed unforgivable crimes againstme!
(Bots groaning in annoyance)
Starscream:But the time nears when you will all pay for your—
Kup:So, that went on for a while. Heh, talk about a bot who likes a captive audience. Yap, yap, yap. I almost deactivated from boredom!

—Everyone is sick of Starscream's monologue.


Continuity notes

  • Biter was last seen in "The Prisoner";because he is present in the Sharkticon rally, it is possible that he was freed by Lord Gnaw.
  • Maccadam had mentioned back in "The Judge"that he has seen Cityspeakers die trying to interface with Iaconus before, which takes on a different context knowing he rigged up that psychic trap.
  • Windblade identifies herself to Iaconus as "Windblade of the Third Circle ofCaminus";Caminus was first mentioned in"Cube".Presumably, then, the Third Circle is her place of birth.
  • When everyone gives out locations to bluff Judge Starscream with, Arcee mentions theLithium Flats,where Hot Rod had planned to go racing upon returning to Cybertron in "Battle For Cybertron I".
  • Chromia mentions theVelocitronMemorial; Velocitron and its destruction was shown back in "Terminal Velocity".
  • Iaconus previously had appeared via a flashback, but this time, his entire body is seen, and his face is now in a clearer view.

Transformers references

  • TBA

Real-world references

  • TBA

Other trivia

  • The Prosecutors and Sharkticons inside Iaconus have snazzy new Starscream-inspired colour schemes.

Animation and technical errors

  • TBA

Foreign localization


  • Title:"Das Ende des Universums Teil 2"
  • Original airdate:January 2,2021


  • Title:"O Fim do Universo, Parte 2"(" The End of the Universe, Part 2 ")
  • Original airdate:October 4,2021
  • Notes:The narrator for the episode title erroneously calls this episode "Part 3".

Home video releases

  • TBA
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