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The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3

From Transformers Wiki

Legends Comic
Legends Revival 3.jpg
"The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3"
レジェンズ sống lại へ の nói biên 3
(Legends Fukkatsu e no Michi Hen 3)
First published January 25,2019
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Chronology 1985,2011,2038

The Monsterbots' past is revealed as Galvatron II assaults Beast.



Rattrapreturns to theAxalonwith theMonsterbotsin tow and tells the otherLegends Worldevacuees where and when they have landed, but the explanation is interrupted when a gigantic object entersBeast's atmosphere:Nemesis,a giant starship constructed byGalvatron IIto drain the planet of itsBeast Power.Initially surprised by the ship's appearance in the wrong era,Leo Primerealizes that while he knew its creator wasa"Galvatron", he had mistakenly assumed it to behis era's Galvatron.Galvatron deploys hisDecepticonarmy and a battle breaks out when the now alliedBeastformersandLaser Beastsarrive to defend their world, led by QueenWhite Lunewho speaks of a prophecy claimingWhite LeoandTigerburnwill return during a great crisis. Indeed, the two break out of their crystal prison and join the fray, much to the joy ofDoublecrosswho was unable to battle in robot mode without Leo as hisHeadmaster.Grotusqueis similarly afflicted, soLionevoluntarily re-merges with Tigerburn to provide him with a head.

Elsewhere, Rattrap drops a potted plant in the chaos and scrambles to retrieve it, the pot containing the last remaining soil of the Legends World. He nearly gets stepped on byJoltwhen the plant suddenly defends him with a force field, revealing that the planet's Beast Power has evolved her into a sentient being namedBotanica,before kissing Rattrap as thanks for protecting her. TheNemesisbegins absorbing Beast Power and transmitting it into Galvatron'sCreation Matrix,much to the concern of Rattrap who believes the energy will be key to reviving the Legends World. AsRepugnus's army ofdronesis blasted out of the sky by Galvatron when they try to attack the ship, the Legends natives resolve to lend a hand and launch aboard theAxalon,where Leo Prime employsTransformers sicknessto awaken their inner beasts and transform them into their "true"Beast Eraforms. TheAxalonpierces theNemesisand the powered up Legends warriors proceed to cause havoc within, culminating inOptimus Primal,Leo Prime, andBig Convoydestroying the ship's core with a Triple Beast Convoy Matrix Attack. Galvatron isn't overly dismayed by the ship crashing into the planet as his Matrix has already been filled with plenty of Beast Energy, and he turns his cannon on the defeated Monsterbots while gloating that he will first destroy theAutobots,much like he did inhis original dimension,and then he will go on to conquer all dimensions. White Leo and Tigerburn remain defiant, but the Monsterbots are ready to accept their fate...

While completing theDinobotsonEarthin1985,WheeljackandRatchetexplain toSpikethat withoutVector Sigmathey cannot create true robotic life, advising him to see the Dinobots as something akin to animals instead. Wheeljack goes on to create the Monsterbots in2011,programming them to be stupid to ensure they won't go on a rampage, but by now he feels "animal" robots like them are the same type of lifeform as otherTransformers,just less intelligent. Deemed unsuitable for combat because of their silly personalities, the Monsterbots end up stationed on Beast where they're treated as equals by the Beastformers, and over time they develop higher intelligences equal to other Transformers.

Voicing their gratitude, the Monsterbots remove their Beastformer Headmasters and toss them to safety before being blasted by Galvatron. Suddenly, three ofBeast's mystical Gemsappear and speak, praising the Monsterbots' selfless spirits before transforming into their true forms—the legendaryThree Wise Ones!Recognizing that their power is needed to protect Beast, they adopt robotic forms, transform into mechanical versions of the gems and combine with the Monsterbots, announcing that the time for "true evolution" has come.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • This comic was published via theTakaraTomy Malllisting for LGEX Repug & Grotes, rather than on the mainLegendswebsite.

Continuity notes

  • Wheeljack lists off theSharkticons,Predacons,andTerrorconsasQuintessonattempts at creating Transformers without the use of Vector Sigma. This is the first time the Terrorcons have been identified as Quintesson creations, perhaps in reference to their unexplained cooperation with the aliens in "Money Is Everything".
  • This notion would be expanded upon in "Abominus comic 1".

Transformers notes

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