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Titan (species)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Titan" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeTitan (disambiguation).
Remember the Titans.

TheTitansare a species of intelligent humanoids who live on the moonTitan.They have pointy ears, two antennae on their forehead, hair on their shoulders, forearms, and on the top of their head. Some males also havehair on their face.Skin tone and hair color vary by individual and includes shades of blue, purple, pink, and brown.

They have a pre-industrial culture dominated by a fraudulent religion manipulated by a group of corruptastrologer priestswho use trickery to ensure the obedience of the people. However, there exists a splinter faction that sees through their ruses.



The Transformerscartoon

Life for the Titans was disrupted when a disabledCosmoscrash landed on Titan. Some of the people mistook him for aSky Godand started worshiping him.Jero,the head astrologer priest used the event to his advantage in solidifying his power. The scene was witnessed by a group ofDecepticonsandAstrotraindecided to use the event to his advantage and convinced the people he was a god. Astrotrain put the people to work as slaves mining energy crystals.

Talaria,leader of the rebels was able to activate Cosmos's homing beacon which broughtPerceptor,Jazz,andOmega Supreme.Omega Supreme destroyed their temple. Astrotrain, knowing their small group of Decepticons couldn't defeat Omega Supreme blasted the energy crystals to keep them out of the hands of theAutobots.

With their temple smashed and priests discredited, the Titan natives were left to begin a new society.The God Gambit


A couple of Titans were shocked whenMetrotitanbusted out from underground on Titan, believing him to be another Sky God.The Mysterious Knowledgeable Grandpa ChapterBonus Edition Vol. EX


  • The species is given its name by a line spoken by Talaria: "As long as I breathe, Titans will not worship false gods!"
  • The cast list on the original script noted that the Titan's style of dress should be Aztec inspired, and that the women should go topless, though with large amount of hair to keep things family friendly. When animated, the females ended up with bikini tops, though they still retained the large amounts of hair.
  • The next time we see the moon Titan is in the year 2005. The moon had been terraformed and became home to a secretQuintessonbase in "Money Is Everything".The fate of the Titans is not mentioned.
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