Tommy Staples
From Transformers Wiki
- Tommy Staples is a member ofG.I. Joefrom theIDW Generation 1 continuityportion of theGeneration 1 continuity family.
You can't see me!
This character has no official visual representation in anyTransformersproduct or media... yet, at least.
The curiously namedTommy Staplesis a member of G.I. Joe'sAdmin Force.
IDW Generation 1 continuity
After G.I. Joe first went public, Tommy Staples signed up to join Admin Force alongsideMP3,Blue Tick,StartupandWebcam.However, the lack of action, combined with the onerous duties of paperwork and visiting universities to warn millennials about the dangers ofCobraeventually led Tommy and the others to quit the team, leaving MP3 as its sole remaining member, patrollingTexasalone in hisAction Van.Nothing Will Ever Be the Same Again!