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Transformation paralysis

From Transformers Wiki

This article is about the condition. For the device of the same name, seemode lock.

Transformation paralysis(also known asmode lock) is a condition where aTransformerfinds themselves locked into theiralternate mode.



The Transformerscartoon

In 1985, when the Autobots participated in a race for charity,Megatrontook the opportunity to test his latest creation, theTransfixatron,a weapon which locked a Transformer in whatever mode they were currently occupying. When Starscream dissed the device and Megatron's leadership, he was locked into fighter mode and had to beg his leader for mercy. With a successful demonstration under their belts, the Decepticons used the Transfixatron on the majority of the Autobots while they were stuck in vehicle form and captured them. While Megatron attempted to destroy the Autobots via an overly-elaborate trash compactor,RatchetandWheeljackcreate a device that would reverse the effect... a grenade. With the Autobots back to normal, they forced the Decepticons into retreat by firing the Transfixatron atDevastator,though instead of locking the Constructicons in that form, it for some reason forced them to separate.The Autobot Run

In the year 2006, while examining thequadrant lockin microscope mode,Perceptorwas fired upon by theQuintessons.TheAutobotscientist was injured and found himself suffering from transformation paralysis, locked within his microscope mode. You'd think things were bad enough, but then Perceptor's consciousness was placed intoan alien drone.The Face of the Nijika

Beast Warscartoon

One of the many evil inventions developed byTarantulasduring theBeast Warswas theTransformation Lock Lens.This floating contraption fired beams that locked victims into their beast modes, requiring use of aCR chamberto recover from the effect. The lens was a key element of thesuccessful Predacon attackon a Maximal signal array, as it preventedRhinoxfrom activating the array beforeMegatronwas able to destroy it.The Probe

Beast Machinescartoon

Megatronused atransformation viruswhich, amongst other effects, mode-locked a Transformer to conquerCybertron.Forbidden Fruit

2005 IDW continuity

SpotlightSoundwave weaponexposition.jpg

While onEarthto investigateBludgeon's dealings,Soundwavewas paralyzed by an experimental weapon fired byIguanuswhen he attempted to stop Bludgeon's cultists from carrying out their mad plan to resurrectThunderwing.The weapon overrode his primary transformation cog and forced him to assume his alternate mode of his tape deck, which, as Bludgeon pointed out, was of a considerable inconvenience to Soundwave. A year later, Soundwave was dug up by the US government organizationSkywatchduring their excavation of Bludgeon'sMount St. Helensbase. Over two decades later in the year 2007, Soundwave was then purchased by a teenager from a pawn shop in Portland, Oregon.Spotlight: Soundwave

Beast Wars: Uprising

On a dystopian post-war Cybertron,energonwas at such a premium that the decrepit Autobots and Decepticons were no longer capable of independent movement; even the Transformers who were still mobile rarely transformed into their alternate modes out of concern for their onboard fuel supplies.Broken Windshields

While most of these "Builders of Cybertron",remained in their robot mode, some Transformers found themselves permanently trapped in their vehicular configurations instead. The Builders reused them as transports.DerailmentThese were of particular interest to theMaximalsandPredaconsof theResistance,who captured and lobotomized these living ships and turned them into nonsentient cargo haulers and warships.Safe Spaces

The Battle of theYuss Straitssaw extensive action between fleets ofmode-lockedTransformers with aquatic alternate modes.Derailment

Rescue Botscartoon

A meteorite that crashed onWayward Islandcarried within it a virus whose first stage locked Cybertronians in theiralternate modes.Bumblebee to the Rescue

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