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Tsunami Blaster

From Transformers Wiki

Autobots beware
Sky-Byte's chargin' his laser

TheTsunami BlasterisSky-Byte's most fearsome weapon. Heralded by the inevitable cry warning of its use, a purple beam of energy fires from a lens in the center of Sky-Byte's chest. Few can avoid its destructive power and it has been known to level buildings.



Cartoon continuity

2001Robots in Disguisecartoon

Sky-Byte first used the Tsunami Blaster during a mission to destroy theLinear RFGbullet train. Frustrated at his lackeys' failure to fight offOptimus Primeand the threeAutobot Brothers,he blastedProwl.Optimus was forced to send the other brothers on ahead while he tended to his wounded comrade.Bullet Train to the RescueWhen a mission to steal thePlutonium Energy Generatorsimilarly went awry, Sky-Byte announced that if thePredaconscould not have it, no one could. TheSpychangersjumped in front of the generator as he fired his Tsunami Blaster. The sixAutobotstook the force of the blast and prevented the generator from being harmed. The Predacons scarpered with the generator, only to later find that the Spychangers had used the cover of the explosion to switch it for a dummy.Spychangers to the Rescue

During a simulation,Mirageeasily dodged a blast from a simulated Sky-Byte's Tsunami Blaster.Mirage's BetrayalAfter Sky-Byte failed to persuadeSkid-Zto join the Predacon team, he fired the Tsunami Blaster at the Autobot... only to be amazed when Skid-Z dodged. Evidently he hadn't heard of Mirage's earlier feat, as he proclaimed in shock thatno onecould do that. Skid-Z didn't stay and argue, as another race was starting.Skid Z's ChoiceDuring another fight, Sky-Byte unleashed his Tsunami Blaster on Optimus, who countered with a "Power Fist"attack, that not only blocked the Blaster's beam, but dealt Sky-Byte a solid blow.Tow-Line Goes Haywire

The Predacons were once faced with a huge dragon, which they believed to be some sort of Transformer. After the Autobot Brothers fled in apparent fear from it, Sky-Byte encouraged his men to open fire on it, and did so himself with his Tsunami Blaster.The Ultimate Robot WarriorDuring a mission onMontrose Island,Sky-Byte made use of his Blaster against the Autobots. Later in the battle he spotting Optimus andScourgefighting near the volcano's crater, which Optimus had earlier plugged with ice. Sky-Byte saw his opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, and used his Tsunami Blaster to melt the ice plug, unleashing lava on the pair.Volcano

Sky-Byte had fun unleashing his full arsenal on an unsuspecting drilling platform, but little knew that the attack was a mere ruse and the prelude to a Decepticon plan.The TestOn Sky-Byte's worst day ever, the Tsunami Blaster's lack of subtlety ruinedMegatron's plan to covertly raid a power plant. It sure messed up the building he used it on though.The Fish TestHe used it on theCGA Towerwhen he and the other Predacons attacked it with the misguided intention to make Megatron jealous.Sky-Byte Saves the DayHe tried using the Tsunami Blaster onUltra Magnus,after Magnus faked a defection to the Predacon cause. Magnus jumped out of the way, and he andTeam Bullet Trainreturned fire, leaving Sky-Byte in a very sorry state.The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus

Ultra the Rescue?

When Optimus and Ultra Magnus attempted to stop Sky-Byte and Scourge from stealing an experimental nuclear generator, Sky-Byte inflicted his Tsunami Blaster on Optimus. It didn't seem to phase Prime all that much.Ultra the Rescue?

Legends/Unite Warriors

In2004,Gelshark broke into the Autobot base whereJetfireandR-Bladewere experimenting onsolitarium.Foolishly ignorant of the consequences, Gelshark let loose a Maser Storm, which interacted with the solitarium to create an explosion that sent GelsharkBonus Edition Vol. 6and Jetfire to theLegends Universe.Bonus Edition Vol. 7

Traveling withBlack Convoyto recruit theCombatrons,Gelshark unleashed a blast against the impostorGrand Scourgeto break his hold onBaldigus.Ruination Chapter, Part Two

Wings Universe

ForestonitegrantedSky-Bytethe use of the Tsunami Blaster, a freeze beam capable of paralyzing those struck by it. He used it to blast the Autobots when they attempted to rescueSpark.Generation 2: Redux


Foreign names

  • Japanese:Maser Storm(メーザーストームMēzā Sutōmu)
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