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Twilight Sparkle

From Transformers Wiki

Twilight Sparkle is aponyfromMy Little Pony.
I only meant to stay a while

Twilight Sparkleis a (usually winged)unicornand Princess of Friendship from the land ofEquestria.With her friends at her side, she wields her immensely powerfulmagicto protect Equestria from those who would do it harm.



Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

(Twilight Sparkle is second from left.)

In a world of magic and rainbows, Twilight Sparkle and her friends discovered the smoldering remains of the dimensionally-displacedMegatron.The War Never Ends

When Worlds Collide

When trying to retrieve the stolenMatrix of Leadership,Optimus Primejoined forces with Twilight Sparkle, along with several other heroes.When Worlds Collide

IDW crossover artwork

Cyclonusonce cosplayed as Twilight Sparkle.Transformers #18 WonderCon 2020 variant cover

My Little Pony/Transformers

Twilight Sparkle responded to the bad weather caused byQueen Chrysalis,who was attempting to summon morechangelings.Chrysalis' spell, however, connected to a malfunctioningspacebridgeonCybertron,bringing through several Cybertronians. Realizing that the flightless entities were sentient, Twilight abandoned the villain and used her magic to save Optimus Prime andBumblebeefrom falling to their deaths. After witnessing theirtransformationabilities, Twilight thought, given theAutobots' peaceful nature, that her land was in no danger from Chrysalis' spell, until Optimus revealed the existence of theDecepticons.Transformation Is Magic

The accident had also sent Twilight's assistantSpiketo the Autobots' reality, Spike winding up at theArk.He wrote Twilight a parchment about his experiences, but it is unknown if she ever received it.InspiringAlong with her friends, Twilight later attended a race betweenRainbow DashandWindblade,donning a foam finger to support her friend.The Flyin' Fox Trot

Knowing that Megatron would eventually rally his forces, Twilight used her magic to transport Optimus across Equestria so he could do the same, the two arriving to defend theCrystal Empirefrom the Decepticon/changeling alliance. During the battle, Twilight managed to use her magic to block Megatron'sfusion cannonbefore a spacebridge to the Autobots' reality opened, through which came Spike andGrimlock.Realizing that changeling magic was not needed to return to Cybertron, Twilight combined her magic with the power of theMatrix of Leadership,sending the Decepticons home. After a delightful tea and energon party, the Autobots followed suit.Finale

Some time later, Twilight and her friends were enjoying a concert inLas Pegasus,only for theSeekersto crash the party. Leading her friends into battle, Twilight chased the Seekers back through their spacebridge and onto Cybertron. When she fired a magical blast atStarscream,the Seeker managed to dodge, the attack striking a black crystal that absorbed her arcane energies and releasedKing Sombra.As Twilight gaped, the evilunicorntook the chance to cast a mind-control spell that slaved her to his will.The Magic of CybertronSombra then had his minions, including Twilight, unearthScorponok.Once the Cybertronian/pony alliance arrived, Sombra, now "King Sombranok", ordered his minions to hold them off. Twilight promptly attackedShockwaveandRarity,who proceeded to free her. She was then beckoned over toRatchetandWheeljack,who had developedexo-suitsfor her,Fluttershy,andPinkie Pie.Her alternate-mode was a sword, which Optimus used to slash "Sombranok", overloading him and causing him to explode. Once the Decepticons had agreed to a ceasefire with the Autobots, they gathered at the space bridge so the ponies could take Sombra back to Equestria, with Megatron promising not to attack them again due to the Decepticons' view for order clashing with magic's unpredictability. Twilight suggested that they should establish an alliance between their worlds, and Megatron begrudgingly agreed.Finale

Commercial appearances

In response to a piece of fan mail,Megatronadmitted his most embarrassing moment was crying in front ofSoundwavewhen he witnessedTwilight becoming a princess.Ask Megatron part 3


It's either real or it's a dream / There's nothing that is in between
  • Twilight Sparkle was voiced byTara Strongthroughout theFriendship Is Magicera and its sequel series.
  • At theBotCon 2014retrospective panel, it was revealed that a redeco ofBeast MachinesBasic ClassBattle Unicornbased on Twilight Sparkle, aptly designated "Twilight Sparkle Prime", was among the proposed but unused concepts.[1][2]


  1. "Battle Unicorn as Twilight Sparkle Prime lol #botcon2014 #transformers" —Benson Yee, Twitter, 2014/06/22
  2. BotCon 2014 attendee report by griffin

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