Twin Twist (G1)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Twin Twist" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeTwin Twist (disambiguation). |
- Twin Twist is anAutobotfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Twin Twistwill sink his drills into anything, tearing it to shreds at the smallest excuse. He loves violence and fighting as much as your averageDecepticon,full of fury and the desire to show off just how much destruction he's capable of doing.Optimus Primesometimes worries about his uncontrollable nature, but no one can argue that he isn't an effective warrior. It's probably not much of a surprise that he fits right in with theWreckers.
As aJumpstarter,Twin Twist and hisbrotherTopspincan transform between modes in a fraction of an instant (.4 of a second), significantly faster than most Transformers. He is sometimes partnered with theTitan MasterFlameout.
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Marvel Comics continuity
MarvelThe Transformerscomics
Twin Twist was a member of the Wreckers, and trained diligently with the other Wreckers in preparation forOperation: Volcano.When the operation's linchpin,Ultra Magnus,was required elsewhere, Twin Twist agreed with the others to drop the mission and redirect their efforts. However, after Twin Twist protectedthe weakin a bar brawl atMaccadam's,it was he who helped change the team's minds by renewing their fighting spirit. They then returned to training for Operation Volcano.
Twin Twist grieved with the other Wreckers when their leader,Impactor,died saving the life ofEmirateXaaronas Operation: Volcano ended horribly.Target: 2006
After bothMegatronandOptimus Primewound up teleported back to Cybertron, Megatron set about spreading false rumors that a Decepticon spy, disguised as Optimus, had been set loose to infiltrate the Autobots' ranks. Twin Twist helped capture what he believed to be the imposter alongside the rest of the Wreckers....The Harder They Die!The Wreckers readied to gun down their captive, only for the execution to be interrupted byOutback.Though the little guy wasn't able to convince the others that Prime was the real thing, he used agas particle bombto create sufficient distraction to allow the Autobot leader to escape hisenergy restraintsand vamoose.Under Fire!Distant Thunder!Prime's name was eventually cleared, and he began rallying Autobot forces on Cybertron, leading them on raids to plunder Decepticon resources. Twin Twist participated in several of the raids, leading up to one which would serve as a distraction, allowing Prime and Ultra Magnus to sneak up on Megatron and take on the Decepticon leader.Resurrection!
Twin Twist somehow wound up within the newly space-borne Ark alongside the Autobots underGrimlock's leadership, and was one of several Autobots who attended the trial offour human childrenwho were charged with aidingBlasterin a mutinous plot.Spacehikers!
After Impactor's death, Wreckers rookieSpringertook his place. Some time later, Twin Twist stood with the Wreckers in the newAutobaseinKaliswhen a nuclear reactor exploded and hordes ofzombieTransformers poured out ofCybertron's lower levels. Twin Twist was captured and imprisoned with his fellow Wreckers and Emirate Xaaron inFlame's underground base.Legion of the Lost!The Wreckers managed to break out of their cell and retrieve their weapons, resuming combat against the zombies patrolling Flame's headquarters. They then bumped into a returning Springer, now accompanied by Ultra Magnus,Fizzle,Sizzle,andGuzzle.Unfortunately, any further progress towards Flame's inner sanctum was blocked off by a massive blast door. Though their weapons proved ineffective against it, the Autobots managed to get through whenTrypticonarrived, repaying a favor that fellow DecepticonFlywheelsowed Ultra Magnus. Unfortunately, they came to confront Flame too late; his machines had already destabilized, and the countdown to Cybertron's destruction had already begun. While Springer, Ultra Magnus, and Xaaron dealt with Flame, the rest of the group cut through the remnants of madbot's zombie army and returned to the surface. There, Twin Twist learned that a zombifiedImpactorhad forfeited his (un)life in order to prevent the whole planet from blowing up. He joined the others in remembering Impactor's two heroic deaths.Meltdown!
Soon, thetime travellingGalvatron who wandered Earth had attracted the attention of the Wreckers. After Twin Twist helped his fellow Wreckers memorize the stats of their foe, they warped themselves down to Earth to face him... and right into the middle of a heavily populated Earth city. Though Springer worried that this had totally compromised their mission, as they didn't want to inflict any casualties on the innocent humans, the Wreckers nonetheless threw themselves at Galvatron. Twin Twist and hisJumpstarterpartner Topspin focused their efforts on Galvatron's equally time-tossedTargetmasterbrethren,CyclonusandScourge.Eventually, to stave off further collateral damage, Springer lured the two Decepticon cronies out of town, leaving the rest of his crew with the opportunity to gang-up on Galvatron. However, they were unwilling to leave Springer to the Decepticons' mercies, and instead pursued him, allowing Galvatron to escape them. The Wreckers' mission ended as a total failure, and they returned to Cybertron to plan anew.Wrecking Havoc
However, this only delayed the inevitable. Galvatron's presence in the present day had started to unravel the space-time continuum. Twin Twist and the rest of the Wreckers reluctantly teamed up with the Decepticons' counterpart organization, theMayhem Attack Squad,to counter Galvatron.
Quickly, Galvatron began depleting the Wreckers' ranks. ThoughRoadbusterdied inflicting a horrible head wound on Galvatron, this only made the Decepticon angry. With renewed fury, Galvatron tore through the Wreckers. He defeatedRack'n'Ruinand Twin Twist simultaneously, killing the latter by tearing off his head.Time Wars
Transformers Annual 1985
WhenProwlandBumblebeedetected Decepticon activity in the Amazon, the pair brought Topspin and Twin Twist along to investigate. Prowl was hesitant throughout the mission, and suggested the group turn back upon encountering a roadblock. Twin Twist wouldn't hear it however, as he and Topspin were eager for some action. He easily forced his way through the roadblock with his drills, and the group picked up a trail left behind byRavageafterwards.
The Autobots trekked for days until they came upon the Decepticons' hideout. There, the enemy was excavating crystals which could bring new Decepticons to life. Prowl suggested that the Autobots hold their position and contact the Ark for reinforcements, prompting a debate within the group. While the others were distracted by their argument, Bumblebee took it upon himself to push on alone, only to be caught inThrustandStarscream's cross-hairs. Prowl and the Jumpstarters were forced into action, but found themselves paralyzed with fear partway into their descent;Dirgehad also been posted as a guard, and was using his fear-inducing engines on the Autobots. Prowl managed to neutralize this newest threat, and the Jumpstarters resumed their rescue attempt. Together, they blasted Starscream out of the sky and sent him crashing into Megatron's mining operation, destroying it utterly. Thrust retaliated by burying the Autobots in an avalanche, and by the time Twin Twist clawed his way out, the Decepticons had already fled.Hunted!
Marvel UK future timelines
In the year2510,Twin Twist witnessed the end of the old war and the start of a new one. With the last Decepticon destroyed, the Autobots began arguing among themselves as to whether Springer or Ultra Magnus should beRodimus Prime's chosen successor. A scuffle broke out and casualties happened on both sides, leading to a new Autobot Civil War between theTechnobotsand the Wreckers, with Rodimus sitting in the middle of the war zone, emotionally crushed by the renewed conflict.Peace
Transformers '84
WhenImpactorandRoadbusterwalked in onPunchinformingUltra Magnusthat he needed a "wrecking crew" to deal withStraxusrestartingMegatron's "Project Dreadnought",they recruited Twin Twist,Whirl,Topspin,andRack'n'Ruinto form a new unit called the "Wreckers".Secrets & Lies #3
Arriving at the nerve centre of Project Dreadnought, the newly formed Wreckers assumed their designated holding positions until their fearless leader Impactor could think of an appropriate signal; upon a surprise attack byAbominushe spontaneously ordered them to "wreck and rule" and Twin Twist began tunnelling towards the control centre, followed by Topspin. While their fellow Wreckers battled theTerrorconsabove, the Jumpstarters held off a squad ofgenericDecepticons while laying enough explosives to destroy the base for good. When the job was done, Twin Twist gave Impactor the signal to pull out and the Wreckers withdrew from their first mission victorious.Secrets & Lies #4
Decepticon Poison
In one possible scenario, Twin Twist was amongst the troops that Optimus brought to the Decepticons’ poison lab, in order to foil the Decepticons’ plan of poisoning the humans’ nearby water supply.
If the Autobots decided to launch a full-frontal assault, as suggested byIronhide,Twin Twist was one of the Autobots Optimus called forth to gun down the laboratory. The laboratory then caved in on itself, signalling an Autobot victory.Decepticon Poison
DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity
During the "Dark Ages" of the Cybertronian civil war, a time in which both Megatron and Optimus were thought dead, both the Autobots and Decepticons splintered into several smaller factions. Twin Twist joinedSpringer's Wreckers, who came to frequent blows againstRatbat'sUltracons.During one of their missions, they battledDevastatorin order to keep theTagan Heightsout of their enemy's control. Twin Twist tried to topple the combiner by drilling into his left foot. Amazingly, the strategy did not work.EscalationDefensorjoined the fight, but the resulting clash between the two combiners was so brutal that Twin Twist and the other Wreckers were forced to retreat to avoid becoming collateral damage. When the ground-bound Wreckers became boxed-in as the area was collapsing around them, Twin Twist used his drills to dig an underground escape route.Devastation
After the creation of the Micromasters in fuel-starved times, Twin Twist came to work for a unified Autobot faction once more. He was guarding Autobot HQ whenCountdownandGroundshakerreturned from an interplanetary mission. His fellow guard, Topspin, asked the little 'bots where Optimus Prime was, only for the new arrivals to inform them that they had failed to locate the lost Autobot leader.Destined for NothingLater, due to the machinations of the Decepticon-allied MicromasterSkystalker,the Autobots and Decepticons were tricked into an all-out brawl, despite resources being at an all-time low for both sides. Twin Twist was battered in the conflict that came about, but the Autobots were spared total defeat when a cross-faction group of Micromasters revealed the scheme that had brought the fight about. The Autobots and Decepticons abandoned the battlefield in response, allowing the war to prolong itself further.Victims of the Revolution
In the present, Twin Twist and his compatriot,Topspin,served as guards underShockwave's regime. Neither of them were all too please with Cybertron's current government, though they did their best to keep silent about it, knowing that Shockwave had eyes and ears everywhere.Brothers' BurdenBeing elite soldiers, they also were members ofUltra Magnus's shock team. WhenMenasorwas released to wreak havoc onIacon,Twin Twist tried to attack his left foot. This time, it actually worked and toppled the giant. He survived the battle and uncovered evidence of Decepticon treachery in Menasor's rampage.Passive AggressionSoon after, a full Autobot uprising was underway, and Twin Twist helped in the final push that toppled Shockwave's regime.Revelation
Twin Twist and Topspin continued to serve with Magnus on Cybertron after Shockwave's rule was overthrown, and attended a meeting where the Autobots' forces were divided up to better defend the planet against future threats.The Route of All Evil
The Beast Within
Twin Twist participated in a savage battle against the Decepticons, though he did not fare too well, being on the receiving end of a beat-down courtesy of Soundwave.The Beast Within
2005 IDW continuity
- First Appearance:Transformers: Stormbringer #2
The Jumpstarters have abranched spark:a rare condition that means the two of them can share each other's pain and feelings, and sometimes perceive each other's circumstances. Twin Twist was the first to get involved in the Wreckers.Last Stand of the Wreckers #3
Teamed withScoop,Twin Twist was working on drilling out a storm tunnel for Springer onVaras Centraluswhen they got the call from Optimus Prime to return to Cybertron to investigate the possible return ofThunderwingand rescueJetfire's expedition team.Stormbringer #2AfterRoadbusterandWhirlsavedAfterburnerandNoseconefrom a squad ofCenturion drones,Twin Twist's drills were invaluable for tunneling into the hidden base ofBludgeon.Stormbringer #3
Proving that obsessions exceed universal boundaries, Twin Twist continued his bizarre obsession with left feet by trying to drill the toes off the revenant Thunderwing. This time, he got kicked and stomped on for his trouble.Stormbringer #4
When the Wreckers were again called upon to battle Thunderwing onCorata-Vaz,Twin Twist was there, trying alongside his comrades to get past the massivePretenderto aNega-Coreit was guarding; a device essential for bringing forth theExpansion.One wonders why he didn't just tunnel underneath to get past Thunderwing...Spotlight: HardheadSpotlight: Doubledealer
When Jetfire managed to remotely override Thunderwing's predetermined directives for a brief time, the Wreckers got by and found the Nega-Core. Twin Twist and Topspin then began attempting to decommission it, ultimately prepping it for transport through aspace bridgeportal. Once Autobot teams on different planets had reached the other Nega-Cores, Topspin carefully explained to everyone the process by which to properly unlatch and move them. Jetfire lost control of Thunderwing by this point and it turned back to resume attacking the Wreckers, but they managed to survive.Spotlight: Sideswipe
Sometime later, the Wreckers apparently had a battle withTurmoiland his crew of Decepticons that went badly. Twin Twist's fellow Jumpstarter Topspin and five other Autobots were taken prisoner aboard Turmoil's cruiser. Led byKup,Twin Twist and the remaining Wreckers made a successful rescue attempt, thanks in part to their new recruitDrift.Spotlight: DriftWith Kup back in the field, however, he recruited Springer and several of the Wreckers for his personal strike team.
Over two years later, the Wreckers were reformed and were taking on new recruits; Twin Twist and Topspin were still part of the team. While meeting the new guys, they sawIronfistbriefly fall unconscious. Twin Twist was going to have Perceptor fetched to check the guy out, but Ironfist claimed he was fine... whileGuzzlerevealed that Ironfist was the secret identity of "Fisitron", thehistorianbehind theWreckers: Declassifieddatalogs. Twin Twist was stunned, and then amused to find his official file was top secret and that Ironfistreallywanted to know what was in it. While Topspin claimed they were just two normal guysreally,Twin Twist gave a friendly warning for "Fisitron" to do "no more prying".Last Stand of the Wreckers #1
Before the assault onGarrus-9,Twin Twist briefly talked with Topspin about the vicarious perception they were experiencing, but decided not to let it distract them. During the assault he was placed inSpringer's pod, and manned the pod's gun until he was knocked over by an enemy blast. Rather than falling to his death, he was saved byImpactor.Last Stand of the Wreckers #2
Upon planetfall, Twin Twist's group was followed by a group of Decepticons. The Wreckers responded with lethal force while Springer took a look at Twin Twist's wound. Needing to get to the cell block apparently below them, he painfully transformed into his drill mode— which was felt elsewhere by Topspin. He drilled directly into a large room and was again saved from his fall, this time by Springer. He reached a computer terminal and realized they had accidentally triggered a defense mechanism and were going to be vaporized. They tried to escape but were zapped by a high concentration of energy. Twin Twist came to in the presence ofStalker,who asked him to open wide as he brought a scalpel toward Twin Twist's head.Last Stand of the Wreckers #3
Stalker tortured Twin Twist in earnest, ravaging his face and eventually causing the Wrecker to pass out from the pain. Stalker left the Autobots alone briefly so he could go fetch theendoscopic claw,another torture device. Twin Twist woke up just in time to hear the bound Springer and Impactor arguing. Stalker returned with the horrific-looking instrument and resumed his torture of Twin Twist, despite the Autobot's desperate pleas. In theAequitaschamber, Twin Twist's anguish was experienced by Topspin through vicarious perception. Rather than let his brother suffer any further, Topspin offered his spark up to bypass Aequitas' suicide lock. The two Jumpstarters died simultaneously, their shared last words being "Wreck and Rule!"Last Stand of the Wreckers #4
After the liberation of G-9, Twin Twist's remains, as well as that of the other fallen Wreckers, were transported toEarthalong with the survivors.Last Stand of the Wreckers #5They were later interred in the Zone of Remembrance atDebris,the Wreckers' headquarters.Zero Point
Twin Twist was aPowered Masterand space pioneer with the ability bestow the properties of a drill upon any weapon he wielded.Bonus Edition Vol. 65In the late 1980s, they entered the scene to protect theTransform Super Cogfrom falling intoDecepticonhands, and they managed to defeat theBattlechargerswho were attempting to steal it from within theArk.When the Jumpstarters joined the battle outside, they attacked who they thought wasMegatron,but it turned out to be the decoy,Megaplex,and they were left open to attacks fromSunstormandEnemy,butNightstalkerwas able to protect them from Enemy's finishing blow. That didn't stop them from losing the Super Cog toSlugslinger,but the other Autobots were able to end his threat.Slugslinger's Ambition
Twin Twist loved to drill holes and often ended up damaging the Autobot base, much to the chagrin of the other Autobots. He was supported in his mischief by Topspin,G1 Warrior Twin Twistwho would only put his foot down when Twin Twist wanted to drill holes inhim.G1 Warrior TopspinOptimus Primetried putting his obsession to good use by having him dig pitfall traps for the Decepticons, but he dug so many that the Autobots themselves fell in them.Operation: Destroy the DecepticonsThe problem was "solved" when Prime appointed both him and Topspin leader of the Jumpstarters, leaving Twin Twist too busy arguing with his brother to have time for drilling.The Commander's Good IdeaIn2004,the Jumpstarters were recruited bySpringerinto his new Wreckers unit.Bonus Edition Vol. 7LG-07 Jetfire SequelThe team was charged with cleaning up aroundMount St. Hilary,which Twin Twist contributing by digging holes for garbage disposal.G1 Wreckers Birth StoryDuring this time, he and Topspin learned that their fellow WreckersWhirlandRoadbusterhad come from a peaceful dimension known as theLegends Worldand hoped to help found such a place themselves someday.Bonus Edition Vol. 66
Decades later in the2030s,the Jumpstarters were approached byKatsu Donand asked for their help in creating a dimension called Legends, causing them to realize their friends were from the future. Concluding that they had to accept or else their friends would never be born, they stole theZodiacfrom fellow Powered MasterDai Atlasand used it to create the Legends World, leaving it in the care of theZamojin.Bonus Edition Vol. 66Twin Twist was later present when his teammates raised concern about Springer's's increasing girth.LG19 Sprung PrologueFollowing a trip to the Legends World, their commander returned in a new body which Twin Twist immediately wanted to drill holes in.LG19 Springer SequelUpon learning that the Zamojin were attempting to destroy their creation throughWindblade,they explained the circumstances to the other Wreckers before traveling there to stop Katsu Don.LG65 Twin Twist PrologueTwin Twist was swiftly decapitated by Windblade but survived by retrieving the Zodiac and using its power to turn his head into aHeadmasterand his body into a Drill Base. Using the base's drills to generate electromagnetic waves, he successfully retrievedSpoilsportfrom Windblade and blasted her, freeingPeacemakeras well.Bonus Edition Vol. 65Expressing their determination to defend the world they created, Twin Twist and Topspin then combined into theirAttack Poweredform and decisively defeated both Windblade and Katsu Don.Bonus Edition Vol. 66
WhenMajin Zarakwas released on the Legends World, the Jumpstarters worked with many other parties to defeat him. Twin Twist's Drill Base mode, linked to his Powered Engine, was used to funnel power intoAlpha Trion's ultra-drill, a device for transporting between dimensions. It was hoped that the ultra-drill could remove Majin Zarak to a safe pocket dimension without destroying (due to a time paradox involving his presence in this time period). Together, the defenders of the Legends World used their combined firepower to force Majin Zarak through the breach. However, the Targetmaster partners were also modified byScorponokandDevil Zinto plasma energy bombs which threatened to destroy the Legends World. Unable to disarm the Targetmasters without killing them, Mayor Megatron ordered the population evacuated through portals created by Twin Twist's Drill Base. The Jumpstarters theorized it might still be possible to one day recreate the Legends World if it were destroyed, with the help of their Powered Master leader,Dai Atlas.Targetmaster Chapter Finale: Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part Two
Getting aid from the Powered Masters would not be easy, however. Back in 2038 of the OG World, the Jumpstarters discovered the Powered Masters had been possessed by the malevolent entityViolengiguar.Although Dai Atlas,Sonic Bomber,andRoadfirestill lived on in new Headmaster bodies, their Powered Engines remained in their original forms. Having stolen theZodiac,Vion (in the body of Dai Atlas) attempted to use its power. Luckily, Topspin and Twin Twist were able to combine with the real Dai Atlas, allowing him access totheirPowered Engines to counter Vion's efforts and temporarily deplete the Zodiac's power.The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 2
The battle progressed to theZone Baseon PlanetMicro,where Violengiguar and his masterDark Novaintended to steal energon to recharge the Zodiac. Dark Nova forcibly merged with Mayor Megatron to recreate the powerfulStar Giantcolossus. Roadfire focused on reclaiming the Powered Engines from the Powered Masters' original bodies, and rallied Topspin and Twin Twist to do it. Topspin and Roadfire merged into Wing Powered while Twin Twist and Dai Atlas formed Drill Powered. Their combined firepower destroyed Lenger and Iguarn in the bodies of Sonic Bomber and Road Fire.Roadfire Chapter
As Vion was destroyed as well and the last Powered Engine recovered, however, the Jumpstarters received surprising resistance from the other Powered Masters. Dai Atlas's hatred of Megatron was such that he not only had no compunctions about striking down Star Giant (with the innocently possessed Megatron inside), but he would also refuse to restore the Legends World if Megatron was the one who wished it. Having seen the benevolent Mayor Megatron and the peaceful Legends World, Topspin and Twin Twist tried to convince the Powered Masters otherwise, but to no avail. When they tried to prevent Dai Atlas from killing Star Giant, he mercilessly cut off their heads and forcibly incorporated their Powered Engines andTranstectorsinto theUltra Poweredcombination. Only as he prepared for his final strike did Dai Atlas realize Star Giant wasn't fighting back. Megatron held Star Giant at bay inside the creature, and accepted his death while imploring Dai Atlas to recreate the Legends World as his final wish. Dai Atlas killed Star Giant and begrudgingly agreed to help the Jumpstarters restore the Legends World afterwards.Dai Atlas Chapter
Together, the five Powered Masters used their Zone Base modes, the Zodiac, and many other energy sources and ingredients to spark the resurrection of the Legends World, allowing the inhabitants to return to New Akihibara City and their homes.Epiloge
Transformers Legends
Twin Twist was a member of the fearless Wreckers squad which liberated Garrus-9 from the grip ofDreadwindand theAir Strike Patrol,though they destroyed most of the facility in the process.The Wreckers
Transformers: Earth Wars
Given Topspin and Twin Twist's absence from Earth,SpringerrecruitedNoseconeto be the Wreckers' new resident driller. Nosecone arrival
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Twin Twist specialized in vehicle mode combat.The Enigma of Combination
The Transformers
- Twin Twist(Jumpstarter,1985)
- Accessories:"Semi-automatic cannon-rifle"
- Known designers:Takashi Matsuda(TakaraTomy)
- Released in the second year of theoriginalTransformerstoyline,JumpstarterTwin Twist transforms into aCybertronic twin-drill tankvia a very simple, one-step process. Hisvehicle modefeatures a pull-back motor which propels him forward; after a short distance, a latch on his body releases his spring-loaded legs, and the weight and momentum flips Twin Twist up onto hisrobot modefeet. A small lever on the back of his head adjusts the timing of when his head hits the floor, and thus his kickoff angle, hopefully making thisgimmickwork better (see theJumpstarter article's "Toys" sectionfor a full breakdown of what it actually does).
- TheMexicanversion of Twin Twist featured a running change in that early models had their faces painted red instead of silver; these toys were also sold on theEuropeanmarket.
- This mold wasredecoedto makeSalt-Man ZandRobot-Man Z.
The Transformersmold:Twin Twist | ||
Titans Return
- Flameout & Twin Twist(Deluxe Class,2017)
- Accessories:FlameoutTitan Master, blasters
- Known designer:John Warden(Hasbro),Mark Maher(deco artist)
- Titans ReturnTwin Twist is a heavy retool ofTopspin,featuring a new faceplate, shoulders, feet, and backpack with treads replacing the wings.
- Twin Twist sports a great deal more paint than his brother. Unfortunately the paint applied to the hips can cause tolerance issues when transforming him, requiring more force to fold the legs up into their vehicle mode configuration.
- He was also retooled intoLegendsRoadfire.

- Targetmaster Twin Twist(2018)
- Legends"Targetmaster Twin Twist" is a redeco ofTitans ReturnTwin Twist. The torso is a vibrant blue, rather than his mold-mate's turquoise. He is packaged withSpoil.The new pairing is presumably due to a contemporarySureshotmold not being available for use.

- Diaclone Universe Twin Twist(Deluxe Class,2022)
- Accessories:Headmaster, left & right combinable blasters
- Known designers:John Warden,Mark Maher(deco artist),Evan Brooks(deco artist)
- Released in theLegacyWreck N' Rule Collection,this version of "Diaclone Universe Twin Twist" is a redeco of theTitans Returntoy in aDiaclone-inspired color scheme (duh). He comes with the same accessories as hisTitans Returnrelease, though sadly his "Headmaster" module redecoed fromFlameoutis unnamed. According to designerMark Maher,Twin Twist'sDiaclonecolors are specifically inspired by his appearance in the1985back of the box art(see Notes below).[1]
- All of the packs in theWreck N' Rule Collectioncontain a piece of a buildable cardboard Wrecker hammer; Twin Twist comes with the hammer's handle. The inner boxes are also designed to be stacked together to form a display mural.
- In the United States, Twin Twist was exclusively released in theAmazonWreck N' Rule Collection,with Twin Twist being the fifth and final reveal onMay 13,2022. Despite being slated for aNovemberrelease, Twin Twist (along withBulkheadandSpringer) began shipping out in midJuly2022, ahead of the two two-packs that had been revealed before him.
Transformers Trading Card Game
- Twin Twist, Demolitions(2020)
- Wave 5: Titan Masters Attack
- Rarity:UT
- Card Number:T41/T46
- Stars:9
- Twin Twist, Demolitions is one of forty-six double sided character cards released as part of Wave 5 of theTransformers Trading Card Game,Titans Masters Attack. As a character with a body mode, Twin Twist begins the game with a Titan Master attached in head mode. Once Twin Twist is KO'd, said Titan Master is deployed.
- The card's artwork is based on theTitans ReturnTwin Twist toy, with the body mode artwork being reused from the toy's packaging art (minus the Flameout Titan Master). The card features original Alt Mode artwork, with lines byDan Khanna.
- This card's set was originally scheduled for an April 2020 release, however due to the global COVID-19 pandemic the release was pushed back to May 29, 2020.
- The Jumpstarters were originallyDiaclone"Baku-ten Attack Robo" ( bạo 転アタックロボ, roughly "Explosive Flip Attack Robo" ) toys. The "Drill Tank Type" (ドリルタンクタイプ) that would become Twin Twist was available in two different color schemes: both had dark blue limbs, but the one depicted in the packaging art had a red torso while the other had a gray torso.
- Twin Twist appears in his red and blueDiaclonecolors in the1985 back-of-box packaging mural.
- This coloration would be picked up thirty years later for Twin Twist's appearance in theLegacytoyline.[1]
- The portraits of Topspin and Twin Twist on theirpackagingbiosnext to theirTech Specswere originally reversed, causing some children a bit of confusion. This was eventually fixed. In addition, both of theirweaponswere named as atwin ion impulse blaster,most likely a placeholder name that otherwise only appears inBombshell'sinstructions.
- Character modelswere created for both Topspin and Twin Twist back in the '80s, but they were never used in animation, not even in acommercial.[2]
- Twin Twist has been found in a piece ofPretenderconcept art,likely being used as a pitch for the Pretender toy concept of simplistic Transformers in humanoid shells. His shell closely resembles that ofWaveriderthough there are noticeable differences between the Twin Twist test art and Waverider's finalized box art.
Foreign names
- Japanese:Twin Twist(ツインツイストTsuin Tsuisuto)
- French:Double Torsion(Canada)
Diaclonedeco in the1985 packaging mural
Generation 1 cartooncharacter model (unused)
- ↑1.01.1"This is obviously inspired by the diaclone release but it was featured on one of the early package artwork battle scenes. I always wanted Twintwist to rock the heroic blue and red pallet." —Mark Maher, Instagram, 2022/05/15
- ↑Transformers: The ArkbyBill ForsterandJim Sorenson,p.75