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Universe (universe)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "universe" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeuniverse (disambiguation).
The universe is from theMarvel portionof theGeneration 1continuity family.
Fragments of theold realmsexplode, creating the universe.

According toPrimus,theuniversecame to exist after thevoidexploded. It has asentient core.


MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Primusexplained to theTransformersandhumansassembled onCybertronthatUnicronconsumed every planet,galaxy,and very nearly all the stuff that existed, leaving only thevoid.The tiny leftover fragments of theold realmsthat he missed reacted in an explosion causing a chain reaction which, over trillions of years, eventually led to the universe as it was known then by the assembly of Transformers and humans. The sentient core of the universe sensed that Unicron was a threat to its existence, so it created Primus to oppose him.The Void!


  • This is how the universe was described by Primus in the Marvel comic. For other depictions of universes, see theMultiverse.
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