User:The Wadapan
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- User:The Wadapan/ShatteredGlassFiction- June 2017 light reworking of theShattered Glassfiction page
- User:The Wadapan/sandbox- March 2018 rewrite of theTimelinesfiction page
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Complete list of Fun Publications profiles
Unlike those listed on theTransformers Timelinespage, this list sorts the characters more by continuity than by associated storyline and gives the issue numbers for every single profile. Rather than delete this mapping altogether, I thought I'd move it here for future reference.
Universe/Robots in Disguise/ Unicron Trilogy
Fifteen profiles were published in the first two years of the magazine, covering basically all of the main characters fromBalancing ActandRevelations.Quickslinger's bio wasn't aMTMTE-style one, but rather a short preview for the custom how-to feature which would appear inissue #7.
- Skyfall (Cybertron)(#4)
- Vector Prime(#5)
- Ramjet (Universe)(#5)
- Quickslinger (Cybertron)(#6)
- Nemesis Prime (Universe)(#6)
- Sentinel Maximus(#7)
- Optimus Prime (RID)(#8)
- Ultra Magnus (RID)(#8)
- Optimus Primal(#9)
- Soundwave (Cybertron)(#9)
- Downshift (Energon)(#10)
- Unicron(#10)
- Anti-Blaze,Scythe (Cybertron)&Checkpoint (Cybertron)(#11)
- Landquake (Timelines)(#11)
- Street Action Mini-Con Team(#12)
When the main story arc changed universe in 2007, so too did the profiles. Slag and the Headmasters got profiles in #22, Topspin (who isn't really fromtheClassicsverse, but rather a G2 one of some sort) in #25. WhenBeast Wars Shattered GlassandAnother Lightbrought someClassicscharacters back to the fore, they started getting profiles again starting with issue #50. Grimlock has the unique distinction of being giventhreedifferent profiles as part of three different storylines!
- Grimlock(#13)
- Mirage(#13)
- Astrotrain(#14)
- Skywarp(#14)
- Rodimus(#15)
- Ramjet(#15)
- Breakaway(#16)
- Cliffjumper(#17)
- Megatron(#17)
- Optimus Prime(#18)
- Starscream(#18)
- Slag(#22)
- Lug(#22)
- Minerva(#22)
- Muzzle(#22)
- Quig(#22)
- Grimlock(#50)
- Dirge(#50)
- Scylla(#51)
- Autojetter(#51)
- Ultra Mammoth(#52)
- Megatron(#52)
- Magna Boss(#53)
- Autolauncher(#53)
- God Neptune(#54)
- Prowl(#62)
- Grimlock(#63)
Two profiles were each published in #22-24 of the magazine as part of "The World of... TRANSTECH," which featured a unique design and layout but was textually almost indistinguishable from the regular MTMTE profiles. A few lowtech denizens ofAxiom Nexusgot normal profiles later: Blackarachnica and Topspin in #25; "Hero Prime" and Depth Charge in #49; Rhinox in #54.
Shattered Glass
Starting in issue #25, bios were published forShattered Glasscharacters. Three profiles were published in issues #25-28 and two each in #29-30 (from #25 and #30, only Whisper and Megatron are listed here; the others are not strictlyShattered Glasscharacters). This notably included the first time the physical size of the profiles deviated from the full-page norm - Sky Lynx, Computron and Abominus got most of two pages while Ravage, Steeljaw and Ratbat were left with less than half a page each.Another Lightgave some more characters the chance to get profiles, but the last two were squashed together at the bottom of one page: they got names, art, faction symbols, mottos, and nothing else. In 2011, a contest was held on Twitter to decideScourge's bio - the winning submission was expanded into a full-sizedMTMTE-style profile released online.
Wings Universe
Profiles forWings Universecharacters started being published with issue #31, with a steady rate of two profiles per issue. A couple of profiles for organics were released as part ofTornado'spersonal journalin issue #56, plus two regular profiles in issue #58, as a tie-in to "Hoist the Flag"
- Runabout(#31)
- Jetstorm(#31)
- Magnum(#32)
- Over-Run(#32)
- Onslaught(#33)
- Moonracer(#33)
- Deathsaurus(#34)
- Metalhawk(#34)
- Sentinel Major(#35)
- Ricochet(#35)
- Ironfist(#36)
- Bruticus(#36)
- Landshark(#37)
- Starscream(#37)
- Outback(#38)
- Ironhide(#38)
- Side Burn(#39)
- Prowl(#39)
- Thunderclash(#40)
- Lyzack(#40)
- Gyronian Sentry(#41)
- Sprocket(#41)
- Hauler(#42)
- Devastator(#42)
- Ultra Magnus(#43)
- Runamuck(#43)
- Sizzle(#44)
- Jhiaxus(#44)
- Windbreaker(#45)
- Flamefeather(#45)
- Hubcap(#46)
- Nightracer(#46)
- Blaze(#47)
- Soundwave(#47)
- Sideswipe(#48)
- Frenzy(#48)
- Squirm(#56)
- Olin Zarak(#56)
- Dread Pirate Crew(#58)
- Flamewar(#58)
Beast Wars: Uprising
Although profiles forBeast Wars: Uprisingcharacters had appeared before as part of theTransTechstorylines, issue #55 saw the first dedicated profiles dedicated wholly to the universe.
Of Masters and Mayhem
Profiles for various characters appearing in theOf Masters and Mayhemstoryline were published starting with issue #67.
OtherMTMTE-style profiles
Nexus Prime is made up of a single character from each of the first five-story arcs. A single profile for someTransformers Animatedcharacters (Nightbeat,SirenandHosehead) was given in the magazine's second-to-last issue; this would be the last profile published by the club magazine.
Diamond Edition profiles
The BotCon exclusiveTimelinesissues would get mass-retail releases. These versions of the comics usually contained extra profiles and bonus material, with the exception ofThe Stunti-Con Jobwhich includedThe AllSpark Almanac Addenduminstead andInvasionwhich included "Invasion Prologue"instead.
- "Dawn of Future's Past"
- "Games of Deception"
- "Shattered Glass"
- "Wings of Honor"
- "Generation 2: Redux"
- "Termination"
- "A Common Foe"
- "Hoist the Flag"
- "Cybertron's Most Wanted"
Micro-Sized Profiles
Starting withissue #13,profiles forMini-Conswere published on the "Micro-Sized" page of the magazine. The "Micro-Sized" banner was dropped for the issues featuring theClassicsMini-Cons. This feature ended with #18, butWhispergot a full MTMTE-style profile in issue #25 and three more Mini-Cons received small profiles on the back pages of issues #31-33. Snarl and Divebomb's bios were previewed online in the same format as those last three.
Online Mini-Con Profiles
A large amount of short profiles for various other Mini-Cons were released in the members-only section of the club website:
- Aftershock
- Jumpstart
- Buildup
- Flashbang
- Hawkeye
- Highgear
- Kickback
- Smackdown
- Claymore
- Overwatch
- Covert
- Highjump
- Lookout
- Matrix Cannon
- Extreme Competition Team
- Bunker-Buster
- Strongarm
- Offshoot
- Knockdown
- Nightscream
- Barnstorm
- Flashdrive
- Dead EndGeneral/Drones
- Drop-Test
- Noble Force Mini-Con Team
- Steel Reinforcement Team
- Starcatcher
- Aerial Extermination Mini-Con Team
- Sabotage Team
- Flashbox
- Heavy Barrel
- Road Rebel
"Theft of the Golden Disk"
Inissues #13and #14,profiles for theMCSFfromTheft of the Golden Diskwere published.Stopgap's profile was the exception to this; it was instead added to the members-only section of the Club website. The last two MCSF members,NitrostreakandTigatron,didn't get profiles as they only appeared inDawn of Future's Past.Meanwhile,MTMTE-style profiles were also published online forCryotekand his minionsBackslash,DirgeandBuzzbomb.
AnimatedTech Specs
Written byDerrick J. Wyatt,theseTech Specswere published starting with ten in issue #24 and two in each of issues #25-30. Six new Tech Specs and four reprints were published years later in issue #71. All twenty-eight of these plus twenty-four extras were also released as a BotCon 2011 exclusive lithograph.
- Blackout(#24)
- Brawn(#24)
- Cliffjumper(#30)
- Cosmos(#30,reprinted in#71)
- Cyclonus(#24)
- Dirt Boss(#28,reprinted in#71)
- Glyph(#28)
- Highbrow(#26)
- Hot Shot(#24)
- Ironhide(#24,reprinted in#71)
- Laserbeak(#25)
- Oil Slick(#24)
- Ratbat(#27)
- Rattletrap(#71)
- Red Alert(#24)
- Reflector(#26)
- Rodimus Prime(#24)
- Seaspray(#29)
- Slipstream(#71)
- Spittor(#24)
- Strika(#24,reprinted in#71)
- Tracks(#27)
- Warpath(#29)
- Wheeljack(#25)
- Shattered Glass Optimus Prime(#71)
- Shattered Glass Bumblebee(#71)
- Shattered Glass Sumdac(#71)
- Shattered Glass Sari(#71)
A single Tech Spec forINSIRTwas released online.Thundercrackerwas to receive aWings Universebio card for hisAction Masterform, but when that figure was released asShattered GlassThundercrackerinstead the bio was shelved and later published in non-canonical form in issue#42.On its last day, the club's Twitter would release four profilesrepurposingthe BotCon 2015Warudersas other characters:Bug Bite,King Waruder,SkywaspandShattered GlassWaspinator.Trickshot's biowas never published on theTransformers Collectors' Clubwebsite like that of his teammates, but it did get written. Make of that what you will.