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Variable Star

From Transformers Wiki

Variable Star is aDecepticonfrom theTransformers Onlineportion of theAligned continuity family.
An Neng Bianzing.jpg

Variable Staris proud of the incredible speeds she can attain, and uses them to great effect in battle to confuse and disorient her enemies. She would pose a grave threat to evenOptimus Primewere it not for the fact that she becomes easily enraptured simply by her own speed.



Ask Vector Prime

Variable Star was part of theAerial Warfare Subjugation Taskforce.Vector Primedid not think a hypotheticalThoroughbred Corpswould be able to effectively combat those aerial warriors.Ask Vector Prime


Transformers Online

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirvideo game appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Transformers Online


Foreign names

  • Mandarin:Àn Néng Biànxīng( ám có thể biến tinh, "Dark Energy Variable Star" )
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