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Vernon (GoBots)

From Transformers Wiki

This article is about theGoBotshuman. For theRobots in Disguisehuman, seeVernon (RID).
Vernon is ahumanfrom theIDW portionof theGoBotscontinuity family.
Gobots 2 Vernon.jpg

Vernonis a good-heartedhumanminer.



Vernon was paired up with theGo-BotScrew Headfor mining operations, and the pair formed a close bond. The Go-Bot even took an interest in Vernon's home life, being aware that his daughter was about to feature in a play. However, when they were nearly finished after a day's work on the date of the play's first night they were caught in a roof-fall. Screw Head tried to get Vernon to safety as he hung on but a second collapse killed the human. Believing that the mine owners knew the work was dangerous and simply didn't care, Screw Head went rogue, eventually joining up withCy-Killand hisRenegades.Go-Bots #2

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