Victory (planet)
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The name or term "Victory" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeVictory (disambiguation). |
After the defeat of theDecepticonsonEarthin theMasterforce War,Victorybecame the headquarters of the Universal Defense Force, the army of theUniversal Peace Alliance.
It is also known asPlanet V(V hoặc tinhBui Wakusei).
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Star Saberwas appointed AutobotSupreme Commanderseveral years before 2025, and thus became the head of the Universal Defense Force, stationed on Planet V.Ginrai Dies!!
However, after attacks by Decepticon forces under the command of Star Saber's old nemesisDeathsaurusin the Earth sector intensified, Star Saber left Planet V and took control of the Autobot defense unit stationed on Earth'smoon.The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber
The leader of theMultiforce,Wingwaver,remained on V until Star Saber asked him to join his forces.Sneak Attack! Dinoking
WhenStar Saberadopted hishumanson,Jan,he took him to live on Planet V. They were stationed there when news ofDeathsaurus's first attack onEarthcame through.So Cool! Our Ally, Star Saber!
After forming theVictories,the team of human children were immediately stationed on Planet V for a time. WhenBlackerleft Earth and returned to Planet V,CabandShūtawere there to greet him.Star of Friendship, Jan and Star Saber!
Following the defeat of theDecepticonsand theirSpace Stronghold,Pattyinvited all the Decepticon civilians to come live in harmony with theAutobotson Planet V. Deathsaurus and Star Saber vigorously shook hands in friendship and a new age of peace between the factions was born.The Grand Victory War
Planet V was a robotic planet in theAutobot Commonwealth.TheLava Warswere fought there during theGreat War.The AllSpark Almanac II
Transformers Roleplaying Game
TheMultiforceTransformers who inhabited Planet V could effortlessly combine in pairs.The Enigma of Combination