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Virgol is aTransformerfrom theBeast Eraof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Virgol covenant.jpg

Virgolis one of theCovenant.



3H comics

WhenPrimuscreated life out of the moonProtos,the Covenant, including Virgol, were born. The Covenant were to seclude themselves on Protos and observe the universe tillPoint Omegaarose. They did so for eons, only with one false alarm when theChronarchitectappeared in2005whenOptimus Primedied.

Centuries later,Leonicusfound himself before the Chronarchitect again and the god gave Leonicus vague advice. To discuss this, Leonicus presided over azemstvothat gathered the Covenant.Covenant

The Covenant finally called themselves into action when they discoveredCataclysm's mission to safeguard theDark Essenceon prehistoricEarth.The Covenant used their personaltranswarptechnology to travel there.ParadoxThe Covenant immediately jumped into battle with Shokaract, who had travelled back to personally ensure the existence of the Dark Essence. The Covenant were able to throw Shokaract off his balance, but the demigod was able to find sure footing and destroy Virgol and several others of the Covenant.Terminus

Wings Universe

Virgol was one of the constellations that existed in the Cybertron night sky.Flames of Yesterday


  • Virgol is named after the astrological signVirgo.
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