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Void Rivals issue 5

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Void Rivals#5
VoidRivals05A Cover.jpg
Looks like the Void Rivals have become prisoners of war!
Publisher Image Comics
Skybound Entertainment
First published October 25,2023
Cover date October 2023
Written by Robert Kirkman
Art by Lorenzo De Felici
Colors by Patricio Delpeche
Letters by Rus Wooton
Editors Sean Mackiewicz&Jonathan Manning
Continuity Energon Universe

Imprisoned by the Zertonians, Darak and Solila each find themselves aided by some unexpected allies.



Having both been imprisoned by PremierZalilak,DarakasksSolilawhat will happen to them next. The dejectedZertoniantells her rival that it's likely both will be killed, but because Darak has information abouthis people,he'll probably be tortured for said intel before then. As if on cue, three Zertonian guards enter. Darak tries to resist, but the guards simply sedate him and drag him away. MistressVillthen enters, alongside two otherKeepers of the Light,much to Solila's shock. Solila was once a member of the Keepers before turning her back on the order to become a warrior, but Vill assures her that she will always be a Keeper, for it isZerta's will. Vill tells Solila that she is about to embark on a journey where no Zertonian has ventured and the Keepers are there to prepare her and provide her with a unique item of power that will be essential.

Meanwhile, unable to make a profit off theQuintesson Prosecutor,Skuxxoidhas opted to sell him back to theQuintesson JudgeonQuintessa.The Judge is less than happy to be extorted in such a manner and threatens to feed Skuxxoid to theSharkticons,but Skuxxoid reassures them that he doesn't want to damage their existing financial relationship. The Judge then asks what happened to theQuintesson Scorpiathe Prosecutor had been transporting, prompting the Prosecutor to reveal it was destroyed aboard theRockeroid.The Judge orders the Prosecutor be taken away in disgrace and that Skuxxoid be prepared for trial. As a group ofAlliconsconverge on him, Skuxxoid pleads with the Judge, offering to give them all his ships, including one made of rare Agorrian and Zertonian metals. The Judge orders the Allicons to stop, the mention ofZertoniagetting their attention.

Three days later, Darak is still being tortured, but the only information he offers are his name, station, and a few glib remarks, earning him another electric shock from his interrogator. The interrogator leaves Darak to dwell on whether or not he'll survive the next round. Finally alone, Darak looks toHandroidfor a way out, but finds that the gauntlet has been removed from his hand. As Darak starts to give in to despair, a figure with glowing red eyes emerges from the shadows: a young child, holding Darak's clothes, helmet, and Handroid. The child,Ultum,frees Darak and takes him to meet a group of Zertonian resistance fighters called theUnifiers.Their leader,Kanela,tells him that they are looking to end the conflict and reunite the two halves of theSacred Ring.Darak tells them that he's not doing anything without Solila. Kanela questions his judgement, realizing that Darak has no idea who Solilareallyis.

Back in her cell, Solila stares at the object Mistress Vill gave her:a green key,decorated with the circular symbol of the Agorrians and the triangular symbol of the Zertonians.

Featured characters

Characters initalic textappear only in flashbacks.
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Agorrians Zertonians Others


"I am your child no longer, witch. I turned my back on youzealotslong ago. I am a warrior. I am a pilot. I no longer belong to your order. "
"You have become what we haveallowedyou to become. Your path has been ordained and you walk it as designed. "


"I don't mean to seem ungrateful, but... I don't suppose you could carry me, could you?"
"I'm afraid not, sir."
"Okay... I may not be able to manage more than a crawl."
"The way out of here is a tight squeeze. All you can do is crawl."



Continuity notes

  • Zertawas first mentioned by Solila back inissue #2.Solila believed it was the voice of Zerta Darak heard in his vision of the Sacred Ring's history.
  • The scorpion-like creature that Darak and Solila fought inissue #3is here revealed to be a Quintesson Scorpia.
  • Before this issue, it was unclear if Handroid is an artificial replacement for Darak's hand or not. Now it's revealed to be a removable gauntlet.

Transformers references

Other trivia

  • This issue contains a three-page preview ofDuke#1.

Covers (12)

  • Cover A:Darak in chains as Ultum looms in the shadows, byLorenzo De Felici.
  • Cover B:Darak in chains, byDike RuanandGiovanna Niro.
  • Cover C (1:10 Copy Incentive):Darak and Solila unmasked, byMateus Manhanini.
  • Cover D (1:25 Copy Incentive):The Keepers of the Light and Zalilak, byKaren S. Darboe.
  • Cover E (1:50 Copy Incentive):The Quintesson Judge, byJae LeeandJune Chung.
  • Cover F (The Walking Dead Anniversary Team Up):Darak and Solila fight zombies with Rick Grimes and Michonne, byConor Hughes.
  • Second Printing Variant Cover A:Wisdom, byJason Howard.
  • Second Printing Variant Cover B:Death, by Jason Howard.
  • Second Printing Variant Cover C:War, by Jason Howard.
  • Second Printing Variant Cover D:Judgement, by Jason Howard.
  • Second Printing Variant Cover E:Wrath, by Jason Howard.
  • Third Printing Variant Cover:byFlaviano.


  • Codename: G.I. Joestarts inDuke#1!


External links


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